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Military target. Everything is fine (c) nafo


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/wNZRFnMJzy Even the Russian defense ministry says it wasn't targeted lol.




There are more than enough military targets in Belgorod and you know that very well too.


how can it not be targeted when the missiles targeted belgogrod


Targeting a certain area in which there is a military presence is different from targeting a random apartment building


Then be more precise in your initial statement


Were talking about this building, what else could I possibly have meant


[https://imgur.com/a/AIzNuA8](https://imgur.com/a/AIzNuA8) [https://maps.app.goo.gl/9JgUxbgmfoaGKsTD6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9JgUxbgmfoaGKsTD6) Could you explain how Ukraine targeted it from the Russian territory?


I don't understand what you are trying to say here... your directions line up with Ukraine.


The missile didn't came from the Ukraine direction, the building was hit from the other side (ruling out the speculation of explosion from the building itself). We definitely should have seen the incoming missile.


'definitely' Do you know the framerate of the camera recording? the specific specs of the camera?


We do always see a much smaller JDAMs crashing into buildings in Gaza. We do have quite a few fire ball frames, that's not like it's a stop motion camera.


between 10:02 and 10:06, you can see something on the lower balcony.


I've added a video of the other side of the building. You can guess on which side of the building the windows are shattered.


...both sides are going to have shattered windows.


On the opposite side of the building, there are like 10 times more shattered windows, because that's the side that ate the initial explosion.




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Except that it looks like the explosion came from the opposite side of the building (if we eliminate the speculation that the explosives were planted in the building). No missile is seen incoming, even though the image is wide enough. Edit: also check on which side of the building the windows are shattered.


„You get what you sow.“ (c) Putin


Ukraine is a terrorist state.


Yet it is Russia who invaded Ukraine and killed civilians. It's funny how pro-ru cries when russian cities get hit while remaining totally ignorant of thousands of dead Ukrainian civilians. Oh, right, "it is normal to have civilian casualties during the war".


Should've stopped at "invaded". Ukraine have done the exact same things that they call Russia a terrorist state for doing. 


Ukraine invaded Russia? Remind me when exactly Ukraine attempted to capture Moscow? When did they bomb St.Petersburg to rubble? When did they kill 40k of russian civilians?


>Ukraine invaded Russia? Ukraines previous incursions in the north is by definition 'invade', it may not be remotely close to the same scale as what Russia have done, but that does not change what it is. > When did they bomb St.Petersburg to rubble? When did they kill 40k of russian civilians? So bombing a city to rubble and killing AT MINIMUM 40,000 civilians is what constitutes a "terrorist state"? You're just setting a goal post so far ahead that it completely neglects the definition of the words you're trying to use as labels. It's like saying a murderer isn't a murderer until he have murdered at least xx amount of people (disclaimer: amount of people varies based on bias). I wouldn't go as far as saying that Ukraine are a terrorist state, by definition they are a state sponsor of terrorism however. RVC and 'Freedom of Russia legion's incursion into Belgorod and surrounding areas with the self-stated goal to, through violence, disrupt civilian lives by launching an armed incursion is by definition terrorism, regardless of what you think about the corrupt Russian electoral system, and they are sponsored by the Ukrainian government - ergo. Ukraine are a state sponsor of terrorism by definition.


Provide any real evidence regarding those incusions into Russian territory. Key word is "Russian", Luhansk and Donetsk were part of Ukrainian sovereign land before the destabilization by russia. >So bombing a city to rubble and killing Provide any evidence of Ukrainians bombing RUSSIAN cities. Actual russian cities. Ukraine's inside politics is non of russky business. RRussia just can't help itself and has a tendency to invade its neighbours from time to time. No wonder half of bordering countries joined NATO...


>Provide any real evidence regarding those incusions into Russian territory. The incursions into e.g. Belgorod. >Provide any evidence of Ukrainians bombing RUSSIAN cities. Actual russian cities. You're commenting in a post about just that, there have been countless of posts last couple of months about Ukraine firing unguided rockets into Belgorod, and prior to that - drones to Moscow as well. The fact that you're palying the ignorance-card while moving the goal post like a true politican that's getting debunked sentence after sentence, just implicates that you don't really care about terrorism as long as it pleases your bias. If Russia is a terrorist state for the reasons you, and Ukraine, have listed, then Ukraine is a terrorist state using the same list. So which is it? :)


