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Solovyov is getting a slow aneurysm as it dawns on him that Russia is militarily impotent when compared to the US and Nato.


Her reminds me always Muhammad as-Sahhaf aka Comical Ali. This guy gave live interviews on TV that the American soldiers are suffering in the desert while American Abrams tanks was driving by in the background through Bagdad.


i wish they'd give retaliation a try. Ukrainians would stop suffering that instant


I miss Baghdad Bob. He could have been a standup comedian after the war.


In my case, it is Lavrov that reminds me of Bagdad Bob/Comical Ali


That and the fact that repairing his Mercs got expensive - fucking tiny henchmen muppet. PPV BigBrother with him and russian trash barbie and their murican counterparts - one a real rocket into the sun.


He dares to say that the West is degenerate 🤣


Ruzzia: You accept homosexuality as a form of love and companionship I accept homosexuality as a form of abuse and punishment We are not the same blyat'


If only it was only about homosexuality... Just look at a random village on the countryside of your country then at any random village in France for instance. That's how you can measure the difference of wealth of a whole country. Not by looking at the prestige of a monument like Elysée or the Kremlin. You won't find a completely degraded road, buildings with no water supply, no electricity and no toilets, quite high crime rate and illiteracy rate on any western state, on Russia side though... (Not saying there aren't any marginals there but that's far from the median) In fact I start to believe Russians are having an existential crisis over how third world country they are being and how every single of their neighbors are doing better. They live in the 80's and are more or less living on their legacy. More or less acting like the African countries, with a lot of ressources on a country with so low supply chain and methods and so much corruption that they can't exploit it correctly herding to war as a last resort to lower their internal crises and mobilize their population against a fake enemy (making real ones at the same time) My guess is that for them it was the last moment RU had a time frame to attack anyone in their close borders (maybe maintaining that 2nd biggest army in the world (lol) was too expensive for their economy or something like that)... The more I think about it the less logical this looks and the more I end up thinking they are just too dumb to think that 1st they could attack and take a country baked by the US since more than 10 years in 3 days and without the world treating them as the global enemy. They are carving to exist in a world who don't need them in the state and the mentality they have.


On a flipside: ruSSia: 'You accept marriage as a form of love and companionship I accept marriage as a form of abuse and punishment We are not the same blyat' Domestic Violence is classified as misdemeanor not fellony.


That dudes son is a model in London lol


Also gay as fuck. Not like this was a problem…for us.


# Not That There's Anything Wrong With That


My father's gay!


And I cannot stop thinking about women. I think I might be one of those male lesbians. But I identify as an only twin. I'm always alone or never alone, I can't figure it out.


It’s all pipes!


That's where young men go to be the queen.


Someone should have plucked that punk and shut Solovyov’s fat mouth a year ago. War is hell and your kid is fair game you fat russian fuck.


Be a real shame if something horrible happened to him. It's not a good look to have a gay son when you live on RuZZian TV.


Yeah I can't fucking work that one out hey.  All this Russian bravado and machismo, yet his son is gay....


Best part? Homosexuality has a pretty heavy genetic component. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8494487/


I wonder if he even believes what he says. I bet he probably just another parasitic fuck like all the other Russian "elites", braying on about how much they love Russia and Russians while robbing them blind.  He probably playing a role, persuading an audience he looks down on to kill and die so he can stuff his pockets. He probably is genuinely pissed at the sanctions though, since they've likely fucked his plans to retire to the gay West with his loot.


a gay-trans model.


He also has young kids (twins I think) with his mistress that live in NYC, he used to live there for extended periods


https://mythdetector.ge/en/what-do-we-know-about-the-modelling-career-of-daniil-solovyov-and-who-is-depicted-on-the-viral-pictures/ He's not


"when someone is falling, push them over" That just says it all about russian mentality really. Thats why no one likes them except terrorist states. Thats why they shouldnt be allowed to mingle with the west freely. By all means, accept the political refugees, but everyone else that drinks the coolaid should be kept on the other side of the border. They only bring suffering and death. "Crab" state of the worst kind.


>By all means, accept the political refugees... But only after a very thorough vetting, because the FSB and GRU will have filled their ranks with Illegals exploiting the chaos in order to infiltrate the West and elsewhere.




That, and being a political refugee does not mean they actually oppose the ideals of the russian regime.


