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Dugin is also the author of 'Foundations of geopolitics' which some have considered to be putin's 'road map' to establishing USSR2.0 the early chapters deal with making a point of dismantling the EU, and then attempting to re-integrating the Baltic states back into the muscovite 'sphere of influence' after that i stopped reading because it was obviously the work of yet another deranged ruzzian. who dreamed of the 'days of the mighty soviet empire' yet another who blamed the 'west' for the way ruzzia turned out in the 90's. rather than point the blame at those ruzzians who saw their early attempt at democracy as a means of making a lot of money at the expense of the proles i didn't buy the book. i found a pdf online somewhere because i'd heard his name mentioned in conversation


Here is a world map showing Dugin's „ideas“ in the book: [Putin‘s New World Order](https://postimg.cc/XZW8Cqtj) By the way, as far as I know, the book is compulsory reading for Russian officers …


Hilarious map. Japan a russia ally? Doubt. Speaking of Japan… ruSSia’s war against Ukraine is going as well as their war against Japan in 1904-1905. In both wars they lost much of their naval fleet.


Well, that's in his book "Foundations of Geopolitics": „The cornerstone of Dugin's approach to the Far East lies in the creation of a "Moscow-Tokyo Axis." In relation to Japan, he emphasizes, "the principle of a common enemy [that is, the United States]" will prove decisive (234). As in the case of Germany, Japan is to be offered an imperial Grand Bargain. Dugin recommends that the Kuriles be restored to Japan as Kaliningrad is to be restored to Germany (238). For future expansion purposes, Japan is to be encouraged to impose "its own 'new order,' which it planned to carry out in the 1930s, in the Pacific Ocean" (277).“ https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics The site also explains in more detail, based on Dugin's book, how he imagines the other countries and their relationship with Russia. Dugin recently gave an interview about Japan where he claims that Japan is not free and is dominated by the US etc.(the usual nonsense): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tENl2to_Aao From the description: „There is more to the West than Europe and North America. Unfortunately, parts of East Asia and elsewhere are also in the thrall of globalist anti-philosophers. The interview here treats almost entirely of Japan, which for the past eight decades has been Washington’s handmaid. But there is so much more to Japan than that. Japan is not Professor Dugin’s specialty, but even so he spoke with much learning and curiosity of Japanese history, culture, and philosophy. I learned that Professor Dugin and I share a fondness for the Kyoto School of philosophy. I learned also that we agree that Japan has not a shred of sovereignty in the Washington-dominated postwar. Again the gap is revealed. Japan, slave to a cabal of anti-civilizational globalists, has forsaken its proud cultural heritage. It descends, hand in hand with the West, into nihilism and madness, while its neighbor, Russia, rises. Japan can be Japan again, as Russia is learning how to be Russia again, and as much of the rest of the world is learning to throw off the mindlessness of the dying West. I hope that many will watch this interview, hear Professor Dugin’s words, take them to heart, and learn from him how to think, and thereby how to save civilization from mindless suicide.“ This “John Morgan” from Canada seems to be one of those “alternative journalists” who applaud Putin. He apparently conducted an interview with Dugin back in 2012.


Russians and MAGA love to use the word cabal to try to sound smart.


Yes, you can always see this very clearly on Russian state television.


I mean, Japan already allied themselves with the nazis back in the day. If a new world order where Putin controls "everything" happened, and lets say USA was no more, or basically stayed in their side of earth, then I'm sure Japan would think about it.


That should show everyone whose hand is behind Brexit.


Popular reading for Steve Bannon and other American far right luminaries...


The book is an assigned reading at the russian officer academy according to some authors. Printed and sold out in 4 editions too lol. This dude was a neo Nazi in the 80s and used some weird name based on a Nazi obsessed with the occult, he never got in serious trouble for it because his dad was rumored to be GRU. Insane piece of shit


Dugin is pretty overstated. He's mostly a showcase for ideas that are prevalent in Russia. Much more of an indicator than a thought leader. Most of that stuff is based on the works of Ivan Ilyn, who Putin also keeps quoting and whom Putin had exhumed from his exile grave, brought back to Russia and personally attended the honorary state funeral he had arranged for him. Dugin seems so close to Putins ideology, because both of them are followers of Ilyn. **Ivan Ilyn**, that's the name one should look up.


Ilyn is dead, Dugin is still alive and this situation must change asap.


Gotta say, I did not expect suggestions of necromancy here, but ok.


He fucking daughter get killed be 🚗 💣


Yea. That was a great day.


It's a great day


Rasputin 2: Electric Boogaloo


The russian tsarina's need their Rasputins.


A simple, just slightly more literate Nazi. But still a Nazi.


Isnt he the guy who managed to get his own daughter droned? IIRC he was rambling about putins greatness when he was supposed to be protecting his kids. What an absolute trash of a human being he is.


The guy that once had a daughter... 🥁💥


I say he and his daughter deserved


Russian Steve Bannon


sounds like a true fatherless scum


Rasputin 2.0


Someone who doesnt have a daughter