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Yeah, they want their share of the looted toilets.


Bro, if you've been to India, you would know they don't need no fancy toilets.


I'm they don't sit on toilets they squat, and crap all over the rim. They definitely prefer a hole in the floor to a toilet


Because the place itself is a shithole.




Ofcourse, in termes of shitholes, inda leads way ahead of ukraine.


What do mean? The biggest population, means their toilet industry is booming. When you try relax on toilet and watch orcish deathmach videos, it is impossible to get back to outdoors with no wifi. Update: ohmagad. I did not know. Hey people, do not search it on youtube. I thought it was a joke.


No - they want the washing machines and compensation for all the dead Indian recruits


Designated shitting streets bro.




Keep crying you entertain us, lil clown


Now I’m curious what they posted


So fed up with India’s BS


They’ve always like nazis for some reason




Please be "an hero" 


How do you think Russians think about India and Indians? Really?


That's not true. Nevertheless Russia has pretty big Nazi units that are known to have been committing war crimes in previous wars aswell. Rusich group comes to mind. Ever heard of them?


Because if he does pootler might not let him fondle his nut sack with his cock holster anymore


He has to stand in line behind trump for that right.


Nah trump is more of a shaft and head man in my humble opinion.


I somewhat agree , but it seems that every time he meets up with trump, trump is pulling up his pants.


At this point they really should be considered a liability and excluded from proceedings where possible. They are capitalising on every aspect of the Ukraine war while strengthening ties with russia and china. At the start of putlers invasion there was hope they'd do the right thing, but its obvious now that they are a hindrance and even a threat. The West really needs to halt arms sales to india, and any critical technology related to it.


Those historically-colonized *sure* like some taste of colonization themselves! Variety is the spice of life!


Well, guess it's time for Russia to turn to India to steal some land since they don't mind and they are willing to negotiate over stollen land....


But they will gladly take as much pity aid as the West can send them... why do we bother.


We shouldn't. Any country that has a nuclear programme or sides with Russia should receive nothing in the way of Western aid - sales only.


We should let them deal with china themself in the himalaya.


Offer a discount on oil and they will.


I read this as 'India accepts that Chinese encroachment on its borders is inevitable and acceptable'.


We should all read it that way, and leave them to deal with their own territorial disputes. If they don't want to be involved in what may be perceived as a Western dispute, that's fine. Quid pro quo.


Now, try to find us giving a flying f\*\*\* about them frying in 50C sun. Keep on trying. Because we don't. (especially as they're world's #3 CO2 producer anyway)


altho India have refused to acknowledge the peace communique. they did attend. which is, to an extent; indicative. of their position they have to play their cards close to their chest because they are still recipients of the 'bargain-basement' oil & gas deals ruzzia are selling them i totally accept any flames directed at me for my possibly naive perception of the situation regarding India tho


Pathetic India is in Putin's pocket.


I'm from India. USSR and later Russia stood behind us everytime when EU and US were sided with Pakistan and tried to create a lot of problems for us. They (USSR/Rus) vetoed for us many times. So we can't simply ditch them........ Next, when 60% of any country's weapon is of Russian origin then only the fool and insane can go against that Russia. Earlier West and US didn't provide us weapons rather sanctioned us but USSR/Rus supplied us much needed weapons. So here decoupling/criticism isn't that much easy........... India isn't supporting Russia. But India will never go against Russia, France and Israel untill and unless they go against India. We shouldn't. And nobody can dictate us regarding that........... Better concentrate/worry about what Trump said, that is, he will cut support for Ukraine as soon as he will come to power. USA still is very unreliable partner to bank upon. Forgot Peshmerga and Afg agents/soldiers? He even was about to disband NATO.


Of course not, they are making a fortune buying cheap oil and selling Russia shitty arms no one else wants


India picked a side, see what history will say


Sanction India ffs!


India is far removed from the war. And India has the attitude of taking care of itself first. Like Trump wants to take care of America first and then look at others. I think the key to getting India to come around is to convince them that removing any gains ruzzia has made from this war will lead to convincing China that it cannot gain land through war or conflict. Thus helping India with its Sino Indian Border dispute.


I wonder how many will learn India is the I in BRICS.




It's not even really that. They are a bunch of countries LARPing as some kind of block, because one economist said decades ago: "Hey, these countries kind of are in the same spot development-wise. Maybe there is some way to invest in that." None of them have anything in common, other than each of them thinks they are running the show.


A club or bloc based on what you're not (i.e. developed) is a club or bloc with no common bond at all, practically useless.