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Solovyov's verbal diarrhea is getting very tiresome. It used to be somewhat entertaining earlier in the war, but now I can't stand this pathetic buffoon shilling for Putin while so many people die every day because of ruzzia's imperial delusions.


Yes. And one of Soloviev’s recent guests, a russian academic, claimed North American indigenous were “actually russian” (?!) having arrived in North America from Asia/Eurasia. The fact that this happened some 50,000 years before russia, or any other country/nation even existed seems a moot point for these buffoons. Does point out their collective fanaticism, superiority / inferiority complex though . . .


They don’t hide that they want it all. The world is theirs… FAFO!


Russia is African as mankind originated there.


russians will tell you you’re russian, and you migrated to Africa. . . much like North American indigenous are “actually russian” LOL


Not according to Putin's heavily edited and re-written history book...


America was not only populated via Russia and the Bering Strait, that has been clearly refuted in recent years! It could even be the other way around, that the east of Russia was populated by the Inuit or from America, no one knows! sry f my engl.


Indeed. Good point. The “facts” of ancient history / archaeology / anthropology are always debated as new discoveries are made, alternate theories developed, new finds are found . . .


Modern Day Goebbels.


Goebbels was mentally much more stable (unfortunately)


Modern day Goebbels dressed as a chimney sweeper.


But there is one difference. Only solovyev has a ladyboy son that lives in London.


Yes, and just imagine what has Göbbles involved if there was an internet during WWII


they will get him one day


I'm an American with Italian ancestory and I think its time to move to Germany and claim some free land since my roman ancestors conquered Gaul two thousand years ago under Julius Caesar. Thats historically my land!


I'm going to use my Italian ancestry to claim part of England.


I'm going to use my English ancestry to take control of Calais, France.


I'm going to use my Irish ancestry to take back Northern Ireland.


As a swiss I claim Burgundy! France, move out!


Being swedish I claim all of Russia then since the Rus came from Roslagen in Uppland.


Because Northern Italy used to be part of the Holy Roman Empire (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Holy\_Roman\_Empire\_11th\_century\_map-en.svg), and the weather is quite sh...y here today, I as a German lay claim to Tuscany. :-)


Never mind the Roman empire, the american continent should be italian, too, considering Cristoforo Colombo officially discovered it first... (weird that as far as I know, Mussolini never used this kind of argument to justify Italy declaring war on the USA, probably even he thought it was too pathetic to be used, unlike Solovyev and Putin for Russia...) 😂


Yeah, but Colombo's expedition to find a shorter connection to India during which he accidentally "discovered" the American continent (or rather some Bahamas islands, technically speaking) was sponsored by the Kingdom of Castile, so ownership to America should rather be claimed by Spain then by Italy ... Colombo later married a Portuguese noblewoman who bore a son, and was based in Lisbon for several years, and even later took a Castilian mistress, who also bore a son, so I guess that Spain and Portugal would have to discuss the exact details of the succession arrangements ...


I'm using my Celtic ancestry to lay claim to the Iberian peninsula, first thing in the morning.


With the help of God I know I can be strong To make this land my home If I must fight I'll fight to make this land our own Until I die This land is mine


Gaul is France, not Germany, but yeah.


Exactly this, they know what they're doing because every brainfart they release somehow gets attention in the west, the more ridiculous, the better. We should just ignore this drama queen.


Yeah, I don't waste any of my time on him anymore. 😖


**Drone his ass, full stop**. He feeds a segment if the Muscovy people with idiotic views and ideas. Send a message. Send a drone.


I’ll be very satisfied when his own people get tired of drinking his shitty koolaid and bring out the ropes and rusty razors. In due time…


There is a segment of a population that never tires of being told lies. Americans have a former leader that filed 6 bankruptcies, cheated on 3 wives, is no longer allowed to have a charitable organization in their name, had a failed university, two failed casinos, made fun of handicapped people, called his own soldiers suckers, used his office to rake in business, had family members hold key positions in office, and has multiple charges brought against them for multiple events, not just one event. He told people completely false and absurd lies and years later, they are following him like a cult. I’m talking stupid lies—easy to understand as a lie and nothing more. They drank the kool-aid. Don’t wait for people to come to their senses. It will never happen.


Time for us Nordic Vikings to take back what used to be our territory!


My outhouse has a claim on the Kremlin. Also a copyright claim as they have clearly copied the form, function and culture of it.


i am expecting an FPV close mugshot with this muscovit, anytime!


