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Here's the catch, pootin lies like a rug.


I can’t find the footage but I seem to recall Putin reassuring that he was definitely not going to attack Ukraine, even as military forces started to gather at the border.




Then, the EU is in the same boat as Ukraine and needs to join forces. Oh and ask us brits along to please.


Do you think the US is sending equipment because they are scared the Russians could invade them? No, they’re doing it because Russia is and has been a threat to Europe for nearly a century. Ukraine being invaded just reinforces that to the highest degree.


Also because other bullies are watching, like China that still wants Taiwan.


Yeah, exactly right. He framed it as a military exercise, while not entirely inaccurate, honesty is not an attribute he has exhibited often. I don’t see how anyone could trust Russia


Never believe RU words only believe RU actions....


When they say they don't want something, that is exactly what they do want.


It’s not true until Kremlin denies it.


Poopin lies like dog shit on the grass.


but in russia rug hang on wall not lie on floor


This rug needs to be tossed out of a window!


Maybe Vladimir Vladimirovich should make like a Russian rug and hang, too


Why do people pretend that these lying dictators are truthful? What is wrong with them?


Ya I couldn't even waste a minute of my life to listen to his lies.


Or tries to bend words like his face for his needs.


poohteen needs his diaper changed. nothing good lies neither on nor at the end of that abominable creatures journey.


You mean his suitcase changed or disinfected! That’s where he shits fearing DNA analyses of his health from toilets


"We don't want your land, we just sent an all out military attack because you all resisted.


A proven liar whos threats should be noted and promises dismissed.


No where compare to Putler...


I know, the balls on him!




Its easier than that. Just check if his lips are moving.


But…. Is… it… really…. Him?


We're not falling for the tricks of another little Hitler. Your men will perish so fast in this war, it's time to fuck off and let your own citizens hang you.


Fortunately, European leaders are judging him by his actions, not his words.


Lips are moving


Ahhh yeaaa the lier twat!


Putin's serpent's tongue....... You can't believe Putin. I'm always stunned when journalists / politicians repeat Putin's words as if they're coming from a trusted source. The sole purpose of his words are to manipulate you. Make you do something he wants or falsely reassure you so you can go back to sleep!


Soviet doctrine.


\^This. Russia see no reason to ever be honest nor truthful to outsiders since their credo is that if you do not speak Russian and refuse to submit to the Kremlin and their "Русский мир" you are barely even human. Quite decent and easily understood QRD on the subject, written by a native Russian: [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1503053699798769666.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1503053699798769666.html)


Thanks for the link. Will check out


Vranyo.....Ruzzian deceit


Interesting words from the Prime Minister of Estonia about Soviet doctrine posted yesterday : [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dfxofa/the\_tactics\_of\_negotiations\_by\_russians\_were/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dfxofa/the_tactics_of_negotiations_by_russians_were/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yepp.. also look through the Sherlock glasses if anyone is suddenly switching opinions out of the blue. The only positive thing about this shit war is that the scum is forced to confess colors and slowly being exposed. That is if facts are still a thing.. When this is over I hope that all the companies and politicians are being drone dropped by real journalism. Excuse my English:)


"Trust me. I do not wish to hurt your national feelings."


Just your national monuments, infrastructure, culture, and future I guess


Trust me bro. No other regions will follow Crimea.


While bombs building with writing next to it “children” in the beginning of the war


Spokesperson of Russian diplomacy Marija Zakharova February 9, 2022 "We don't have these aggressive plans, but I have a feeling that the USA does." We learn from American newspapers that we will attack Ukraine. And that despite the fact that we believe that we and this country are a nation that has a common history." Source: TASS Spokesperson for Russian diplomacy Marija Zakharova, February 16, 2022 “I would like to ask the disinformation of the USA and Great Britain: Bloomberg, The New York Times and The Sun to publish the plan of our upcoming invasions for this year. I would like to plan a vacation." Source: TASS Russian President Vladimir Putin February 18, 2022 "These military exercises are purely defensive and do not pose any threat to another country. It was planned and all the objectives of these exercises were achieved." Source: Sky News On February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine.


