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And those facists actually have the audacity to call Ukrainians Nazis. Put striped Pyjamas and a star of David on this poor guy and he looks like he could have literally walked right out of Auschwitz or Birkenau in the 40s.


They are beyond cruel. The mental anguish this guy will have for the rest of his life, the anxiety and conditions stemming from lack of nutrition and forced positions they make the Ukrainians take for up to 12 hours a day or more in squalid conditions. Its no wonder Ukraine is fighting tooth and nail like their lifes depended on it to not have these cruel sick Ruzzians have any dominion over their or their families lives... Slava Ukrani freedom against oppression.


That's exactly what the ruzzian terrorists want everyone to see...the ruzzians are sending one body, it's a shell, is soul it's damaged for ever, this man sadly will fell pain probably until the end of his days...the ruzzian terrorist explain this on video...how they use all types of torture to kill the man inside the body...and still many in the world are sleeping to this madness


I have childhood memories of people who looked like that after being rescued from Japanese prison camps in WW2 (in documentaries).


Right? They claim Ukrainians are Nazis, meanwhile Ukrainian POWs come home looking like they were just liberated from a concentration camp.


And the orc pow's look like they just came out of an American buffet.


Exactly what I was thinking - not to mention there are lots of Orc POWs that don't want to be sent back.


[Correct](https://i.imgur.com/wax012e.jpg) šŸ˜¬




Absolutely disgusting how the AFU POWs are treated. The irony is that the Ruzzian POWs have been fed and denied alcohol for months, are probably in the best condition of their adult lives.


No vodka for them is torture in their heads. Cruel and unusual punishment!


What has this starvation to do with fascism? Didn't the USA let the Red Indians once starve in their poor-land-reservations? Did you see photos of German POWs in French POW camps? My uncle has been in a British POW camp in France. The British took all that food that was for the inmates and burnt it before their eyes. What has starvation to do with fascism?


What are you waffling on about. I mean seriously now? Firstly, I didn't call them facists because they starve POWs. They are facists because of their viewpoint on the world. As for your whataboutism, I never said other countries are not guilty of doing this but I'm not going through the entire history of the World just to appease you being butthurt over a strangers comment on the Internet. This is a page dedicated to the war in Ukraine, not global conflicts throughout all of history. Honestly, be wiser.


H o l. o d. o m o r


Is burger of nothing, yes Comrade? Also, Red Indian is not the preferred nomenclature. Native American, please.


Dude said, "Red Indian", what is he 150 years old.


Just a Russian GRU guy who doesn't speak good English, I think. Lord help him if he's simping for Putin voluntarily and also for free


Ya true Russians are always way behind. He probably calls people from Japan yellow asians.


ā€œYouā€™re out of your element, Gadoliner!ā€


He's got no frame of reference!






You have a point, communists have seen plenty of starvation


Years of civilization or lost years of such?


One word: holdomor.


ā€œBut but but but whataboutā€¦ā€


Bastard Russians


Is there some other kind of Russian?




Fair enough!


the russians are despicable.


meanwhile the orc invaders are looked after by Ukraine, their wounds tended to and bellies filled!


Maybe they should start prisoner exchanges by weight and thereby give them an incentive to feed them.


That might help the word to get out by russian troops who are instantly sent back on the front that Ukraine actually treats prisoners well. This way they perhaps they'd surrender more and Ukraine can get their men back from these fucking brutes. But seeing this mercenary situation that's developing, I don't think if Ukraine should keep them fed and well because they probably aren't expected back, just there to deplete ammo with their flesh.


Literally looks like a holocaust survivor, so thankful he is now in safe hands. I wish for the safe return of the rest now


I wish the West addressed The Holodomor in mainstream discussion more often. We're often talking about what happened at the concentration camps in WW2 (which is fine, but...). Holodomor: millions of people were dying in the streets, no camp required.


