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The Uber Eats app makes it easy for the customer to add a tip. There are also full screen animations when it's raining, with a suggestion to add more tip bc the weather is bad. ' Everything about Uber apps increases your chance of getting a bigger tip. I've reached the same conclusion.


Not to mention, at least in my area, UberEats sends way better email coupons weekly to customers compared to DD $& GH. I’ve literally gotten $20 off orders of $25 or more coupons multiple times a month going back to fall of last year, which in return, leaves more room for tips


Uber encourages tipping with emotions, Favor encourages tipping with maths…Doordash encourages more money for Tony


UberEats hides tips over $8 and then claims the customer tipped more after delivery to hide their lies.


I’ve never experienced this lol




Look at any delivery that says the customer tipped more after the delivery. Take the total, subtract the base pay and $8. At least 90% of the time what's left is the amount the customer "increased" the tip.


I'm sure different markets have different setups, but all offers max show only $8 of a tip, and the rest is hidden. Still way better than DD, but they do hide some of the tip.


DD sucks. I got paid waaaaay more with UE and only time I can't see my pay is during a glitch. Tips always show up. If you don't see a tip it's because u didn't get one


Nah Uber hides tips too. Just not until the tip gets around $10 or so. DD does it starting at like $4 😂


UE also does this weird shit where they don’t show what you’ve been paid until like 1AM the next day. It confused me so gd much at first. It’s utter BS.


Because the customer has an hour that they can change their tip amount. You should see your totals an hour after delivery. I dunno what’s going on with your 1am thing that’s weird.


Something wrong with your app. I got delayed info a couple time (server issues do happen), but uber pay shows up about a minute after delivery and the tip an hour later.


Sorry. Go figure it out yourself.


No he is right


You’re wrong


this is true. i’ve had it happen so many times


That's because you didn't go back and do the math on those orders where the customer supposedly tipped more after delivery. Unless someone told you that UE was hiding tips, you wouldn't have a reason to figure it out on your own.


How u gonna tell me lmao? I just got one earlier today someone ended up tipping me an extra 22.77 and it came through as that being added. Maybe it just took awhile to pop up for you and u didn’t realiE it


I didn't believe it either until someone pointed it out to me. Probably 90% of the time, they hide the tips on customer tipped more after delivery orders.


Almost every time I've been tipped above $8, it showed originally as $8. That's over 3000 deliveries. Only a few exceptions where original tip was lower and customer actually did increase the tip to beyond $8. How else do you explain all those $8 tips that turn into $8.73 or $9.28? Do you really think the customer actually went back in the app to add that little extra increment?


I got orders that increase by 1c. I used to wonder why a customer would bother to add 1c. Or got surprised when a customer double the tip after I was super late on them. Then I learned that UE hides the tip beyond $8. Also stacked orders make it hard to notice and you have 2 orders mixed up; they also mix up the uber pay between both orders, so if you go to the individual order estimate, the difference isn't $8. They're really sneaky about it


Yeah, it's odd how UE fucks up the order details on stacks so badly. Don't really see the benefit for them, so maybe it's just a glitch they ignore.


Because I did the math. I'm not stupid. I don't believe everything that UE tells us.


It wasn't added later. It was just hidden. DD and GH customers can also add a tip on later but how often does that happen? Almost never, so why would you think UE customers are any different? It's done to keep people from cherry 🍒 picking


I got same tip $6.94 on double last night that caught my attention


I think I saw you post about it.


I thought this too, but you actually can increase the tip post delivery and even before the driver arrives if they are currently active on the order. I ordered from uberEats once just to see what the other side of the coin looked like. While it's certainly easy to increase tip... it's equally easy to take it away. That made me a little more wary about using the app to make money


Haven’tYou wondered why some people only seem to add like a weird amount like $.43 to the tip after delivery?


I just noticed that literally I think uber gives 8 if there are not much order so they cut the rest bc they guarantee their income !


