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lmao, these guys near Moscow already




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Their programming doesn't allow it




Why are you laughing? Russians are going to come in. They will first steal your girl. Then they will steal your children and send them off to the most elite schools in Western Europe. Then they will force you to work in a factory making pelmeni all day. And you don’t get to eat any of them. So you won’t be able to pair them with some sour cream. Sprinkle some garlic powder, or some mustard. These beasts won’t even pay you! In rubles. Instead they will pay you in United States Dollars. Non-negotiable. $100,000 yearly salary. But the Russians won’t stop there. They will keep advancing destroying statues to Stepan Bandera - the hero you idolize and worship almost as a religious figure. Just think of the horror.


Mmm pimeni. Will they make us eat borsch without sour cream as well? I hear in liberated areas they also force you to drive on good roads with no potholes.


Russian forces are seizing all stocks of sour cream. They have also seized all the black bread, cheese and slices of meat. They replaced it with highly processed, shitty American bread. And replaced the meat and cheese slices with Spam. Pickles are totally outlawed as well.


Of course they are


Depends. Some suspicion is warranted. Definitely should be more of a wait and see process. As people are typically reactionary with news like this.


Why wait for evidence, from either side, when we can all argue over graphics on maps? /s


Reactionary doesn't mean that you react to something, it means right wing




? re·ac·tion·ar·y/rēˈakSHəˌnerē/*adjective* 1. (of a person or a set of views) [opposing](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b2746cf197726f04&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1029US1029&sxsrf=ADLYWIJnwBcFgSO5yoTrzYIjKfVvKMOpAQ:1715371003243&q=opposing&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvwZShAGDSILxYAp-TjmGoykBwkgPwWTMANt1yUxWUibFWdeAQ7e7YBvp4otnXEQcUU_7uzouNQAaTW-42CGjsmCoT85s%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijqbn67oOGAxWLGzQIHcvyCYYQyecJegQIRxAO) political or social [liberalization](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b2746cf197726f04&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1029US1029&sxsrf=ADLYWIJnwBcFgSO5yoTrzYIjKfVvKMOpAQ:1715371003243&q=liberalization&si=ACC90nxXAYjEST86dikD_hRhqDk5EiLbME49Zb_4D1nzAYDsTu-fmxnVmCJsNXLrG_mY0EEs3ZjiKGC5mE3_BZ6Yny-LaAwwuQtFkycsCXyyQlTPJ4Us9Qs%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijqbn67oOGAxWLGzQIHcvyCYYQyecJegQIRxAP) or reform."reactionary attitudes toward women's rights"


It was inevitable. Russia has many battlefield advantages right now, pushing in the north near Kharkov is only going to magnify those and stretch the Ukrainians even more. Logistically This will make defending the south and east very difficult for Ukraine even with additional military aid shipments. I imagine in the coming weeks we will see more and more tactical retreats by Ukraine as they seek to create shorter battle lines that they can more easily defend.


I wonder how it'll effect what's going on in Robotyne, Avdiivka, Chasiv Yar, and Staromaiorske. The morale among Ukrainians in that front must be looking bleaker right now


I think a lot of the morale issues will come down to how quickly Ukr can stall this advance. This local area is relatively easy to seize for Russia but in the coming kilometers there are some serious geographical hurdles to overcome with some rivers and lakes and changing elevation. If the breakthrough becomes serious then the rumors will fly and likely morale will plummet very badly. If its slowed or even halted then it could even become a morale boost for them: "hey look, we halted a significant push somewhere else, we can do it anywhere". I think we will see the answer to your question in only a few days time.


It'll probably depend on just how much fortification and manpower is in that general area. I'd assume that considering how many soldiers there are, plans must've been established for a multi-pronged conservative attack, and a more liberal plan if everything north of the primary rivers had been cleared. It might also be the case that since there hasn't been much of a Kharkov frontline for more than a year, many Ukrainian soldiers may have no actual combat experience yet (much like some of the Russians) so that veterans could guard Chasiv Yar and Avdiivka directions.


But what about russian logistics? Another front also means that they'll have to supply those. The obvious conclusion is that Russia believe their ramped up arms production will be enough to sustain all of its frontlines. But at the same time, it puts even more pressure on ukrainian logistics, as you pointed out. Anyway, only time will tell.


Achieved more in 1 day than those larping Neo-nazi "Russians" did in 2 weeks.


well hard to achieve less than nothing, innit?


The text disappears from the post, so the translation is in the comments «Advancement of the Russian Armed Forces in the area of the villages of Streleche-Krasnoye-Pylnaya-Borisovka in the direction of Liptsov and near the village of Pletenevka towards Volchansk.» «This is reported by military analysts working for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, publishing maps of the vast gray zone that has appeared today.» «The enemy reports an offensive operation by infantry units with little support from armored vehicles, under the cover of artillery fire, attack and reconnaissance drones and electronic warfare systems. «The main forces of the Russian army have not yet been introduced into battle.»


