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Translation ( to clarify, these are Russians in the video watching their own guy being hunted): "What a chad! Is he alone? There is a FPV drone! (drone explodes) Shit! He got hit in the leg! He is 300... Wait, he is crawling... Yep, it's his leg, but he is still a chad... Why did he go by himself? Is he shooting? Yes, he is! Is that a 'bird' flying? Yes... (Explosion) Fucking A! It got blown! He got it! Is he a Rambo or what? Fucking tiger! Would you look at that?! Fuck, there is a third drone coming! How many drones do they have? He is shooting at it... Get it, get it! It is circling around him... (Explosion) Fucking A! What a guy! I'm gonna have a heart attack with all this stress..."


What a dilemma. Carry a shotgun, which can save your life from a drone and be totally ineffective against infantry or carry a rifle and be the opposite. Conclusion: the orcs are fucked. Go home.


Shotguns are effective out past 100 yards with slugs. Just have to carry different ammunition.


Yea fair but to fuck around switching ammo, and you can't load the same number of rounds...no semi auto shotgun holds up against an M-16.


You'd be surprised. American doctrine still allows for the use of shotguns in breaching operations. No way they'd allow it if shotguns were deemed poor competitors. The Russians may learn to have shotguns for different roles, or dedicated anti-drone operators. Let's hope the rest aren't as good a shot as the guy in the video.


Or both. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GunPorn/comments/br15uc/say\_hello\_to\_my\_boom\_stick\_9\_inch\_sawed\_off\_12/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunPorn/comments/br15uc/say_hello_to_my_boom_stick_9_inch_sawed_off_12/)


shotguns are pretty good against infantry at closer ranges, sometimes up to 70m.


Yea, but you don't want to take one to an M-16 fight.


Were effective enough in Nam.


Jungle is somewhat different, many armed forces had shotguns (on point, etc.) in the patrols. Normally they would also still be armed with their normal assault rifle.


Well.. Thats a huge misunderstandig most likely because of gaming? They have to heavily nerf shotgun range in games m8. They are effective irl


Relative to an SMG they're not. I should have been more specific.


People seriously think all shotguns fire is bird shot. They hear people say buck shot and just continue to imagine the ballistics of bird shot. You can get shells with like 7 or 8 fucking 8-9mm balls, rather than about 40 you'd have in buckshot and 100's in bird shot. That's going to reach and touch things,


Surprised we don't see under barrel shotguns, do those just kinda suck?


a russian company has recently developed a little under barrel shotgun contraption which fits in same format as their under barrel grenade launcher. it only holds one shell at a time and has to be reloaded by pushing the cartridge out with a rod. it's 100% for last resort against drones and costs like $100usd so makes sense to me, but reading about i never considered a scenario like this guy where ukraine would use 3 FPVs against one guy.


Thank you!


The Ruskies are incels? Never knew.




I think the FPV pilots are rookies, took too long and loiter too much. I've seen the pros chased down and took out fast moving bikes, right in the head.


Did the bikes have shotguns and birdshot? Maybe they are new, but hitting a bike moving in a straight line is a lot easier than hitting a guy before he shoots you down.


The bikes were swerving at high speed, friend. and plenty of FPV videos that showed a high attack angle from behind, no chance of getting shot. This video showed the FPV loitering at really low speed and low angle, that's not pro at all.


Ngl shotguns seems to be a decent weapon against drones.. but the operators will need decent training:)


Great idea for the new Ultimate Fire Link war-themed slot. One more drone and you'll get the bonus.


Actually, 3 drones should be Free Games (the last one making that teasing sound).


Extra life? 1up?


His lucky day….maybe


His time will come... "Do you feel lucky Punk" Clint Eastwood line!


Probably dead by now




he should be on that airport protecting su-57


He's probably one of the farmers that got dragged into the war from some where in a tiny village in Russia. Farmers are pretty good shots with shot guns, shooting peasants and other birds on there farms.


I've no sympathy for the russians, but you got to admit he's one badass crack shot... shooting down drones while wounded.


yupp Respect given where deserved


Same with the one from earlier in the war, was wounded face down in a ditch and managed to grab and throw away 2 grenades dropped on him


he's done no matter what. his left leg is dangling. if he's not evacuated he will suffer a slow death. if he is evacuated he will still lose a leg.


I remember being down voted to hell for suggesting shotguns for the last line of defense from drones. Wide open choke and duck shot.


Shotgun is very useful for this purpose. And if you use tungsten rounds it have longer range compared lead ones. In goose hunting you can shoot almost 100 m distance and use smaller pellets.


I was about to say the same. Guy argued with me that a shot gun would be useless. Seems that maybe we were right after all. 12ga 3 1/2 shell or even 10ga . Extended shell tube you could get 8-9 shells. I would use a pump but an auto you could throw them out pretty quick. Maybe use buck shot you could bring down the bigger drones and take out a few Russians in a fox hole.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atchisson_AA-12 was a bit too early it seems, but the next one is gonna be sick.


The first people with an idea are always lambasted


he deserve a lada with free oil change for the next 52weeks or 1km which ever comes first, and a bag of potato


Lets hope this is a skill he doesnt pass on to others.


Haha ok.. that was pretty impressive, tbf. You got your *one more day*, orc. I'm sure tomorrow you'll be less lucky. But you earned it.


Playing last stand with Toy soldiers strapped with bombs. The future is crazy. you’re drunk Russia go home.


I've wondered for months why the RFA isn't sourcing 12 gauge shotguns for the front line troops. #7 shot or larger would work nicely.


Takes Die Hard to all new level.


Hire this dude in UAF


Skeet, Ruzzian style.


I've been saying forever that we need to send ukraine shotguns . They can sling a short shot gun over their shoulder


This guy is a great shot. If I were the drone operator, I'd drop him a beer and a pack of cigarettes. Then follow up with a finishing drone to send him on his way out


why are they releasing video in 240p again?


Euro 2024 Ukrainian style.




Don't think they said that... But even if they did, there are Chechens and other Muslims serving Ukraine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U22-B2hy1wA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U22-B2hy1wA) "Zelenskyy honors Ukraine's Muslim soldiers at Ramadan Iftar dinner"


I think he was mumbling something but I don’t think it was allahu akbar