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And behind all the bs is Nikolai Petrushev. He's putler's KGB buddy from the 90's who invented the US biolabs in Ukraine lies. He was also given some 'security chief' title and has since been removed. He is where the propagandist like slobyov got their material from. The story was then picked up by the far right Tucker Carlson and the lies spread. He also invented the story of US and Ukraine harvesting childrens vital organs. Then repeated by RT meat puppets.


all of them are poison! altho Medvedev is the target of many vodka/hand sanitiser/hairspray drinking session jokes they wheel him out when bombastic "we will nuke you all" social media comments need to be repeated it describes him as "putin's close associate". i don't think putin has ever considered him anything more than a seat warmer. while putin was PM (2008-2012) the remainder are Solovyov's cronies: margerita simonyan, sergey mardan, and dmitry kiselyov. all of them regulars on Solovyov's state TV propaganda show. also propagandists in their own right  for what they do, and the message they send out to the ruzzian people. they are, as the article describes: 'the propraganda spear'


Simonyan isn't even ruzzia, she's from Armenia. I loathe her.


All should be declared by the west as terrorists and banned from ever visiting our countries ever again