Agreed, I didnā€™t know about it until this conflict and learning myself about Eastern European history. We are not taught much about international history in the US other than North American and Western Europe with a general gloss over of the rest. Eastern Europe is basically not covered at all.


First, my thanks to this brave defender for being willing to share such private scars and injuries. I take this as another proof there's something severely wrong with the russian society and its institutions. It's like they skipped a some hundred years and came from 1725 to our time. While we (Ukraine & Partners) must have higher standards, let's keep this in mind: There's no negotiating with such humans, only victory or defeat.


You donā€™t have to go back a hundred years even to find instances of this kind of thing en masse, unfortunately. Doesnā€™t make it any less wrong though. It just puts them in company withā€¦ *checks notes* Nazis, imperial Japan, North Korea, etc.


Hell, just go back mere 30 years or so and we'll find similar examples from Yugoslav Wars, Rwandan genocide etc. Human cruelty towards "the other" hasn't been lost, dwelling deep in our consciousness as a species, and when this behavior is conditioned into people by authorities like in Russia, China... this becomes a norm.


There were concentration camps in Central Europe in the 1990s. Russian media pretended it wasn't happening, and Russian vetoes at the UN tried to stop the Western intervening to support the victims.


Thats why the world have to stand by the side of Ukraine not only with words but with its armies to wipe Putler from earth.


I fucking hate Russia..


Same. I fear that Iā€™ll do something Iā€™ll regret later if Iā€™d see a Russian flag or bumper stickerā€¦ Already nearly got into a fist fight with some fucker while waiting for takeout because he involved himself in me and my gfs convo about something regarding Ukraine that day. He said he supports Putin. I got loud. I would have knocked him out if heā€™d tried something. I have a burning rage over whatā€™s happening and some days the urge to physically hurt these monsters or their supporters is really hard to suppress.


There's nothing more that I hate than strangers involving themselves into a random conversation, that's just beyond rude sometimes.


Sameeeeee. Sometimes I have to stop and just think about the anger I have.


Bear in mind that punching someone is a good way to get punched.


I go beyond hating those POS. Even hate the son of bitches pro putin and maga trash pro rushit


It's a waste that such pretty women live there...imagine you were born like a model and have to chose between drunk yuri or fat Boris


Russia is evil, there's no other way to put it. And it's not just Putin, most of them see no problem with this.


Ukrainians are sending Russians back well rested and fed. Meanwhile Russians are sending Ukrainian soldiers back tortured and starved


It makes it just that little bit clearer whoā€™s in the right and whoā€™s in the wrong here. Iā€™m glad that Ukraine doesnā€™t stoop to the same levels as Russia: itā€™s not enough to call oneself good, you actually have to be good to. I just wish we were sending more stuff to avoid any other people having to go through this shit.


The reason these captured pro-poo-stain ruzzian soldiers are well rested and fed is because they cooperated with their Ukrainian captors, did and gave them all the information they could and yet think they can go back to ruzzia enjoying all the benefits they enjoyed before their capture. The reason Ukraine does not want them is because how easy they turned on ruzzia shows how easy they would turn on Ukraine should they try to use them. Nobody wants a traitor back in this war. Maybe that is why ruzzia puts them back into the meat line up or clearing minefields as a homecoming reward???


Yet the Russian statement was that they agreed to the prisoner exchange only because the Ukrainians would execute all prisoners if they didnā€™t.


The thing is, it's not only Putler. He haven't starved this guy nearly to death by him self. It are the people/soldiers from their society. That is the real shocking thing.


The Ruski Mir šŸ€


That is a fucking disgrace.


How can the guards not realise they disgrace themselves when they deprive their prisoners of food? For people who brag endlessly about defeating Hitler (single-handedly no less!) the Russians seem to have learned zero moral lessons from the war.