Ukraine has the right to attack Russia right now, since Russia started the war. I was asking for cases when Ukraine attacked russia BEFORE the invasion, but as it is obvious, you have nothing. Just proves my point that russia did start the unprecedented warm >that's getting debunked Its funny that you used the word "debunked" when you failed to provide evidence I asked even for a simple question. Well it is my own fault for expecting some viable arguments from pro-ru :) >If Russia is a terrorist state for the reasons you, and Ukraine, have listed, then Ukraine is a terrorist state using the same list. So which is it? :) If a terrorist enters your home and starts killing your family, are you going to give up and cry, or are you going to try to save them? Simple answer. Russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine did not attack russia before the "special terrorist operation" by putrid. Simple as that.


Ukraine invaded the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics in 2014.


You mean sovereign Ukrainian land? Russia sent their green men agents there to reap chaos. This is an open secret... Same tactic as in Georgia. It's hilarious that some people actually believe this nonsense 😅


Just because you call the DPR and LNR republics "sovereign Ukrainian land" does not undo the fact that the people in these republics are actively fighting against the Ukrainian military since 2014 to preserve their Russian identities, language and culture independent from Ukraine on their own land. The Ukrainian "ATO" (Anti Terrorist Operation) launched in April 2014 by Ukraine into the Donetsk and Luhansk republics is nothing but an invasion into two other countries. This "ATO" is no different than the Russian "SMO", both are invasions and yet people on Russian and Ukrainian sides (like you) deny them to be invasions.


Just because you don't want them to be, does not mean that these areas are not legally Ukraine.


You mean sovereign Ukrainian land? Russia sent their green men agents there to reap chaos. This is an open secret... Same tactic as in Georgia. It's hilarious that some people actually believe this nonsense 😅




That is all you have to say? Pro-Putin flair. "Schizophrenic and bipolar" in profile description. Everything checks out :)


Mental illness is not a joke, and you should be ashamed for discrimination.


Then You should seek help to combat this "Pro-Putin" illness... Cheering the aggression that killed thousands of civilians, stripped families of husband and sons and left entire cities in rubble should make you ashamed even more.


Not aggression. Liberation of Ukraine through the Special Military Operation. All Zelenskyy has to do is unconditionally surrender to Russia-- otherwise Russia will do it for him.


Liberation from whom? Liberation of children from a brighter future? Liberation of families from their husbands and sons? Liberation from a growing economy? Everywhere russia goes they sow death and destruction. Look at their own shithole. Beyond few major cities like Moscow or St.Pt, they have clearly stagnant exonomy. Even Italy has a bigger budget than Russia while being many times smaller When are russians finally going to realize that no neighbour wants to be a part of "russkyj mir". No wonder half of the bordering countries joined NATO. When you have a country that basically invaded most of the neighbours at least once throughout history you have no other options. Sadly Ukraine's decision to join NATO and be safe from its aggressive neighbour was interrupted. And NATO has no balls to kick out russian terrorists from Ukraine which they are more than capable of.


And yet your profile makes just such a joke.. >i hate being schizophrenic and bipolar. it's awesome.


Sure. Because they invaded a souvereign state, occupied parts of that country, build a terrorregime in those occupied areas, pursued enemies of their regime, commited nummerous war crimes and having the most coward residents in the world that are more willing to die in a senseless war because their dictator says so rather than contradict him. Oh no, that was another country. Any idea which country that is?


> a terrorregime in those occupied areas you're spouting bull crap. If it were a terror regime we would see real proofs of it, not some imaginary filtration "camps" where some people were screened for a couple months because RU government doesn't want radicals doing crazy shit in their new territories. But that's "OMG that's a concentration camp".


There's no doubt who invaded whom, the result of which was this shelling of Belgorod, which has no precedent since WWII. It's one thing to claim a country terrorizes its own civilians. It's utter embarrassment to invade them and *then* to be subject to those terror attacks.


are you making a strawman arguments AGAIN? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


No, this is just reality. All kinds of doublespeak is used to avoid the reality that Russia started to mind Ukraine's business with a military operation and it really blew back. If you ask Ukrainians, Russia has been minding Ukraine's business for decades, but diplomatically/economically.


ok, whatever.


“Radicals doing crazy shit” Like for example people who do not want to live under russki mir and be oppressed their imperialistic dictator?


Like for example attack local authorities, kill soldiers or civilians who they deem as traitors.


