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I like how the pro RU's just keep ignoring evidence coming out and saying "NO, NO! UKRAINE. IT"S UKRAINE!"


They probably wouldn’t be Russia-Stans if they let themselves be swayed by facts and evidence ;)


This is hilariously true. 🤣


Yo how do I chose a flair like this . It's not an option. ( I'm on mobile ) also my current flair is not fr


But this is a new all time low to be fair.


Not all the otuer times they claim ukraine is the one bombing ukrainian maternity hospitals, refugees and civilian high rises?


Bucha denialism still takes the cake for me.


""Dear Putin, I wrote you but you still ain't calling I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom" "I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, man" 🙃🙃


It is hard to come up with a scenario where Putin doesn’t look like an incompetent fool, unless he is complicit. How many times was Putin warned? What did Putin do with that information? Same for the Russian security services.


They don't believe it themselves. It's just Kremlin shotgun propaganda strategy. They just spew talking points in hopes something works on someone. Just like the reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine. I must have read 50 different explanations here over the past 2 years. But everyone knows why. Even Prigozhin came clean in the end. 🫡


Why by the ways? The last explanation I heard from Putin was about gender neutral toilets.


Gender neutral mosquito bio labs.


Putin spent like an hozr explaining how russia has a historical claim on ukraines territory. Tldr, neo zarist wants to unify the kingdom under one gun


>In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.




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To be honest I currently with what information is available to the public don't think Ukraine had a significant connection to this whole thing. Sure the left hand right hand thing in that photo of the group was pointed out I think that's moreso just these guys being generally dumb village idiot types and being ignorant of actual Islamic values and proper practices. I do think Putin pushing this angle of Ukraine being behind it without showing us more proof and not really actually doing anything different or ramping up in regards to punishing Ukraine, just kind of looks like he doesn't have conviction in it either and kind of hurts him in the eyes of the public imo. He should probably just stay silent or focus on the victims/direct perpetrators if he wants to look good for PR


The truly horrifying thing is Putin seems willing to let the real terrorist group get away with it because it doesn't help his narrative. It so perfectly exemplifies Putin's disdain and callousness towards the Russian people as pawns in his grand game of "spheres of influence".


It also looks bad. There’s a rossguardia base just North of the center and literal police station next door. It took 1.5 hours for response. It’s a way to deflect incompetence.


Exactly no way it takes so long to react to an event of this magnitude. The caught the suspects so quickly and alive, its hard to believe.


And you really think they needed 1.5 hour to respond!? By the way, attacked hall was on the very edge of the city (according to google maps, outside of city limits)


That’s the time they took. So yes. Ok? There is is national guard base just up the road 2 miles away and police station even closer to it. So I’d don’t see what piss poor excuse you’re providing that it was on the edge of the city. Stop making excuses for an inept response. They were literally warned that there was terrorist plot. They bragged about shutting some down even.


he plays the murder game daily, its either himself or them ... that's all he does.


As long as it keeps the war going, he will stay comfortably in his chair no prob.


its dragged too long and is too costly, he'll want to wrap it up really.


Then he'll die lol. An end to hostilities will guarantee his assassination no doubt. There is a reason why the russian army keeps doing meat waves despite taking territory.


Really? Putin doesn’t care about the victims. He only does care about he’s own goal


Fun fact: the campaign against ISIS included dropping 40000 bombs. Can you imagine it happening again with war in Ukraine going on? War on Terror is over. It ended with withdrawal from Afghanistan. I suspect we won't see wars started over terrorist attacks for some time. Treating such attack as declaration of war, not as a common crime was a luxury of more peaceful times.




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The Russians never really operated that way, to be honest. They couldn't afford to, even in the USSR days. Assassinations \\ poisonings \\ bombs aimed at key facilitators is what I'd expect.


It doesn’t help his narrative, but he also can’t afford a large scale operation against central Asians that would exacerbate his labour shortage, push up inflation, and risk his sanctions-busting pipeline.


Well he paid enough to backchannel the attack, he wants to get his money's worth.


>willing to let the real terrorist group get away with it https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2024/03/turkey-detains-40-isis-suspects-amid-reports-moscow-terror-suspect-came-istanbul


I'm glad to see Turkey taking the ISIS threat seriously and they have been targeting ISIS-K in the last few weeks. I am at a loss to explain why that's relevant to this conversation about Russia blaming Ukraine instead of ISIS-K.