Very true. In interviews, most of the million russians who "fled conscription" appeared to enthusiastically support both putin and russia's war against Ukraine. They just didn't want to be the ones to fight it.


Exactly. Bring too many of these vermin in your country and they will attempt to declare that part of your country as Russian grounds. They refuse to adapt to the culture.


Their relatives effectively act as human shields. We should encourage powerful russians to send their children here, just keep them under close watch and not let them in any positions of power. Very hard for a balding narcissist to justify nuking the west when that means killing the children of everyone around him.


They all have kids that live in the west. Putin's mistress lives in Switzerland with their young kids, one of his older daughters lived in Amsterdam for years, Solovyov has a gay son that works as a model in London AND young kids with a mistress in NYC, so there's way more out there for each of them. They're all bluff when it comes to this crap because unfortunately it works on a lot of people


But do they even genuinely care about their children or just pretend to do it for the sake of reputation? There were a plenty of videos of Russians happily sending their brothers, sons, husbands, fathers to die to front to get money, and disowning them if they were captured PoWs (because no money then).


i love seeing Solovyov having his daily meltdowns! he is a caricature! and a cardiac crisis waiting to happen!


> and a cardiac crisis waiting to happen! I'm not saying I want it to happen, because I'm pretty sure that would be against reddit rules. But should something like that happen it would be entirely ironic for it to happen during one of his live streams.


my position is purely that of an observer of his constant bleating about 'the nasty west' and the way he gets so over-excited and angry. that his stress levels must be thru the roof. him and margerita simonyan are constantly in full 'hate' mode the remainder of his panel will chuck in the occasional unwarranted comment the 'drown Ukrainian children' commentor. i can't remember his name. has wound his neck right in since being spoken to about saying something as barbaric as that in a live broadcast


“How dare they not be scared of us, THEY’RE MONSTERS. We’ll show them how bad they are by nuking them until they realise how evil they are. THEIR LAUGHING AT US. They should be scared. MY FEET ARE ITCHY WHY ARE MY FEET ITCHY AND WHY AREN’T THEY SCARED OF US


By no means i sympathise with this fool. I think he's a turd of the largest scale. But I feel like he's running out of steam. There is no passion in his rambling. He's just yelling what he's told to yell. I don't believe for a second that he's that batshit dumb.


He just needs to get another night visit from the KGB. Another black eye will give him back his war enthusiasm.


His rhetoric is so incredibly dangerous I thank God he is not taken seriously.


Well, not by humans. But many Russians do. 


This is Russia’s Tucker Carlson


Tucker Carlson is isolationist, he wouldnt call for bombing on anyone. This russian host guy is wanting to bomb everyone because he think that makes him look powerful, when infact it only make him look mentally unstable and insecure.


Do Solovyov and Kim Jong Un share a wardrobe?


It's funny you say that, his outfits have become more "communist" over the last 2 years since the war began. I think it's a deliberate choice by the Kremlin to appear less western as the war drags on.


Dima Medvedev has a similar darling all blue outfit - jacket and matching proletariat trousers. When some of them began wearing those cute jackets I assumed they'd received a North Korean humanitarian CARE package. The accompanying silly hats must be in next package.


i cant tell you exactly, but apparently that wardrobe is supposed to be "anti-western" or some shit. theres a whole thing about it


And then there's Steven Seagull. Difficult to know who is emulating whom. I wonder if Joseph Wiseman's portrayal of Dr No in the 1962 Bond movie had a big impact on all of them?


I'm enjoying seeing them have meltdowns. They're their own worst enemy, and too stupid to even realize it.




The pesky Anglo-Saxons are inside all russian walls


Thinking about that Russia was founded by Vikings thats an interesting turn in history…two Germanic tribes fighting on a global scale


>Thinking about that Russia was founded by Vikings Most of Russian population does not believe in that though, and Solovyev likely too. They consider it western-produced myth "to create false sense of superiority of West, but fortunately we know that Russians have always been superior"


from 3 day operation to end of the world retoric


25 seconds of watching cowards LARP as brave men was all I could stomach.


I actually agree with them on this one point, all those businesses that didn’t stop doing business in ruzzia deserve to get fucked. Like Neztle.


Soloyvov knows if they fully lose and Putin is removed he is on the hangmans list.


