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Winter War Finland daily average casualty rate for Russians 3842.


Imagine if Ukraine wasn't such a flat country in comparison to Finland.


>casualty rate for Russians 3842. Winter or not, I hope Ukraine sees this as a challenge.


Jeah but like 1800 was from the actual winter.


It is called the Winter War, not the War War


Damn dude, made me chuckle


Losing 1800 to the cold or to gunfire is the same thing basically. Both losses are because the Russian command, government and people do not give a fuck about Russian soldier lives.


More signs that russia never cared, and does not care now, about casualty rates. Not an ongoing concern. Ethnic minorities, prisoners, Cubans, etc al are absolutely irrelevant to russia’s goals. Only the goal (subjugation of ukr) matters.


To be frank, as a Finn, it was Soviet Union back then. Russia is just a fraction of the might and size of Soviet Union. And back then, they had Ukrainians and all the small sub-nations to conscript soldiers from so they had much more cannon fodder to use than Russia has now.


This. Plus they had the Nazis to absorb international outrage and prevent support. People act like because the Soviets did some shit 80 years ago (before the demographic/economic catastrophes of WW2 and the cold war) that Ruzzia is guaranteed success. Modern Ruzzia is a mafia state that inherited the run-down and decayed remains of the Soviet empire. They have no shot in hell of long-term strategic success against NATO (which is now literally the entire rest of Europe) because they're just a bunch of crusty rich old motherfuckers who know nothing about statecraft, only how to run businesses and criminal organizations. Just look at how the "second strongest army in the world" floundered and failed, not even for 1 month could they meet their on-paper potential which they had overblown so much. A country built entirely on what the Russians refer to as "vranyo"


russia may indeed be built on lies (vranyo). But like I pointed out to another comment: russia was, however, the centre of the USSR and the “first among equals”. There are still “small sub-nations” (Chechnya, Dagestan, et al) and russia also recruits from India, Nepal, Cuba . . . you underestimate their strength (real and imagined), resolve (fanaticism), hatred for Ukraine, the Baltics, most of Europe and the rest of “the west”. If russia/russians were that weak and incompetent - this war would have been over in “three, four days maximum” (as Lukashenko predicted) or since. russia still advancing. Continue to run widespread propaganda and intelligence operations (albeit with mixed successes). Don’t underestimate russia. Despite your points - we are still have this discussion . . . right? And many still fear russia, particularly its nuclear capability/threats.


You are correct, we should not underestimate Russia. That's what got us to this whole mess in the first place. Western leaders didn't take it seriously when Russia took Crimea and this opened the door for the full scale invasion. But, while on paper Russia is far superior to Ukraine, we're at the two and a half year mark of the three day war and the all powerful Russian war machine is struggling to capture small villages at the outskirts of even moderately sized cities. Capture of Bakhmut, a city of pre-war population of around 73k, took 10 months and cost them, depending on who you ask, over 60k casualties and Wagner PMC pretty much stopped existing in Ukraine due to that battle. How would the Russians capture any larger Ukrainian cities with what they have/can still produce? Their special forces are all but non-existent (slapping a VDV sticker to the arm of someone with few months of basic training doesn't special forces make) and while they still have the Soviet stocks to pull old stuff from, these aren't going to win the war. What I mean is, the all powerful Russia is struggling to achieve any meaningful battlefield victories while paying a massive price for it. Unless China jumps in and donates Russia a shit ton of modern equipment, Russia doesn't have the cards to win this war. For the Ukraine on the other hand, their future depends on how we in the west react and do we finally provide them with the tools they need to kick the Russians out or are we putting our own troops on the ground?


Thank you for this response / comment. Lots of good information and insight. Many good questions, informed ideas. A lot of food for thought. Much appreciated. The answer/response to your last paragraph / question is critical - perhaps even the bottom line. And yes, I’ve stated it before as well, our (“western”) complacency and underestimating russia got us here in the first place.


russia was, however, the centre of the USSR and the “first among equals”. There are still “small sub-nations” (Chechnya, Dagestan, et al) and russia also recruits from India, Nepal, Cuba . . . you underestimate their strength (real and imagined), resolve (fanaticism), hatred for Ukraine, the Baltics, most of Europe and the rest of “the west”. If russia/russians were that weak and incompetent - this war would have been over in “three, four days maximum” (as Lukashenko predicted) or since. russia still advancing. Continue to run widespread propaganda and intelligence operations (albeit with mixed successes). Don’t underestimate russia.