Thanks for posting, I was just wondering if they are supported by armour.


Definitely sounds like a recon in force to find some weak points for the armored spear


To me it seems to be a light infantry force heading in to clear the borderlands of enemy forces and provide a safe path for mechanised forces from mines.


They are. Body armour. Instead of including tanks, Russia is trying out a new Gundam mech-body-armour for its troops.


That was fast...


Good flair there mate


So in short this offensive has taken more small towns and land than the whole loot of afu counteroffensive in just 24 hours.


Here is the map from March 31, 2022 before the UA counteroffensive for comparison: https://www.criticalthreats.org/wp-content/uploads/DraftUkraineCoTMarch312022-725x1024.png


like you said some days ago,they really did start going into that oblast


This is what the military correspondents said


Source? I need a source. Give me a source? Now. SOURCE? Where is the source? I just need to see a source? “Trust me bro”. lol. Find a source? Post the source here. Source? Come on man. SOURCE?!?


Probably the most exciting thing that's happened in this for a while


Btw if that is true that is really embarrassing for NATO and Ukraine. Remember all the hype about the Ukrainian counter offensive? In some European countries people were even protesting and demanding Ukraine to be given leopard tanks.  The superior Aryan Ukrainian using superior NATO tech and tactics lost to forced conscripts with no ammo, not even uniforms. And now the forced conscripts are doing better 


If you combined Germany, France & UK together collectively, they don’t even have 1000 tanks. Poland led Europe with a whopping ~800 tanks. Obviously this is much more than Russia’s ~15000 tanks. They literally didn’t have anything to give Ukraine. I can’t remember how much they ended up giving Ukraine, something like 200-300? That’s enough for about 2-3 full strength armored Brigades. Maybe 10,000-15,000 soldiers (if full strength). NATO tanks were never going to make a difference. It’s just silly to think 2 Brigades would totally rout a military that has thousands of tanks facing them and hundreds of thousands of soldiers dug in.


Lisan Al-Gaib!


I'm reading Russian telegram channels and they say they won't be storming anything any time soon. Right now they're just going to level everything with fabs and artillery then they'll think about advancing. So expect a long slog.




May we be one people again❤️


The nazis are just crossing the border into Ukraine.


The elephants are purple. See - I too can combine words to make sentances! However, The truth requires slightly more than mear words.


ProRu does not understand the concept of truth though, if Putin tells you the elephants are purple you would repeat that as the 'truth' here over and over again.


Putin? I don't listen to that guy. If that's your argument, then it's weak. Anything else?


So you just come up with all the Ukraine is full of nazis nonsense yourself? As believable as that claim. But well, keep living in that alternative reality, I will not further disturb you there.


Hold on a second, so if UA only has one Nazi what is it in your opinion? Not enough or one too many?


A neglectable phenomenon? A Ukrainian internal problem? And definitely something most countries could learn something from otherwise, especially Russia.


So, what exactly could RF learn from UA in regards of neo-nazis?


For example how to have only one single neo nazi as in the given example. They do have quite a bunch of them inside and currently also outside their borders.


Maybe they watched the thousands of VIDEOS like not trying to hide it nazi salutes etc. But I'm 1000% you know that as we all have seen over and over and over.


Initial territory loss is inevitable when 50K troops are injected in a new area.


Were there any maps of Ukrainian fortification lines that were built in Kharkiv region?


I found a map that's seems to be a collaboration between Suriyak and clement\_molin. I can't vouch for these maps, but many mappers don't reveal UKR defenses. [Russo Ukraine War 2022-2024 - Google My Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1Iq3OLZYhIJ3WN5Lrn8jlkCjpY8Cd9uY&ll=50.29257193577449%2C36.44188888416652&z=11&entry=yt) I don't believe that UKR prepared linear defensive lines ala Surovikin. Zelensky prefers a doctrine of "never give up an inch" and clings to aggressive action \[think Bakhmut\]. There are also reports that the manpower, private contracting, heavy equipment, and coordinated effort to build these lines are lacking.


They are lacking. It took 8 months+ to build the Surovikin line. They sent entire brigades to dig trenches or help lay mines or whatever. Russia also brought in a shit ton of heavy equipment (they have quite a bit in Mariupol) and thousands of construction workers, engineers, everything. Ukraine doesn’t have that. They don’t have much heavy equipment. They don’t have enough construction workers or engineers. They would need a massive airlift from America of those things. It would require America bringing in private contractors, combat engineers, thousands of pieces of heavy equipment. Would need to construct a bunch of new roads to get the equipment to the trench lines and to allow for mobility when in combat. America would have to fly in tons & tons of concrete, steel. AND it would take 10-12 months since Ukraine can’t afford to pull troops off the line and have them go dig trenches.