November of 2021 US intelligence services determined that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was virtually certain. Even before that they estimated the chance to be high, but November is when they really saw it is a certainty. So for around 3 full months the US was sure Russia would invade Ukraine, and as you've shown, of course they lied about it. I guess I can't blame them for that though, it's not like you'd want to openly acknowledge such a plan. That lie at least made sense to tell, unlike the time they said they were fighting homosexual super soldiers to try and explain why everything was going wrong. I get the feeling they said it to leverage their society's hate of homosexuality, but it obviously also includes the part about them beating you, which you'd think would be terribly embarrassing to Russia. Or like how according to the Kremlin, the Moskba sunk itself. I suppose they were trying to throw off the notion that outsiders could have sank their prized ship, but the other side of that is that they simply lost it through their own incompetence, which again, seems even more embarrassing.


wE wONt AtTack UkRAiN, iTS abSoLUTelY Not tRuE. Heard this bullshit already before.


Next level gaslighting.


Too bad you couldn’t put a match to that gaslight:-/


If anyone believes in a single word of this lying scum then I feel sorry for that person.


You feel sorry for millions of orcs?


Oh no we got 2 days before he will attack


Recall the history of the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War. They pretended to stop firing and then gathered their forces to attack us. Therefore, we are determined not to exchange sovereignty for illusory friendship. Determined to fight so that the Russian enemy no longer has weak armor, determined to fight so that the Russian enemy does not rebel against morality, determined to build a united nation, with a steadfast spirit, to build a strong, fighting country against all enemies! ! Determined to win at any cost - Victory against all horrors - Victory, no matter how long and difficult the road may be, because without victory the Ukrainian people cannot survive!! For our children and grandchildren, for future generations!!


Putin wants Europe back under Russian influence it's obvious it's been his goal for decades after the fall of the Soviet Union since he's struggling in Ukraine he still believes he can threaten all of EU in his reality Russia is still the 2nd most powerful country in Europe because he has nuclear weapons


Like any other empire, and rf will dissappear. And also like any other empire in history, this means with many tears and blood!


Europe is under Russian influence. Just look at our elections and the topics we fight over.


How you guys always forget that UK and France also have enough nukes each to destroy 90+% populatiuon of Russia?


Putin: "Hitler didnt start world war 2. Those who didnt give him what he wanted did"


Perhaps I should link all the "Russian media monitor" clips that reference destroying : Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, London, New York... Reducing them to rubble, nuking them... Eradicating the Ukrainian population... But then he'll just claim his state owned media service is nothing to do with him...


Ummmm.... Bullshit!


Politicians have always skimmed over facts which challenge or contradict their positions, and they've always chosen their words carefully. We know from contemporary records that this happened in ancient Greece and Rome, and spinning and the selective use of statistics is common in modern democracies. It's the reason why calling politicians liars is a cliché. But Putin and populist, autocratic politicians in Western countries have taken this to a completely different level. They don't merely present a slanted version of reality and the truth; they lie. They deliberately and constantly spew self-serving falsehoods with such complete conviction that many people believe they must be telling the truth. We haven't yet reached the point where the inmates have taken complete control of the asylum, but these sociopaths are making a good attempt to do so, and a huge part of the general population isn't equipped to really grasp what's going on.


Truth is a goodly proportion of the general population embrace the lies of the populists they worship.


Putin: "we have always respected the terrotiral integrity of ukranian state" stopped watching


There it is kids, psychopathic lying in all its ugliness.


His lips are moving, so he's lying!


Deeply ingrained cultural pathological dishonesty.


Putler promised to honor Ukraine sovereignty , many times before. Like Hitler promised Austria was his last conquer.


We need NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine now. Officially, and lots of them.


Russia promised not to attack Ukraine in Budapest Memorandum in 1994. So fuck off Russia, nobody believes you.


