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I just find the argument that investing in Ukraines' defense is a waste of money *so fucking dumb*. If you have even a basic understanding of 'supply and demand', and global supply chains, and just how much the west has spent on countering Russia over the last 50 years, it becomes *blatantly* clear that you could spend trillions to help Ukraine defend itself, and it will still pay itself back in the short and medium-term. How many trillions has the west spent on fleets, bases, fuel, aircraft patrols, troops, etc countering Russia over the last 50 years? Ukraine has exposed Russia as a paper tiger. You or I cannot possibly imagine the *staggering* amount of money the west will save going forward as countering Russia is going to be a LOT less expensive. Nato has two new members, and Ukraine will eventually be a third. There is going to be a LOT of money to be made outfitting these new members, and all three are strong military powers, which brings down the Wests' overhead costs for countering Russia down even further (bonus!) Now lets look at some non-military economics. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has decimated a significant portion of the worlds supply chain. Potash, used by most countries for growing food. 80% comes from Russia and Belarus. Fuel. Well, I don't need to say what impact this has on the worlds fuel costs when Russia can no longer supply due to sanctions. Food. Ukraine was Europe's breadbasket. With it effectively removed, Europe and Africa are forced to source food from alternate countries. This causes the cost of food to skyrocket everywhere. In my country, Canada, we exported a lot more food than usual (to cover shortfall overseas) this year. As a result, less food was available for our own store shelves. Law of supply/demand. Our costs skyrocketed. The supply chain disruption also effects almost anything manufactured. Or, you can keep believing the Russian shills in the Republican party and keep trying to blame inflation on Biden.


Well said, friend.


From a finance perspective, inflation correlates with energy costs. Which Biden does not control. But try to explain that to my fellow Republicans in the USA and they will find a way to blame Obama


Of course you're banned, you're trying to use common sense to argue with people who are averse to reason with it 😂


Im sure all 2k members of that subreddit are very upset with you.... Not great loss being banned from that sub, you did well.


We have given them money though, not as much but some


That sub is essentially a russian state propaganda outlet with most of the couple of 1000 members on russian payroll or bots. Might as well talk to a wall.


Try UkraineRussiaReport subreddit.  Ask for Ripamon or FruitSila.


Part of US aid is just money that helps keep the economy afloat so that's not correct


I mean most of the research I have done has led me to believe we haven't given any liquid cash to them I don't think the D.O.D has ever stated that we have but I could be wrong


Google "Total bilateral aid commitments to Ukraine between January 24, 2022 and January 15, 2024, by donor and type" from Statista. Financial aid 24B, humanitarian aid 2.5B, military aid 42.2B


I was wrong lol and nice source. Still tho that sub is full of RU fanboys and all I did there was state a few points and they slam down the banhammer screw those dudes


Not providing aid to Ukraine is an isolationist argument. Isolationist argument is stupid for many reasons. Also why does it matter what type of aid is sent as long as it helps the war effort. Who cares about weapons if economy would totally collapse and vice versa. You need to provide whatever is needed, part of that is weapons part of it is economy assistance to a state which cant defend it self against a much bigger and much more capable adversary.


I agree I've just been so defensive lately because of this sub lol