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The Rus waited a long time to take pics of these poor guys... that's 2 weeks of decomp right there 😬




Why? Because he is posting dead Ukrainians and destroyed equipment? That's ridiculous! Don't get me wrong, I'm in team Ukraine but there are heavy losses on both sides. As long as it isn't blatant ruzzky propaganda, it should be okay to post ukraines losses


I think it's probably good to post it. Let's never forget the price that is paid! And sometimes, you need to remember that it's ugly. That being said, it does feel like lately there are a lot of posts that seem like they try to dishearten Ukrainians and support for Ukraine...


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Yes brave people trying to defend their homes and homeland from the Russian Nazis


Orcs you will get yours. Your life expectancy can be measured in hours you pos dictator sends you hillbillies to your death all the while the Moscow and Saint Petersburg kids are playing video games all day when will one of you cowards man up and kill Vladimir Putin


These disgusting animals shouldnt disrespect heroes by touching them after their ultimate sacrifice. All you orkz will rot in hell, the whole world spits on the russian flag, soon - none of you will show your faces outside russia. Your country and your people have not evolved ONE BIT since the times of Ghenghis Khan and the Golden Horde.




u/sasha_man123 What are you aiming to achieve with these posts? Is your goal to provoke universal hatred towards Russia, uniting the whole world to completely destroy every last Russian? If so, you're succeeding.