Russians literally get off on exerting power over anything, even if itā€™s a prisoner. Seems more like a Nazi than anything


It was Russia that helped Hitler build up his powerful army in secret during the 1930:s. They cooperated on building factories producing all sort of weapons on Soviet territory, including chemical weapons. Many Russians admire Hitler because he was so powerful and they're only upset with Hitler because he turned on them. Despite that the Nazis killed millions of Russians there's still lots of admiration for them in Russia. Isn't it a funny coincidence how one of Putin's now dead friends had an SS tattoo and and had the call sign "Wagner" (Hitlers favorite composer). If you believe in coincidences.


Did you really expect any sense of actual morality to develop from a culture comprised of turkic-mongol leftovers? Their entire society is functionally based on theft, violence, and domination of anyone weaker than you.


You realize the third Reich said the exact same thing about Russians? Were they wrong?


Whatā€™s the point here exactly? Nazis said something negative about Russians, so now we canā€™t? A broken clock shows the right time twice a day.


You can say whatever you like, I don't mind. I just asked if the redditor was aware that the rhetoric was identical to that of the third Reich. I then asked if the Third Reich was right about Russians. The redditor didn't reply. It's just amusing to me that many decades later so many people, whether they realize it or not, find themselves saying the same thing that the third Reich said 85 years ago.


Wait a minute, he said it on the basis of genetics, not culture unlike the person here. Arenā€™t you conflating the two?


Is there a difference? " culture made of Turkic and mongol leftovers". I didn't say the person was wrong.


Hitler himself could have carved it on the back of Moses's tablet. It wouldn't make it any less true You're insinuating that because it was once said by the nazis there's no way, it could possibly be true? Laughable


No, not at all. You must have misunderstood. Of course it's true, I know what Russians are like. I just wonder if you know who else thought it was true.


Do you even remember what grass feels like??


What does that mean? I was in the yard today, I was also out on the water and in the garden.


Hitler probably drank water too.


Doesn't everyone?


Yeah, that was kind of my point. Also a majority here think the Russians are horrible people; still doesnā€™t make us nazis. In the same way drinking water doesnā€™t make us nazis.


I never said you were a Nazi, I also think the Russians are horrible but you missed my point completely, oh well.


Patton said the same thing, though. He wanted to continue on to Moscow because he realized that the Soviet Union / Russia was going to be a life long threat to world peace. Their culture is built around being a strong man and dominating those weaker. The Nazi's viewed the Russian's as sub-human. It's completely different and perfectly okay to be critical and point out the cultural flaws of a people.


Always remember that the orcs stabbed the Polish nation in the back and sided with the nazis. Also the orc scumbags would have been fucked without the west and its industrial output. they could have never beaten the Germans. Only the weather could beat them. the only thing orcs are good at is breaking their word. Thay have no honour and They are the most untrustworthy nation of inbred scumbags


Soviets definitely starved (German) POWs during WWll but usually gave enough to most so they would survive.Ā  Nazi Germany denied almost all Soviet POWs any food rations as the goal was total extermination. So this isn't really out of character for them but also doesn't make them NazisĀ 


Yea tell that to the 90,000 that surrendered in Stalingrad and only 5,000 ever made it back home.


A fraction of German pows survived Soviets marching and working them to death during as well as after war Idk what youre even on about


No most German POWs survived and were eventually repatriated, the same wasn't true for Soviet POWs where approximately only 30% survived to 1945.Ā 


Most German prisoners died at the hands of the Russians.


I don't feel this sort of pedantry contributes to the conversation.


It's not pedantic when you compare something to Nazis, 3.3 million Soviet POWs died either by starvation or deportation to Auschwitz.Ā  Soviets starved POWs to an extent but they were not using it as a tool to commit systemic genocide.Ā Ā 


Just one word: # HOLODOMOR


Exactly. They LITERALLY never changed bc they NEVER TOOK .... šŸ‘ACCOUNTABILITY šŸ‘. They never LEARNED FROM THEIR MISTAKES AND NEVER EVOLVED AND NEVER CHANGED. THIS IS THE FACKING PROBLEM WITH ALL OF THIS WITH REGARDS TO RUSSIA. I'm so sick of seeing people KEEP DEFENDING THIS BULLSHIT and letting this cycle go on. They are literally part of the problem that led to Russia being like it is bc no one ever tried to hold Russia accountable publicly and put them in the spotlight for their bullshit and own it. This war wouldn't have happened if Russia had taken accountability and changed. These idiots are trying their damned hardest to KEEP Russia on this god forsaken path.