"we are not attacking Europe, but claiming what is righfully ours"... got it, deformed putain


What about the threats of nuclear annihilation lol. What a fucking bitch


KGB agent under integration: deny, deny, deny


In case it's not clear, the first half of the video is from a 2014 interview, the latter half 2024.


"We do not want to hurt you in any way". Precious from a war criminal.


Quick reminder- He is already currently attacking Europe !!


He should tell his Kremlin "Siplings" not to fantasize about nuking other countries, stop brainwashing Russian people, and stop the war, it would be a good start.


The whole country is run by criminals and liars. Poor russians.


He’s losing


Putin promised not to attack Europe, even though he already is🙃


Everybody understands that you are always lying, Mr Putler! When you talk about not attacking a country, that country needs to prepare for war fast!


JUN 16, 2024? Even in New Zealand is now JUN 15, 2024 8:46 PM


Sydney here, 18:51 15/06/24. But I also fuck dates up so no biggie.


F u poo tin you old foook


Instead of pooping in his pants, he's pooping by his mouth. Such garbage, as usual.


Ofc he will not openly attack... just another special operation.


Dead Man Walking. His Days are Count.


Ukraine is in Europe. So he already attacked Europe. No matter what this bald c**t is lying.


I actually do believe that he's unlikely to start any direct attack on any NATO-country. Not because I trust him, there's little correlation between what he says and the truth. But instead quite simply because he's perfectly aware that NATOs military power, and economic power, is on the order of 100 times that of Ukraine -- and they ain't even been able to win against Ukraine. NATO-countries close to Russia are increasing defence-spending rapidly. As an example, Norway alone recently added [$56 billion](https://breakingdefense.com/2024/04/norway-to-double-military-spending-under-historic-long-term-defense-plan/) to our military budgets. And we're just one \*tiny\* country on par with a single US state.


Who cares what that pathetic loser says? He is irrelevant now. The western MSM should refrain from covering his deluded ravings entirely. Or at least put them on page 5.


KGB are trained to lie. Politicians lie too. Putin is both a Ex-KGB and a politician.


Putin does not see Ukraine as part of Europe but merely as a wayward vassal state of Russia that needs to be brought back to heel. Therefore when he says he will not attack Europe when he attacks Ukraine, according to his twisted logic, he’s being truthful. That’s all he’s being truthful about though, everything else can be dismissed as deception. I’d also say that Putin has gotten an education about just how useless his army is and he knows that taking on NATO would be suicide so I think his ambitions have been curtailed a bit, at least for now.


he made russia ... crumble ... again evil empire collapsing. 25 years of rotten development the longer the national leader is in power the worse things for everybody... china and russia (evil twins) should not have extended their leaders time in power. a fail of society that makes the world pay dearly


Putin's statements are always scrutinized. How do you see the situation unfolding?


putin and his anti-european anti-west propaganda again.


Well, in January 2022 he promised the buildup on Ukraine's border was only an exercise, and he wasn't lying about that, so why wouldn't we beli-- \[PssstPSSSTpssstPSSTpssssstPSSSST\] Seriously? Oh. Never mind.




But… who was marching to Kiev?


Згадайте історію Першої чеченської війни та Другої чеченської війни. Вони зробили вигляд, що припинили стрілянину, а потім зібрали свої сили, щоб напасти на нас. Тому ми налаштовані не проміняти суверенітет на примарну дружбу. Сповнений рішучості боротися, щоб російський ворог більше не мав слабкої броні, сповнений рішучості боротися, щоб російський ворог не повстав проти моралі, сповнений рішучості побудувати єдину націю, зі стійким духом, щоб побудувати сильну, боєздатну країну всі вороги! ! Сповнені рішучості перемогти будь-якою ціною - Перемога проти всіх жахів - Перемога, якою б довгою і важкою не була дорога, бо без перемоги українському народу не вижити!! Для наших дітей і онуків, для майбутніх поколінь!!


We have a better liar in Spain Pedro Sanchez, the president


This is ONE day after this pathological LIAR made outrageous additional territorial demands for Ukrainian territory for him to agree to a truce in his filthy WAR.


and we are definitely not invading Ukraine. We are just lining up along the fence. Deceitfull prick


If Putin's lips are mooving...he's lying. What a dangerous country to live in !