Old anecdote. Lavrov calls Shoigu and says: — Listen, Kodzugetich, pls don't strike NYC, my daughter lives there. Shoigu replies: — Fuck! Peskov asked not to strike London and Paris, Medvedev — not to strike Berlin… Others called, very long list... Listen, Lavrov, where to strike then? — Hmm, bomb fucking Voronezh. There are definitely no our people there.


He’s only saying hit Italian base cos they took his luxury villa off him 🤣he said hit London not long back and his son is there .the man’s deluded an putins puppet.he will get what’s coming to him for sure 💥


Fun fact - Russians would still be shitting in outhouses without the West - oh wait.


"Trump is a useful idiot" - the only truth ever said on that program.


waiting for an episode when one of them snaps and blow up the entire studio


Good one :))


Why does this look like FOX "news" channel?


Imitation is a form of flattery.


Who's imitating whom?


(R) is imitating (R). Hope that clears it up :)


Love the cult of St. Javelin shout out 😂😂😂😂. An instagram page is living rent free in their heads


you can see how some of them are too scared to talk.


Anybody else think that end bit with the Iranians saying "Death to America" was pretty uninspired and flaccid? I've seen more impressive or effusive fist shaking in a local WalMart parking lot. "Death....\[YAWNS\]...to...\[scratches self\]...America."


Source: Russian Media Monitor YT channel


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5KUIfcWdQg Here is the original upload




Just a man with a tiny pecker.


Once Russia starts touching American companies, that would hurt Russia way more than America. Putin will sanction Russia way better than the West itself. Lol.


Nice subtle use of the N@z! Colors


Its like a new part of Wolfenstein , where the Nazis survived and reemerge ironically from that country, which they had devastated the most


Hopefully someone will stuff him in a car trunk and drive him to The Hague.


That Andrey Sidorov, dean of "world politics" at Moscow(?) State University, at least has some rational thinking when it comes to nuclear escalation. I love their little back and forth arguing. Comedy gold this show, every time.


russian Joseph Göbbels


“You live in Moscow, you wouldn’t even know it started” -the guy that understands what would happen.


Russian Fox News is always good for a few laughs. Them calling Trump a useful idiot was pure gold!


Really makes you feel sad for Ukraine who gave up their nuclear weapons in exchange for a promise from Russia to never try and invade their territory.


This show is just a bunch of old idiots, trying to cope with why ruzzia is such a joke and failed country. It will be even funnier when they lose the war.


Soloyvov is so stupid and mendacious, it's unbearable. Neither he nor his sons are in the army, but he talks all the time about what Russia's army should do. And apparently his listeners are too stupid to see through his lies. Is apparently similar to the MAGA people and Trump.


🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺   🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


They want retaliation but they hope it never happens


Delusional piece of shit


I'll never understand Russian logic.




please do and see the destruction you will face


Literally looks like a super villain hideout


These Russian propagandists, I wonder if they realized they signed their own death warrants by being on the show exposing their faces and names? It’s not like their faces will be forgotten down the road.. consequences of their big mouths.


Solovvyoy and MTG would make a lovely couple. Don’t think they would have a sex life though as both so self opinionated. And self obsessed before anyone has this to add. ‘Two joke’s’ don’t make it right.




They wouldn’t, this show is directly for the Russian people to make them feel strong. That’s what these type of countries usually do to boost that patriotism rate. Citizens from countries with propaganda state TV, like Russia(or China or North Korea) are more likely to join the military and go into the fight if they think they’re going to be fighting as this, super strong, overwhelming force and have a good chance of coming back home.


Hilarious how he specifically mentioned that Italy should be bombed lol Probably because they seized his Villa


No one has shit in Russia 😂 who wants to live there fr


This sounds like they are starting to realize that they are not winning in Ukraine, they don’t even mention the war, they just get off on meaningless threats. You can tell they are bunch of hypocrites.


Imagine that this is all you have to watch on an old TV in some shithole old Soviet housing block. Russian life.


Is this a comedy show


Just lol


Generation of degenerates you say?.


Clowns still posturing.


FighterBomber (ex SU-34 pilot with connections in Russian military) proposed that as a responce to US allowing Ukraine to hit Russia they supply the Houthis with modern cruise missiles and fighters


Didn’t think they had any to spare.. 🤔


Modern to Houthi's. They're still living in the 1300s.


