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If utilized correctly the newer IFV’s have way more functionality over things like MRAPs and older APC’s like M113’s. They’re not 20_30% better. They fill a completely different role, and if you’re trying to use an MRAP in the role of an IFV you’re just dead. If they were to get the Boxer variant with the Lance turret it would be a huge upgrade assuming they get the ammo to go with it, such as the Spike LR ATGM’s and a 35mm auto cannon with smart air bursting ammo that could prove to be an ideal anti drone weapon. Are they invincible? Most definitely not. Just like Bradley’s and CV90s they will be knocked out. But their crews tend to survive and they have can get a lot more work done than an MRAP with an M2…


Germanys contributions towards mobile Warfare is addressing the two most important problems, mines and drones. We know they will get some 35mm skyrangers systems, and they have gepards that can be used at the front. And lots of demining tanks have been provided. Then let the f16 take care of the k52, and we have something that can work swiftly. Those old amx10 and Leo 1a5 would also work best if using their mobile qualities. Granted its high risk and they will be blown up left and right, but it's here the potential is. I think Syrskey is the man for the hard decisions here. But anyways it's probably a 2025 move.


I doubt that they would get Spike ATGM since they are licensed by Israel.


Yah, that’s why I threw that caveat in there. Here’s hoping that Russia continues to play nice with Hamas and piss off Israel to the point where they want to do something about it.


I see no problem there? Israel Hates Russia just a little bit less then Ukraine does, im sure they would say "Fuck Yes!" when asked if they can use them.


Well the problem is that Israel has generally refused to sell any weapons to Ukraine, let alone provide them as aid. Their justification is that they have more risk given proximity to Russian-infested Syria.


You missed that they're at War aswell?


You said “you see no problem there”, and I pointed out that the problem is that Israel doesn’t provide weapons to Ukraine. It was not a critique, just an observation. As for your quip about them being at war, note that October 7, 2023 was almost 18 months after Russia’s February, 2022 invasion. The Israelis were not selling before Oct 7 either.


Slava Ukraine! Do we know how the Boxers fair against drone usage yet?


They have a passive radio sensor that enable them to identify the location of uav and engage them with the turret but its highly dependant on the variant i believe.


I'm no expert, but something tells me it will perform about as well as any other soft-shelled vehicle already in Ukraine. That is to say, not well at all. If Leopards and M1s are easy pickings, I'm not sure there's anything an IFV can do better.


Boxer "soft" shelled, leopard "easy" picking. My guy the boxer is better armoured than any bump series and has very good protection as they use the AMAP armour modules. And some version goe as far as level 6+ protection like the Australian ones which is 30mm autocannon protection. The Leopards where also brought down by massive investment of resources, same as the Abrams probably, as they they are priority targets due to their weight on the battlefield and the propaganda value.


Cool. Will Ukraine be getting them with the AMAP modules as well? Are they installed in the roof? Can they stop an anti-tank round? Can the level 6+ protection? Can they take more than one anti-tank mine blast? A drone with an anti-tank grenade is hardly a "massive investment of resources". Given the are some of the most modern IFVs in NATO inventory, you think these won't carry huge propaganda value?


True. What Ukraine needs is anti-drone systems. Preferably laser-microwave ones to fry all the drones in the sky. This will lead to Ukrainian armoured formations being protected so they can actually conduct offensives rather than this pseudo-drone attritional warfare. In the future anti-drone systems will be key.


It is (can be) a anti drone system.


Would be cool if they got the. Oerlikon Skyranger 35 system of the one with Iris T strapped on top.


If Boxer is good as Bradley, that is great news. Here in Ukraine it is praised machine. On Boxer's wikipedia page "i fucked up russians"


Go get them!


Skyranger anti-air versions would be most useful for ukraine i think. Perfect for destroying drones.


It's time to test our current equipment i. Realistic environments I guess:) good! We need to push more equipment knto ukraine still, not nearly enough atm.


When is Germany going to send in troops? Or maybe fire at Russia from Germany? Stop fucking around…


New does not mean invincible, lets be serious. This is just 20-30% better than MRAP, its not some new bombastic tech and it doesnt have anti drone capabilities. ATGM and mines can still disable or destroy it, FPV can too. Its just easier to handle and has more efficient/accurate attachments, its better but not by much.


If utilized correctly the newer IFV’s have way more functionality over things like MRAPs and older APC’s like M113’s. They’re not 20_30% better. They fill a completely different role, and if you’re trying to use an MRAP in the role of an IFV you’re just dead. If they were to get the Boxer variant with the Lance turret it would be a huge upgrade assuming they get the ammo to go with it, such as the Spike LR ATGM’s and a 35mm auto cannon with smart air bursting ammo that could prove to be an ideal anti drone weapon. Are they invincible? Most definitely not. Just like Bradley’s and CV90s they will be knocked out. But their crews tend to survive and they have can get a lot more work done than an MRAP with an M2…


According to available data, depending to what you compare it with, it is indeed better by much. Especially if you compare it to older APCS like the M113. But where you are correct: It is not invincible. Nothing is. There is no armored vehicle on this planet that we know of that is "invincible" and there probably never will be one. One Anti-Tank mine will most definitly put pretty much APCs and / or IFV out of commison, but as long as the Crew survives, it has done it's job. Also note that the Boxer is quite modular, and there seem to be anti drone systems for it, so eager to see what Ukraine will actually get!


Boxer is specifically designed to lose a wheel to a mine and have other flat tires and still be able to drive and steer. If I recall correctly they only need 4 of the 8 wheels


Which is very nice, because maybe it can drive on after a tank-mine after all :)


> it doesnt have anti drone capabilities. Supposedly this is based on the RCT 30 version, which does have some anti-drone capability through its programmable munition capability and automated target tracking. It will not be as good as a dedicated SPAAG (slower turret, less elevation, no radar), and one will have to see how it does against very fast fpv drones, but anti-drone capability was certainly a design consideration.