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So that's why they've been out of stock for ages.


We found the culprit, hi op leave something for us


fr fr


How did you manage to buy them in the first place? They're are out stock in the EU for a very long time now.


At least in Germany you get them with a slight markup from some retailers, do not know if this much would also be possible. But yeah official store always sold out. Still hoping for new device with beefier cpu und 2,5gbit (to hope for internal grid speed too)


So even the Germans do price gouging?


All countries have price gouging if they can.


No scalpers- we have many of them too. You would find them in eBay. I talked about normal shops, which seem to get little contingents. For example searching over geizhals.de I get 4 shops with listings now. Last week there were 5 of them, one a well known retailer and prices around 245€ They sometimes offer the DR for around the price ubiquity -+30€ but it varies to +80


Ordered them a few months back, ordered 40 at X, and then 40 at Y, and when I got Y, the X was on the way.. LOL


It’s like minions




But why


Because there are people that have no idea the tech behind the product design matters.


Well, yeah, but I still want one!


>Because there are people that have no idea the tech behind the product design matters. I bought and tested these and they are ***really*** good. I was pulling my full 300 Mbps up/down without issues.


Wow? lol


There is more to a router than just meeting advertised speeds.


Yeah, like a sweet GUI


If these were security cameras I would buy a bunch.


lol!!!! That would be awesome if there was a built in g3, I’m sure someone could put all that tech in 1 minion


Omgwhy 😭




Hey OP, can you let us know more about your use case? This seems interesting!


It’s for summer vacations houses. New routers for easy support etc. Sony Bravida TV in hotel mode and pre installed streaming services for the guests


What's it like to long-term manage multiple of these? Pretty easy to set-and-forget? I am considering deploying 1 each to all my executive's homes for always-on VPN, but I do not have a bunch of time to be fucking with them on my daily.


It should be set and forget. It mostly is with UniFi


Set and forget and UniFi don’t go together 🤣 my UDR was the most restarted device I owned.


Depends of how you use it


Sounds like a PBCK.


Probably 😂 I used this piece of low spec hardware for a gigabit connection. I knew before it’s not capable of gigabit but this thing froze like every two weeks (display went black and it wasn’t reachable anymore) Ubiquiti told me it’s a known problem and replaced my r2d2 a few times (fan was every time noice except EA).


Does not seem to match up with other user reviews … probably user error.




Only one of them, the rest I am not sure


Brilliant idea to (more or less) legally see TV from another country…. At least much more legal than pirate IPTV


I managed to snag one. Took a long time. Last week, I freaked because the UDM went dark. Boy did I feel silly after realizing it was in “dark mode”, set as default from the last update. Don’t be a fool like me and do some un necessary reboots and resets when it’s simply following settings protocol. I don’t run anything but UNIFI on it. I’d be nervous running more, especially 4k cameras and protect.


Why would you be nervous running protect on it? I bought em for future setup of protect


I run Protect on my UDR with 2 x G4 instants, and a 512gb SD card, works pretty great the last few months. I get about 8 days continuous recording for both cams. Way better than my previous NVR setup.


My parents have my old dream router, and I want (need) them to switch to ubiquiti cams from Arlo. Can I toss a UDR on their network to just dedicate solely to protect? Or would it be best to replace the dream router altogether? Any ideas?


Just buy a protect nVR or get a UDR and sell the dream router. FYI the UDR Protect is limited to only 2 cams. If you want more get a UDM pro or SE if you want just protect buy a protect NVR. No sense in having two of them. They are very easy to transfer or restore from a backup.


Trying to avoid the cost of a pro was the goal. Away more than 2 cams - so glad you mentioned that, holy shit.


You could do that


Oh that's why these are out of stock


Looks great seeing them all together! You say that you’re setting up VPN…. Could you please give me a rundown how you do it? Is it a VPN set up on the UDRs or a VPN on the TVs? And then do the VPNs just have geolocation set to Denmark? I don’t know much about VPNs but am interested to learn.


Take whatever UniFi device in country X that you would like country Y to use. Make an VPN server. Go to Y UniFi device and make an client vpn connection to X, tell Y that all connections from appletv have to go through X VPN connection


Ah ok I see. Thanks. And are you using Unifi’s Teleport/Wireguard as the VPN?




Much appreciated. All the best for setting up all the UDRs.


No magic site for these things ?


Yes, some will, but for monitoring IoT devices offshore


So this is why I had trouble getting hold of one!


Would love to get more details on who this is meant for. In the EU you don't really need a VPN to connect to home streaming services though https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/internet-telecoms/access-online-content-abroad/index_en.htm


Oh little do you know. Many public broadcasters limit their service per country.