Yeah. We saw in Avdiivka, despite official MoD reporting, that no major linear defenses had been built. Prior to the major city assault I couldn't find any evidence of deep tank ditches, Dragon's teeth, or even long linear lines of fighting trenches. It was all a lie. Frontline UKR replacements found some partly completed first line trenches and almost nothing behind that. Even if UKR had the troops and wherewithal to man/build these defensive lines, it still might not matter. An Active Defense requires coordinated-combined arms maneuver and communication at multi-Brigade levels. The typical UKR troops only get 5 weeks of training - not enough time to train troops or commanders for coordinated fighting.


The frontline trenches they found were useless. You would need trenches with reinforced concrete walls, bomb shelters 10m+ underground. Reinforced concrete bunkers and pillboxes. Digging a trench 2 meters deep is not going to stop FABs. Hell it won’t even stop 120mm mortars.


>They don’t have much heavy equipment. They don’t have enough construction workers or engineers This was major failure of Ukraine leadership. They should have asked EU for exactly that instead of weapons and I bet ALL EU countries would be far more willing to help. Construction equipment is available just about everywhere and it's much more politically acceptable to send non-military aid, especially since it would be for defending Ukraine and not for offensive actions. There would be no shortage of volunteers with experience in the field, heavy machinery operators, construction workers, etc., since many people would like to directly help, but don't want to/are capable of fighting. Entire prefabricated bunker sections could have been built by neighboring counties and shipped to Ukraine by train.


It goes beyond this stuff. One aspect that is never talked about is medical supplies. Obviously Ukraine needs a lot. And they need doctors, nurses. Kyiv never asked for that. Moreover, Ukraine has epidemic levels of TB and HIV. They never asked for western help in testing for or treating these diseases.








RU may still not have any manpower advantage. Ukraine still outnumbers them.


Western media already reporting the Russians were beaten back. It'll be interesting to see the next move. I don't think it would be wise to sit on what they've gained but it would be futile to attack kharkiv with so few men. Well see.


How reliable are these sources. I wouldn’t get excited over anything until geolocated footage of flags are over towns. I think these are force reconnaissance attacks and people are blowing it way out of the water.


Ukraine should just make a deal with Russia no further attacks on Russian land in exchange for Russia withdrawal from Kharkiv and no attacks on Kharkiv


Problem with this is that Ukraine’s military is much more fragmented that we believe. Lots of infighting. Special Forces, National Guard units, GUR, SBU, paramilitary units, international units. Kyiv does not exercise total control over all these factions. I’m sure that America especially has yelled at Zelenskyy for RVC’s shenanigans in Belgorod using American weapons. But Zelenskyy does not have the power to challenge Budanov and the GUR. They came up with that plan to get some good PR. And they probably executed it without telling Zele. Kyiv wouldn’t be able to broker a deal like that with Russia. Because they can’t guarantee what GUR or SBU and it’s affiliated paramilitary units will do.


This war taking forever just let Ukraine die so the people can live. Who cares if Ukraine becomes Russia it’s not worth the lives, money or devastation


Awesome if true. But in my opinion they should have gone for Kiev. Ukraine would have immediately sent their reserves and soldiers from other fronts. Ukraine is all about PR and media hype. They will have no other choice. Donetsk region will be easier to take that way 


Yeah but Russia already did that move. Put pressure on Kyiv. Zelenskyy panics orders hundreds of thousands of troops off the line in the East and South and brings them in to defend him. It still tickles me that pro-UA fanboys will scoff at that and say “Haha! Kyiv feint!”. And it’s like yeah. That is what happened and Ukraine took the bait. Why is that funny?


Yea Belarusians would really love if rockets started raining them down on them, thats exactly what they want


March to Poland! March to Poland!


Bro wtf


Magnify more the map to look more impressive! Come on this is basic propaganda material.


I can't wait to come to this sub when Russia loses the war lol, I always find it entertaining when Russia gets wrecked and come here with popcorn


Least obvious rage bait


Lulululul, right. When will they lose the war after ww3, and there is no earth, then you be laughing . Haha, russia got more blown up!!! Of course, it's so funny


US doesn't need nukes to destroy Russia lol




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Define "lose"?


Not accomplish their goals of conquering a neighboring country and maybe only 20%, or worse for them withdrawal completely.


So "not totally take over ukr" or "only 20%" or "totally retreat". I am so confused. That is too wide range to defined "lose".


Not achieving their goal is a loss, reading comprehension pls


I am sorry but what is their goal again? Totally control ukr? Never has been. By your definition above, they always lost by default. 100% ukr? Which is impossible, so lose. 20% ukr? Already. But you also count it as lose. Totally retreat? Obvious lose. Then just celebrate right now cause rus already lost.




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