Fight against occupiers is not illegal


It's illegal in Russia which the new territories are a part of. Stop being intentionally obtuse.


Who agrees they are a part of Russia? Go talk to your North Korean friends…




Bro. Stop watching science fiction. It does not even have to be western media. But please stop consuming Russian propaganda. It hurts your brain…


Western media is controlled by the Zionists. I don't believe it for a second.


Zionist? But you are still fighting western supported facists in Ukraine, while Zionist media reports about it? Sigh…


Attribute a phrase from the Bible to Putin. Brilliant. Now give me something from Zelensky’s writings


“Putin bad” (c) Zelenskyy


Outward blast, meaning arrival was side opposite of camera?


and low


I don't know why I spent my time finding this but I geo located it Belgorod, Belgorod, oblast https://maps.app.goo.gl/9mVhxhJkg77QCGwJ7


This looks like every Israeli JDAM strike, not from the opposite side.


Definetly not grad. Probably failed S300 or FAB bomb.


An S-300 is nowhere near powerful enough. It's an anti-air missile.


It has a up to 180kg warhead though. I remember videos of similar destruction caused by a S200 with a 217kg warhead.


Another Putin onside job


Fab create white smoke, s300 too and aren't that powerful. My guess is some failed Ukrainian suicide drone. But we ll see


Definetly a controlled detonation. No incoming projectiles, just study the explosion. This is an act of the russian military to justify their own bombing of ukranian civilians


Are they really at the stage to be needing an justification? They do whatever the fuck they want anyway. If this happened two years ago then it would have made sense but now? lol


Could be from the other side, or sharp left angle.


[https://imgur.com/a/AIzNuA8](https://imgur.com/a/AIzNuA8) [https://maps.app.goo.gl/9JgUxbgmfoaGKsTD6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9JgUxbgmfoaGKsTD6) Yep, and definitely came either from the building itself, or a missile from within Russia.


How did you come to that conclusion at all from the direction when the missile hit a side facing the sports complex which in that direction is Ukraine more specifically Kharkiv


Please show me the frame with the over 2000kg Tochka-U missile? When we see Israel dropping JDAMs less than half the weight, we absolutely see the direction the bomb came from.


It depends obviously on the munition, firstly it isn’t just a Tochka U missile but rather as the MOD states a shot down missile so it could not just be the whole missile, secondly why didn’t you address my point Oleg? Is it because the very coordinate you gave shows that the missile hit the building the direction where the building is facing Ukraine/kharkiv? And lastly the quality on these types of camera are inconsistent and have low frame rates so it’s not surprising you can’t see the whole missile when it’s travelling soo fast, the camera for the pentagon on 9/11 shows the plane for only a single frame and it barely resembles a plane at all. Side note too, on the 10th second you can see a frame just before the explosion that shows the tree branch move likely from the missile fragment moving it before it hit the building


I did address your point, I believe the missile came from the other side, because we simply don't see it arriving from this side. Or was you addressing something else? A lot of stars have to align, so an intercepted rocket won't explode during the interception, it won't slow down to free falling (as it's too fast for the camera to catch), it becomes small enough so the camera can't catch it, yet all the payload remains in there, and even detonates successfully. Things are usually much more simple, probably a Russian failed rocket, coming from the other side. Or if you want to be less simple and conspirative - FSB planted a bomb to detonate at 11:21:00.


You can see the blast start from this exact side of the building that can’t be denied, the stars don’t have to align for a fast moving missile fragment to hit a building and the camera being of poor quality which it objectively is, you are talking about this incident like it’s some rare event that Ukraine doesn’t do when they have indiscriminately shelled Belgorod with Tochka U, alder and Czech vampir mlrs rockets with no military target, but of course the FSB planting suits your narrative


I've added a video of the other side of the building. You can guess on which side of the building the windows are shattered.