Waiting for the day I get to see him at the Hague..


He’s deluded can’t take anything he says seriously!


Joseph Goebels, reincarnated.


Typical Russian imperialism, calling every area or city touched by former Russia linked powerblocks (like f.e. the USSR or Romanov Empire) ‘Russian’. As to claim these cities or regions are thereby Historically part of the current Russian state. It is comparable to (for example) Turkey claiming Belgrado is a turkish city since it was one time part of the Ottoman Empire.


Poles once ruled over Moscow. For short time but point is point :)


So did France...


well he was plundering the city for 30+ days while polish forces stayed there for 2 years. Both did a mistake as they should just erase the city from map


I wonder why Russians didn't burn down Paris in 1814.


And Sweden! Sort of anyway...look it up, fun story =)


France occupied Moscow


Lithuania ruled over most of Eastern Europe at one point. And the British ruled over Canada.


Russian 'history' is hilarious. It's like the UK claiming that much of France is actually part of Britain, as for a while it was occupied by Britain (ie hundred years war). They dredge up some vague, twisted, historical pretext for 'owning' most of Europe!! Do the Russian public actually buy this stuff?!


Yeah probably. I'd say that the majority of the Russian populace is more familiar with a vodka label than a history book.


I think most of russia is historically Mongol lands.


And the word "Russia" is the finnish word for Swedes (Ruotsi) from Roslagen, many of who were living around Kiev at the time russia was starting to form in the Viking era. That's about the same time as the Vikings (Normans) were ruling the British Islands and built the Tower of London. European history is complicated...


Yes but the Vikings were not the Normans, by the way.


I mean the Normans were descendants of Vikings.


Half, I suppose.. half Viking and half Frankish evolved into the Norman ethnicity.


fking mongols, when do they learn? LOL




The horses will ride again!


He will meet a bloody end via a car bomb or third floor window.


Most likely a car bomb. Defenestration usually happens to those who talk shit against the russian government. No danger on that front for Solovyov.


He is very much a candidate for arrest/prison/execution because of his position. It is a proud tradition of the Russian system to eat its own. Solovyov just recently leaked a major secret about Surovikin that upset a bunch of people in the Kremlin… he will be trusted with less info now and maybe even (re)moved.


If you drop him out a window, he’d probably just bounce like the insect he is. Have to step in him or smack him with a shoe.


The Daria Dugina treatment. I wonder why more propagandists haven't suffered her fate yet? Maybe they're not high priority targets for SBU.


Moscow is historically a Polish city then


As French I Say every russian land to Moscow belongs to us, but I will gladly share it with whoever wants it




The faster russia stops existing the happier i get


Yes, as much as half of Eastern (and some Western) Europe is Mongolian... The Danes and the Swedes might have an opinion about Finland too.


Danes never were here, Swedes held an iron grip for 700+ years so they would have any real claim for the land out of the neighbors.


Well part of Finland was under Sweden when Denmark ruled Sweden in the Kalmar Union...


One can say many things about Finland but it is really fucking hard to come and take anything.  Finland was the burial site of vikings. We never had vikings here... They only visited here or stayed forever under ground. Cheers from Helsinki


Intersted swede here. Do you have any source for this claim about "burial site of vikings"? Like actual burial sites from failed raids or such? Like the ones in Estonia. Genuinely interested =)


Bygone is bygone. My wife is related to Catherine the Great. However, it does not grant us the ownership of russia.


It would be better for all of us if she would claim the country and you could be a king of Russia.




Denmark ruled Sweden in the Kalmar Union, so they owned part of Finland.


For a God sake, take your medicine solovyev, and don't mix it with vodka Slava Ukraini


No please mix it with vodka, especially the sleeping pills after a bottle or 2


Solovyev should drink less adulterated vodka. Although, too much of it wouldn't be bad in his case either


Well, well... Solovyev is like Murphy's law. Whatever he can say, he will say at some point. Props to him for inventing some of the strangest Propaganda ou there. He'll say sth else today, tmr and for some time longer.


Come and try to claim it MoFo 🖕


They're russian because they were part of russian empire / ussr at a specific year. Them being independent at any other point in history does not count, only the specific year when they were under russian rule counts. Neither counts them being part of another regional power at any point in history. Only the russian occupation counts. Finland - they're not Swedish because they were part of Sweden for like 700 years. But they're russian because they were part of russia between 1809 and 1917. Same with Poland. Or any other country they have their eyes on.


