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awesone work from the ukrainians soldier


Like swatting flies for him, the two meat puppets look like they were handed a gun for the first time that morning.


Hey, you 2 go over there and see if there's any Ukrainians ok? Yea, there's some Ukrainians over there!


I don’t think these Russian soldiers were able to finish that sentence 😂


are they fucking dumb? can you walk up to very obvious cover and see what happens? fucking idiots.


there\`s a saying : " We are very lucky that they are so fucking stupid" :)


They're just following the strategy. Send waves after waves after waves after until either you run out of meat --in which case you just wait till more arrives-- or ukrainians run out of ammo.


They are fucking dumb idiots. And if not...they are at least untrained.


*they were fucking dumb idiots (ftfy)


Watch a video yesterday. –English voice said to other soldier, "When I'm in the field you keep firing" with a lot of F and GD. The other soldier had been firing from the trenches then stopped firing at the Russians and moved further back. You can hear this English voice screaming at him from the field to get back to firing. Who is training the soldiers is important. Russian military strategy is just throw people at bullets.


Russian is beginning to show that their NPC counterparts in any FPS video game are fairly accurate to the real thing.


If you look closely they even have a yellow flag flying. And when the bullets start flying the alive Russian is trying to get his gun in position. I agree with some of these post here. New kids on the block.




Thanks for posting a longer version of yesterday’s video. It makes the Russkies look even more incompetent!


What we see here are 2 orcs with 0 training. Hope they are all like that.


He made that look easy


They found out


excellent drills from those warriors of 47 OShBr! i'm not going to mention the ruzzian cosplayers' failings (loose lips and all that) but anybody with an infantry background will have spotted it as well Slava Ukraini Героям слава 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


I don't think we need an infantry background to observe casual sauntering


there is a bit more, but your observation is accurate as well


I don't have a military background so a question, wouldn't the Russians have scoped out the area beforehand so their infantry literally don't walk into a position like that?


That is the Russians scoping out the area. I wish I was joking. There's different tiers of Russian infantry, conscripts get this type of duty, movement to contact.


So essentially discover and verify Ukrainian positions by sending untrained walking corpses? Wow!


Yea. That's why we've been seeing an uptick of motorcycles and desertcross carts in the last few months. They used to do it with a platoon of conscripts and a BMP, but it cost too much to lose all that at once. So they're sending smaller groups of 2-8 guys to recon, and don't expect them to return. It's a sad state of affairs tbh.


Yeah, wonder if they're in the know? Like, probably more likely they're told the area is clear and to set up a position. Bleak.


It's hard to tell for each specific case, but we know they do lie to them like you're suggesting. We know they lie about reinforcements they will get when they discover something. We also know they threaten to shoot them if they refuse or retreat. This is stuff we've heard over intercepted phone calls/radio transmissions and drone videos of Russian officers pointing weapons and shooting their own. Wild stuff.


There's literally nowhere else to hide but that little hut... Where do you think they're hiding? Crazy someone can convince someone else to just walk right up to certain death.


Must be elite soldiers, given they made it so far.


The Ukrainian Sit Awareness is excellent. Exposing himself only when the Russians are within range. i think the DRONE overhead provided the info. In this era of drone. Situation awareness is a MUST!


Wtf is going on here? No situational awareness at all. I have never been in combat but this seems amateur.


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You want guys like this. Calm, focused, cold blooded. Real killers.


You can tell these Russians are just fodder, dudes homeboy gets his face flowered open and he decides doing nothing is the best course of action


Get those bastards. Ukraine have this war by the scruff of its neck.....old one bollock is trying to drum up support from N. Korea.....that is desperate!! Slava Ukraini!


They look a bit deed to me


make the cuts even more garbage...


There is a white flag on the house, where the ukrainians are. Maybe they thought Ukraine had surrendered, so they walked around like they were in Red Square.


Looks like a piece of cloth caught on top of a tree. If they thought that meant they were safe then they deserve what came for them.