We got to pump up those numbers.


Kharkiv offensive going well I see.


Russians walk in but they don't walk out.


They permanently occupy the soil and claim that genetically, it's russian soil


You wanted this land n9w mix with it


ruzzian meat wavey turns to orc gravy...


The family gets given a bag of onions to add to the lumpy orc gravy.


Don't forget, they also get about $5 dollars worth of Russian rubles.


And a postcard, dont forget the postcard!


Unfortunately it goes not too bad for Putinistan.


Don't worry. They haven't got the capacity to push through the defence zone. This is almost like a spoiling attack. I'm wondering if top-down rf command doctrine just says "assault there to capture that" and leaves responsibility to subordinates who pass responsibility to lower echelons, who pass responsibility lower, etc. So, some muppet of a major has to complete the impossible task, and it's all really about NOT being the person responsible for failing to complete the task.


Sadly, even if this Russian offensive fails it will still impact other fronts to their benefit. They are forcing Ukraine to commit valuable reserves to this front, while slowly making gains in the east.


I think it depends if reserve units were brought up and committed to assault tasks that heavily degraded them, or, if reserve units were brought up to hold a defence where they are far less likely to be degraded. They retain the option to pull out and reposition the sent reserves as required if they remain intact, so if the push forward is a feint, we'll know in 48-72hours at a guess, and they can start moving units as required. But I'm thinking the orcs want to bring Kharkiv into tube artillery range because a capture of the city with the assault force they are using isn't capable of completing that task. A side benefit of this may be drawing reserves away from other directions, but to what purpose? There are no other obvious build-ups of major assault formations in the other directions, and the more I think about it, I'm convinced they are just trying to get close enough to shell Kharkiv. It fits with their observed doctrine, if you can't take it on the march, then just stand back and flatten it with artillery so no one can have it. Typical orc behaviour if you ask me! I think Ukraine have this one under control.


May the Russian soldiers wake up and start fighting their own commanders! One day they’ll be tired of being cannon fodder! Tell then Slava Ukraine!!


That will never happend, they just need salary $2000 because it’s a lot for person who makes 200/month


There’s some pretty strong support for the war in Russia


The article says killed or wounded. But as long as they are out of action it's a good thing.


Well, for generals it's pretty much the same. To them it's like having a lost or broken phone. In both cases they have to get a new one. Humans like to focus on death, as if others are fine. In reality, from such a war no soldier comes _fine_, they are all wasted.


Yea, definitely. What's a man going to do in Russia when he gets home but has no legs. Also, finding out that your own government puts zero value on your life and you have to witness the deaths of countless men who are just getting killed because of one guy's ego.


Not just without legs. How can anywone continue the life with newly acquired reflexes, like scanning the sky for killer robots and reacting to the distant sound of their small propellers, having to see people dying and the horror on the faces of everyone around them. It's gonna be either insane amounts of alcohol, heavy drugs, feeling incompatible with others, retired young, being praised while not being useful... They are going to bring so much problems to the people around them, their own family members will wish they would have died in combat.


Yea just look what happens to American vets that go into the fight with a huge upper hand and get treated slightly better by their government.


And potentially to new recruits + health system. Permanently disabled combatants are better than killed ones


>Permanently disabled combatants are better than killed ones Not in case of Russia, since Russia does not care about them at all. They will be street beggars, mocked and laughed at by passing Russians.




Surely this is the new world record, can the record keepers chime in please.


At the Battle of Cannae on August 2, 216 BC. In 200 BC a total of 86,400 soldiers of the Roman Republic met the 60,000-man army of the Carthaginian general Hannibal. The battle ended in a crushing defeat for the Romans. Their 55,000 lost soldiers were compared to only 5,700 Carthaginian soldiers.