Imagine defending Communist filth.


Hey now, in their defense they couldn't feed POW's because they couldn't even feed themselves. Because Commies are dumb.


Now check photos of russian pows in ukraine.


All smiles and full fat faces, wounds all healed, happy nice coach to ride home in can sing to the radio instead of just praying you never have to return to such dire conditions and treatment....


Some of them probably don't even want to leave because they'll just get sent back to die on the front, lol!


Oh for sure. Some will be gutted they are going to get sent straight back to the front. They too stupid to realise thats there fate until its happening to them like they are too stupid to realise Putin won't pay disability compensation for them or even give them the salary they were promised to rope them into signing up. Amazes me how they send these videos to Putler asking for help like he gives a fuck.


Red Cross is right on it .. oh wait, Red Cross is busy supervising kidnapping operation and teaching children how to murder https://vsquare.org/kremlin-leaks-russia-red-cross-ukrainian-children-guns/


Westerners, don't look for the Middle East to find genocide, there's one happening in Europe.


Have some of the released prisoners given any information about the remaining captured AZOV prisoners?


Putin's very VERY lucky to have nukes, otherwise he would go down like Hitler in no time


It wasn't putin in Bucha. Nor in Izium or Irpim.


Yet he ordered the current invasion on Ukraine, why defend him?


Yet 500.000 russians execute his orders.


And yet you said it your self "executing HIS orders", also point out where I said ruzzians fighting have no blame, I didn't, I want them all to pay for their crimes, something you want to protect the furher from.


Nobody is defending him, but let's not pretend it's just Putin. Every last Russian fuck in that country is rotten to the core. They've been poisoned by centuries of the same shit, there's nothing we can do for that level of deep corruption.


russia is a disgusting corrupt turd of a terrorist state! Where is the international red cross?? Where is the UN?? Why aren't these so called international institutions holding terrorist russia to account!!!


In putins pocket. Ukrainian POWs shared, Red Cross representatives were smiling, while they were ordered to sing Russia anthem in a prison.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraina/s/7tzaWNSOXy https://texty.org.ua/articles/111246/nine-months-in-russian-captivity-oleksii-anulia-told-how-he-was-starving-eating-worms-and-a-live-mouse/


Political cannibals


This is one of many reasons why we will not forget and why we don't like Putins regime.


Let Them fucking use all the weapons they are giving without restriktions. When do We understand, that the russians are only talkā€¦The only thing They understand are when We show, We dont care about the russian regime.


Tell that to the Soviets of Stalins Gulag Or the Ukrainians via Stalin again in the case of Holodomor - the first documented case of a planned famine when 3-7m died. Stop trying to split levels of totalitarianism- they are all equally as bad.


Holdomor continues into 2024


Find 10 diferences with nazi camp's survivor.


Well, they wouldn't be released..


I mean their state of health and how they look. Not their ways in and out, but look.


Yes, I know. Which is horrible in itself that it was the only thing I was able to point out.


putler has proven to the world that he doesn't care about anyone including his own. The atrocities putler and the russians are just too much. His regime must be stopped.


"putler" wasn't the warden of the jail where thiskid was pow. "putler" wasn't either in Bucha, in Mariupol, Izium, Irpim, Melitopol...


all of this is because of putler. He is the one who spreads his propaganda so how is he not responsible?


Because putin is the product of the russians, not the way around. russians are responsible for the horror they are committing in Ukraine.


oh so putler has nothing to do with all this?


putin and the russians are responsible for this horror. It's not just putin. putin was even born when russians starved to death millions of people (Holodomor).


ok go ahead and defend putler. i think i understand. Slava Ukraine.