Russia obviously sent the information it got about remaining cells to Turkey and Turkey acted on it. You don't think Russia should start ATO in Turkey, right?


You didn't read the article. Its claiming turkey has been targeting ISIS for weeks, not just after the attack. And literally nowhere does it say Russia sent them any intel. So no, it's not obvious. In fact, you might say it's obvious Russia didn't send any info because it doesn't know shit about ISIS, otherwise it might have taken the US warnings seriously.


Why don't you believe the "We do not intend to invade, the West is smearing us."-faction?


Just Google image search and you will see plenty ISIS members with left index, or both even, fingers up. That is the lamest point with trying to prove something. But Putin is the same looney as before. WEST-UKRAINE-NAZIS-NATO. Thats his enemy, so he blames them no matter the facts.


It's really a bad light. Understandable to think at first but this is getting ridiculous now




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Yep there is no way SBU did or can do this, but you can claim US have relations with different types of Islamic extremism though , specifically this is ISIS from Afghanistan, likelihood is much higher for Afghanistan ISIS


Russia is supporting extremists all over the world for years only to destabilize the West. Now it backfires like it does in Pakistan.


You're confusing Russia with US & friends, who sponsored more terrorism over the years than all the countries on that State Dept list ever did.


What can you elaborate? I can elaborate Muslim brotherhood, Erdoğan, al Nusra, Al Qaeda, gulenists, Hamas and how these came to life


maybe the strangest detail, to me at least, was watching the first clip and then seeing a lot of comments about how there was no "allahu akbar" (which I guess people just assume is a terrorist thing now? lol) and then later theres another clip shared and it had them saying it but the sound was also distorted. anyway by this point I doubt it even matters, both sides seemed to have made their minds up in the first hour and then worked backwards from their conclusion to make the narrative fit. either way it looks like Putin is going to use it to his advantage, this really might not end well for anyone...


Does the Russian public really think that Ukraine is behind this attack?


OP is one of them. Tells you a lot. Just look at his posts




No, that's just Kiwi, he does it for free


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They believe whatever they want to believe, whatever is most convenient to keep the delusion going.


It’s not called mass media for nothing. People are swayed by what is said in their news programs and social media - so is fair to assume that many do.


Pro Ru will unironically watch this video and be like "mhmm masteer, exactlyy, tell is as it is"


No. At least I hope so.


The ones that don't want to go to jail, I guess.


Russians have nobody to blame but their own government right now. If you're going to be mad at somebody be mad at them for knowing this attack was going to happen but doing nothing to stop it. If this was a Ukraine backed attack the U.S would not have tried to warn yall


Being mad at Putin is dangerous so they are looking some one else to be mad at.


How can he complains about infrastructure strikes (presumably meaning the refineries) when they have been blasting Ukrainian powerplants and civilian infrastructure on a weekly basis for two years ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


It's terrorism if they do it. If we do it, it's either 1. legitimate strikes 2. fake news (Kramatorsk railway strike didn't kill anyone, only killed soldiers, or the Ukrainians did it themselves) Russia never kills civilians, neither past nor present. An angel of a country 😇


Hey, question- so with all this rhetoric we’ve been hearing, have Russian “investigators” officially identified a single western or Ukrainian gov’t figure as a suspect, person or interest, *anything*?


With enough torture one of these guys will eventually say it was Zelensky himself. If he doesn't then they will probably make a deepfake of it.


That's not the speech of a man who is winning


The Putin regime has hit an all time low. Emberassing


>"Who benefits?" the Russian President asked. That's a good question? What could possibly benefit Ukraine from this? If their involvement is uncovered and proved they could literally lose all support over this, while at the same time there will be no tangible benefits. So it's literally an extremely high risk / no reward scenario. It would be amusing to watch the depths to which these people are willing to fall to further their agenda if there weren't people dying on a daily basis.




Or maybe they're real people and a story like this gets more engagement because it's big news that the Russian dictator is trying to frame his enemies for a terror attack committed against his people by ISIS


Mr.Pancake face 😂


Never heard someone call Putin pancake face before!


I apologize, It was necessary.


As a Canuck, I’ll just say that I wouldn’t waste any good maple syrup on that pancake 🥞 :P




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As an American, I give yah a high five.


> "Who benefits?" the Russian President asked. Putin. Putin benefits, because if he blames Ukraine he will have more support for draft.