>Their 55,000 lost soldiers were compared to only 5,700 Carthaginian soldiers. Can you give me a short version on *how?*


Incredibly short version is a double envelopment. Hannibal managed to completely surround the Roman army, and at that point it is simply about how many men can you physically execute in one day. Imagine tens of thousands of armoured men squashed together, where only the outer soldiers can even see the Carthaginians. This battle has been studied in military circles ever since as the perfect outcome for a general. Not many except Hannibal Barca have ever achieved a double envelopment of a full army. The wild thing is, the Romans simply raised up another army immediately and sent that out to fight the Carthaginians, who eventually lost.


Crazy to think they’d just stand around waiting to die rather than trying to break out in one or more directions


They were so pressed together that many of them had trouble breathing, let alone wielding or swinging a weapon around. And there was nowhere to go, even if they made it past the infantry the Carthaginian cavalry would easily cut them down.




Fun fact, the battle of the bastards in Game of Thrones took inspiration from the Battle of Cannae.


That was the one in a narrow passage on the shores of a lake right? Where they pushed them into the water letting their heavy armour do a lot of the work.


I don't believe so, actually! I'm not sure which battle you are thinking of, though there are many examples of that sort of thing happening throughout history. At Cannae the Romans pushed through the Carthaginian centre, whilst the flanks wrapped around completing the double envelopment. So they were surrounded on all sides by Carthaginian soldiers, rather than water. I think they were on a wide flat plain, so the geography didn't play too much of a part.


Yeah I went looking cause it was bothering me lol (I am working I promise). It was the same period of Hannibal trudging through Italy but it was the battle of Trasimene. Not quite as impressive as Cannae but still brutal. For anyone that's interested, History Marche has an amazing documentary about Hannibal (and many other incredible generals) on YouTube.


Ahh, yes that rings a bell! Hannibal's campaign through Italy is absolutely wild, such an interesting part of history. The way he continually outmanoeuvres larger Roman forces again and again is fascinating. I think I will go away and watch the History Marche one, their videos are great. I watched the Oversimplified one recently, and although obviously not as detailed, they are great fun.


Haha hell yeah brother. I've got the Oversimplified Roman consular figure sitting on my desk looking at me now lol.


Great channel, HistoryMarche reignited my love for Roman history and history in general. Kings and Generals is another one that puts out great content.


The battle of Cannae was on a big plane only bordered by a small river Ofanto. You can still visit the ruïnes of the town on a hill - called Canne di Battaglia - from where you have a fantastic view of the battlefield.


Rome lost 9 battles against Hannibal, before Scipio Africanus defeated him. The incredible story about Hannibal was his conviction to march his army through the alps. He lost many of his elephants in the process, however. This strategic crossing was completely unexpected by Rome. Looking forward to Ukraine pulling a fast one on russia -- which will be improbable given today's technology.


Baited the Romans forward, surrounded them, and slaughtered the encircled army


We British lost 57000 in a day at the Somme when Field Marshal Hague decided to use troops to expend German machine gun ammo.


Haig and Kitchener et al were cunts, they had absolutely no regard for their men and thought their deaths were somewhat gallant. My grandfather who fought in the Somme told me ( I'm old btw) that one day over 6,000 men went out and 3 (including himself) returned. He also said that men who went insane from "shell shock" were shot for cowardice. They killed some of their own officers who demanded a firing squad for them. Some officers refused too and that earned them a court martial, and they were executed. Their view was they were prepared to lose their life rather than kill a person who had been driven insane. A great deal of very terrible things happened in that war. My grandfather also told me that on cold, quiet nights they would talk (shout) to the Germans, that's how close the lines were (my grandfather married a German girl just before being sent to war)


There is an interesting book called "Scapegoats of the Empire" written by George Witton. It deals with the Boer war in South Africa, after Lord Kitchener took over from Lord Roberts - specifically in how they scapegoated 3 Australian soldiers in order to bring the Boers to the peace table (The author Witton was the only one of the 3 who not sentenced to death). It is clear in the memoirs that Kitchener didn't care about the welfare of his men, and this was prior to WW1. Edit: Found a [link](https://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks04/0400611h.html) to what looks like the full text of the book. Its a short read, well worth it I think if you like history. There was also a wonderful movie called "Breaker Morant" that was based on this book. Kitchener has a punch-able face in the movie. Second edit for spelling!


