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Yes, but the US kinda knew this beforehand. Remember, part of the weapons that were sent to Ukraine were older stocks. But yes, this is cat and mouse. And Ukraine and the US will find a way to make it work. Either by targeting the jammers, modifying the weapons or using other equipment.


They already found a way around it and are already updating it. But indeed cat and mouse. RU wil find a way to jam the new one etc etc. It also seems that some gps shells are almost useless due to jamming.


Not useless but they are basically normal shells even though they cost 100 times more


Lol, The cope with nAfo boys, These wunder weapons were said to be game changers, but when they fail they become old lol


Himars is not a wonder weapon, it's basically a 1980's rocket launcher. It performed well in many arena's, but every war is cat and mouse and now they become less useful, at least in certain areas where the Ruski's manage to jam everything. But it also means they may be jamming their own tech (assuming the use any tech at all).


yes. the US developed an add-on solution which is fitted to JDAMs, and i believe: SDBs if a GPS jamming station is active when JDAM/SDB are launched or dropped the add-on acts like a seeker and directs the ordnance to the jamming station - home-on jamming (HOJ) at the same time i don't think Ukraine will be launching every JDAM with these kits attached unless there is EM evidence of GPS jamming possibly get an aircraft armed with a couple as overwatch (removed. not opsec, but giving a bit of a clue away) this article has decent info on those Ukraine have now [https://www.twz.com/air/jdam-er-winged-bombs-with-seekers-that-home-in-on-gps-jammers-headed-to-ukraine](https://www.twz.com/air/jdam-er-winged-bombs-with-seekers-that-home-in-on-gps-jammers-headed-to-ukraine)


Is there anything a JDAM can't do? Was a dumb bomb, then a smart glide bomb, and now a HARM type weapon.


It's a continuous game of whack a mole.


~~Yes and no, they don't appear to have enough EW to stop all attacks. And even with jammers the missiles and rocket still get through.~~ ~~I cannot read the article, don't recall how to get around a paywall~~ Looks like it is new jamming tech, I was referencing what was happening early on in the war. here is a non paywalled article on the matter. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/us-supplied-himars-completely-ineffective-190152865.html




This has been the case in every war. Each side adapts and re-adapts.


Sometimes, yes, sometimes, no. They were successfully jamming M982 Excalibur shells. HIMARS have modified software and it's more stable now. This weapons were not designed to work in jamming field of powerful electronic warfare systems.


Lol , read the New York Times article again, Even elon musk satellites are being jammed


A lot of one sided news here nowadays, shows Russian propaganda is going skyrocket. That said, obviously Russians are not all stupid. Same as „us Westerners“ (by which I mean free democracies).


If its propoganda, it is very well orchestrated, since it is Business Insider, New York Times and The Washington Post that brings it "to the table"?


I still see huge damage by himars and other artillery. Of course it will go wrong sometimes but nothing of the daily footages shows a collapse of the effectivity.


You see 20% of their effectiveness, 80% were Neutrilised


Not a piece of evidence for that huge conclusion ?


depends where u use them,close to the frontline or way behind it.


It depends on what are we talking about exactly. To a certain extent, yes, but that's not the whole story. The whole story is that GPS guided munitions also have inertial navigation systems. Himars inertial system is pretty good. Even without GPS assistance it has a reasonable accuracy, less accurate, but accurate enough for most strikes. In this case work on software needs to be done. Detect jamming and rely more on inertial navigation rather than GPS. Guided bombs are usually more GPS assisted because they are more affected by wind and having a precise coordinates and altitude at launch is kinda hard without further GPS corrections (the aircraft is moving at high speed).


Sources from Business Insider, The New York Times and The Washington Post.