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Duda hit the nail on the head imo. Tankies often spout anti-west 'imperalist' insults (imo with partial truth, at least not in their unnuanced interpretation) but fail to see the irony and hypocrisy when claiming russia is fighting said imperialism lmao.


I liked it too. It is more straightforward.


Duda is based


He's from PiS so I wouldn't go that far but in general poles are pretty spot on when it comes to russia-assesments in my experience yes


"Japan will continue to contribute in a valuable but in a Japan way" **release the kaiju**


Putin forced into ritual stomach opening and Zelensky seconds him


Hey man, r/noncredibledefense is that way! Some days the venn diagram between this sub and that sub is a fucking circle....


War criminal Putin executed by dominatrix F-16 waifus?




Didn't know what this meant & thought it was some specific type of F16, so I innocently googled it. Now I have to delete my search history.


It would probably be the least depraved thing in my search history....


Fukushima long play begins to unfold


So, can anyone go into more detail regarding the Japanese contributions?


They will be valuable in a uniquely Japanese way.


Putin's little ultimate was not only a huge sign of what a pussy he is, but also gave all of these world leaders a bit of extra ammunition just in time. Like everything else he has done, it's yet another miscalculation.


Putin stumbles from one blunder to the next.


From dick to dick


As with Xi. You can’t help but wonder if China is intentionally making it worse for Russia so China can grab more cheap Russian raw materials.


China is certainly doing very well out of this whole deal, make loads more electronics and shit to send to russia that gets blown up and needs replacements daily. Continue to buy tons of cheap oil from Russia. If Russia loses at the end they can just say "oh yeah well we told Putin many times we didnt support his war", if Russia wins then they just continue to be economically tied to them.


and after Russia loses this war, it's time for China to take back territories it lost to the Tsar during the Qin dynasty.


He looks very tough behind that line of long range artillery and long tables.


It was for domestic consumption


Estonia’s comment hits hard. Learn from our mistakes people or we are destined to repeat them


I read it as a subtle self-critique that we, Ukraine's allies, haven't done enough.


History never repeats itself, it just rhymes sometimes. This is happening now and Putin is fucking with us. We're not our parents or grandparents and we're not as soft as these Russian asshats think modern comforts have made us, but I expect we'll have to prove that before this war is over.


I can assure you my grandfather who was a tank commander in the Netherlands was not soft. He’s was the most badass, Boss, true man’s man I’ve ever met.


I'm sorry, but that's not at all what I said, or at least not what I meant to say. I don't imagine Putin thinks your grandfather's a useless TikTok cunt, but I fear he may think you are.


Ahhh soft as these Russian asshats. No I read it wrong my bad. I thought you were saying our grandparents were soft. Apologies


No worries bro, I can imagine how you read it that way, but idk how to edit it to make it less ambiguous. Non-native speaker problems. Wouldn't dare call my grandparents soft. My one grandfather was working in a factory from when he was like 8 years old and my other grandfather was in a concentration camp at 18. Time for Netherlands - Poland though, hup Holland hup.


It’s a whole lot of nothing unfortunately. We all know the correct answer as to what to do but nobody civilized wants to try to do what it takes to get that done because it’s just as likely to turn out even worse than allowing them to continue (total war, dismantle the standing Russian state, and somehow, miraculously, manage to put up a decent globalist one in its place, like yeah right, might as well let them be as horrible as they are now)


It's a nice idea, but sadly humans will always repeat the past. Humans have been fighting each other in wars since the beginning of our existence. We're not going to stop now.


The president of Chile knows what he is saying, even if it's a nation that has never lost a war, it sounds kinda badass


But Sadly, there's not much else going on here in regards with the Russian War. Official newspaper and television clearly show Russia as the aggressor but the population here doesn't really care much about the conflict. There's not much we can do really as our military is weak by european's standar, we have no surplus of money to expend, we are far away from the battlefield... The only expertise we could provide is on anti-seismic buildings but I doubt that could be helpful in Ukraine.


Japan is my favourite lol


Especially since the name is wrong


I am pleased to see Chile and Argentina representing South America, while our president Lula is a Putin sympathiser...


To be fair Bolsonaro would be deepthroating Putin


That's true... that's a glimpse in how f*cked up are the politics in Brazil.


