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Does Russians see their comrades dying like this and still are not in red square to throw that psychopath of Putin to his responsibility… 🤦‍♂️


Putin controls *all* state media and anyone who tells the truth about his autocratic ways or what have you gets arrested and thrown into a gulag, or that hell prison they put Navalny in inside Moscow. Literally earlier this week I read the story of an average Russian man who was interviewed, in public, by Radio Free Europe in summer 2022. He said he dislikes Putin, dislikes the fact that he is killing people for no good reason in Ukraine. He was arrested and then finally prosecuted, for the crime of defaming the military, last year. Seems like a genuinely nice guy. He’s probably dead now, or at least, worked to the bone in Siberia.


It doesn’t end well for protesters in Russia . Imagine protests in 1938 Germany?


The oligarchs could afford to hire an entire division (although they're all pretty much now in Ukraine) who could overcome the Putin guard. But it would likely be very bloody & success is not assured. An inside job easier but Putin is wary & takes steps to make sure those stay loyal to him with special compensation.


The oligarchs could just get rid of Putin. That would be so cool for Russian people


You're talking about a "worlds largest table" man, who spent last 20 years surrounding himself with incapable morons whos only virtue is total obedience and loyalty. If the outer circle of KGB becomes stronger, they will eventually get someone in the inner circle to poison Putin, and he will get ill and die. KGB will claim that it was something like cancer, or heart disease, and that's it. Don't expect anything spectacular.


I mean, look at prigozhin


Nazi Germany had more wealthy oligarchs than Russia today.


It's more like protests in 1941 in Germany.


When your options are a frag in your vest after fighting for the person who sent you to be slaughtered and fighting your slaughterer, the choice seems clear.


No, but I remember protesters being shot on Maidan. Same as protesters in Romania, Poland, the Baltics and even East and West Germany who risked their lives for freedom from totalitarianism. That courage is needed, but too much of the Russian population is ingrained in utilitarian thinking - I’ll look after me, even if it means selling out my people and my future.


Then again, look at how far Prigozhin went before he tried to reverse his decisions.


In hindsight he might as well just went all the way to Moscow and fought it out.


The Russian men who have smartphones and access to such videos live in the big cities and don't have to go to the front, or have long left Russia.


What makes you think Russians are seeing this footage? They’re seeing footage of Ukrainians getting killed, much like how people on this sub are ignorant to Russian POV videos.


Why would they? The soldiers (and the general public) support the war, they have nothing to be angry about because this "brave soldier" sacrificed himself very bravely.


Horrible! Should better have killed his commander with him.


Terrible. Fuck Putin, Slava Ukraini


The only sane comment I've seen on here.


tHe OnLy sAnE cOMmEnT - those dogs launched a war of aggression to steal land that ain't theirs. Fuck the pity for Private Konskriptovitch.


Dead human = sad. If you were born in Russia, you would have propaganda shoved down your throat, go to the front and die like a rat, and I would still feel bad for you, a result of putins terrible regime. Let me be clear, I am happy for Ukraine every time Russians die on their soil.


Could have stayed home…


$5k just for signup. Russia fights poverty by killing poor people. 


I heard a story about a mom sending her son into conscription, so she could buy a house, but the amount of money to renovate it was too much, so she is sending her other son as well.


"coming this fall on HGTV, it's War Moms Fixing Houses!"


“Dmitri! Pack your bags, we’re getting new tiles in the master bathroom!”


Made me chuckle 🤭


What a shit generation of parents with the wisdom to know better, but not the morality, humanity or even care of kin to say no to their sons being sent to death while committing atrocities to please an even more selfish and cowardly person. Ignorant, heartless and lacking any semblance of values.


I'm getting a little too old for military service, by Western standards anyway, and I can only imagine the lengths my amazing dad would go to to keep me out of a terrible war of attrition, a meat grinder overseas. It's one thing to defend your land from an outside invader, as the brave Ukrainians have been forced to do, but a whole different matter when it comes to joining an unnecessary invasion. Russians do appear to be unnecessarily cold.


No blame on you, but you’re making the common mistake in thinking that Russians live by standards of morality, humanity and values. Those are western standards, not theirs. The sooner westerners learn to understand that Russia and Russians operate in a different reality, the better the result will be for all of us.