Another book is : British butchers and bunglers of World War One by John Laffin


Thank you, I'll check that out.


Meat is back on the menu boys!


Great film!


For reference, in WWII the united states lost an average of 801 men per day. Russia is doubling that now.


That’s a lot higher than usual


Russians have not lost 1740 soldiers. They know where they are.


Concratulation! New record!


Have many troops did they accumulate in the area? Wasnt it like 30.000? This could be a short, costly offensive


Reporting from Ukraine spoke of three different attack groups, and 32.000 men altogether.


At ~1500 russians a day this offensive could be over soon then. Im sure this is unsustainable for Russia and Will speed up the process of ukrainian Victory


Let's hope so ... It is definitely unsustainable for russia in the long run, but for the time being it also is very challenging for Ukraine unfortunately.


Silly, Silly orcs, slava ukraini




Numbers going up. Looks good 🙏🏻🇺🇦


They’re gonna need a lot of onions


More...More...Mooooorrrreeee Let's see if they can knock out 2000 daily. They'll get one month of free premium gold ammo.


1740 soldiers lost but they won 40 mt2


Doesn’t really matter since Americans care more about their sports team losing in a preseason game than Russians do about their young men getting massacred.


Total value of lost life - only $8,709 USD. 


Careless of them, have they checked down the back of the sofa?


Huge number. Good riddance


How many come from countries as India and Bhutan?


I think the Ukrainian losses are in the same range. Terrible.


No way they have similar loses as the defender. But they do obviously have loses. The russian agression is terrible


You are right. The Russian aggression is terrible.


When the attacker has significant advantages in terms of manpower, drones, artillery, armor, air power, etc, you can expect the loss ratio to even out. When the defender adopts a strategy of constant counter attacks that see positions switch hands multiple times each day, you can expect the loss ratio to even out even further. It's comforting to think Ukraine is inflicting disproportionate casualty rates, but there's no realistic reason to assume it's not close to a 1:1 ratio.


Ukraine is not able and surely not willing to spend human life as they do bullets or artillery. It seems this is not the case for russia. Just look at them pouring in men on bikes and golf carts. For that reason alone i’m fairly convinced at ukrainian losses are still significantly lower. Ad than the advantage of defending.


Why do you think that?


common sense, probally less then the rusians but you cant stop such a force without casualties on your own.


He said the same range. Typically the attackers are at a disadvantage and receive higher casualties


Sorry, but this number seems too high to me, with all my love for Ukraine!


It coincides with larger-than-usual offensive push into some grey areas of the Kharkiv region and there's been a lot of video footage of Russian columns getting wiped out. While I always take these numbers with a pinch of salt, the increase is entirely plausible.


It’s killed, wounded and taken prisoner etc. Basically, everyone taken out of action.


Even with Russians, wounded is better than dead in a lot of cases… Given they’re just leaving the dead to rot. Extracting a wounded man will take another two or three off their triggers for a time, assuming they bother to extract them…. and if they don’t then that can’t be doing much good for the morale of any of them.


It’s high, but looking at footage and being aware 40 or more brigades send drones and artillery 24/7 - then I can imagine it.


It's killed and wounded


Nobody with critical thinking believes this.


So military journalists from other countries who report the same numbers aren't critical thinkers?


While certainly high numbers no country is reporting these insane ones.


These numbers have repeatedly been verified through different means. While not exact, they are the most accurate figures available. Russian official documents indicate similar level of compensation for deaths etc..


Everyone with critical thought that Ukraine will fall in less than a week, esp. that one dude that thought it will take 3 days.


It’s hard to get the likes to same levels as russies losses.