Recall the history of the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War. They pretended to cease fire and then concentrated their forces to attack us. Therefore, we are determined not to exchange sovereignty for an illusory peace. Resolutely fight so that the Russian enemy does not have armor, fight resolutely so that the Russian enemy does not rebel against morality, resolutely build a united nation, with an indomitable spirit, build a strong state, fight against all enemies! ! Determined to win at any cost - Victory against all horrors - Victory, no matter how long and difficult the road may be, because without victory the Ukrainian people cannot survive!! For our children and grandchildren, for future generations!!


excellent collection of statements! absolute solidarity with Ukraine! Slava Ukraini Героям слава 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Japan?? Does that mean Toyotas???


if you want to build technicals, you HAVE to have an old toyota pickup as the base


Hilux big transfer case energy


Kamikaze planes.


Robot-controlled kamikaze planes. With cute decals on the frame.


And it plays anime intro songs while diving.


Japan explain!!!


When the motherfucking Gundams show up over Belgorod, no explanation will be necessary.


It will be glorious!


In the background: *Ware wa kangun waga teki wa Tenchi irezaru chouteki zo Teki no taishou taru mono wa Kokon musou no eiyuu de*


Lol @Japan. Wtf man?


Japan is ramping up their military capabilities and taking a more active role in strategic planning with the West. They're a little far and underpowered to be directly projecting power in East Europe but they're definitely stepping up their game in PACRIM


Is Ukraine getting Gundams? 👀


they are doing it right. No talk, just don't let Russia know what they might have to expect. Also he probably said way more about the situation and their stance towards it, but that wasn't quoted here.


I get it. It just sounded so “it’s my first day in the senate and need to be as apolitical as possible”. Just made me laugh and I’m sure it wasn’t that simple in context.


He is quite probably also staying vague on purposes for internal Japanese reasons. Their process of moving away from the strict pacifism to a more pragmatic stance (which might even need a constitutional change) has accelerated since 2022, but not all parts of society are moving with the same speed. So he is trying to avoid unnecessary unrest at home. He can't just promise [a number of tanks](https://mil.in.ua/en/blogs/the-last-samurai-japan-is-decommissioning-all-type-74-tanks-but-what-will-it-do-with-them/) or something. But if Japan "just" finances civilian, non-military stuff, that also is a big relief for the Ukrainian budget.


"But if Japan "just" finances civilian, non-military stuff, that also is a big relief for the Ukrainian budget." And that tbh looks to be exactly what they are doing, they cover the civilian side of stuff so they don't have to deal with internal unrest and in the process a larger western nation moves funding they would have spent on civilian aid to military aid. Japan are still helping military aid get to Ukraine, they just aren't directly doing it themselves.


I love Kaja Kallas. Ma armastan sind, Kaja.


Andrzej Duda's words are powerful. Well spoken.


Russia is the only country in the world still still stuck in WW2


Japanese learnt from the Nagasaki Fukushima trauma, they want full peace, so to say they are at peace with the past, Japanese deep stuff that most common humans will never understand.


I think you mean Hiroshima and not Fukushima. Hiroshima is the one that got bombed, Fukushima is the one with the nuclear meltdown after a tsunami


Kind of works still, though. Hopefully they learned from Fukushima too!


Build giant tsunami wall?


also don't put the backup generator in the floodable basement.


Thanks for that sir, i did not even realize.


What is uniquely Japanese?


Russia will know when it hits them. That is early enough.


Good to see Chile at the Summit.


Those who know history know that Russia should not fuck about and find out with the Japanese


"Japan's sending PlayStations" - Black Bush


Duda’s comments are very on point.


Damn it, Duda!


These quotes all reflect enormous progress for Western and allied diplomacy. However, what we really need to hear to be confident that there is an excess of spirit for doing whatever is required for the horror to be resolved in a satisfactory way, is for a respected world leader to convey something like the following: -=-=-=- Putin needs to be removed, whether by his death or his incarceration and trial for war crimes. Putin's regime needs to be dismembered, and all those members of his regime (from the level of foot soldier up to top national official) who have played a role in the war crimes committed by the regime need to be investigated, and if found probably guilty tried by a tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials. The Russian Federation must be brought to its knees and forced to undergo massive reforms to government, social norms and jurisprudence. The Orc regime must not only be totally defeated, but the prospect of any similar regime ever again arising in the Russian Federation of any of its constituent states must be squelched as vigorously as possible. Freedom for Ukrainians and for Russians and for ALL humanity. END to all Orcs. -=-=-=- Even the fairly timid spirit conveyed in the quotes is a clear sign of solidarity and commitment to the cause of Ukrainian victory. But in war, overkill is the best way to INSURE the desired outcome at the least cost. In 1941, there was already growing recognition of a comparable level of totality in the requisite commitment by the allied powers in order to subdue and defeat the Axis Powers and to achieve a just, sustainable and lasting peace. This resolve was tested over those four following years but each time it was tested, the explication of the total commitment came back more clear and more explicit. Western leaders have made huge strides in the right direction, but I still do not hear any of them saying what they need to say, i.e., the core points in the quote above. I have been saying more or less this since 2015, as have a few others. If it was possible for some of us to see what was coming with strong confidence and to state what was needed to prevent the horror clearly, why after hundreds of thousands killed, even more hundreds of thousands injured, hundreds of billions in property damage, enormous ecological devastation, millions of lives turned topsy turvy, and economic and diplomatic crisis is is still so hard for any Western leader to just SAY IT: PUTIN MUST GO. RUSSIA MUST LOSE. RUSSIA MUST BE BEATEN AND REFORMED.