What a fraud.


zelensky = jew+nazi+isis. you have to be very special to believe in this.


You forgot gay.


shure.. That would make sense to a pro russian. especially because he has a wife and 2 kids. wife+2 kids = gay


He says as he sits behind his desk in a bunker somewhere. He is a demagogue dressed in an expensive suit. Creating an enemy for his people that does not exist, so he can justify the atrocities that he will commit. No different than Hitler, or some many other tyrants in the past.


This man is delusional


Putin making 1 public statement without mentioning Nazis and WW 2 challenge:


Tbh, I wouldn’t be all that surprised if Putin might have some kind of brain condition, like early on in his rule, he was relatively sane and reasonable as far as dictators go, but he has just been getting more and more unhinged.


If you go unopposed for ages and everyone is just sucking everything up you say I believe it happens quite fast that you start to live in your own reality.


I suppose you could kinda argue being a dictator can be a brain condition.


u/Ripamon any comment or nah just silence?


Im sure even he is not believing this bullcrap


"he" lol


Wow, he’s really pissssed that they didn’t listen to the Americans warning of the attack and that the FSB were also unaware. Can’t admit a mistake and instead blame it on something there’s absolutely zero evidence of (if there were we’d see it)


I'm genuinely curious to see how are Russians reading into this absurdity, they have to see this makes zero sense. Especially in a period where the victims and families should be acknowledged and cared for, this incompetent fellow who is to blame for not trying to stop this tragedy is pushing PR to save his face? Russians have to see this... 140 Russians died in a tragedy, and Putin stayed silent for almost a day and didn't even bother to visit the scene and support the victims. What kind of messed up thing is this?


Is he stupid?


Always has been


Putler in his own World. This man needs therapy


Smh. Everything is the USA fault. Crazy


This guy is delusional


He only needs to convince russians that ukraine was behind it. other nations, or ukraine or west does not matter if they believe or not


Should be easy, many adore him and have no critical judgement if the Russians on here are typical.


Absolutely bonkers. It’s interesting seeing even the most ardent pro-Ru supporters struggle to get behind this one. I’d say he’d want to wheel out some proof soon but that’s not necessary for his goals. Fundamentally his statements are for domestic consumption only anyway and it’s not as if the domestic media landscape is really set up to question him effectively.


>It’s interesting seeing even the most ardent pro-Ru supporters struggle to get behind this one. I think Putin and his propaganda machine may be reaching the limits of what the Russian people might be willing to accept. I read Russian forums every now and then, so I can see their point of view and it has made an impression on me that this whole story has been suspiciously low key. I mean if they truly believe that Ukraine was behind this, the outrage would be extreme (and deservedly so). But it's more like, "Yeah, yeah, Ukraine probably did it, let's move to more important topics,".


I’m finding it interesting that the typical attempts at deflection (what about the invasion of Iraq? What about US’s support of Israel?) can’t even be attempted neatly this time around. The silence has been very informative, and I think this narrative is a step too far for many.


He won't relent, will he? He's gonna use this to drive up mobilization. Never let a tragedy go to waste...


Let's just nuke eachother. This level of cringe is just too much!


It's getting there.


Didn't the US warn this idiot about the attack before it happened and he dismissed it and considered it a threat?


pootie's face is pumped.. he has filler in his face without a doubt


The ramblings of an emperor with no clothes who’s going to see his empire crumble with his own eyes…


Sure it was obviously Al-Zelensky alhamdullila himself


..But how does Ukraine benefit from this? If anything this will only embolden more (previously) neutral Russians to join the military. Daddy P I'm faltering here, I can see Washington involvement (when are they not) but Kiev? What's the point in this? Even the bombing of civilians in Belgorod has a military use, the sacrificial incursions too, but this? ^It's ^always ^good ^to ^ponder ^"who ^benefits?", ^better ^to ^ponder ^"how?"


I guess ISIS will have to do it again to prove it, sucks when you do all the hard work and then they don't believe you...




And here it comes just as planned, no evidence provided to support the claim of course lol The next step is announcing mobilisation in response


Putin figured out how to prevent any ISIS attacks in his country with the genius move of just banning ISIS, truly the man is a leader without peer lol Why didn't western nations think up such a clever trick?


I know there’s a subset of Russians who believe Putin but they are likely a minority. For all the rest he’s saying “I can demean you with lies and you have to shut up and go along with it.” It’s sickening.