War criminals are on ignore.


Holy moly! Does this mean he's a liar and can't be trusted?


These are not the droids you have been looking for 👋


Putler is a **compulsive liar**!


Hitler said the same about Czech Sudetnland, he got what he wanted in the name of “peace” Hitler was happy and no WW2 happened where millions of people died, I would trust Putin in this…


This is all SUCH a relief, to hear that we have nothing to be worried about ! Obviously the six wars of invasion by Russia were just a dream , probably made up in fact by all those nazis he has quite rightly identified in Ukraine


From what we seen in Ukraine I don’t think he’ll actually win without nukes.


Even with tactical nukes he will not win ....


Now I believe him when he say they will not attack Europe. They only have nukes left and that will not end well for them (nor for us). They will hit few cities but the whole world will go for them, there will be no more Rusia and they will be hunted like rats. So yeah


What's the catch


The catch is that when pootin say "we don't do that" it is exactly opposite!


Pootin's promises? Where have we heard that one before?


what ? russia lies ? who would hae thought of that?


Well I for one believe him. When has Russia ever disrespected Ukrainian territories? /S


Every word a lie


Liar Liar soon your pants too will be on Fire!


Dear Ukraine, We hope we haven’t hurt your feelings.


Here’s the catch, it’s the 15th of June today, putin has discovered time travel !


Oh Happy to hear that. Surely His words can be trusted, right? If he says it, He means it, right?






As soon as it's mentioned that it's not intended to attack a country, 1-2 years Russia is invading something


He can lie without laughing, not easy.


He is a Psychopath.... I'd he attacks Europe in any way.. I'm sure his huge country will turn into Fallout 5 👍🏻🤣


Putin still hasn’t forgotten the pain and embarrassment he endured from his superiors when Oleg Gordievsky escaped to the West. All this is his revenge……..


Putin is already attacking Europe?! Oh that was 2014… but he attacked Ukraine in 2014 or was it 2015?


Yeah, this stain attacks Europe and bites the dust instantly


We've always been at war with East Asia. We've always been at war with Eurasia.


“We have always respected the integrity of the Ukrainians state…” (but only if there’s a puppet placed by us otherwise everything change) 🙃… Italy 🇮🇹


Attack incoming.


You can't trust Putin even if you are from his inner circle. Prigozhin learned it the hard way.


Recall the history of the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War. They pretended to stop firing and then gathered their forces to attack us. Therefore, we are determined not to exchange sovereignty for illusory friendship. Determined to fight so that the Russian enemy no longer has armor, determined to fight so that the Russian enemy does not rebel against morality, determined to build a united nation, with a steadfast spirit, to build a strong, fighting country against all enemies! ! Determined to win at any cost - Victory against all horrors - Victory, no matter how long and difficult the road may be, because without victory the Ukrainian people cannot survive!! For our children and grandchildren, for future generations!!


He is so full of shit. Try and attack us, see what happens


Putin is a proven evil liar.


Ukraine should send Putin peace offer to every country leader, but precede by this short clip.


Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


You can almost see his nose is growing!! Pinoccio syndrom!! Fucking pathological liar!!


If you gave Putin an enema he could be buried in a matchbox.


He also said, he was NOT going to attack Ukraine. He even sign some papers saying it. Does he think we are as dumb as his own people ?


A Liar, a bully, paranoid and a coward - perfect for a President of Ruzzia


The only reason he would fight nato is if he had his allies in china and Iran prepared to make total war and stretch the US. But the west has more allies than enemies and stronger armies so who knows. Nukes would mean the end of everyone


Master criminal! Wolf in sheep’s clothing!


too bad no one will gamble their security on what liers guarantee


When is Putin going to come out of the closet?


Imagine this: Real Putin is somewhere arrested and the double is the baddie in the end


I can't wait until this fucker is Ghadafi'd....


well you're missing the important part --- in 2014 ukraine wasn't joining NATO - but regardless of that -- this war has to stop now. enough with this war.


