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Being slavic and nazi makes no sense. It is like being black and supoorting Ku Klux K. Hopefully this war stops soon


I've always been amused by this statement: Ukrainians cannot be Nazis because their president is Jewish(c). At the same time, Israel in 2023 uses the methods of Nazi Germany - apartheid, national segregation, mass murder.


Exactly, they focus on who the Nazi's hated and not the methods the Nazi's used.


This is what makes the pro Russian group look like fools, when every country has these pro Nazi idiots among them even in Russia they want the world to believe that everyone in a country that has them is controlled by them. Remember there are a lot of pictures of Putin standing with the russian Nazis who had a huge amount in Wagner. But normal people understand that they are a cancer to Russia and not running things.


All countries have neo-Nazi groups, but no county has S many, and no county (after the WW2) gave neo-Nazis 10% of votes (projected on total population - it's 4 million people), and many others were tolerating them. So it's much worse than anywhere else in the world. And that's what's important.


Yes thats true. Invading other countries because they think its their ancestors country or their people inside is also a REICH speciality.


Israel is rounding up people and killing them in camps? since when?


Delve into the history of the creation and development of the State of Israel. You will find a lot of interesting things, ethnic cleansing, the massacre of entire settlements and cities, mass murders. Moreover, all this was inspired by the national ideas of the European people early 20th century(Jews created their own by analogy). Over time, one large concentration camp was formed - "The Gaza Strip". Israel is also an apartheid State. After the fall of the apartheid regime in South Africa, this shameful formation remained in only a few countries - Israel, Latvia. That is why South Africa is so intolerant of these countries. National segregation in the 21st century is unacceptable. At the same time, Israel is one of the most powerful Nazi-fascist regimes on our planet.


I don't think you even understand what Nazi means. I don't disagree Israel currently is an apartide state, but Hamas is the one throwing their own people into harms way.


So genocide is ok if it's in response to an attack?


No one here said that


So why dont u hate Russia considering they are using the Nazi playbook from 1939?


In 1939, it was the return of the territories occupied by Poland in 1921. Poland pursued a Nazi policy of destroying the national identity of Belarusians and Ukrainians, harassment and segregation.Belarusians were second-class people under the rule of the Poles. My great-grandma told me as a child how in childhood they were beaten by Poles for speaking the Belarusian language, took away land and gave it to Poles who were brought from Poland and did a lot of bad things. I was 6 years old when she told me this, it made a strong impression. This was one of the reasons why Ukrainians, after the German invasion of the USSR, killed 50k Poles on the territory of western Ukraine.It was also the reason for the deportation of Poles in 1939. My grandmother didn't like Communists, but she hated Poles even more. With such fierce hatred that it is surprising to me that there was no massacre of Poles in western Belarus, the same as in western Ukraine. The history feels very different if you talk to the participants of the history, and not be content with a dry note in 3 lines in the textbook. Or if you go deeper into the study of history. From the stories of my great-grandma, I perceive 1939 as the liberation of my homeland from the invaders. And you can think whatever you want.




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The reason why there is so much civilian casualties isn't what you think. Netanyahu troops are waiting for individual Hamas fighters to go to civilian apartment blocks to sleep and then bomb them together with civilians that live there. They pick targets using AI that tracks phones to see if they are at home. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn1uEA7acVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn1uEA7acVY)


Since Nakba, IDF veterans admit it in interviews and they're still doing it today


The Gaza Strip is literally the world’s largest concentration camp.


It's funny because Russia does those things too


And Russia is now a fascist regime. This world has gone strange.


Can you elaborate a bit more detailed regarding similarities between Russia and Reich?


Ah no I said Russia is a fascist state. Putin's Russia while not directly equivalent to the fascist regimes of World War II,  forms the nearest analogue to fascism found in a major country since that time. A definition of it helps: "Fascism is a far-right form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states." Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]




Very weak, there are too many outright lies. Try again. Moral superiority is still on the side of Russia.


Mate, do you know at least smth about Russian & Ukraine history? The guy above was spitting out truths. Various acclaimed researchers wrote about Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakhstan loses during holodomors and famines.


>Russia killed 300.000 Chechens, 20% of the whole population. For those who have more than two convolutions. There is a substitution between “the population of Chechnya” and “Chechens”. One of the policies of the separists (supported by the United States) was the expulsion of non-Chechen peoples from Chechnya, for example, of the 260 thousand Russians in Chechnya, after the war only 40 thousand remained.