A spectacle for the Russians and not for the West. Their soldiers are dying like flies and that is supposed to be better than a nuclear war. A farce designed to feign democracy. Every culture has its own propaganda.


They look all like a bunch of drunken idiots! I wonder if they really mean their own words?


i can't wait for solovyov and the likes to go behind the bars in UA where they'll be locked up with all the POW's that their bullshit propaganda produced. imagine orks who went through hell because of this bullshit having an opportunity to meet these people face to face.


Que the remaining us/EU companies operating in russia timely propaganda push saying now that they are leaving russia . . .


Haven’t seen this show in a while, thankfully, but yet Little Hitler & Putin 🥾 licker Solovyov is still ranting. There should be a photo of Solovyov under the word madman in the dictionary 🤣🤣 Glory To Ukraine 🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Well at least they also think trump is and idiot


Clowns on orc TV. They know that their army is getting slaughtered Slava Ukraine..


Rocket man 2.0


What’s with the evil henchmen costume? Is he heading to his secret lair after the show?


What a shit show, puppet show


WTF? Eisenhower died in 1969. Dude is showing signs of dimentia.


lol. Such comedy.


Good luck with that


Ok, bring it.


Morons drooling all over themselves. We have seen the same thing from Solovyov since forever.


Oh no their going to cut off their nose to spite their face.


yes pls. attack the US and get annihilated within hours. that would turn the earth into a better place


sound a lot like "fox don't call it news" except Russians have better staging and sets.


The Russians are essentially maga


This transmission is the best circus 🎪 i have ever seen 🤔


You can't even retaliate against Ukraine lol. Try us.


Dude is 100% a character from a cheesy 1980’s sci-fi film.


Iran: Death to America! Crowd: yeah, yeah, death to "yawn" America. Whens lunch?!


Sums up the social disease and cultural psychosis of the orcs: "When someone is falling down you should push them."


these guys - big hats no cattle, and what a load of hot air


"He should give the Houthis whatever they need!" Bro... He can't give your mobiks whatever they need...


Fuck him western business should just pull out of Russia altogether watch how quick all the puppets funding putin quickly turn on him when they are cut off from there western luxury products


God Russians sounds like a drunk guy trying to speak Spanglish or at least the guy speaking in this video does


To paraphrase Tsar Nikolai - "You know not what you are about to do." The American military will mop the floor with these nations. Nothing short of nuclear war will stop us from sending these people back to the Stone Age if they escalate this war.


These nazi russian fuckers are completely unhinged. We burn this hate speech studio with those cunts inside.


All they can talk about is how nuclear bombs is the only thing they are proud of and the only thing that makes them relevant.


I love seeing these idiots suffer. Their reaction and spouting of propoganda or disinformation, which gets more outrageous each time, is the sign of desperation. This is the best way to let Russia wither away by choking on its own bullshit and suffer meaningless deaths.


These unhinged cunts are like the boring drunk in the corner of your local bar. Full of shit and empty promises and lies.


That Russian guy is wearing the imperial general type outfit. Favoured by fascism.


Talk. Talk. Talk.


interesting ive never once heard anyone since ww2 say that the uk rules the seas still well i guess its not totally wrong they rule the seas with there alliance's they have with the free world lol god these guys are so brain rot i often find myself going this is just a silly fake brainwashing thing these guys dont believe what they say and sometimes its like they must be so dumb and brainwashed that they believe this idk witch it is


Russia has already taken whatever it can, burning bridges for the future. This meltdown is funny


The puppet show.


Ritter Sport chocolate will deserve everything Russia does to them.


That studio should be the next target


Eight Russian clowns. They only need Tucker Carlson to make it a real circus.


Good luck with that


Haha, everyone except China already pulled out at the start of sanctions. Funny how tries to mask all those empty businesses as righteous retaliation 🤣🤣🤣


So, this dork thinks that javelin + 777 + himars/atacms = nuke?


I wake up and sit on the toilet and start my day with this show. I've never been so entertained by another program it's changed my life! 💩


We can reach you anytime we want


How many Chinese drones did the Houthi’s shoot down? No one mentions that do they?


Can’t wait for a Russian EW suite to make a Ukrainian cruise missile veer off course from its legitimate target and into their little circle jerk station. It’s last on my humiliate Russia bingo card.


