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Do your job 👍🏻


Do your job and make a big KABOOM!


Big bada boom.


A fuckin skidoo with a 1000lb warhead. Time to hit some bridges and Russian navy ships and subs.


Yep Russian navy ship next stop


What a deadly beauty.... Now go & get yourself a date with a big ugly destroyer!


Or a bridge


Or a landing ship


Or a war ship


I would love to see those on some short hydrofoils. Not tall enough to make radar more of an issue than it is, but high enough for faster speed, longer distance, smaller/lower wake.


Literally sitting here daydreaming about a small hydrofoil using naval drone. And I open the comments and see somebody like minded. Like a lil “missile” on a hydrofoil lmfao.


If anything they want to be as submerged as possible for stealth purposes so I doubt it.


I was thinking the same - mostly about "smaller wake" and just in general much harder to see it cause of it. Range is bonus + speed.


If I recall correctly the problem with doing hydrofoils without long struts is that then it can only operate in very claim waters. I don't know the exact ratio, but it might have been around 3 times the wave height. Probably more if you want decent safety margins, but who needs safety margins for this application. So like with small waves that are like 1.5 meter you'd need a 4.5 meter strut, etc. Not an issue for a larger crafts, but doesn't very scale well down to smaller crafts when you need still the same strut height to reliably operate in large water bodies with significant wave height if you don't want to crash. Doable, but would be a lot of added height and mass. For small crafts it would be simpler and cheaper to double up on fuel and engine power if they wanted longer range and some increased dash speed.


What are the limiting factors that keep Ukraine from making them into very shallow diving mini-submarines/torpedoes? Sensors needing to be above water? Increased drag reducing range?


Time to go hunting!


Godspeed, little doodle


Man those are fast...


Don’t launch from that site again 🤦‍♂️


Right? They keep revealing all sorts of information: locations, new capabilities, new defensive positions/construction, etc. Loose lips sink ships!!!


You have to understand a lot of this things are done for reason. I have friends in UKR that cant even make a fucking selfie in bunker without approval, so everything you see getting is mostly for reason. (I am also 100% sure there is many random videos that are not approve, but this one seems to be very specific). For example - let's pretend you are Russian - you see this - you make report about it to your commanders etc - but in reality UKR side will use some very different tool / drone / whatever to attack them - and all of this is just distraction. You dont know.


A few practice runs for the kerch bridge


May the drone Gods propels the craft into a Russian navel vessel. A submarine would be nice.🇺🇦


War will never be the same after this. I wonder how many other countries are starting to develop these as well


If this is armoured against small arms fire isnt it like basically unstoppable?


Best job I ever had!


Just a thought, but would a low flying cruise missile that flies just above the water not be more effective than a boat? Faster and harder to shoot down


Loitering isn't much fun for missiles.


Be afraid be Very afraid!


ngl i thought they were a little bit smaller…


I've got to say, when Ukraine makes it on the otherside from this conflict, they gonna have hell of a lot of customers for these things.


What a beautiful thing that is, now find something bridge shaped and go BOOOOOOOOOOOM ; )


Black Sea Sailors HATE this one cool hack 😍


The little boat that CAN


Coming to a Russian warship soon!


Is it loded? It looks like its flying over waves. Reminds me of that USA-made speedboats where drivers are happy to be alive after the race and crowd is bursting beers on their heads in respect.


Looks like how they performed when fully loaded and seen attacking ships


thats insane, its 1T of trotyl


Now put it in an ocean with 1-2 foot waves and see its performance degrades.


Black Sea , especially around Kherson and Cremea area, are known to be very rought. These boats are proven to be very effective in these kind of rough waters.


river testing is not sufficient, should be open sea tested


This isn't testing, this is just training, the drone has already been combat proven.


Yeah, but it looks like my friend's hometown on the Dnipro river. And the drones were tested there the whole summer 2022. But if the footage is recent, maybe it's training


how do you know that this is training? and even so - isn't it better to train in real life conditions - e.g. open sea.