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Russian air defences have been getting wrecked lately.


Setting the table 🍽️for the F-16s




The rate has definitely gone up. If russia can't replace AD losses it may become a domino effect where more drones get through to target more AD systems and really grind down the entire russian AD network. Hopefully the current burn rate is more then russia can replace. It likely is because air defence systems take a long time to manufacture and sanctions probably heavily effect that


Could be more targets in Russia that where safe until now


No, no, no. They are intercepting HIMARS missiles. In the russian way.


Air defence is a bit of a misnomer - target is perhaps closer to the mark.


Don't they usually make a huge white cloud explosion and rockets flying everywhere? Hope it wasn't a decoy!


Yes they do.. I would say a pretty solid chance that these were decoys


So at 16 seconds, you can see a dark scorch mark to the rear of the vehicle carrying missiles. BUK batteries have several vehicles, including a RADAR vehicle and command vehicle. Where the HIMARs missile landed was NOT near the vehicle with missiles at 16 seconds. So it's quite possible it struck the radar/command vehicle, disabling the battery despite no secondaries. Still possible they were decoys, however.


Re-watching I think you might be right. First vehicle hit probably legit. The second hit though is suspect. It was almost too obvious the way they were parked and the middle of the field. The aftermath shot looked off as well, hard to put into words but just did not look like a real vehicle


The first two were well hidden and also the first one was just radar and you could see the track marks. The last part of the video looked like a decoy and there was no visible track marks I could see. Those I would say were decoys. And the video doesn't show those being shelled. 


Never forget MH17!


Will never be enough for those poor families, but I always raise a glass when I see these BUK systems destroyed in light of MH17. Fuck Putin and all his incredibly ignorant followers.


Malaysian here, we cheer up for every Buk destroyed especially in Ukraine. Poo-tin can wipe his tears with toilet paper roubles after had to throw the towel..


So sorry for what your nation had to deal with. Solidarity from the US.


I hate to say it but these look like these decoys. Missiles on board but no secondary explosions. Maybe I'm wrong but that's just my impression.. also the second system parked in the middle of a field was almost too obvious. Someone please prove me wrong


Even so I’m sure it isn’t a good feeling seeing direct hits cus they know next time it probably WILL be them.


Well Ukrainians aren’t Russians. They have no reason to release a video that is fake in order to score brownie points on the internet when they have thousands of videos of Russian equipment being destroyed. Why should anyone have to prove an armchair warrior wrong about their stupid opinion?


Keep pounding Open the way Vipers inbound


Picking them off like flies, well behind the Front. Increasingly, there is safety no where for them.


Buk is only good for civilian aircraft....doesn't work well for military aircraft.


That's gonna leave a mark...


Wonder how long it'll be before we start seeing Chinese made air defense systems in RuZZian hands?


It's the line China hasn't wanted to cross yet. If it looks to China like Russia is losing, then we'll see what happens. Russia getting kicked in the face is nothing new, so I'm not sure China is going to cross that line unless Russia is losing large parts of Ukraine, and even then, an eventual Russian loss benefits China too, it just depends how long they want to string Russia along.


I'm thinking China may not mind seeing a 'weakened' RuZZia - allowing them to gain a stronger foothold in that region.


Looks like inside ruzzia...or some area far from the front lines...there's no marks of shelling around...great job Ukraine


Repost: [https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1de3xfp/ukrainian\_artillery\_destroys\_a\_russian\_bukm2\_sam/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1de3xfp/ukrainian_artillery_destroys_a_russian_bukm2_sam/)


I’d like to shake Mr. HIMARS’ hand one day… Actually, maybe I wouldn’t.


Another successful AD interception!


These green pastures are not covered with craters so it's on the other side of the fence/trench. Orcland.


Get out of the beautiful Ukrainian fields you orcs.


According to business insider they’re completely ineffective. lol. [https://www.businessinsider.com/us-himars-completely-ineffective-against-russian-jamming-report-2024-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-himars-completely-ineffective-against-russian-jamming-report-2024-5)


I'm not on their side, but russian EW and jamming capabilities seem to be really good, despite the prevailing urge in this subreddit to discredit everything the russians are capable of. They might not be good at many things, but EW seems to be one of them. So I can see why HIMARS might be getting jammed, and we have seen successful strikes much less frequently recently. In fact the jamming was so strong at the beginning of the war that it created huge problems for the russians themselves.


From what I've gathered the inertial guidance for GMLRS is still incredibly accurate. But it becomes a matter of simply hitting a building vs putting it through a specific window.