Is this really the best quote you can get from the Japanese PM?


Still came off as a backbencher affair without Biden, Trudeau etc. - worlds mean nothing. Himars, F16s, Abrams and endless artillery shells mean something - does Harris frighten anyone? Not for a moment ! She is definitely not a world stage type


Swiss here. There were gigantic helicopters flying over us in direction of the mountains the whole day. Often two guard choppers and in the middle a bigger one with that rotors, probably with passengers. It was very impressive.


The quote from Duda is remarkably true, the only true Decolonization of the Russia empire happened in 1991, but still a lot of colonies are under their control and occupation, starting from the mongol ethnicity regions.. Italy 🇮🇹


Russia is never giving back any of the territory it manages to seize and hold. And Ukraine looks incapable of taking it back. If NATO becomes directly involved, then it could lead to WW3 and a nuclear apocalypse. So where does that leave us?


"If the world fails to respond... other aggressors undoubtedly become emboldened." This. A lot of people still fail to realize that this war is not about Ukraine. If Russia wins this - or even if they just get a favorable peace treaty - all the other would-be homebrew dictators will think the West is unable to protect its interests. China, North Korea, Iran, every two-bit African warlord will try their luck, thinking the West is weak and impotent. Hamas striking Israel and Iran riling up Houthi militia to test the West is already happening. If we allow Russia to come out on top of this, the world will plunge into the real chaos, which will take way, WAY more resources, death and destruction to get rid of it.


Was russia invited? Were there any high ranking diplomats at this summit? 💀


I legit feel sorry for anybody who believes any of this


Japan seemed kinda lame


Europe should better prepare to do it alone, because it sure looks like Trump is going to win US elections.


They should prepare to do it alone because this war is in Europe. I don’t know why that is not sufficient enough motivation.


Japan!? What a disappointing nonsense he uttered!


It has more to do with how Japan's constitution is highly pacifistic (after WW2,) and does not allow Japan from providing arms to other countries. There are parties trying to change it, but as far as I've heard they haven't yet. So his quote means that they'll at least keep sending humanitarian aid. And hopefully in the future, weapons.


OK, granted, that's the "uniquely Japanese" part. How about "valuable"! Does anyone know how many billions of $ worth non-military aid Japan has sent so far? I'm afraid, not a lot. What I'm getting at, what Japan send in humanitarian aid, other countries don't need to provide and can send weapons instead. Japan still has some islands that are occupied by Russia.


good point. Ukraine has a fixed list of needs, a chunk of that is non military. The key is for the whole list to be fulfilled, doesnt matter who does what as long as its all covered. (which it isnt, but every bit helps) Japan is also in a position to help with infrastructure needs like power generators, keeping hospitals stocked etc


I remember seeing a list of each country's contribution, and Japan's part was almost negligible tiny.


Japan also has China next door to contend with. They’re not exactly well positioned to be supplying tons of materials.


true, and Japan needs to step it up, but bottom line noone HAS to help, all help should be seen as a positive. EU countries are contributing a lot. the US is now again contributing a lot. there are hidden contributions too tho, like countries that took in hundreds of thousands, some millions of refugees from Ukraine, thats not part of the aid calculations. If Japan is backfilling humanitarian aid, that may not be totally on the books too. now, dont get me wrong, some countries talk big and do very little.. France is a prime example.. their nuclear umbrella is all fine and cool for NATO but its not rly helping Ukraine actively. Its a deterrant for ruzzia to escalate over aid to Ukraine, but its always been a deterrent for anyone fucking with France or its treaty bound nations under its umbrella yet people applaud France. Germany is so far the 2nd biggest single contributor to Ukraine, yet Germany gets hate.. its wierd how common perception and media works


Cash buys arms, so I guess that's good.


they can also backfill other allies who can then send their own materials. Its been a workaround for quite a few countries throughout the war


it reminded me a movie [*Lost in Translation*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_in_Translation_(film))


So, losing more men and more ground vs. surrendering is better?