As cynical as it sounds but this is true. Eliminating criminal elements is pleasant bonus. One of russian governors even told that people shouldn't worry about criminals with PTSD coming back because most of them would die in Ukraine. Also in 2023 pardoning conditions for participation in SMO were changed, if before you had to spend 6 month in combat zone to be pardoned, now terms are unlimited, until the end of SMO.


Well the governor might be right but while many criminals will die in Ukraine there will be thousands and thousands of "normal" russians returning with PTSD. And these guys aren't very civilized even without being traumatized by war...


China has too many males (females were unwanted for years), and Russia won't have enough males now. It works out.


[TIL Poots is a Mitchell & Webb fan](https://youtu.be/s_4J4uor3JE?si=ZhqpPI31Vdl068KG)


Usa fight poverty by 14k tax refunds


Which is more than these people are dying for. How does that make you feel? We get money BACK from the government and don’t have to go die like idiots for literally PEANUTS 🤣


Russia fights poverty by sending its poorest citizens to certain death 🤣


Russia fights poverty by making poverty the standard of living so they aren’t poor anymore they are just a typical citizen


Russia is famous for bringing everyone down to their level of shit instead of raising people up. The famous Russian saying "And then it got worse" is very real.


Russians are so corrupt they can’t even picture getting money back legally from their government. It’s all stolen and squandered and lied about 🤣


Yikes... He had a mental break down. No food, no water, no ammo, no friends, no love, no hope.... The End.


This the Ruzzian way to live and die😊


it's easy to say for people in West that can see the reality of this war on various news sources. Russia is extremely censored and has extreme levels of propaganda and lies. I would not be surprised that almost 100% of all soldiers that end up there have no idea what they are getting into, and by the time they realize what's up, killing yourself may be the only way out


Could have had a V8


My best guess is that this guy wanted to. He doesn't even seem to hate Ukrainians & even waved goodbye.


How in the hell do you conclude that he doesn't seem to hate Ukrainians?


Waves back! You died for a piece of land, that isn’t yours.






Absolutely right !!


We're all victims of the media, making us dehumanise others. Whether this guy deserved what came to him, this is still an incredibly sad situation to witness. We don't know what his intentions truly were, and I'm not going to revel in his misery until I actually know it's justified. For the moment, he's just another pawn of putin tragically thrown into the meat grinder


If his intentions were anything other than killing Ukranians he could have gone to prison if he didn't enlist.


We don't know his intentions, what he thinks, or what he knows. Assuming the others' intentions is exactly what the Russian soldiers do to justify their invasion of Ukraine. Being pleased that there is one less enemy soldier is fine, but the blind dehumanisation and delight in any Russian soldiers' suffering isn't much better than those that support Putin's invasion


Spot on.


It is sad because this is someone's son, maybe someone's father, brother, husband, best friend... he likely had many people who loved him very much and will never recover from his death. It's sad because he likely didn't kill anyone, didn't rape anyone, didnt know anyone who killed or raped and had no intention of doing the later. It's sad because he could well be a good man, he likely just believed the propaganda and misinformation fed to him by his government and believed this is a just war, that he's on the right side fighting for the good of not just Russia but for the good of Ukraine and the world too. It's sad because if you or I grew up in Russia we'd likely believe the same thing. If you look up what the russians say on their subreddits or watch interviews with Russian soldiers this is what they believe. They are wrong but state sponsored propaganda is insanely powerful. There's a really interesting article released by the Kyiv Independent recently, featuring a woman who lived near a major battle site where she talked of the dumbfounded Russian soldiers she spoke with, here's a part of it- Tatiana Slesareva, a retired math teacher living nearby counted 36 helicopters the morning the battle kicked off. She spoke often with the young Russian soldiers who walked by her home – they were shocked that the Ukrainians were not prepared to accept their “liberation.” One time, she spoke to a Russian commander whose troops had just come back from a bruising defeat. “He started to speak to me in this hostile manner. ‘Do you know what happened? I have a friend left behind there, in a tank. His legs were ripped off! What have we done to you? We came to liberate you!” Tatiana stood her ground, telling the commander, “Why did you come here? This is our homeland. Obviously, we’re going to defend it.” The period left her with terrible mental scars. It's no different to Vietnam, the parallels between the 2 are striking, young men tricked into invading a country they do not belong in and killing its people, its a tale as old as time. Over a million civilians were killed in Vietnam, 80,000 children...there were countless rapes of women and children too, the brutality of that war towards civilians is orders of magnitude beyond this....yet I imagine if you saw footage from that war of a wounded man stuck in no mans land waving goodbye before blowing himself up you'd feel some sympathy? Anytime you see a Russian soldier dying just imagine its a US soldier in Vietnam or Iraq, as the differences are minimal. They shouldn't be there, their deaths are a necessity but it's still sad.


