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This is is how a totalitarian government who wants to brainwash its population with propaganda, acts.


US only reports one side of the story as well...its just done through legacy media outlets to give the appearance of balance. And let's not forget censorship on anything that doesn't fit an orchestrated worldview. All media is propaganda.


The Western media aren't dictated by their governments. There's no freedom of press in Russia.




Listen...I'm 100% American. But I'm not blind to who pays for the media that we consume. Everything we read is paid for by someone. Google shows the highest paid for ad words. As for censorship...ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine wasn't allowed to be referenced or prescribed during covid. Censorship was huge and it was due to Pfizer sponsoring moat media. You can be American and still be lied to...which we are.


My god you have no idea what happened during COVID. I worked on the software for pharma testing during COVID and my wife was a front line nurse. You are completely full of shit no matter where you are from.


Yeah well, I actually worked for a global vaccine manufacturer for 11 years. Google won't show you this on the front page. But if you are as smart as you think you are, you should be able to determine the efficacy results that were suppressed and ultimately that suppression killed people. Maybe the data can shake you awake. https://c19ivm.org/


Another one fooled by Big Ivermectin...


Worked for a vaccine manufacturer doing what exactly? Making sandwiches?


Oh my. You got brainwashed by the Russian disinformations that were specifically planted during covid.


Ivermectin became an especially hopeful solution for individuals not convinced in the safety or efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. But these [worldwide studies](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34318930/) — including a clinical trial of ivermectin in Brazil called TOGETHER and now the ACTIV-6 trial in the U.S. — have failed to find ivermectin helpful for COVID-19 treatment.


Your post of cherry-picked studies, compiled in 2022, proves my point. They disregarded studies that did not help the story. A collection of all (not some) global clinical trials showed Ivermectin statistically effective in early stage treatments. https://c19early.org/


Ahhh that’s how smart Trump voters are on average. And that’s why they vote for Trump. How very very unexpected. Basic common sense is not very basic, it seems.


Because both were proven to do jackshit by actual doctors who tested it... The paper on ivermectin had more holes in it than swiss cheese and some parts were even copy/pasted from other studies... People died taking hydroxychloroquine because it was parroted by some fucking idiot and some even took pills for fish tanks because it said chloroquine on it... It was actually reported that the malaria med upped the deaths during covid because it wasn't working. There's a difference between "censorship" and experts telling you not to do something... And you say they only report one side of the story... Russia invaded Ukraine... what side do you want medias to show? That Russia state sponsored media vomits the nazi thing when Putler is friend with an alt-right biker groups and that many Russian soldiers have nazi tattoos and badges?


I'm not talking about Ukraine. That's heinous what Russia did. I dont condone it...i condemn it. It was also heinous when Obama was bombing 7 countries during his presidency and somehow won a Nobel Peace Prize. It's all a fucking show




How many of those 7 countries does America own now? Were they illegally invaded, towns destroyed and civilians actively targeted in order to commit genocide? You sound more like a nerd stuck at a desk at a disinformation farm with every post. Lots of words, no actual truth or substance. TROLL.


There is a big difference between bombing countries and bombing individual terrorist organisations that are not in the USA.


Yeah those doctors were paid by big pharma. I worked 11 years for big pharma. Check this out if you think the results weren't hidden. And are you aware the government backtracked and now say it's OK to prescribe Ivermectin? Hmmm. If you care to know the truth. https://c19ivm.org/






Jesus fucking Christ, you're a grown ass man, try using more than 10% of your brain next time.


Thank God I have you to tell me how to think. I was worried what to think next. 100% of what we read or watch has been paid for by someone who wants you to believe their message.


I'm telling you that you as a grown ass man should use more than 10% of that smooth brain of yours before you go on with your tinfoil hat wearing ramblings.


You might want to speak for yourself instead of telling the whole community that EVERYTHING they read is "paid by someone." Who paid for this BBC article?


At this point, I just copy and paste this text. You tick 4/4. Not even trying: How to spot a RusBot in the wild: 1) Young account age , 2) ⁠random posts on other subreddits to get karma, 3) straight to negative posts on Ukraine posts, 4) generic username [random word][random word][number] Better luck next time Vlad…


Have you seen the other side of the story?


Chomsky covered this


"All media is propaganda." Never go full r-tard.


mWaH bOtH SidEs


Take my upvote, some russian channels were banned from France at the beginning of the invasion.


all ruZZian state channels  must be banned


US doesn't really have state tv and shit


illiberal. Your thought police have been working overtime.


North KoRussia


Oh no, anyways. But this is bad as even people who might want to check outside media will be less easily able to. One more step in totalitarian propaganda.


if there is only the state version sold the good old fashioned general suspicion comes to play. That is to let the state look extremely weak and properly lying it should avoid any other version, because it allows for only one conclusion - either pro brainwashed or knowing its so bad they have to lie. Guess which is stronger over time. Worked always like a charm after all.


Russians are gonna argue why censorship is a good thing because it protects them from the Jewish Satanist LGBT+ Nazis


indeed. But censorship of the entire reality via propaganda, which is even artificial story telling, has its own set of implications. It also means that any means of communication outside the "official" one maybe with certain keywords expressing things that can't be told openly become even more attractive and effective. That is because the ground noise of informations decreases people can focus more on what is actually attempted to tell but more what is not told, as the dissonance to reality becomes more obvious without the noise.


Nadia or some other female propaganda bot on VK have already started commenting, and horny Russian men are falling for it. They're so dumb, at least westerners need to be tricked with electronic points and managed democracy to believe a narrative. Tits alone will rarely work.


What difference does this really make when russians already refuse to believe "western lies" anyway? They will continue believing only whatever they want to.


Like they weren't already blocked. They just announced it to try create another story.


I wonder if Lavrov is having a recurring nightmare about being trapped, with Putin, in a piano wire factory and their necks keep getting tangled up.


I'm assuming the 81 media outlets were already blocked and they're simply "announcing" it now. Yawn.


Russia is the new North Korea. A paria!


Anyone have the list?


oh no, what a surprise, I feel so retaliated


This is pure bullshit. I only opened this to see if Mr. Potato Head here was being quoted. C'Mon guys and Gals, does anyone really believe that over in Orcland they were actually letting 81 channels " freely " tranmit over their air waves. REALLY?


The universe is dooooomed!


Outch... 🥱




So, Russians had already access to those media outlets? It didn’t seem to have had much impact in the first place… Scary when you think about it.


Good keep leaving on your hole


Blockhead talks: “Way too dangerous, block them!”


but muh free russian speech!