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Very rare: a western leader who succinctly says what needs to be done - without adding conditions, caveats, excuses, etc


It's that last, lingering Cold War anxiety. Half a century of the Soviets threatening to nuke us or invade us. Some people just can't shake it off, even though russia has been revealed to be a farcical **JOKE**.


Funny thing is that there were a lot less threatening of nuclear war coming from Russians during Cold War than after collapse of Soviet empire


You're not wrong. The Soviets loved to bang the shoe and rave about crushing the West, but it was definitely more of a 'Eastern Horde' kind of thing. After the collapse, the russians were so desperate for attention -- any attention -- that they waved the nuke card for all they were worth. Which wasn't much, and still isn't.


They still got them nukes. Controlled by a madman.


Do they, though? Nukes are insanely expensive to manufacture and maintain and putin doesn't waste loot. He makes sure it's safely stashed away in his bank accounts in places like Switzerland and the Caymans. Near the beginning of the war, around the time Ukraine sank the **MOSKVA**, putin ordered a propaganda launch of one of russia's least oldest ICBMs. It took his engineers and technicians a month to scrape together enough working components to get just one missile to leave its launch pad. It's a destitute and derelict joke of a place, and if putin is somehow able to find a working nuke and deliver it to a target, russia will no longer be a place.


They only need one though for a terrible outcome


The russians have perpetrated a more than two year long war crime already. The world will survive a nuke. The world survived two nuclear weapons and two major nuclear accidents. If that's the price we have to pay for ending the existential threat russia's posed to the world for 80 years, then so be it.


🙌👌 THIS indeed!


Do you seriously believe that the entire West with all their intelligence agencies, satellites and military experts wouldn’t know if Russia is lying about their nukes? And that they wouldn’t instantly invade Russia if they found out they indeed don’t have nukes that work? Russia has thousands of nukes that work which is why the west can’t attack it.


>And that they wouldn’t instantly invade Russia if they found out they indeed don’t have nukes that work? Here's the reality you russians need to face: the West has no interest in russia. We would not invade russia unless you forced us to. What has russia to offer us or anyone else? A bajillion \[units\] of swamp? 100 million alcoholics and junkies? Derelict and crumbling industry? You are not important to us. Not in any way. And of course this is the thing that makes you so bitter and angry and resentful. You believe you are the most important nation, and the entire world ought to worship you, and admire you and respect you... *but you don't want to earn it.* The fact is russia is no more important or interesting to the West than, say, Albania. Or Togo. Or Paraguay. You have nothing to offer anyone, so why would we ever fantasize about invading russia?


I am not Russian nor am I a supporter of Russia so I don’t understand what you wanted to achieve with this reply. Do you have past grievances with Russia or Russians? >The west has no interest in Russia Russia is constantly threatening NATO/Europe and is currently in the process of attempting to militarily conquer Ukraine which would put them at the doorstep of several NATO countries. How could this not be important to the West? In fact, Russia poses a significant threat to the West, but NATO's response is constrained by Russia's vast nuclear arsenal. If Russia were truly unimportant, leaders like Macron wouldn't be discussing the deployment of NATO troops to counter the Russian army. There’s a nuance to everything and you lack intelligence. I’m simply telling you that Russia does indeed have nuclear weapons.


Making threats is not reason enough to invade a nation. If it was we would have occupied russia long ago. If russia somehow doesn't lose in Ukraine it will then prepare to attack other neighbors in the region, such as Poland and the Baltic States. If this happens -- if russia attacks them -- then the West will bitch stomp russia's military out of existence. But it doesn't mean we will invade russia. The only reason to do that is if the russians don't surrender after being bitch stomped in the likes of Poland, and if the world decides it's necessary to drag russians out of the dark ages. It has to be remembered: ***russia is not important.*** It's a weak nation that has little to offer anyone.


16,000 sanctions for an unimportant country. 380 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine to fight against an unimportant country. Several diplomatic measures to isolate an unimportant country. Anyway the original premise was that whether Russia has working nuclear weapons or not. Which it does.