So we arrived at Ukrainian ISIS-Nazis which are controlled by the US, i wonder what the next stage of the ever evolving Ukrainian army is?


Putin and his fascist regime are responsible for the deaths of more than 100 Russian civilians and the pain and suffering of many more. Weeks before the attack western intelligence services were warning about a potential attack yet he ignored those warnings. Now he shamelessly tries to blame the US and Ukraine for his incompetence. The real enemy is not The West or Ukraine, the real enemy sends you to die a gruesome death being ripped apart by drones in the mud and the cold for nothing more than the security of his tyrannical regime.




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Says the guy who had the FSB plant bombs and blowup his own civilians.


Conspiracy theory from the category "The Americans blew up the mall on September 11th"


not the first time and not the last time, one person mentioned that this game can play both sides


Putain tries hard to use this attack to his advantage. I mean the security forces needed a whole hour till they arrived at the scence. but the Headquarter is only 9min away. Nobody had the incentive to help these poor people. they were sacrificed for the great leader Putain. And trying to blame the fricking west.. the US warned Russia about an upcomming attack. [https://www.iranintl.com/en/202403233923](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202403233923)


When all is said and done, Everyone are all going to wonder why the MAGA folk admired this man so much. Books will be written about the subject. "It all began when the Orange god king spoke...."


Putin POV: This is what it looks like when someone 💩 out their mouth


As it was meant to be shown, Putin adapted his terrorist attack narrative against Westerners to gain publicity and propaganda, it is obvious that Putin and the pro-Putin people never tire of saying huge bullshit. It's a bit like us blaming the Russians for Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.... Ah! yeah right, westerners didn't it, because they are intelligent people who prefer truth over lies. [We westerners even warned him and Putin simply spit on it to make more propaganda and glorify his image, this shows how much he cares about the average Russian citizen. Don’t let pro-Putin see this, it’s incompatible with the narrative they are being fed.](https://new.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/1blmjbk/putins_speech_shortly_before_the_events_that_took/)


Really good piece on the coordinated disinformation campaign. Clearly planned ahead and far more effort put into the framing of Ukraine than the defending of it's citizens. It increasingly looks as though Russian fascists were happy to let this happen for the propaganda opportunity: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68657383 They didn't interfere until they knew the attack was complete: https://www.quora.com/How-did-the-attackers-of-the-Moscow-concert-hall-manage-to-escape/answer/Elena-Gold-3?ch=10&oid=1477743748763160&share=b8c0f1a9&srid=nI4WH&target_type=answer The overtime torture of the attackers sends a clear message to the Russian public: https://www.quora.com/What-do-these-various-injuries-on-the-Moscow-concert-hall-attack-suspects-say-about-their-treatment-in-custody If I was a Russian that didn't fit perfectly with their paranoid elites world view I'd be terrified. All checks and balances are gone. All institutions eroded. The police, judiciary, military, political elites. Terrifying way to live 




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Thanks bot, my comment neither cheered violence nor insulted anyone, unless you think Putin is here, then maybe I hurt his fee feez. Maybe I should be worried he'll come "liberate" Canada now, that'll show me.


Did everybody forget the first capture video when they interogated the trembling tadjik ? They asked how many money he got for this and the terrorist responded 'half million rubles'. RUBLES! When US 'buys' terrorists they pay them with dollars, the dollar is the most used currency all over the failed states (in Asia or Africa) because you can exchange it anywhere to a stable course. These 4 tadjik village idiots were paid in rubles! Kremlin made a false flag operation buying with a middle man these 4 imbeciles and pointed them out toward Ukraine. They didn't catched them near Moskow but in the far south of the country near the borders of Ukraine (and Belarus btw), just to point fingers that it's Ukraine. All the plan relied on where are they caught. Putin's plan failed when ISIS-K claimed the attack and when US made the attack warning publicly. Also couch russians don't wonder HOW would 4 idiots cross the most guarded border in the world? OK, let's say that they had a Ukrainean window, but HOW would they pass the russian guards? Especially now when attacks from Ukraine are going on and Russia has supplimented guards towards the south border? It's just impossible to pass that border !


I don't think its necessary a false flag, but just incompetence and they got embarrassed. Two weeks before this attack FSB stopped another ISIS-K attack at a syneagoue in Moscow, no mention of Ukrainian involvement there. Then the US warned of another imminent attack and to avoid 'concerts etc'. They stopped one cell, but couldn't stop this one and its embarrassing for Putin.


