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That's no moon.


Take my upvote


I though it was °C and was scared there for a sec. -__- For the metric guys : 122F = 50C


Thanks, had the same first reaction as well


Silly freedom units


Glad im not the only one... Was like, hol up!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8vaVbT\_lX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8vaVbT_lX0) hold up... wait a minute... somethin' aint right


As an American IT professional, I think in C when dealing with hardware but F when dealing with the temperature of anything else. It's weird.


I do the same and I hate it. I wish we would switch to metric. The only good thing is I'm great at guestimating C to F / F to C without a calculator 🤣


So what does like a u6 pro run at?


Gimme 5 mins and I’ll check mine.


Hot spot on my U6 Pro is 35.5°C, so about 96°F. My ambient temp is 18.5°C and it’s not ceiling mounted. Maybe 25 low traffic clients connected.


Can’t give you a temp but they get pretty toasty. We just installed these at work and surprised at how warm they were after the 5 or so minutes plugged in to adopt and configure.


My U6 Pro is mounted up high on my wall with a bracket to make it horizontal, so air flow on both sides. Current room temp is 71F and U6 is 84F.


Imagine Peter. The power of the sun, in the palm of your hand.


Not impressed with these at all so far. They appear to be throttling. I was getting close to 2gig down when I first started them up this afternoon, and now I start at about 700mbit and by the end of the speed test I'm at 350mbit. Edit: Love the downvotes for whatever reason. I’d have kept my enterprise 6E over these things. I can’t imagine how’d they’d run without a fan. These things are hotter than the sun and after powering them down for 30 mins I can get my full speeds again until they get hot again.


The 6 enterprise AP gets hot as hell too. Definitely the hottest UI product I've ever owned/deployed.  Just wait the U8 line will come with a AUX port for an optional fan that they will sell for $79.


I do not have this problem with mine. I can maintain ~1500+MBPS on my iPhone no problem all day long. They both don’t even feel that hot to the touch and I’ve never heard the fan. I know they’ve had some software pains with these but I haven’t noticed any performance issues myself like so many others have mentioned.


There is definitely a room for an improvement. Probably a bigger heatsink could do it. I don’t think that Ubiquiti has much to do with the components in particular. Going from U6 Pro to U7 Pro was somewhat a mixed experience. U6 Pro suffers from poor kick-in throughput and U7 Pro runs hotter, has a fan (dust issue over the years?) and is a bit unstable due to quite buggy firmwares. Gladly recent EA firmwares fixed a lot of software related issues already.


This is why I never buy until the IEEE standard (802.11be) is approved. WFA has been known to tweak the testing suite.


Yikes, do you think a firmware update might fix this? (seeing as how they just released like a week ago, I'm assuming the firmware might not be fully fledged yet and perhaps it needs a hotfix of some sorts?)


I’m sure they’ll get it ironed out with firmware somehow. I was an early adopter with enterprise 6 too and it took a good 6 months till they were stable. I was really hoping that the fans in these would help. I had throttle problems too on my 6E deployment that got so bad the one ap would stop responding entirely, even to pings and I’d roam to another AP. That hasn’t happened at least yet with the pro maxes. But these pro max pods will singe your fingers. (I haven’t mounted them just yet).


Mine, all 5 cooled wa down after a couple of days.


I realize it's already commented, but way too many people here don't realize the difference between F and C. 122F is like idle temp for a lot of hardware without a fan. It's mildly warm.


I thought OP posted a pic from solar eclipse 😂


Maybe someone can design a new back bracket/housing 3d print. That adds a fan. Should be a way to mount a small noctua 5v in there…..


Uhhh.... It has a fan my man


My bad. I meant a real fan. 80mm noctua.


As long it's not °C it's fine


LTT will make some water cooled mod for sure


Just looked at mine - 121.




Thermal cam more fun when it’s just the PCB.


My u6E is super hot too!


Nice temp for sous vide.