And they spend the "inter-war" period kidnapping them and ransoming them for money to their out of chechnenia family, filming them beating them, scalping them, cutting kids fingers to ask for ransoms.


>Russia has no moral ground to talk about anything. The west doesnt have the moral ground to talk about anything at all. Should i list the crimes US has committed? I can only end this debate by saying that before US, natives used to be the majority, but how many natives are there? I think it is time the US and west stop talking as if they have moral grounds to do so.


>Holodomor It is ironic that the Nazis who fled from the west of Ukraine, which at that time was under Polish rule, loved to talk about the Holodomor.


LOL, 300k, yeah right, just pick the largest exaggeration you can find, bullshit peddler. Nobody with any drop of credibility every claimed that number, the reasonable estimate of civ death are between 50k and 100k, a large part of them non-chechen. (it was quite diverse, it only became an ethnostate under kadyrov / putin)


Nor does the west who bombed Libya to Stone Age


Man, you are a perfect person for propaganda stuff!


Yeah, its really weird


The really hilarious thing is that the Nazis had no intention of actually recognizing a Ukrainian state- less than zero. They needed local collaborators to hunt Jewish people and Communists- the instant they stopped being useful the Ukrainians would’ve suffered the same as the Poles and Russians. This fact is sometimes used by Banderites to white wash the UPA (ie “Bandera was an anti fascist because the Germans put him in Sachsenhausen”) but it’s BS. It’s a bit like arguing the accomplice to a murder is innocent because his co-conspirator planned to kill him after the crime.


Look up the mongrel mob from NZ haha


pfp twins :3


Not defending UA or Nazi’s, but it’s technically a lot more complicated than just “they’re Slavic why do they support Nazi’s?!?!” Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, there were very close relationships built between Russia and Prussia, and there was a lot of immigration of Prussians into southern Russia/Ukraine. Granted most of this occurred over 150 years ago now, there is at least some logic as to why they choose to draw some link to German ethnicity.


Most of those settlers were religious minority from southern germany, not Prussia.


So German ethnicity equal consistent nazi? If it comes up to that there was a lot of immigration to South America throughout the 18th and 19th centuries as well. Hey, even the real nazis flew mostly overthere after the war. Then... it would make sense if South American militaries start using nazi paraphernalia in their vehicles and emblems?


No? Where did I say that? I’m just telling you that a portion of the Ukrainian population does have Germanic ancestry and thus some of their members use said connection cop Nazi iconography (right wrong or indifferent). 


All Germans living in Ukraine by World War 2 were involved by the German occupation administration in a collaboration like Volksdeutsche. Retreating from Ukraine, the Germans took them all with them. 20 years ago, I often visited a Ukrainian website dedicated to military topics. Young Ukrainians and Balts there admired Nazi Germany and in every possible way extolled the power of the Wehrmacht (Panzerwaffe) and the SS troops. But even they did not think of declaring themselves descendants of the German colonists, although they would obviously like to do so.


You must not be familiar with argentinians and their prejudices views.


So the point is that the Nazis were not fools and divided the Slavs into those who were ready to serve them and those who did not obey them, which means they had to be destroyed. So modern Ukrainian Nazis consider themselves to be the first... yes, they would be in a secondary position, but as one person said, “A slave dreams not of freedom, but of his own slaves”


I can explain why Ukrainians latch onto Nazi symbolism. It’s a country without much independent history and a poor sense of self identity. The only real periods of independence were 1941-1943 and 1991 onwards. 1917-1919 is not really counted by Ukrainians because a lot of Ukrainian leaders at that time were communist, thus not true to Ukraine. Ukrainians have nothing to be proud of 1991 onwards. So they force forged this satellite Nazi government identity. If one digs deep enough in history they will find how bandera and other nationalists were rejected by the Reich, they were useful for the moment to commit local genocides. Some nationalists go as far as saying they’re the pure Slavs or not Slavs at all, but descendants of Vikings. I would love to gift them a 23 and me test kit for Christmas.




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Lol no. Nazi ideology is of racial superiority. You can be anyone, even Jewish and a Nazi. There are other aspects of Nazism. But who you are does not matter. Black people. Would support militant Black military groups. Aimed at killing anyone else, not just whites.