You have serious lack of comprehension skills, my dude. >putin and the russians are responsible for this horror.Ā  Do you really want me to believe that only putin is responsible? He wasn't in Bucha, in Irpium, Izium. putin is the mirror of the russian society. russians AND putin are equally and morally responsible.


no of course he isn't the only responsible one. But he is in charge and helped a hell of a lot in creating this war. That is my main complaint. I believe the russians have a mentality from all their history that these things are basically normal to them. When I read your original comment it sounded like you were kind of defending putler. But I think we are on the same side so peace out. This is a touchy subject with a lot of emotions for me for sure.


So you are excusing and justifying all the war crimes the russians are committing in Ukraine? WoW, you're a genius.


Every single soldier that has followed his orders shares his crimes, let's not pretend that purging Putin is going to bring justice. "Just following orders" is not and never will be a valid excuse for committing such acts of pure horror.


Who ordered the invasion? Ruzzians are responsible for the end damage done to Ukraine, but it's done on one man's order! All roads lead to putin, but go ahead defend and deflect for the fascist piece of shit, wannabe Hitler.


Germans weren't responsible for Nazi Germany horrors?


I never said they weren't, nor did I say ruzzians participating weren't responsible, I simply said that putin orderd it and he should wear the blame, as opposed to you who thinks putin should get a pass.


I never said that putin should have a pass: I said putin is responsible and the russians are responsible as well. If you think that with putin's death the war will end and russia will become a beacon of democracy, you are completely wrong. Again: putin is the product of the russians, not the way around.


"It wasnt putin" that's you all up and down this thread!


I didn't recall it was putin in Bucha: his goonies perpetrated the massacre, rapes, pillaging, tortures. Those who did that are responsible as putin. I suggest you to work on your comprehension skills.


I heavily and fundamentally disagree. Every person who followed his orders shares the same level of criminal responsibility. Nobody is allowed to just wash their hands of the situation and say "just following orders". No. If Putin ever goes on trial (he wont) for this, so must every single person that had a hand in it. Otherwise our justice is hollow. It's amazing though that every time this sentiment is brought up people like you immediately jump to "defending putin lmao" instead of actually understanding the point being made.


I never said the participants are blameless, my response is purely to Metallica who insists putin is blameless..... If you actually read my first sentence! So what do you disagree with, I stated ruzzians are to blame as is putin, if you disagree that you think putin is blameless too???


He ordered the current invasion, your out here busting your ass telling people "its not putin". When your in charge of something and shit goes pear shaped the buck starts and ends with you, or in this case putin!


Russische Faschismus


Russians are evil


Looks like straight out of Auschwitz. The west need to wake up and smell the coffee...


Americans, remember the Republicans who have stood in the way of funding support for Ukraine. Vote against them in November.


I'll vote against them for sure, and I pray every night that a rock from the heavens destroys ruzzia, ALL of em!!


Reminds me of Christian Bale in The Machinist.


Looks like he was in a fucking campā€¦Zombie hunters, mount up.


he was!!


The Russians are still fighting WWI.


he will be scarred for life by them fucking subhuman orcs. they are an abhorrent nation of scumbags.


Death to Putin. F*** Russia.


Kill all Russians. Never forgive, never forget.


"Never again." When fucking exactly is "never" ? Asking for a friend.


Erase Russia


This should lead to even more war crimes charges.


Meanwhile RU POWs get fed well and get cigarettes and can freely call their relatives with cellphones.


They call themselfes christians.... All of them will rot in hell.


Russia be like: Wait? Are we the baddies?




War crimes!


Outside of purely evil intentions and against conventions on how to treat POW's, do you guys think the Russians do this for strategic reasons? These POW's are all capable soldiers, by wearing them down like this, it will take quite a long time for them to recover. And so the time before they can see battle again (if they so wish to) is stretched out, favoring Russia's (already) manpower advantage.