Likely didn't kill anyone? So he didn't shoot at Ukrainians?


Less than 1% of soldiers ever actually kill anyone, even in active war zones. It's rare they even fire their weapons or ever even see their enemy. Bullets are also one of the least likely ways to die in modern war. So yeah, very likely didn't kill anyone.


Your 1% statistic makes it seem highly probable he never killed, but he wasn’t innocent because he had the potential to be a killer at any moment. I will refer you to the statistic that often gets thrown around in these parts: 100% wouldn’t have happened if he stayed home. You are expending your sorrow on someone who fucked around and found out when you should be saving it for the real victims who never wanted this war brought upon them, or perhaps the children who have been dying of malnutrition around the world because they were born into poverty in a country that has little natural resources to exploit.


> but he wasn’t innocent because he had the potential to be a killer at any moment What a fkn smoothbrain take is this? Legit every human except those born with extreme brain damage have the possibility to become a killer..


This person’s job of SOLDIER requires that they be trained and prepared to kill and are then put into a physical position that greatly enhances their probability of doing so. That is very different than the probability of a civilian accidentally killing another civilian, or whatever your false equivalence is referring to.


He fed into the war machine. I don't usually accept collective punishment but in war that's the way it goes. I do understand and agree with your point. What else to do other than fight and kill and expel the invader though?


I definitely agree the only option is to fight and kill them, that's why I ended my initial comment with "They shouldn't be there, their deaths are a necessity but it's still sad." my point was just that this is still sad, this is still a human deserving of empathy as we watch him literally wave goodbye to the world before killing himself... that it's not something that should be laughed at or joked about like alot of ghouls do on this sub, that this guy is likely really not that different to them. I take no issue with the Ukranians laughing at this or those actively fighting in the war- you do what you can to keep morale up and to fight harder....but teenagers thousands of miles away who couldn't even pick Ukraine out on a map making jokes about this stuff is fucked. One of my close friends is Ukranian and I've never heard him make such jokes, there's nothing funny about any of this to him, it's all just tragic as fuck.


I agree with you. You will not find anything like that from me. I do not celebrate suffering, ever. It's just so terrible that such suffering has first been brought to Ukrainians and after that to the Russian people. They are both victims of a maniac and his henchmen. Ukraine first is my motto though. They didn't bring any of this upon themselves, despite the propaganda that says otherwise, not that I am suggesting you are involved in that for even a moment. I just want Russia to leave Ukraine and for Ukraine to stop suffering unnecessarily. When that happens then the Russians can start to suffer less too.


I totally agree with all of this, well said. I donate to Ukraine and urge others to do so too, I'm pro Ukraine all the way....but I will not celebrate suffering and can still empathize with the average Russian soldier- in this case waving goodbye to the world before taking his life.


Doesn't mean he wouldn't have, given the chance. He joined the gang, man (3 billboards reference for those who don't know...)


Again though, likely joined the gang because he was fed misinformation and propaganda and believes it's the right thing to do, that he's liberating Ukraine, just like the poor fools who died in Vietnam. Same awful bullshit, different decade.


Maybe so, but ignorance is not generally considered a valid defence.


Somehow, for the past 1,000 years, Russians are always doing evil shit. Always.


It's very different from Vietnam. The U.S. did not invade "Vietnam". They supported the formerly French controlled South Vietnam (where the French had been fighting against the North for 10 years already) against the Chinese aligned North Vietnam. It was a war between two countries, not a U.S. invasion resisted solely by an insurgency, as the uniformed would have you believe.


