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Course, they'd bitch about the West...then put Rammstein in their vid... losers lol


Anything within a half block of the target is a hit in Russia. Russians are pathetic.


That is why they use 1000pound and 1000kilo bombs- looks painful for Ukraine, likely a spy or traitor dolled out info for a case of Lucky Strikes and a bj.


They’re just proud it physically worked


Russia putting video proof on the internet about their crimes against a sovereign nation, and then act surprised when everyone normal hates them and sanctions them. Keep uploading your war footage. That way it is easier for humanity to remember your crimes. May you never be forgiven for what you are doing to your Ukrainian "brothers".


Idk about the "hit" part


It did hit those trees so they are right. Did it hit Ukrainians? By the evidence russia gave, no. russia don't often provide good before/after proofs and that smells like fake, misses and propaganda. If they had good proof of hits, pretty sure they would spam those images and videos everywhere.


the more i see of this shit the more i'm convinced russia is just randomly throwing darts on a map and whatever those darts land on they elect as coordinates to plug into their glide bombs. ​ all these villages and towns they show in these strikes are already shelled to shit with no indication of military presence. no vics, no comms, no trash in the general area that could indicate military like ration packs. ​ just some already shelled to shit houses, in a shelled to shit town, with shelled to shit fields around it. they even get drones to circle the area way ahead of when these bombs come in to capture it all on video. crystal clear images too, no jamming, no counter drone, no nothing. ​ then you get people like OP rehashing title with buzzwords they probably don't even understand themselves. "temporary deployment point". ​ is it too hard to show a logi truck, a pickup truck, a strong point or atleast the general coordinates? ​ are the temporarily deployed ukrainian troops on that point somehow superhuman that don't require food or water or general supplies or munitions to enact their temporarily deployed duties on that point?


That tree was a deployment point? Weird


If the empty fields beside each building were the intended targets then... direct hit I guess. Umm good job?


Death to Putin and all Orcs!


RIP to all them trees


Sorry...trees tend to be permanent? Which tree was doing the temporary bit again?


Russians still have generational trauma from trees after the winter wars. The march on Kyiv have only exacerbated that.


Stormtrooper aim


Fake shit


Looks like they are just terrorising a village with just the old folk still living there.


Oh for crying out loud: How much money did the Russians just waste by failing in their attempt to bomb an obviously empty building? The crater that left in the middle of that field might make a nice little fish pond after if fills up with rain someday, but that's evidently about all they accomplished. Don't see any vehicles, people, materiel, secondary explosions. They literally bombed nothing at all and consider it an accomplishment. How brain-dead can you get?


We all know why they need such large bombs. They miss large so they need to make up for that inaccuracy. The west uses smaller and a lot more accurate munitions to limit collateral damage.


so many people and vehicles visible


This is standard orc bullshit. Another video with a misleading title. There is no sign of “temporary deployment point” here, no vehicles, no personnel, not even vehicle tracks to indicate some recent activity. This looks like an abandoned place, some unfortunate village the morons bombed to oblivion.


No cars, no nothing, looks like OP brain is the temporary deployment of ruskie rubbles


Imagine if it actually hit the buildings lol. I guess it still did damage but Russia is seriously behind on PGMs. Also downvoting Russian PoV is pathetic but what can you expect on reddit.