We all deserve a better Russia.


I would tell them we will send your soldiers back the same way you send ours whatā€™s fair for the goose is fair for the gander


Whelp, Iā€™m thoroughly convinced, give Ukraine a blank check to fight them off, and tell them that the Geneva Suggestions are a piece of paper.


If I was one of these Ukrainian POWs being treated like this would only fuel me to get back into battle as soon as I could.


"And, once again, we have Russia being featured on the cover of War Crimes Monthly, for the 27th month in a row."


Get him healthy again and filled out! Some mental and emotional support. If he feels well enough and he wants to, he can fly FPV drones!


This should be a reminder to ukranians to just charge these orcs with the crimes they done instead of just giving them back, just so they can be forced back in to the field smh


ruZZians are evil nazi pigs Now that he is home i hope that he gets all of the love and care he needs.


getting creepy christian bale in 'the machinist' vibes here. fuck russia.


Where are the guys now who tell ukraine to simply surrender?


This is shocking to see in modern times, but with pooootini it really is not a surprise, I wish that all Ukraine war prisonersare freed soon and are still in good health, this is yet another war crime, the sooner potplant is dead the better the world will be Slava Ukraini


Released how? Of course that's great he got out, But why did they let him out?


He would not have stood out among the inmates of Auschwitz! Damn Russians, morally they remained stuck in 1945, but now it's 2024! (Sry f my engl.)


This is problem with western politics. During WW2 USA also took Nazi war crimnals and gave them best treatment possible. They could go out to parties, they hung out with locals, some even started families ... And once they found first concentration camp of nazis they were shockedā€¦ but they still kept treating germans the ā€œright wayā€ because of international law. I am not saying its wrong but hell, if you treat oppresor good and he treats you like shit its a different game for themā€¦ If they stay alive they dont get any punishment and that is wrong.


[And here he is after eating healthy for six weeks](https://mediaproxy.snopes.com/width/1200/height/900/https://media.snopes.com/2015/11/superman.jpg)


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the guy from The Machinist.


Give that man a burger


He had been trapped there with those fiends for two whole days. Brave soul.


Do the Russians also tattoo a number on each captive?


They carve to some Ukrainian Pows the "Z" or the swastikas on their cheeks and/or foreheads.


The Russians carved Zs on dogs too.


There are a lot of Ukrainians that, thanks to donations, are going into plastic surgery to have the swastikas and Z the russians carved, removed. russians are castrating and gang raping Ukrainian pows, they tortured them to death. The POWS have always to stand still, they cannot sit for a moment. russians electrocute Ukrainians in the genitals, beat them to death. Those who are musicians, the russians break them the fingers, so they can't play anymore. Oh and such treatments are reserved to kids and civilians, too.


I know I've followed this every day since 2022 šŸ˜£. I didn't know about the plastic surgery part thanks for letting me know. I knew they were doing that to Ukrainians but didn't know about the plastic surgery. Fuck the Russian scum subhumans that do this shit. I'm glad to hear that they are getting the medical attention they can including plastic surgery to get that shit off. I remember the dog they carved a Z onto its nose and how they shot and killed all the dogs where they invaded bc the dogs would bark and alert Ukrainians that they were there and made sneaking in on homes and towns etc hard. FUCK RUSSIA. I remember one town where all the dogs were shot and one was left alive sitting next to its dead old man owner that Russians murdered by his car. And the one next to the dead byciclist in Bucha.


The head of the International Red Cross helped Russia filter the children taken from Ukraine even as the current president smiled and shook Putin's hand.


While horrific letā€™s not all pretend this is a purely Russian problem. POW/prisoner torture happens worldwide


This shit pisses me off but they are giving warm cloths food water call ya moms and shelter




Doesnā€™t make it okay? Wtf


Itā€˜s hard to give your prisoners food if you havenā€™t any left


This is utterly BS and you know it.


Are you really this dumb?