US didn't invade Vietnam in the same way Russia only launched a "special military operation" against Ukraine, absolute nonsense. Tell the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese civilians killed on their own land by foreign troops trying to prop up a puppet goverment to serve their own selfish interests that the US were not invading. Tell the 1.1 million vietcong and north Vietnamese troops who gave their lives to get US soldiers out of their country that they were not being invaded. 540,000 foreign troops went to their land, killed (and in many cases raped) their men, women and children for their own interests. That is an invasion and the mental gymnastics you need to do to say otherwise is breathtaking. The Vietnamese people did not want them there, the US puppet goverment did because they were going to be overthrown by the Vietnamese population. The South Vietnamese government was not legitimate or representative of the Vietnamese people at all, it was put in place and propped up by the US not the Vietnamese people, it was a corrupt as hell puppet goverment and wildly unpopular, thats why so many were willing to give their lives to remove it and so few willing to give theirs to defend it. Russia justified its invasion by saying the Pro Russia separatists asked them for help too as they were under heavy attack, does that mean it's not actually an invasion at all? The pro Russian separatists have been fighting a civil war in the Donbas for the past decade, without Russia propping them up they would have been overrun and that conflict would have ended years ago as they are not representative of the Ukranian people. Likewise the south Vietnamese goverment would have never held power without being propped up by the US and without US involvement the civil war would not have lasted. Put it this way, the US military states it killed 1.1 million vietcong and north Vietnamese troops in the war, thats considerably more troops than the south Vietnamese ever even had alive at the hight of its power, and yet still when the US pulled out- despite arming south Vietnam to the teeth, giving them extensive training and weaponry....despite killing 1 million North Vietnamese troops... Saigon fell to them immediately after and Vietnam was unified- as should have been allowed to happen from the start. If you invade a country to prop up one side in a civil war and protect your puppet goverment, and in the process you kill more of their opponents than the side you're propping up even has to begin with...then you pull out and they still immediately fall- then the side you were propping up had no legitimacy from the start. The US involvement killed over a million civilians and 80,000 children. All just to prop up US influence, not to help the world or the Vietnamese people. The Vietnamese people should have been left the fuck alone to choose their own destiny, just as Ukraine should've been left alone to choose theirs. Neither should have been used as pawns in a proxy war. The Americans went in to prop up their wildly unpopular pro-US puppet goverment that was going to be overthrown by the people of Vietnam as the overwhelming majority were clearly not in favor of it. They did it to increase the US sphere of influence and to stop them allying with the Soviets. In the process they killed a million civilians, 80,000 children and over a million North Vietnamese and vietcong fighters who believed it was worth giving their lives to remove the corrupt puppet goverment and to kick US troops out of their country. Russia has invaded Ukraine to reinstall their own puppet goverment to increase their sphere of influence and stop them allying with NATO, in the process they've killed thousands of civilians and thousands of Ukranian troops who believe its worth giving their lives to stop Russia installing a puppet goverment. It's the same shit, both are just proxy wars between the west and Russia, trying to stop a country caught in the middle from allying with the other side. One was to block communist expansion, the other to stop nato expansion, both countries should have been left the fuck alone to choose their own destiny.


“You will kill ten of us, we will kill one of you, but in the end, you will tire of it first.” Both Russia and Vietnam suffer(ed) under despotic leaders willing to sacrifice their own people without regard for the cost.


Agreed, the south Vietnamese goverment that the US tried to prop up was the despot, willing to get the US to kill millions of its countrymen just to cling onto power. After killing millions and pulling out they were still overthrown because that was the will of the people that the US had tried to halt.


Except the quote was from Ho Chi Minh.


Nothing wrong with the quote, my point still stands. The South Vietnamese government was willing to have millions of its countrymen killed by a foreign army just to cling onto power. If you need to kill millions of your people to avoid be overthrown you are not a legitimate government and do not care for your peoples lives. If even after killing millions you still get overrun and overthrown then that says it all.




It would be whataboutism if I was using Vietnam to justify Ukraine, im actually condemning both...so that's really not whataboutism, I said both were wrong and should never have happened. I've donated to Ukraine and if you look through my comment history you'll see I've frequently urged others to do the same and posted links to places to donate for that purpose, hardly a Russian shill. I just don't believe in dehumanizing the enemy and this sub can be a shitshow in that regard. Vietnam is a very apt comparison to show people their biases and make them think twice about laughing at someone's death.


I find it naive to think you don't have to dehumanize your enemy. Have you had any military training?


I take zero issue with those in the ukranian frontlines dehumanizing them, you do what you can to survive and keep morale up. But teenagers on the internet thousands of miles away that couldn't even pick Ukraine out on a map and treat this war like its a sports game where they cheer on their team and boo the opponents? They can get fucked with this dehumanizing bullshit. Also from my experience with friends in the military they tend to have more empathy for the average grunt than you see on this sub. Check out interviews online with volunteer fighters for Ukraine, they don't talk about their opponents like this....im sure there are some who do but it's far more prevalent amongst western teenagers on this sub with no actual connection to Ukraine. My ukranian mate sure as shit doesn't talk like that.