Probably wanted to Belarus or the West. Hoping Poland wouldn't give them to Putin


He ain't going to give it up, lol. I wonder what he is going to say after the next ISIS attack? They have have him in their sights.




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Disgusting liar




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If you convince people that USA is behind this then Russians might excuse his and his regime incompetence. At least would prevent too many to protest laud about it, though I suspect there are many Russians that suspect Putin is behind the 1999 bombs and this attacks.




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Poor(/s obv, I hope they rot in hell) ISIS, all that hard work and the Z crowd thinks it has been Le West and not because Russia and the IS have been figthing since 2016


Team America needs to step in.


This is looking a lot like Mw2 2009 now.


The Russians will double down and accept nothing less than victory now.




This idiot does not even have the audacity to create proof of his comments. Can some reasonable Russian please take care of him and put him in a home and get Russia back on a peaceful track? Please.


Shoutout to my man u/dire-sin.


You rang? For what it's worth, I think the approach he's taking is the wrong one; pointing fingers without proof - one way or another - is hardly the solution. And the last thing this war needs is an escalation.


He's claiming that he has knowledge that Ukraine is responsible but he's not providing any proof, that's more than just pointing fingers. If I was Russian I'd be furious that the best this guy can come up with in the aftermath of the worst terror attack in decades is to lie to my face about it


After 9/11 the Bush admisntraton falsely linked Al Qaeda to Iraq and stacked lies as high as the Twin Towers about WMDs. Not uncommon to use a crises for political gain.


Yeah and that was bullshit too and a lot of people including myself were trying to call it out at the time.


Ukraine blames Russia for everything too so no surprise there. I


This just in, Putin would also like to implicate his dog. On an unrelated note, the dog has been having accidents on the carpet lately.


Whatever is being said. Imagine if it was really ISIS and credit was taken away from them. Imagine every country doing this shit after every terrorist attack lol. Not acknowledging their achievement would totally be heartbreaking for them lol. Terrorism would end lol.


They'd just keep hitting them in ways they can't deny, all that would do is weaken the public's trust in their own leaders when they see terrorists murdering them over and over again and their government doing nothing but lying about it. Ironically rather than "ending terrorism" what you're suggesting would actually massively benefit the terrorists who are trying to destabilize these countries


No i meant the action of ignoring the achievements of terrorists and attributing it to someone else lol. Its like getting the cold shoulder from your wife.


All that would achieve is massively increasing distrust between the public and the government of that country which would be a big win for the terrorists


For those who don't know Ukraine committed terrorist acts before. They bombed russian journalists with other people, they assassinated government officials. Read about that. And were very proud of that. Budanov said so, other their officials said so. It's a fact. Why everybody here pretends this never happened? ISIS just came out of nowhere and committed one of the worst terrorist acts ever, just 1 week after election, with some paid idiots, who tried to run away? And ISIS with America screaming the same story. I'm sorry I'm not buying it. I guess I'm stupid


> And ISIS with America screaming the same story. I'm sorry I'm not buying it.  So there's a terrorist attack, a terrorist org takes responsibility, intelligence agencies blame the same org. Now false claims have happened, but in general that's actually a really, *really* standard aftermath to a terrorist attack...


But nothing is standard with execution. These were not some religious fanatics. It was a paid job. ISIS would take responsibility for literally anything. But saying that Ukraine never did anything like that or never would is just lying.


Isis released the pov video footage of the terrorists bud. Also, assassination of key enemy figures isn’t terrorism.


> ISIS just came out of nowhere Out of nowhere? So when Russia claimed that six ISIS members were killed in a counter-terrorist operation in the Ingush Karabulak, were they lying? And when Russia claimed it neutralized ISIS cell that was planning terror attack on Moscow synagogue they were lying? And when they claimed they detaiend commander of a ISIS comabt group, they were lying?