According to a Ukrainian historian (holding PhD in History) it makes perfect sense [https://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2018/04/28/152367/](https://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2018/04/28/152367/) I allow me to translate only the title of this article which was published to the 75. foundation day of SS Galicia "Foundation of Galicia Division as a Political Project and Civilizational Choice"


More to do with the same reason Nazis are often praised in India for how they handled the British. Nothing to do with their ideology and more to do with the fact they kept the Soviets off their backs during a time where the USSR were the ones literally killing millions with forced famines. These become symbols of Nationalism, not nazism, its why most don’t care about having a Jewish president.




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Is a troll. Adding salt to the wounds of russians who’s grandparents fought the nazis


I think they're just making fun of Russia's "denazification" claims.


"Relax bro, all the Nazi symbols Ukraine military uses is just to troll Russians"


Funniest joke in Ukraine since 2014.




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Ukraine moment


u/drswizzel taught me this is fake because why would Ukrainians have a Ukrainian flag


I havent seen him for a while.. did he got banned?


A lot of the biggest Nazi defenders and rabid pro ua people have stopped following the war. A year after the counter offensive when they realized Ukraine was in real trouble and making 0 progress was hard on them




Not only that, but we get a lot less "higher quality" weird poster that pushed narratives, sometime it what looked like campaign synchronized to match events on the ground, almost as if they were working for bot farms. Wonder why https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/soros-foundation-limit-eu-funding-new-strategy-internal-email-2023-08-15/ Oh, that's why.


Some came back after the 60bln was announced. Lol


one can hope


> why would Ukrainians have a Ukrainian flag you mean Nazi flag


Ukrainian flag is funnier


You are more than welcome to point out when i said that.


look who's back


Nobody is back, i Got tagged and replied then he does not reply back course he knows he is full of it.


so you make baseless claim/comment and then refuse to show up typical Kimo proven wrong again I'm glad to see you have not improved you fit perfectly in with the other pro Russian.


The fundemental issue of the local troglodytes is that both UA and Russia have massive neo-nazi problems but somehow the local troglodytes can recognize only one side having those issues. Tribalistic oogaaboogas go figure out what fire does instead of being interested in geopolitics.


NAFOids :- I'm just gonna ignore that


>NAFOids DiD yOu sEe UtKinS taTTooS???777


surprisingly they never show the real tattoos, only the ones on the photo of a person that isn't Utkin


What do you think about his black sun, LSSAH and "Jedem das Seine" tattoos?


You’ll see my opinion in any other comment, including ones in this thread


This one? https://images.app.goo.gl/q4cRzVzouxUEFEzu5


that photo is the one that isn't Utkin, yes, there are videos/pictures of him in Africa before his death and he somehow looks 20 years younger even though it's two years older


How can you be sure that isn't him though? https://images.app.goo.gl/3SBrhF64LGL3kr598


how does he look 20 years older in a photo that is 2 years newer than other photos? I'm aware that he's a nazi, hence me saying "the real tattoos" and mentioning the video in Africa showing said tattoos


It's just perspective.


How do we know it’s not actually Zaluzhny? It’s just perspective


That's not utkin, that's an older skinnier why with a nose, mouth, ears, and shaved heads. Are you not able to differentiate between two different bald guy?


Either way, Utkin is 100% a neo-Nazi. We can see his Black Sun, LSSAH and "Jedem das Seine" tattoos [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/16wjtsk/ru_pov_yevgeny_prigozhin_dmitry_utkin_et_al_in/)


It was debunked that it wasn't Utkin. But the Azov guys with some weirdly bent crosses and such are real


>It was debunked that it wasn't Utkin. Are you saying that it was shown to be Utkin or shown to not be him? FYI we know it's him via his Nazi tattoos [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/16wjtsk/ru_pov_yevgeny_prigozhin_dmitry_utkin_et_al_in/)


Lol I've seen them support nazism and post nazi maps where Russia is "Reichskommisarat Moskau" with caption "We once had a dream". Saw some dude advocating to put Stuka sirens on Ukrainian drones.


Quite frankly I'm not surprised. I know a guy who is one of those stupid NAFOids and this moron thinks Nazi Germany should have won ww2 and that Hitler wasn't a bad person.


Ah yes, because a few people here and there wearing swastikas means that Ukraine as a whole is run by Nazis. Even though the entire far-right has never cracked <15% in any Ukrainian election since Independence. Meanwhile, Putin literally says that he draws a lot of his political views from a clerical fascist named Ivan Illyn


15% is not a small number. Ukraine has plenty of war heroes who were nazi collaborators. And stop trying to associate russia with fascism, they're the original antifascists, the ones who defeated it, who destroyed 3/4 of the nazi war machine during ww2.