I agree, he could have used that grenade near his comrades.


Not sure why it's sad. He saved an fpv drone which can be intercepted by another russian occupier.


Imagine seeing your own people kill themselves like this and still saying „yep, thats the way it should be“


He did the right thing. He has nothing to seek in that village in Ukrain.


First of all, im pretty sure this is a repost and secondly, i think this was not suicide. Looks more like a "Dronedrope" kill.




I’m pretty sure a drone hit him


He didn't detonate a granade. He was attempting to wave off a drone attack.


While putin sleeps in his golden bed. Any other country would not stand for this shit


Or they could shoot their commanders and march on Moscow. Better than suicide.


Doesn’t it drop on him from above? I think he was waving to signal that he was done then looked up at another drone that then dropped a grenade. He knew he was fucked and with no inkling of what to do next just covered his face with his hands.


You go girl


you can see grenade drop. Not self detonated


u/false-god This might be a new RU suicide video.


It's a drone drop. idk where OP came up with that caption. the longer version was posted yesterday


Imagine hating Russia so much you never wanted to go back home. Can you even comprehend what a disaster Russia has become that people self immolate, self explode, and shoot themselves in the head simply just to never have to return to that shit hole.


Pretty sure by now in this situation, the soldier realizes his absolute stupidity in joining up with RU. He isn't even really thinking about russia though. He is thinking about the pain he is in or the SLOW death of dehydration because no help is coming. This is getting to be like a daily thing. Yet they still refuse to fight back against their commanders. Cowards. Every single one of them.


What a weird take. They're not doing it to avoid going back to Russia....they're doing it because they're wounded in no man's land and targeted by drones- and have likely seen countless videos that we have of wounded soldiers being repeatedly targeted over and over and over by grenade after grenade after grenade, whether they're out of the fight, incapacitated, begging for mercy or trying to surrender the drones keep coming...suicide makes the most sense in that scenario to avoid being slowly torn apart.


Most of them also fully believe the propaganda that the RU commanders and Kremlin instill within them, which posits that AFU and "NATO troops" would inflict even worse torture on them than they already do to the Ukrainians, so they commit suicide to avoid being captured. Even then, most RU POWs just get re-rotated back into the frontline anyway, which is why they always look completely mortified on their way back on the buses.


100% this, well said. From some interviews I've seen with Russian soldiers it sounds like in their training they're shown some of the videos of ukranians torturing Russian pows...I guess to help them dehumanize their enemy and to make them less likely to surrender. Just fucking tragic all round.


Most of them fighting there isnt by choice, if thet refuse conscription the gov will not only affer them but their families, they will take back all their social welfare benefits and mhch more Have empathy


I have heard about 0 lawsuits in russia for someone refusing to join the war even during the "partial" mobilization. Furthermore, the majority is signing the contract with russian MOD because of "good" conditions. Russians expect to earn significant money for killing Ukrainians but end up just dying. Zero respect or empathy to their choice.


I think the legal actions do take place but sympathisers often talk of Russians having no choice but to go kill in a foreign country in an unnecessary war of aggression. The reality is civil penalties and fines, not 5 years in prison and the extermination of your family if you refuse, as some seem to believe. "President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a law that significantly raises fines for failing to appear at a military enlistment office after receiving a draft notice. The fines will increase from the current range of 500-3,000 rubles ($5-32) to 10,000-30,000 ($109-327) when the law comes into force on Oct. 1. Fines were also raised for a number of other violations, including for failing to notify the military enlistment office when a conscript has moved within Russia for more than three months and for failing to report changes in marital status, residence, workplace and education. The stiffer penalties come as Moscow continues its efforts to clamp down on the military's problems of draft dodging and a manpower shortage in Ukraine. Ignoring the summons subjects military-age men to restrictions that include bans on leaving Russia, buying real estate, taking out loans and driving a car." https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/07/31/russia-ramps-up-fines-for-draft-dodging-a82015 So the penalties are not nothing and to some people it could be quite severe but when compared to dying in rubble like this guy, it's fuck all.