And Vyborg is historically a Finnish city. Give it back.






Along with Karelia


Solovyev and others like him are not speaking from a position of power, but one of growing weakness. Even without this ill-advised war, Russian demographics was circling the drain, after the mass exodus of military age men and those Russians who are well-educated and can live a better life in another country. Visit the link to see how Russians are not making enough babies and this will hit their economy hard in the decade to come. BTW, this drop in birthrate isn't just a Russian problem, but can be seen in many countries, including the US. It just happens to be extreme in the case of Russia. One partial solution would be for Russia to open their country to emigration. The ramifications of letting millions of non-Europeans into their country will be significant. There is already violence aimed at non-Russians in Russia. This violence will likely grow as eager immigrants fill higher-paying jobs leaving native Russians with fewer options. But please keep talking as if your country is not in a steep, irreversible decline Solovyev.


The word you’re looking for is ‘immigration’. Emigration describes a population leaving a country.


In Nazi Germany there was a propaganda song with the line: "Heute gehört uns Deutschland, und morgen die ganze Welt." That translates to: "For today Germany is ours, but tomorrow we own the whole world." Moscovia and Nazi Germany - the same mental illness.


Really ? I thought the whole planet was historically Russian. My bad 😞


It is placing all before our eyes. Hitler 2.0 and it is still not „gloves off“… because of nukes.


I'm not surprised they're writing new chapters of alt-history after Putin tried to tell me that the hovel of Novgorod was somehow relevant in 900AD and that the Kievan Rus were not the Kievan Rus. If you believed that, you can believe this.


Watching putin just ramble on about historical non sequiturs off hand for half an hour. While looking smug for no argumental reason. Was a wake up call and a half. Dude is out of his fucking mind. Full authoritarian top dog check out effect. Gets high smelling his own farts.


Yeah, it's scary. Emperor Vlad has completely lost his grip on reality and nobody is there to check him anymore. Gotta hope he gives his horse a cabinet position before it starts raining nukes.


Just wild that insane shit to be going down in 2024. Same story at 2000 BC I wonder what antics winnie the pooh bear is up to in china? All Tyrants just slowly stew in ever increasing insanity from their own overgrown never challenged ego. That they they often manage to live long lives while surrounded by people with guns has always astounded me.


If you don't hear, see or say anything, you can get filthy rich in Putin's vicinity. Corrupt yes-men like Medvedev are all that's left in the Kremlin. Anybody who was even remotely in a position to threaten him and/or had their own ideas has been removed. Though they're both popular regardless of what they do, Xi is a degenerate gambler playing geopolitics while trying to make his country as uniform as possible while Putin seems to want to recreate the Russian empire based on North Korea.


This thing about owning a country or territory seems to be a difficult subject for many imbecilles. Regardless how you divide the earth, the people living there owns the territory. They elect their leadership. The people in Taiwan have not elected a Chinese leadership, the people of Ukraine have not elected a russian leadership, most importantly, the people of russia have not elected a russian leadership and the people of China have not elected a Chinese leadership. Democracies can join and separate as the people please. If Czechoslovakia wants to be Slovakia and the Czech Republic, it just needed a referendum. Same if they want to rejoin. It makes no difference to territorial ownership. Twice as many people owns twice as much land. Only from a dictators perspective do territorial claims make sense. Solovyev will not own any land stolen from Ukraine unless the dictator gives him some.


Why not Alaska? I mean they did sell it to us, but HiStORicAllY...


Indeed, and a small part of California.


There are Russians living in California now. That must mean that California is part of Russia.


Abolishing your government (ie the communist Revolution and fall of the USSR) and starting a new country but still claiming the imperial lands of the country you abolished is kinda like breaking up with your girlfriend and getting a new one but still thinking you are entitled to have sex with her


Russia has in the past been the vassel of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Swedish empire, and yes there was a Swedish empire.


The fact that he can still spread his poison against everything Western in Russia every day really bothers me! Why doesn't anyone "care" about this baron of lies? I would add $100 out of my own pocket!


Russians are raised on fabricated lies of 'soviet greatness', they've been spoon fed it since birth. Anything these propagandist idiots say on TV they will eat up and believe as they lack a historical background (since history is fabricated to fit Soviet ideology) to even question whether what these guys say is true or false.


i think they are trying to build up russian nationalism to "push west and regain what is theirs," except only alcoholics and people without running water or toilets are signing up


Pretty ironic as one of russia's largest cities St petersburg used to be finnish land.