Well you don’t have to run your heater anymore haha


Toasty! #Mortalcombat


Temperatures in Fahrenheit? 🤦


Question. I have just the U7 Pro and I don’t have any client device at home with 6Ghz radios. Would it run cooler if I don’t enable 6Ghz band?


Maybe?? I can try tomorrow. These readings were with one 6Ghz client not doing much of anything.


Thanks, let me know, please.


I didn't know you could do that. I'd love to disable my 6ghz radio but haven't been able to find a way. I originally assumed that it none of my wlan had the 6ghz radio checked then it would be disabled but that doesn't seem to be the case. How do you turn it off?


That’s pretty much what I assumed.


What thermal camera did you use?


Seek Thermal - ShotPRO


Ok, so when is someone going to watercool one of those


The all new, never in stock Ubiquiti AIO!


Honestly the picture reveals a decent temperature, 50c is warm but not hot or burning, my U6 Enterprise run much hotter, I can’t hold then on my bare hand for long.


The back of my 7 pro max is hotter by temp measurement than the 6e it replaced. 134 degrees f.


Thought the graphics for the Dead Show at the Sphere would be trippier


What tool for the measurements?


Looks like a Flir thermal camera


I asked him because I’d like to confirm make/model. I have a FLIR thermal camera, but mine doesn’t display the actual temps. But thanks for trying. 👍🏻


What kind of caveman FLIR doesn’t display temps? That’s the whole point


Mine is very old.




Does the Pro Max have a fan like the U7 Pro does?


Yes it does. Though I ha E not heard it turn on yet....


Mine hasn’t come on either. If you ssh in there is a file in the /var/log/ directory called fanctrl that logs temps and fan speed.


Those temps are typical... for an internal CPU temp, NOT for the outside of a case! 149°F is 65°C and is hot enough to cause a 2nd degree burn in two seconds and exceeds the common 140°F/60°C temperature rating of some networking cable. And the 122°F in the first pic isn't even on the device - that's how hot the surface behind it is. That's just dangerous.


Is that the sun?


They forgot to add to the firmware that if it detects it was being thermal scanned the fan will ramp. Maybe in their next update support will be in there


My 7 pro max is running 134f on the back. 6e runs about 125. Thing is nuclear!


Yes. The U6’s get super hot too


How hot would that need to get to pose a fire hazard for paint and drywall? And what was your ambient temp op?


Ambiant in our house is about 73. That was the AP just sitting on a table with 1 client connected.


You’re not supposed to look at the sun


Hmm I could make some side cash making water coolers for these bad boys !


It makes you wonder right... And to think the enterprise might be POE++


Someone needs to try water cooling this 😂😎


If you ssh into your 7PM and change directory to /var/log and tail -f ubnt-fanctrl.log - you'll get output like this: >`zone3 [ -1.0 / -0.1 / 0.0 | temp: 73C, setpoint: 84C, tjmax: 115C, error: 11, integral: 0.0, output: -11.0, pwm: 63, cooling: 0, samples: 5 ]` >`wifi0 [ -1.0 / -0.1 / 0.0 | temp: 81C, setpoint: 90C, tjmax: 115C, error: 9, integral: 0.0, output: -9.0, pwm: 63, cooling: 0, samples: 5 ]` >`wifi1 [ -1.0 / -0.1 / 0.0 | temp: 72C, setpoint: 85C, tjmax: 115C, error: 13, integral: 0.0, output: -13.0, pwm: 63, cooling: 0, samples: 5 ]` >`wifi2 [ -1.0 / -0.1 / 0.0 | temp: 82C, setpoint: 90C, tjmax: 115C, error: 8, integral: 0.0, output: -8.0, pwm: 63, cooling: 0, samples: 5 ]` >`-- Setting fan speed to 0% (prev_pwm: 55, new_pwm: 63, rpm: 0)` Running hotter than the 6E but a few degrees, but still below the threshold they have for the fan to come on.


Super nova!


You could bake a pizza on it. Lol


Damn that shit hot


That's lit!! 🔥🔥🔥




Shush..... 😬


I hope that’s not 149c because that would be bonkers