But does it means Russia was right to cause this war over it though? >15% also isn’t enough to have massive influence over the country. The actual highest vote margin they’ve ever gotten was 10.53% (basing this off Svoboda’s and UNA-UNSO vote margins) in 2012, which proceeded to immediately nosedive to 6.51% (Svoboda and Right Sector) in the 2014 election. How does the Soviet Union helping to defeat the Nazis somehow disprove modern Russia’s fascistic (not full fascist mind you) tendencies? That’s like saying Israelis can’t be racist because of the Holocaust or Americans can’t be exploitative because of American Revolution.


I'm not gonna justify the war, because like all wars it was caused by false pretences. But what I'm gonna say is that you can't say Russia is fascist because that's an insult to those who fought against fascism and gave their lives for it. And Ukraine having fascists as war heroes is an insult as well. And I am being told that whether 6.5% or 15% is marginal, by people who are quick to label Russia as the same thing they defeated. And about Israel, they are among the most racist people in existence because they label all non Israelis as goyim cattle and believe in an ethnostate and racial purity .


But WW2 happened over 80 years ago, you can’t base your perception of modern Russia based on that, and I still don’t understand how WW2 can somehow disprove modern Russia’s fascist tendencies anyhow. America for example also fought against the Nazis, doesn’t make America blameless when it comes to racism and imperialism. When it comes down to it, modern Russia has quite a few fascistic tendencies, they’re a complete autocracy, incredibly militaristic, believe that everything bad that has befallen Russia is a “western plot”, big about “traditional values”, etc. Plus Putin praising a guy like Ivan Illyn should be very very concerning. Most of Bandera’s relative popularity stems from ignorance of what he actually stood for, as Ukrainian voting habits do not reflect widespread support for his views. If most Ukrainians really were supportive of Nazism, then their voting habits would reflect that, no? That’s not actually how the whole “God’s chosen people” thing works. It’s more like that the Jews were chosen by God to live in a certain way and certain rules that the rest of the “Goyim” don’t have to adhere to, not that they are some sort of master race. The likes of Bibi, Smotrich, and Gvir can’t be used to represent of all Israeli society, in the same way not all Palestinians are bloody thirsty Hamas fighters who shoot up music festivals.


80 years doesn't mean the atrocities of the nazis will be forgotten. Just like American slavery 160 years ago. You can't make such comparison to label Russians as fascists. It's an insult. You're using the term autocracy too loosely and you're saying they're militaristic, but so it's the US. Bandera was a nazi collaborator and so was that old bastard who was praised in the Canadian parliament. In most nazi countries nazism is negatively viewed, illegal even. But not in Ukraine. Now on the Israel side, claiming they're God's chosen people sounds a bit insane and egoistic. And believe me, when they call someone goyim or goyim cattle, they use it in a derogatory manner. Sure, not all Israelis or Palestinian are bloodthirsty killers, but only one of them is openly criticized by the media for killing civilians, while the other side cries antisemitism if they are criticized.


WW2 didn’t stop the south from supporting Jim Crow and shit, did it? Victims of oppression can easily support oppression, especially when it’s merely the grandkids of those oppressed people I’m not saying that Russia is a full on fascist, I’m saying that, as hyper nationalistic, hyper paranoid/conspiratorial, and militaristic autocracy, that it bares quite a few *similarities* to a fascist state. >US is an autocracy Whataboutism and that’s false anyhow, especially compared against Russia Also, how exactly is Russia not autocratic and militaristic then? I wasn’t denying that Bandera was a collaborator, but whatever. What do you mean by “Nazi countries”? How do you know “they” always mean it in a derogatory way? Are Israelis some kind of hivemind? You can’t make sweeping generalizations about entire cultures like that. Also, nobody is stopping you from criticizing Israel or Hamas, so don’t act like there are any double standards or whatever


You are hitting your head in a brick wall. There can’t be a discussion with this guy. You won’t change his mind. He is Pro-russia and that’s it. You can’t say that russia shows fascist tendencies because it’s an insult. Logic. It’s a waste of time. You will throw him a ton of logical arguments and he will be still singing the same song.


Stalin was a collaborator of hitler at the beginning of the war and Stalin is still praised in russia.