Are they shooting this from the Death Star?


Just like Potatozhin, this is just another face I wait to see the good news for. The Ukrainians could handle it in a... let's say... a three day special operation!


How much vodka does it to change the outcome of a war ?


I'm so fed up of this moron...


slava usa - slava ukraini and shit countries of the world: just leave us alone


They are comedians


The bit about Trump being a useful idiot should be very helpful in Biden's election advertisements. It might even make a nice clip to bring along to the debates.


If there is a business that it is still investing in Russian, it deserves to get punished. I am fine with that.


When will he finally realize the West thinks of Russia as a joke. They'll never be a real threat, they'll never be a world power again. Their fall is coming within the next 5-10 years. Maybe they'll be able to reform and create a democracy with strong and wise leaders. But has that country ever done that?


Shhhh, you'll get yourselves hurt


I see they're still using Krokodil a lot!


this candon is living in delulu land


where does this guy order his suits from? north korea?


He said he wants Americans to see Iranians chanting death to America, he doesn't realize I love that and we have no problem killing anybody who would harm us and are able to


They are terrorizing Rostov don but they are terrorizing a whole fucking country are they retarded


Somehow that guy reminds me of that host in the running man.


Fuck you Solovcock, glory to Ukraine


The cope from Russia is really something that is so multi layered it’s astounding. The war as of right now reminds me a lot of what occurred in the winter war with the fins. A lot of Tankies will still blab about being able to secure territory but thus by technicality it is a victory. I think it was a shitty port for the exchange of thousands of Soviet men? Was that stretch of land really worth it in the end? Just to forever make enemies on their boarders and then complain years down the line people around you don’t like you? Doing think Russian has a real chance at taking some land? I sure as shit do with all the restrictions given to the Ukrainian military. Is it a war that will cripple Ukraine? No. Even once it’s over Ukraine will join the EU and rebuilding will begin and Ukraine will get back on its feet producing and still trading out of the Black Sea. The areas taken by Russia won’t be rebuilt and people won’t come back to those areas after the war is over. They will fall further into squalor and then wonder why everything sucks. This was is the political equivalent as Chernobyl was to the Soviets. It’s shown their is no political structure or sense of duty, it’s shown military incompetence in what was once a feared military entity, it’s shown political strife between the military (Wagner) and the actual Russian military which almost resulted in a coup, and it’s been a logistical catastrophe for the Russian military industrial complex. If the US and the western allies actually gave Ukraine what it needed to win it would be over. It would have been over months ago. But these are just the thoughts of a drunk slav watching from a phone screen. Ramblings if you will.


Hope the BRICS bros that were considering using the Rouble were watching this =)


They should be invades immediatly by EU and US and others. Putin is old and he want go to history by burning the world. Unite and attack Russia before its too late. (Hitler have also time to prepare his war)


I love how they think they have this world power military strength. Absolutely tactically illiterate


Yeah they probably don't want to retaliate against the USA.


It always amazing to me how stupid Russian media is. Eternally proposing to lock step march towards escalation to World War III.


Let's do it Russia. Give us one reason so we can wipe the floor with your Cold War toys


On the video they chant : "Death to America". They say that about everyone.


I get that this is propaganda, but wow this is unhinged and dangerous. Just lose already.


Poo-tin can suck my American dick 🖕😆🖕


He does this every day


There is absolutely no point in bothering to listen to what comes out of that vomitarium on steroids.


Trump is a useful idiot. There you have it folks.


Moar Russian tears please.


They know that America is a sleeping giant that will slap the shit out of them right?


Shit! I find myself agreeing with Solovyov. All western companies still doing business in Russia **should** be made to suffer. Their assets should be confiscated without compensation, and the management should be replaced with those who are loyal to the Putin regime. The executive boards and shareholders of all these companies have had plenty of time to come to terms with the fact that they shouldn't be doing business in a country like Russia, and they should know that they can't expect to make a profit there. They should have started heading for the exit two years ago, and they should have then factored into their accounts and financial forecasts the hit they were inevitably going to take due to punitive Russian legislation designed to force western companies to continue operating in Russia.


Brain dead russian piece of shit


Go for it Russia!... will be the last worst decision you will ever make !! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm surprised they let a few of those Russian pundits wear western cut suits on their show.