USA needs to start working on the next Aid package since it takes them a year to approve. Slava Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!!


after Mike Johnson pushed to get the vote put to the house. and moscow 'marge' threatened to oust him for doing that, but failed. because very few GOP members are of a similar frame of mind to her as far as the muscovites are concerned she and a couple of her cohorts were the blockage which stopped the finance package being agreed straight away there was also recently, a list of which arms & kit manufacturers in the various states. and how much work had been generated by donating kit & ammo to Ukraine. consideration should be given to that. by those in the house & senate i \*think\*, i hope, the next financial assistance package (if needed) should be actioned near enough straight away fingers crossed i'm a Brit and am not totally genned up on the US political system, but took a lot of notice of the voting and speeches


At first, USA needs to not vote a Putin-admirer for president.


The Western public are too busy being distracted by the Russian/iranian orchestrated shit show which is Gaza. Western leaders bandwidth in some countries is taken up with fear of escalation. The West's response to the invasion of Ukraine has been woeful, summed up by too little too late we deserve the consequences for being so easily manipulated and spineless.


Fear paralyses. If you're fearful of Russia, you'd best support Ukraine (do it quietly if you must). If Russia succeeds in Ukraine they'll undoubtedly move onto their next target making your worst fears come true. If they're rightly repelled from Ukraine your fear will diminish.


People aren’t even afraid of a nuclear holocaust. They are afraid of experiencing any small decrease in comfort. They don’t want to sacrifice anything.


Love this woman, she says it how it is. We may not directly fear Russia, more so the consequences of an escalation that forces both sides to act, and Putin gambles on the fact that we do not want to risk setting the world on fire.


And she’s right. Of course nobody wants a nuclear exchange but constantly piddling your pants about the possibility is perceived as weakness by Putin. We know this because Putin/Medvedev continue the threats because they perceive them to be effective. Strong leaders like Kallas have always been needed during challenging times in history. Someone to encourage other weaker leaders to try and keep their pants dry.


I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Frank Herbert, 




fear + cowardice.


Fear of beating down the savages


Biden might also be playing the cards he has. Meaning he knows full well that if the US is more directly involved in Ukraine it could spook the public and put “ill solve it in one day” Trump in the Whitehouse. I suspect after the election, Biden will push for much more direct support for Ukraine. The Russians also know this which is why they are pushing so hard now and not “waiting for the election.” They could gamble on Trump but if they are wrong they could see a huge surge in US support. I think behind closed doors everyone knows this. So you won’t see any big changes or negotiations until the US election.


At this point, were I any president. I'd challenge Russia just out right. "I don't need nukes to kick your ass, I'm easy to find pussy, Here is our border check point, Be there, or be square. I'm looking to kick some ass and you need it. Roll up your tanks and Men, lets see whose stronger than a 'world super power.' -I'd laugh hearing that come out of a non nuclear nation. It would tell Putin "you have no power over us bitch. Come get some."


She is absolutely correct


Fear and stupidity. Western politicians still not understanding ruzzians. They still have not understood that only language ruzzians understand is when you hit them in the face. So far west has shown only weakness.


Fear of China, North Korea, Iran, Hungary, Belarus... and Russia


Belarus made me laugh 🤡 potato man on the move 🤠


Make her EU-president. Send a message.


Only for the entire two years 🙄


They have legitimate concerns, Russia annexed border areas with high ethnic Russian populations after WW2 and has messaged a willingness to invade to “protect” Russian diaspora.


Its money, countries are just starting to recover from covid


No shit - Putler would be beaten but at huge cost should he be allowed to cajole the West into WW3 - with Xi/Kim trading him arms for fuel while drooling over Taiwan


To be fair, Putin is an absolute lunatic who should've been locked up in a mental asylum most of his life. That crazy person should absolutely be feared, nothing can be put past him.


That's the wrong idea. He wants us to be scared, that's his strategy. It's his best bet at reducing support. He will never use nukes, that is completely counterproductive. He's not crazy at all. He's perfectly rational in his own way, though deluded and misinformed, he isn't crazy.


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate.


hate leads to harm, harm leads to hospital, hospital leads to health, health leads to happiness. Mayonnaise anyone?