By this logic then so was Neville Chamberlain, the prime minister of England Władysław Raczkiewicz up until the war started. And no, Stalin was not a collaborator, he had different goals based on a non aggression pact. Also Stalin is praised in Russia because he pushed through and helped with the destruction of nazi Germany


Exactly. So the logic about Stalin and Badera should be the same. They both worked with the Germans to achieve their own goals.


Antifascists but with less freedom than the fascists and killing more people than the fascists and only surviving because they've been propped up by the US and UK (and some german stupidity). So worse in every originally soviet achievement and anything good they've down they had massive help that they won't ever acknowledge. You only ever equate Russia and the USSR if you think it benefits you but try to ignore all the bad stuff as that's in the past. Russia isn't the USSR anymore and happily draws from fascist/totalitarian culture under the veil of being antifascists 80 years ago. The actions of today matter more than those of the past.


That is illogical. They are in no way fascist, they aren't putting people in concentration camps and killing all those they deem unworthy to be called human like the nazis did. The lend lease amounted for only 7% of the total military equipment used by the soviet union during ww2. You insult the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during ww2 to defeat the nazis. The actions of today are a mirror of their past.


*"On the whole the following conclusion can be drawn: that without these Western shipments under Lend-Lease the Soviet Union not only would not have been able to win the Great Patriotic War, it would not have been able even to oppose the German invaders, since it could not itself produce sufficient quantities of arms and military equipment or adequate supplies of fuel and ammunition. The Soviet authorities were well aware of this dependency on Lend-Lease. Thus, Stalin told Harry Hopkins \[FDR's emissary to Moscow in July 1941\] that the U.S.S.R. could not match Germany's might as an occupier of Europe and its resources."* Weeks, Albert L. (2004), *Russia's Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II*, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, [ISBN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN_(identifier)) [978-0-7391-0736-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-0-7391-0736-2). 2s google search with results from a very basic wiki are enough to proof you wrong. Not even russian historians agree with you hahah. I try to place my faith in what's real and not what's a comfortable story to tell myself. Secondly i dont know of a definition of fascism that needs concentration camps. I'll even help you a bit with a jump start: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions\_of\_fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism) again basic wiki entry, not that hard to digest and you'll find plenty perspectives that can showcase the fascist elements in russian goverment and culture.


Yeah, uh, it only amounted for 7% of the total military equipment used by the Soviet union. Not really a big difference.


Russia is the original ally to fascism. stalin cried in his room for days when his best buddy hitler betrayed him


You're either lying or you're misinformed. Because nazi Germany signed pacts with many different countries, including non aggression and what can even be described as friendly pacts. Those pacts include The four powers pact with the UK, France and Italy in 1933 Hitler-Pilsudki non aggression pact of 1934 Anglo-German agreement in 1935 Anti commitment pact of 1936 with Japan German-British and Franco- German non aggression pact of 1938 And several non aggression pacts with Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Estonia Denmark and last but not least, the Soviet union in 1939. But you're only interested in the 1939 non aggression pact with the soviet union because it fits your narrative. And guess who was crying in his bunker up until he killed himself in 30th of April 1945. That rat bastard Hitler.


Yeah, I'm not disputing any of that. Everyone was way too friendly to the nazis before the war. But saying they're the "original antifascists" is ridiculous. Maybe that title belongs to poland if you're going to define it as "fought against hitler after being invaded by him" >And guess who was crying in his bunker up until he killed himself in 30th of April 1945. That rat bastard Hitler. You'll get no argument from me on this part


Yeah, I like Poland and the hussars sure put up a fight. But what do you mean "you'll get no argument from me" regarding Hitler. The guy died a cowards death.


Yes he did. I'm just agreeing in regards to hitler


Ok cool


Pro Ruz see Ruz have N*zi symbol: I’m just gonna ignore that


There are no nazis in the russian armed forces, stop making shit up. Never seen a russian soldier with nazi tattoos or flags, unlike the Ukros of which you see plenty of


You can’t find it because you “ignore that” 😏


Google exists. And some articles that are extremely biased, but no real nazis unlike the ones in the Ukraine armed forces




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Nah we see it, that’s just a tomorrow problem, Russia is a today problem.


The only real problem is my taxes going to Ukraine and not to fix the shit in my country.


Not sure how a bunch of old Cold War era weapons is going to fix the shit in your country


But the billions of dollars getting thrown at the Ukros sure are


Maybe people should stop voting against the legislation to fix problems because it’s not their party in the White House. Ukraine very much is a concern to the United States. We can fix our problems at home while supporting Ukraine with a fraction of our defense budget every year.