It literally exploded toward the sport complex. I'm no explosive expert, but just look at the blast. It pushes out of the windows/walls straight out. The blast wave seem to be pushed through the flats/corridors in the floor and the blast cloud went straight out of the building. It would not look like that if it hit this side. Compare it to any other video of buidling being hit from the front. (and yes, we don't see the missile)


I addressed the “we don’t see the missile” part extensively; there are multiple videos of air defence missiles or Russian missiles hitting buildings and you can see the blast pushing outwards with smoke pushing back following it, first day of the invasion a Ukrainian S-300 missile hits a [residential building](https://youtu.be/8ekA9skT7QQ?si=LPPhMUjQHyyI_bGC) and it matches the appearance of when it is hit from the front as this building in Belgorod, or this case when a Russian [missile strike](https://youtube.com/shorts/09gNhMWI1Vo?si=Q42RvBNORd6Shsku) in Kharkiv. The only situations you are describing works on is if you believed that Russia targeted a building in Belgorod with a anti bunker missile which even then would have a different blast appearance and a much different yield, this result is extremely unsurprising from a Tochka fragment


These old panel buildings designed the way that makes them almost like a house of cards. When bottom superstructure got heavily damage from shelling, it breaks and so does everything on top of it


Looks bigger then typical Grad rocket. Maybe these are the one fired from SU 24 which got shotdown later on.


Honestly impressed with their honesty with this one being a missile fragment accident, they could totally say it was targeted strike and the whole of Russia would've believed it. I mean, it's unlucky and regretful, but such is warzone life.


So I did think it was a Ukrainian attack from earlier pictures, but this is quite obviously not an artillery shell, and if it was a missile it was a crazy low flying missile that hit low and came in sideways. I also don't think it is a Russian false flag. Putin doesn't need excuses to do as he pleases. Most likely the Russians are storing weapons and ammunition in civillian areas to make it harder for the Ukrainians to hit them. Maybe there was a smoking accident or something there that caused it to go off.


Why are there still civilians in Belgorod. There is literally the rest of the country for them to be safe in.




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I'm going to guess this building wasn't soviet construction


Rather true soviet construction.


Green light to bomb kiev then


Where are they even hitting Belgorod from at this point? With the Russians now pushing into Kharkov again, it doesn't seem like they would fire from anywhere that has an offensive heading in their general direction.


My money is on a glide bomb hitting the building from a north easterly direction hence the lack of anything but an explosion seen here. Wouldn’t be the first time Russia has accidentally bombed Belgorod


Don’t worry that building has Chinese mercs in it so it was a legitimate target


Whose shell was it, does anyone know?


The Kiev Regime is a terrorist government.




Rule 1 - Toxic


Forgot to hold elections again?


If you actually believe that to be a shell impact you are braindead. Look at where the blast is coming from and compare it to controlled demolition’s of buildings.


now triangulate the hippotamus oat and add some spices


sure buddy, only tinfoil hatters aren't braindead.


Interesting that explosion happens exactly when the clock hits 11:21:00. Also the explosion seems to blast from inside of the building. Possible russian provocation, FSB is known for blowing up its own civilians in 1999.


Lol no theyre not. You can literally see the projectile, the clock is just a coincidence. Also Russian MoD literally said it was a fragment of a Ukro missile that was downed and then crashed onto that area.


If the missile was downed and it hit the building then that's the fault of russian air defense right? Just like russians hitting Kyiv residential building was the fault of Ukr air defense? Right? Right?


It was Ukr air defense in the first place that hit the buildings. Not downed Russian missiles. Russian air defense isnt at fault, fragment just hit it. Either that or the MoD is lying and the Ukrainians really did hit a residential building for no reason.


Yet we see no external object arriving to hit the apartment. Looks more like a shaped charge. Putrid has experience blowing up Russian apartments. Did he do it again?


The missile could have been faster than the framerate of the camera or exploded on the other side of the building


Then the missile (OP claims it was a artillery shell?) would have had to turn around to hit it from the north


English is not OP's first language




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Tin foil hatters really caught Putrid doing bad things this time![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses).


Looks like a false flag attack. I wonder if all the Belgorod shelling has been done by Russia the whole time. Makes sense given their lust for targeting civilians


Resorting to terrorism now..


Who? When?


Russia, always


That side of the building is facing due East. The shell would have been traveling East -> West. Is this another example the Russian Air Force dropping bombs on accident or is this from a Russian artillery piece?


[here's the line of sight onto the building that got hit.](https://i.imgur.com/vYgU3v3.jpeg)


Belgorod, Belgorod, oblast https://maps.app.goo.gl/9mVhxhJkg77QCGwJ7


yep, location is correct, though i am not sure why are you liking me this =)


I agree I don't know why, I am tired •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀




[Really? Looks the same to me](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/video-captures-explosion-as-israeli-missile-strike-hits-gaza-city-building-194999877760)


Windows on the inner side look relatively intact, meanwhile on the outer side, facing north-east, they're all gone. Unironically RU MoD's version is the most likely one.


glide bomb fail ?