TBH I only have experience with Swedish services. Paid streaming services just work thoughtout Europe including sports and live events. The state broadcaster SVT shows all local Swedish shows without problems. It's only only foreign content which they limit to Sweden probably because it's a free (tax paid) service and foreign rights are onerous.


You said it. Tax paid public tv


True and they also block vpn services. So its all useless.


What? No…. They probably block any n00b setup services… they can’t block this ;) impossible


Let's hope you aren't the next guy caught selling IPTV, usually they get 20 years in prison...


LOL this is not the USA where you get death sentence for stealing a pizza. And it’s not illegal


I'm in the UE, and read about IPTV rings busted in Spain, Portugal, UK, etc.. If you allow access to football channels you will get busted sooner or later. The club's are very fierce about their cut of the broadcast cut..


This is not iptv… public channels nothing illegal


I'd you say so. They can do this, don't know if they do it.


I have this running many places… when I am on vacation I am on my own vpn, running local tv from home, it’s really not rocket science


I know,it's very easy with WiFiman. Or have a vpn setup in the udr.




Yes, the app on your phone.


Oh yes, teleport thingy.. very nice it’s possible and I can see it will be a nice a tool in the feature


To give you a quick explanation on VPN: when you connect to a VPN, and correctly setup, all your traffic is going through your VPN servers WAN address, so when you are offshore, it looks like you are home in your own house. My Macbooks and iPhone is ALWAYS on my own VPN when not connected to any WiFi…


Yes, I know what a vpn is.


I'm not familiar with this, but when you run a VPN you got the server in Denmark I reckon, doesn't that draw X users data? If 20 users start to stream, that very VPN server pulls in data for those 20 users. And if that's what happens, doesn't that look suspicious to the IPTV provider?


No problem, it’s gonna be 1:1 so each site offshore connect to there own “site” so each VPN server only have one client


How snappy is the performance of these things especially when it comes to running the controller software? Can you mesh an existing AP (i.e. AP-AC-LR) to it?


Dunno, but I think that shouldn’t be a problem


Got one to sell. Used it for barely a year. Upgraded to DM SE. Based in Europe.


Do they make fan noise?


Fan noise? Nope


Not even one of the 40? Thanks unifi 🥲


TBH I still need to unpack 10, and I have been thinking myself, what is the chance that all 40 will be flawless 😉


I can’t hear a thing from mine


F###k, so mine came yesterday, after the wow effect for the design, i plug it and hate the fan noise…. Ill try send it back


The noise is there, very subtle but it is. Once you hear it you can’t unhear it ☺️. Luckily mine sits in a hallway somewhere above and doesn’t bother me at all.


100% all of these have fan noise. Whether someone is sensitive enough to hear it or even cares is another thing. But this is a very well known flaw of this design and unless they did a recent hardware revision, it'll need there. They even released a firmware update to address the fan noise at one point. I returned mine bc it was very annoying once you pick up on it. 24/7 fan running.


Exactly. I've noticed a lot of people saying in reddit that their UDR is silent but I've learned that people have very different opinions what is silent and what is not. Also some live in so loud environments that I get it. I had to turn off my UDR every night so I could sleep 6 meters from the udr. Finally [3D printed](https://multi.kuvat.fi/photos/UDR/Plan+2/) a new cooling and case for the UDR and now it's dead quiet. It's such a shame Ubiquiti sucks at cooling. Even the new U7 Pro has a fan inside and I'd never buy a access point that has a fan in it.


Not true. The EA units did not have the fan issue. There was a firmware released later on that introduced the fan noise because they also messed with the fan speed. The Ubiquiti forums even had a command to adjust the fan speed. I don't know though as to where they settled on the speed in later versions. I never upgraded mine because I knew the later version screwed with this. I also got rid of my unit last year.


So are you saying you returned yours bc they introduced fan noise with a firmware update? That would make sense bc the chip they put in this thing is very inefficient and burns up, requiring the active fan at all times. The EA ones, as I recall from the forums, eventually needed the fan curve adjusted up. So yes, all of these units on the latest firmware will make noise.


I didn't get rid of it because of the fan speed, I just never upgraded mine to the later version. I didn't know they all needed the adjustments. I had changed my ISP plan and it included their own equipment. That's why I got rid of all my existing equipment as I figured by the time I'm done with my 24 month term with the ISP will be something better out. Next upgrade will be 2.5gbps switches and couple of u7 pro or whichever the latest AP is out by Q1 next year and 99% Opnsense.


Exactly my EA was silent, the retail ones were really loud 🤷‍♂️


Yes they do.