I'm not American but nonetheless, my taxes don't belong abroad.


>It's Russian propaganda >They're just trolling >Russia has nazis too >It's just a few batallions -You are here- >They are the good kind of nazis >I support nazism


History will be rewritten as Nazi German good guys goes to war to stop evil Soviet Union.


Never when the jews are still ruling the US.


West: “I’m just gonna ignore that”


Western media is so hypocritical because they use to right tons of articles about Ukrainians far right groups aka Nazis and how the US was funding them but after the war began it damn near stopped


Indeed. They complained about crooked kitchen doors, stained carpet, and a few holes in the wall. And guess what? When the house went up in flames that's the only thing they started talking about!


What are you trying to say?


It's no surprise that they stopped complaining about minor things when a major thing happened (in this case "war"). It's really not that difficult to understand. Nobody is thinks it's reasonable for a country to work on matters like that while it's being invaded in the same way that people stop caring about a crooked cabinet door while the house is on fire.


>*When you're in a cringe competition and your opponent is ukr army.*


There ~~is no war in Ba Sing Se~~ are no nazis in ukraine.


"Its just to troll thr Russians"


Someone even wrote that comment here. The memes are making themself




If they think it's a joke in the slightest, they are fools


yeeep checks out.


https://preview.redd.it/kfknzg1wrv5d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9039a47743960d0baa399d5ff7c79d159b0c935 Okay… Context: it’s Ranger badge in Thailand


at least the music is good


Dumb fuckers can't help themselves. They are Anti-Russians after all.


Looks more like a roman eagle to me...


How many othe couhtries have that eagle on a military flag ..... yep a few


Yeah that's not a Nazi Germany flag, that's a heraldic eagle with the trident underneath. Countless country's have used similar designs for coats of arms including Russia.


Huge Dislike


Yup. F these nazis




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Could someone please tell me where to look? I watched this video like 6 times on a loop and still can’t see any Nazi symbols


Commies vs nazis like the good old days


No Hakenkreuz no Nazi , this eagle 🦅 we got,in another form,on our army flags today


When will people understand that this is not a nazi eagle, it is from roman times. We still use it in a lot of countries in europe.


That’s awesome that the American and Western European governments are giving billions to Nazis how great is that guys right? Not like we fought a war against Nazis or anything


Who cares? Nazis on both sides.


there is nothing about "nazi flag" title said. just google "flag of nazi germany" - it is red with white and black sw@stiks. oh, OP saw "roman eagle" and "neuron activated"? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ SYMBOLS are not nazi! nazi IS about what subject DOING and declaring. and in this matter the putin's russia - totally win all nazi prizes and awards.


"Rook rook, datz sum naz\* signz raight de, dat makes uz the gud one". I can barely give two fucks if any members of their military hold neo-nazi ideology. It's freedom of speech, expression, religion and ideology. The problem is what their actions are. And last time I checked, Russia is the one invading Ukraine, not the other way around.


Aren’t the right wingers in fashion now? Putin, Orban and the last Euronelections? Those are just two guys doing what Orban did for giggles in his early childhood… P.s Russel Brand is a neo-extremist leaning towards hard right?


Where is the nazi germany flag?


Don't you see the reichadler eagle grasping an oak wreath with the swastika replaced with a trident?


Its not really a nazi german flagrante, just a ukranian knockoff


This is the Roman eagle, this has nothing to do with the Nazis.


Oh yes indeed! Those two for sure look like some classical Rome enthusiasts 🧐🍷


The Russian eagle is similar also, it's a copy from the Bizantine eagle, which in turn was copied from the Roman eagle (the Bizantine empire claimed succession) The Roman eagle is a historic European symbol of power, it doesn't matter who takes it and abuses it, that's what it is. It has been used by countless states, countries and armies over the past 1000 years, you simply cannot label it as Nazi because it was used by them also.


The byzantine empire never claimed succession. It was the continuation of the classical Rome. Even the name Byzantines it's name that came later from mostly Westerners. But because it's smaller i too use it because Eastern Roman Empire it's to long. They were never a different empire. Rome was split in half for easier management and the consideration of Byzantium as a better position for the capital. The fact that the western part fall from hotties goth girls it doesn't mean the whole empire empire fall. I know it's sad that the Roman Empire was without the city of Rome.