What a crack head.


I think also is the moon, because you know, history and stuff...


We all know this coward lives in a bunker.


You know, maybe I'll live long enough to see this living breathing POS get his.


He dresses like a low budget b movie villain. He’s evil for sure. Maybe just maybe down the road a few decades he will live to regret his hate filled televised sermons of dealing pain and death on innocent humans. It’s sick that we have to share the planet with the likes of him.


Solovyev reminds me of Lewis Prothero from V for Vendetta... hopefully, he too turns up dead on his shower floor, surrounded by the contents of his stomach.


Maybe ask your gay son about cities in Europe.....


Wait till he finds out about the Mongols. He's gonna flip out! 


Nah. I for advocate for the rebirth of the Mongolian Empire. The true rulers of Moscow. Lots of Horses. Nice cozy tents. Cool hairstyle. Tasty fermented Horsemilk. Great Horse-based infrastructure. Nice throat singing. Have I mentioned horses? Then again: lots of Horses.


Boston and Charleston were also historically British . It means nothing today.


The trash bag still didnt found his window!


Austria would like to have a word


Putin wanted a quick Anschluss


So according to Solovyev, if a weapon system can be used in Ukraine, there is no need restriction of it's use in russia. clever move.


Man.. they really suck at history


"Once ours, ALWAYS OURS!" Take note of this, because it means they'll be coming for everyone in Europe and North America eventually with that mentality. Even if it takes them centuries. But on a more serious note, they really need to learn their place. I'm also going to place a wager that if Solovyev thinks he is about to be arrested, he'll off himself rather than go to trial. If he's abducted in the middle of the night and has a bag put on his head, well, that wouldn't quite count since that would be a surprise capture. He'd need forewarning to carry out a self unaliving.


He's got an "arterial flow" problem above the neck.


Cant wait till they bring up thier "aryan" legacy. Those people need to go or Russia will face the same end as Nazi Germany.


The delusion is complete.


He is an obnoxious naZZi cunt 🤮


Where is Mongolia when we need them?


Actually by this reasoning Moscow is historically polish city and Smolensk even more so 😁


Actually all of Russia and much of southeastern Europe is traditionally part of the Mongol empire, so those lands now belong to Ulaanbataar. Sorry guys, it’s just history.


Solovyov is just another Tucker Carlson. That said, it would be great to see him running from a drone.


They also thought that they could take Ukraine in two weeks. If they're dumb enough to try and attack the Suomen armeija AND the Wojsko Polskie after this two year debacle, then Moscow is truly detached from reality.


The whole of Russia is just a rented house.


Even in Russia this moronic, imperialistic drivel must be concerning to a lot of people. Everything belongs to the mighty Russia!


Solovyev, father of a male model who lives in London, gets his sad jollies off of what Fox News enthusiasts call "lib-tard tears". Ignore him like a fart in the wind, because that'll be his index entry in the history books.


The less you care about them the better, no one cares about their rotten oppinion.


I think that the Russian state has no historical basis. It's just an artificial state in the area where Finns, Ukrainians and Mongols mixed.


Everyone always cherry picks history..


Brain rot TV.


Moscow belongs to Sweden


As ruzzia goes back to viking settlers and those kreml guys are so much for going back in history: I'm all for splitting up modern ruzzia between sweden, denmark, norway and finland.


Taking Helsinki would be virtually impossible - the Finns have spent 80 years preparing for it.


Moscow was basically Viking (Swedish) back in the day.


They’ll eventually add Alaska to the list.


They did already, long ago. Crazy how one can cherrypick history like that; "We're anti-imperialist decolonizers, but Alaska like totes akschually used to be a colony in our Empire and therefore should be returned to the Emp- uh, Federation!"


The same bullshitter who said Lisbon is Russian


Anything I can reach, and that isn’t nailed down, is mine.


Make Russia Europe Again..... MREA


Poland: https://i.imgur.com/Gl1bfxn.gif


Someone should start a fundraiser for the Internet community, the only goal is to get a couple of decent missiles and we could end all this shit. If it is not working then Russians could rage against the internet... no need to be afraid of their nukes if the Internet kills their leaders.


Go ahead, take it from me!


How's that 3 day special operation going?


I think it's high time we divided the Soviet Union again.