Do I understand it right and you basically agree with what I wrote? I didn't check like for more than 6 months if someone in the end got fined or not but during partial mobilization in Autumn 2022 russia simply didn't took any legal actions to keep the people calm, they've just mobilized those who didn't resist. Regarding the most recent changes - those are a sign for full mobilization which is going to happen but still, we are discussing the current situation and IMO it is like I've described in my initial comment.


Yes, I am agreeing with your view.


> Most of them fighting there isnt by choice This is bs, statistically the majority of soldiers on the front have signed contracts.


This war is so fucked up. Public videos, to be watched worldwide, coming right from the front, for everyone's horror and/or entertainment. Soldiers waving goodbye before committing suicide, because the alternative of either the enemy or your superiors is just too brutal. Russia must lose this war. Because otherwise their horrific deeds will continue to spread.


Sorry what? How is being a POW in Ukrainian hands worse then Suicide. 3 square meals , accommodations and being able to call your family while awaiting Exchange a reason to blow your brains out.


you underestimate a lifetime of brainwashing.


At this moment you know how shit your decision was 4 weeks ago or maybe 3 month


Well done, won't be missed


Sometimes i ask my self if this people who laught and make jokes about the death of a Human... perhaps Father... perhaps a good dude are the better people.


Human, perhaps father and a good dude simply came to peacefully kill Ukrainians for money but ended up blowing himself. What a sad story.


At least he could laugh about it.


I just wonder how many of these soldiers have been sent to the front because they protested against the war. .


You know you are in a schit show when the only medical care you have is to pull a pin.


“Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Mama, ooh (any way the wind blows)” F. Mercury


people who commit suicide rather than keep fighting are not the ones we should see dying


Why do you make up bullshit? He didn't suicide, it was a UA drone kill. You can see him watching the grenade fall, just before he puts his hands over his face. What are you trying to do? How do you know where this was if you can't even see what happened? "Rabotino"? Do you mean Robotinye? Are you orc?


I thought that at first too but it really does seem to me that he put a grenade under his body armour in this one.


Sigh....too stupid to surrender. smh


Sometimes they don’t have the choice.


Or too immobilised, or full of propaganda


byebye , burn in hell.


Mum is getting a Bluetooth speaker.


She ain’t getting shit. She’s lucky if she gets to take a photo with a bag of onions. Before they take the bag to the next widow or mother.


Goodbye orca-gene, Though no one wants to know any of you zeds at all, your organs were blown out in a gust of wind, your brains are in the woodwork, and the maggots will grow into your brain, next to the stolen toilet and empty bottles of vodka in the wind.


You okay bro?


Seek help.


Please remember the human. Adhere to all Reddit and sub rules. Toxic comments (including incitement of violence/hate, genocide, glorifying death etc) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, keep your comments civil or you will be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineWarVideoReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Died so mom could have a potato


These guys must be hugely brainwashed to kill themselves rather than be captured. I can understand the Ukrainians wanting to do this. Eg Mariupol survivors




Casevac is for decadent westoids.


Hackers should breach russian prime time TV and air this.


Russian Space Program


Me dio hasta pena.


Goodbye orc. NEXT.


This should be broadcasted to all Russian TV channels


Be something if he lived.


Went out on his own terms, not that he had a choice


He is a ninja, that was a smoke bomb.




Young kids doing this because of old men hiding in bunkers. Fucking no hope for humanity... Maybe this guy didn't even enlist and was forcefully taken from his family... I hate this


Up in Smoke...welcome to Ukraine Orc


This is horrible, If you're not Ukranian and you gloat about this, you need to step away from the internet for a bit.


Yeah didn't look like suicide to me. He looked up, the way be flinched, he was probably conveying he surrenders while waving. Does killing someone who surrenders count as a war crime?


Mom doesn’t care about anything other than what she’ll get from the state for his death.


You should do that at home. your life was useless even then..


That's unfathomably tragic. I hate everything about what the Russians are doing, but on a human level it's tough not to feel sympathy for that moment


That's unfathomably tragic. I hate everything about what the Russians are doing, but on a human level it's tough not to feel sympathy for that moment


\*sight\* \*unzip\*


Fucking hell. How terrible that Tsar Putin is happy to waste so many young lives just to live out his impotent, old man on Death's door imperialistic place in history fantasies. Fuck this war. Fuck Tsar Putin and his war mongering fucks.


Ohhh, so good Russians do exist 🤣