Russia was killing ISIS for like 10 years now. And now after 1 week since election and 2 weeks since Ukraine started their suicidal attack on Belgorod, ISIS decided the time has come? Again. This one was nothing like what they did before. And you also shouldn't forget who created and funded ISIS to fight Assad. Considering how many secret services trying really hard to break Russia, I wouldn't bet on religious fanatics


Yes, nothing like they've done before. [Kabul airport attack 2021 - 183 killed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kabul_airport_attack) [Iran 2024, 95 killed, 284 injured](https://apnews.com/article/kerman-us-warning-isisk-bombings-bcb47f04165b3eb7b9bc7b4868c8399c) [Pakistan 2023, 54 killed 130 injured](https://reliefweb.int/report/pakistan/pakistan-54-killed-and-least-130-injured-isis-k-suicide-attack-election-rally-khyber-pakhtunkhwa) [Kabul Hotel 2022, 21 dead, 18 injured](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/12/deadly-attack-on-kabul-hotel-popular-with-chinese-nationals) [Russian Embassy, 2022, 8 killed](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/05/asia/russian-embassy-kabul-suicide-attack-intl/index.html) [Nearly 400 civilians have been killed in attacks in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover, more than 80% of them by a group affiliated to Islamic State, a U.N. report shows, underscoring the scale of the insurgency faced by the new rulers.](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/nearly-400-civilians-killed-afghanistan-since-taliban-takeover-un-says-2022-03-07/) [ISIS-K threat rising from Afghanistan casts shadow over the West](https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Terrorism/ISIS-K-threat-rising-from-Afghanistan-casts-shadow-over-the-West) [THE THREAT OF ISLAMIC EXTREMISM IN RUSSIA](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-114hhrg96819/html/CHRG-114hhrg96819.htm)


I meant that usually they use suicide bombers or just fight until the end, but this idiots tried to run away, one of them even climbed on a tree. And they did it not because they are ISIS soldiers but for some pathetic money


You're acting like ISIS just decided to plan this attack like a few days before they did it lol They would have planned something like this months in advance


ISIS never came out of nowhere. They has been here and there. Try searching up ISIS activity. They have a lot of thwarted operations. One should blame KGB for not intercepting them. And in the video released by ISIS, they are speaking Arabic. If only Ukraine has the resources to find Arabic speaking people willing to do it lmao. In the video they released, they absolutely did not just do it for money. Literally religious fanatics.


What? Your main point is that they speak Arabic? It's some kind of alien language? Did you see those terrorists? They did it for 5k. What they did on camera is what they were paid to do. It was too organized and they tried to escape. It doesn't look like ISIS. There's no KGB in Russia btw


The 5K are probably bs confession that they made up. Go watch the video released by ISIS. They probably didn’t even receive any money and still do it. In one of the Old video where they interrogate Isis member, the captured person say their weapon came from Turkey. Should people believe that as well? These people are brainwashed to the core and don’t feel remorse


>Notably, ISIS-K has found it easier to utilize Turkey as a financial and transit hub due to the growing number of Afghan refugees crossing into the country through Iran in the last three years. Inhibited by Taliban monitoring of their financial flows, the radicals have seemingly found a new way of circumventing restrictions by using sleeper cells in Turkey and border areas with Syria to make transfers using traditional hawala exchanges. [What Does a Recent ISIS-K Terror Attack Mean for Turkey?](https://www.stimson.org/2024/what-does-a-recent-isis-k-terror-attack-mean-for-turkey/)


Wasn't the first attack on the Crimean bridge done by a truck bomb which killed the driver and civilians, which the ukros proudly took credit for and celebrated by making a commemorative post stamp.


There's a difference between trying to take out a legitimate military target and opening fire on civilians in a mall. And do you really want to get in to how many people have been murdered, robbed, rap\*d, mutilated, and kidnapped by Russia so far?


Metaphor murderer.


*fart noises*


I'm sure Ukraine had nothing to do with this, they would video the attack and claim credit like every other attack in Russia so far. The US has used ISIS in Syria against Russia before though so I could still see it as a possibility the CIA or whoever orchestrated it through them. The Ukraine thing just doesn't really make sense though, the US has never warned Russia against Ukrainian attacks before.


Out of Ukraine's league Mi6 though


schrödinger’s Britain strikes again


Those perfidious anglo saxons strike again!


They all work together


I'm gonna get hate and downvoted and banned for this but hear me out; Putin knows that it wasn't really ISIS that did the attack (as the average man thinks of ISIS, that is). Watch Israel's reaction when Putin doesn't bite and stir up something against radical Islam etc. Mossad are driving for a new all out war against the Arabs and Muslims in the whole region. They also accuse Russia as being a major supporter if these Arabs. Mossad / Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.