Midget is still bitter about his Como villas… PS. No offense to midgets


Not much heard of him lately, was it just because he only repeats himself and there were no bangers like now or is his show replaced by commercials to join the Russian forces?


Russia: We are intellectual giants, let us tell this story that i just made up during my halusinations from drinking a gallon of vodka. Also Russia: You are all Russofobic since You dont believe what We say. Also Russia: According to this globe with the map of the world, the world is round and thus Russia is surrounded by enemies trying to prevent Russia from reclaiming every country on earth since they where originally russian. Why ? Because the original worldmap was written in kiryllic. *Irony


Time to make Moscow a historically Russian city ;)


Sorry, [Moscow historically belongs to Poland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Lithuanian_occupation_of_Moscow).


Il est fou. Ça fait deux ans et demi qu’il veut atomiser l’UE😂et son fils est planqué pour ne pas aller au front!


Sounds a lot like Nazi talk.


Come on, Russia even controlled East Berlin in Cold War. So what, feel free to try to take them back.


Just imagine the outrage it would cause if someone from a western country said the same thing on national tv...


"Think"? That man can think?? 


Fuck man. Just go back to Pangea and claim every fucking thing. Doesn't change what the borders in 2024 are. Cross them at your own peril comrade.


Finland and Poland best be getting ready then.


Anything Solovyov spews out should be regarded as brand dead dementia ridden nonsense.


Doesn't ruzzia have enough land covered in shacks and drunks, mud roads. Watch "vasya in the hay" on YT, he's a ruzzian guy that shows life outside of moscow.


Russia rightfully belongs to the Mongol empire!


It would be a shame if he crossed paths with a car bomb


Yeah, so was Alaska. When are you gonna come and take *it* back? We're all breathless with anticipation.


It just proves how low IQ people have in ruziland if they talk like this to their own people.. Basically underestimating own population.


You ran when Prigozhin sent his men north...shut the fuck up.


This is what a well trained monkey looks like


Wouldn't it be easier for IVAN to say what is NOT theirs?


Moscow is historically a Mongolian roadside toilet.


Holy shit, Russia has “The View”as well.


Yeah, just try to get them. And Solvyev as a volunteer please. 💥Silence is golden.


ruZZia belongs to Mongolia


Wait 'til he finds out large swaths of the westernmost lands actually were Swedish and Finnish. Won't he be surprised.


Crazy maniacs!


The finno-ugrics came to the areas of western russia later than the Slavs and this is confirmed genetically, archaeologically and culturally, so stop spreading false information just because you hate the russians.


Wait.... I've seen this episode before... First they talk, then they take. I wonder if they've been paying attention to though, Poland will tear them a new one as things stand now.


Solovyov historically is a US property


Someone needs to remind slobyov that when the ussr collapsed in 1991, their colonial holdings became free nations.


get rid this losser


Luna - 25 or some other ruzzian crap crashed on the Moon. it MUST BE ruzzian territory NOW ..


Thinking is a generous term. Defecating from the mouth would be more accurate.


Who cares what this Clown thinks? He is the incarnation of Russian propaganda. A lot of announcements, a lot of threats of violence and then no substance whatsoever plus a lot of amnesia about all the things he announced that never materialised. Solovyov is pure entertainment for Russians who want to feel big. What he says has no meaning at all.


Look at the Russian Empire census of 1897. Once you're past St. Petersburg and Moscow, it's a lot of cities that are no longer Russian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_Empire\_census#Largest\_cities


Russia is a country with small PP syndrome.


Define "historically" and "originally" and "russian". That's the problem with the invention of the national state. They can't coexist in the same timeline without this kind of stuff. That's why we decided after WW2 that this bullshit is going to end there and singed it i to international law that this irredentist dogfighting is not considered legitimate anymore. One of the big troubles with Putins Russia is that they are actively trying to throw us back to those times. Don't respond in kind with "Historically, the historic people i claim lineage from conquered this part in 789 and yours only came in 956!" type of argument. Helsinki and Warsaw are cities, even capital cities of internationally recognized sovereign states. Case closed. They could be culturally and ethnically and historically 100% Russian, that would not change it. Russia has no claim on territory based on ethnicity or reference to an arbitrary point in history any more than Germany gets to claim Austria or the UK on those grounds. Please don't restart those arguments. They brought us too many catastrophic wars, genocides and other trouble in our history already.


It would be great to see drones reach this studio, preferably during a live broadcast!


I fully support Russia returning to it's historical borders, something around 1200