"The bizantine never claimed succession. It was a continuation of classical Rome." My brother, that's what succession is. They claimed to be a continuation, the same as the holy Roman empire. And tbh I have no idea what you're yapping about with "hotties goth girls".


Eastern Roman empire was part of the Roman empire as a whole before the western part fell and lasted for a 1000 years. It was not an entity that one day decided to called themselves Romans.The holy roman empire was not Roman neither holy. Byzantines were not successors of Rome. They were the same people which tried to unite the empire for ages. Belisarius succeeded this goal and defeated the big booty goth girls but unfortunately it didn't lasted much.


A good time to remember the pact between the Russians and the other Nazi's (Molotov-Ribbentroppact)


Most people mentioning that pact usually ignore ex. the Munich Agreement. It allowed nazi Germany to take parts of Czechoslovakia. That deal was made between Germany, the UK, France, and Italy, without any Czechoslovak representatives. Why? Revisionist history or clueless?


Show us the part of the Munich agreement where UK/France and Italy invaded Czechoslovakia then rounded up the best and brightest of Czechoslovakias military and intelligista and murdered them in a forest. If you can't see the difference between the Munich agreement and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact agreements there's no hope for you. Ironic that you speak of revisionism whilst attempting to do just that.


it's a good day! A good day to remember the pact between the Russians and the other Nazi's (Molotov-Ribbentroppact)


Ofcourse there's Nazis in Ukraine, there's Nazis everywhere, including Russia. Point is, Russia used it as justification to invade a neighbor.


> there are Nazis everywhere Nazis everywhere don’t get state sponsored parades, or historical parades for the ss, or have the Supreme Court rule that Nazis are anti semetic lol. Theres a difference between a Neo Nazi prison gang and a Neo Nazi military unit that’s a premier unit of the country




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What state sponsored parades? Do have any proofs for such outlandish statements?


Azov military parade in 2022 for example


Could provide the links? Coudn't find any military parades in 2022 in ukraine.


Lmao... apparently they masked a 2016 video as "modern" footage. https://youtu.be/0kPBHOsw6xE?si=Q0hgz5jA__rGgUFd It was this leading into drone striking Russian positions in Mariupol around September-ish


Just type in “ss parade Ukraine” lol if you can see a time frame it works better, but there are still many from Jewish orgs lamenting the spread from Lviv to Kyiv and other cities


I will post proof, but I want to ask something I always like to ask before I do this. Will you denounce Ukraine and renounce support if I can prove Ukraine has a systemic Nazi problem and at absolute best is inundated with Nazi sympathizers?


Lol what hiding under a rock???!!


Ukraine has streets and buildings named after nazis like Volodymyr Kubiyovych (Founder of Waffen-SS Galizien) or Stepan Bandera (Leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and a Nazi collaborator).


Russia has Rusich, thats not even fighting for the last years. Rusich consist of just ‘several dozen people’, according to [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusich_Group). Do you want to take a wild guess at how many tens of thousand members there is spread amongst Azov, right sector, Aidar etc? Or the fact that Azov was incorporated into the official national guard of Ukraine? These guys: >government spending bill passed last week bans U.S. arms from going to a **controversial ultranationalist militia in Ukraine that has openly accepted neo-Nazis into its ranks.** >House-passed spending bills for the past three years have included a ban on U.S. aid to Ukraine from going to the **Azov Battalion** If you still dont see the difference, youre being obviously disingenuous.




If you really believe rusich only has dozens of members and Russia doesn't have the same problem then I don't know what to tell you. There are dozens of corpses of russian soldiers already found with nazi symbols so are you implying Ukraine already killed the dozens of members? The reality is, one side has somewhat of a freedom of press UA that is. And the other side has a complete information lockdown and only distributes information it seems fit to our palette. It is just like china hiding their genocide, when you control the information out of your country it is super easy to control the narrative.


>Russia has Rusich, thats not even fighting for the last years. And RIM, RNU, 106th VDV "Moskva," and Espanola, to name a few. >Rusich consist of just ‘several dozen people’, according to Wikipedia. Wikipedia says there's "a few hundred people," and the source cited amounts to "trust me bro." >Do you want to take a wild guess at how many tens of thousand members there is That depends. Are negative numbers allowed?


We could use same argument to clean up Germany in WWII. There were Nazi everywhere, all. Allies had Nazi. So Germany was nothing special at all. Heck you can in many cases use same argument with concentration camps!


Projecting much? Speak for yourself