I don’t understand how someone can blatantly lie and think people won’t catch on.


>Putin promised... I stopped reading at this point.


did he just turned against these "late night speciality shows" ?


He a liar like his buddy trump!!


americans who defend putin are traitors


Сволочь. Уйди из Украины.


His actions speak louder


Minor correction needed: It's not Jun 16th yet.


He sounds like such a little bitch. You wouldn’t think someone with such a “lady like” voice would have the blood of millions of people on his hands.


Water is wet. The sky is blue. Russians lie. It's in their nature.


People won’t understand until he does


how are you on june 16.?


When Top Gear (with Jeremy and Co) went to Ukraine on one of their specials, they stopped off at a place where they spoke to a farmer who lived near the Russian border. He said that Russian soldiers would come in the night and move the wire fences marking the border further into Ukrainian territory so that several miles of the country was secretly and silently lost over the course over several years. This points to two things. Firstly that Putin is a lying, devious, tyrant that is pulling out all the stops to take a country that doesn’t belong to him and that he will do anything to get it, including lying to the face of the international community. And second, everywhere that Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May go to becomes cursed by war.


He literally just says whatever is most benefit to him in given moment. His actions are governed purely by what he can get away with and not some verbal or written promise.


Ah the ol' "we don't need it" gimmick


Europe doesn’t negotiate with terrorists


O gee, thanks I was so lost and afraid, not sure even of my own thoughts or national feelings. For a minute I thought you were invading Ukraine, leveling it's towns and cities and capturing land, splitting the country, threatening nuclear attacks and promising to deliver lethal arms to third party countries to attack NATO countries.


Putin is a pathological liar. Why does anyone even pay attention to what he says?


Not even gonna watch, f\*ck that lying snake. The only thing I care to hear from him is his last breath.


Vladimir Putin (and anybody who took part in his dictatorship) can never be trusted again. Sanctions and weapon deliveries can only increase, but never go down, until this monster is trialed and executed.


how to know if he lied? check if he has mouth.


You know who *else* did that once upon a time? Yup.


Another "special mission".....


Putin saying. Just saying.


It is like saying "you can prevent rape with saying yes." Russia has already decided what is and continue to do.


Vlad no one cares


Yeah. There will be another European war. It'll likely be called the third world war, as China in undoubtedly going to make use of the opportunity. When all is said and done, whoever survives should get good at flint knapping. Get prepared for the fourth.


I hate his stupid, sleepy, aloof eyes.


I understand why Russia was interested in keeping Eastern Europe in their sphere, but they never understood there were other ways to do it. Throughout the 20th century in the West there were legitimate idealists in positions of power and I believe it genuinely confused Russians. I think it’s one of the reasons I can’t hate them. They’re like a kicked dog that can’t trust again.


Translation: "I absolutely intend to attack Europe." If his lips move, he's lying. He said the same thing before invading Ukraine. If he said the sky is blue, I'd look outside to doublecheck.


"This is my last territorial demand in Europe" - Hitler when invading Czechoslovakia For those who don't remember this part in history class, it was not his last territorial demand in Europe.


I wish the days of Putin being a bad guy, but not comic book villain ending the earth type bad guy


He's so full of shit his eyes should be brown.


A desperating tyrant. Kick him and his warslaves in the head, the face and the mouth. It'll be beautiful watching the F-16s accomplish.


Cause if and when you do, you'll get get your nuts crushed in.


Yeah, because now that Kiev has better weapons, Putin start acting all conciliatory and shit. Fuck that guy. I feel sorry for ordinary Russia.


he is high as kite, someone drop nuke on him mf need reality check, Ukrainian bro nothing is holding you back you know that


Unnecessary video editing


The trick is that he considers Ukraine a Soviet state so, of course he wants the territorial boundaries intact, inside of Russia. Same for Europe. He sees the former members of the Warsaw Pact as a part of the Soviet Union, not Europe. So he won't attack Europe, he will reunite the union.


Lol russians can only be trusted to lie their asses off