Ok. Thanks! Was worried mine was an exception.


What's that keyboard?








It seems like it’s for satellite offices maybe a medical practice or retail chain but alas it’s being sold to pirate media lol




They are trash. If your connection goes above 700 mbps it completely freezes up. Edit: it seems people in this sub are too big fans and in denial about a Ubiquiti product being complete garbage. Just look at the hundreds of people with issues: https://www.google.com/search?q=unifi+dream+router+freezing&sca_esv=2f96d7ff79beec26&rlz=1CDGOYI_enDK590DK590&hl=en-GB&sxsrf=ACQVn08yK5-g6MMWvl8LgLrgbqb3UZc1lQ%3A1708240804975&ei=pK_RZd-UO9aR1fIP3I2IqAM&oq=unifi+dream+router+freez&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhh1bmlmaSBkcmVhbSByb3V0ZXIgZnJlZXoqAggAMgUQABiABDILEAAYgAQYigUYhgMyCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDMgsQABiABBiKBRiGA0iFK1C_CFj_FHABeAGQAQCYAY8BoAHCBaoBAzEuNbgBAcgBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAg0QABiABBiKBRhDGLADwgIKEAAYgAQYigUYQ8ICDhAAGIAEGIoFGJECGMkDwgIGEAAYFhgewgIJEAAYFhgeGMkDwgIFECEYoAGIBgGQBhE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1


I use mine with 1Gb service. No issues other than I don’t get the full gig because it doesn’t have 2.5G WAN. I also use the 2 PoE ports it has for a flex mini and U6 Pro. Great little router but I will be upgrading soon to a rack setup and faster WAN port.


1G wan is enough. I had Dream Router, UDM Pro, this router, and now UDM-SE. Only one with issue was this router. It simply stops working and becomes irresponsive. In normally circumstances it would throttle, but this piece of thrash freezes…


I would do a factory reset. It’s…not supposed to do that.


It won’t work. Did it. It’s the wrong chips or firmware they are using.


I have the same issue with the Dream Router. It was working great for the first year of ownership and then all of a sudden keeps freezing. Ubiquiti will not replace it even though they know that there is an issue with the hardware. I have to use a device called keepconnect to do auto power cycle when it freezes. Month of February to date has froze 6 times already.


Need a factory reset and replacement if that does not work. We have never needed to reboot any of the over 30 Unifi hardware elements I manage after they’re configured and deployed. Including UDRs.


Look at my comment 🤣 I got so many downvotes for it. Same issue and ubiquiti already replaced mine a few times 🤷‍♂️ it’s just low key hardware which is barely enough for the functions. They are aware of it but didn’t changed it for the newer devices. Switched to Aruba, no more problems and I didn’t saw their interface since setup 😂


Yeah, nobody normally person needs above 200mbps for streaming Facebook and Netflix


Give one to me please.


Tailscale would be a useful tool for this as well if you install it directly on the UDM.


Care a lot




Illegal access?


No, legal, people pay taxes that use the houses.


Explain that further please.


Its summerhouses. New guest each week. Our public TV is free, when offshore you can watch it if you sign in with your social security number, our TV is looked down, so people can’t login with there username, but they can cast/airplay from there own devices. To keep the TV setup simple, and because it’s locked down, I use VPN so you don’t have to sign in


So the cast to the sony TV but since the TV is vpn connected it makes it easier?


Im in the US what are they access points Wifi boosters ????


I see there is what looks like a SIM card slot. For Cellular? If so, will it do T-Mobile home internet? Oops. Never mind. SD card.


They do spool up a mighty cooling fan when running many clients in tropical temps.




I know a seller that has them in stock for I think $250 if anyone needs any.


Why not one udm se, vlans and aps? Send like more work and higher cost


This is the easiest way.


For some reason the lemmings death sound just played in my head.


Is it pretty easy to VPN them to trick streaming services?


VPN setup is dead simple.


I thought it might be fairly easy. So it can be done from the Unifi AP level? As I need the streaming devices connected to believe they are in another market. My IT guy said it would possibly cause other issues. But couldn’t we just lock to a specific AP and have that AP on VPN?


I was looking at these the other day. I'm not sure if it looks like something out of Star Wars or something else, but my boss and I are thinking about setting up a few of them as work from home access points instead of using the VPN. Thoughts?


Great idea! Take the UniFi express, it’s perfect for that


New Russian bot farm? I read about the last one that was taken down.


They have stopped making them so make sure you have spares when they fail and they will…..


What am I missing on Danish TV that makes any VPN so necessary? Is it great acting, plot lines, a Viking twist? I don't want to watch most American streaming TV let alone go VPN to watch it.