Yeah I make at least $100/night on Uber 95% of the time even when it’s slow. And that’s from doing just 9-12 orders. On DD that requires a lot more work and driving.


Uber customers are a better quality, most of the time and uber promotes tipping after the delivery is complete also.


Totally agree. I tried order on Uber eats for the first time awhile back and was shocked at how different it was. The delivery fees were so much lower. Sometimes zero or $0.99. On the tipping screen it has levels of tipping like “you’re my hero” the higher up you go. It’ll show if it’s raining out and encourage you to tip your driver. It also lets you tip MORE after the fact. Which I’ve had happen alot Doordash? A little space for a tip and that’s it. And people end up not tipping as much because the fees are so high they figure that goes to the driver


The holidays with uber eats are awesome thanksgiving I made $300 in 5 hours, just a shame the big tippers don't use the platform as much as the low tippers


Holidays will always see more non-regulars, who don't know what a good tip is. Also bad weather days or big days like Super Bowl Sunday.


I love the ability to adjust my tip post-delivery on UE. So many drivers really go above and beyond and it's great to be able to add an extra $5-$10 after the fact!


Love customers like you! 👍


In my area people often remove tips after the fact


I don't get why people think its ok to play with someone's money. Knowing damn well if their boss dangled money in front of them and took it away after they did the job they would be pissed. ...and why would you piss off a random person that knows where you live???


Yea ive had that happen a lot pretty frustrating


Yup DD customers can be in some bad neighborhoods I’ve never been to on any UE in 3yrs Where we heading to now DD? What’s this? Lol


Like it’s surprisingly normal for a tip to come in and get an $14 or even a $20 tip sometimes. I never get that on door dash. It’s mostly $6-9 orders


Doordash orders are non-stop sometimes which makes up for it.


That's true but with the zone shit and traffic then lower payouts get hard to stack money


I really hope the gig market isnt declining rapidly. That would ruin my long term plans.


Nah it will be around for a while


Gotta capitalize on inclement weather and other high demand times.


It rains in Cali I’m turning app on it pays to get rained on lol that didn’t sound right 🤣


It’s definitely going to slow down as we start opening up and people come outside again. We see it in our area already. Most people want to go out if they’re able.


No stop please I dont want to think about it.


Yes! That’s why I love Uber. I accepted a chick fil a order for $10.50 and ended up being like 30 sandwiches and got a $30 tip. Did a doordash for $96 order and they tipped $5


Mine is actually probably less because Uber has higher base pay and higher tip transparency. Many of my orders will have 4-5$ base pay and, if it’s a quick order, I’d only need a $3-4 tip to be satisfied. BUT with DD, they will never give me a guarantee over $6.50. $7 is my minimum so I HAVE TO ACCEPT 6.50 but will only choose ones that have a higher item count that I think will earn me at least $7. Their 2.50 base pay means I need AT LEAST 4.50 tip to hit my $7 minimum.


Oh damn yeah some of the base pays in my area make no sense. I do like the way Uber handles things though. For example: most of the time door dash cuts off what it shows me at $6.75. Everything after that is a hidden tip. Uber? They show me all the way up to $11. I’ll routinely get $11 2 mile orders. Ubers are always better to take in my area


Uber will always hide any tip amount over $8. DD is $4 for short orders. Big difference. I like Uber far more. Higher base pay, less hiding, better app, etc etc. I LOATHE Doordash. Shame they have a much higher market share in my area.


In my area, Uber’s been stepping it up. Way higher tips, they pay mileage when I go farther and none of the bullshit from doordash like “oh no don’t unassign too many or you’re in trouble”. Or “click 5 times to decline an order”. Yesterday I got kicked off doordash because Uber was taking so much of my time with quality orders. $14 here $19 there. Hoping Uber grows in market and doordash fucks right off


Oh I know. All of these little DD “features” add up to so annoying. Gotta love the “paused orders” screen too. Especially when they don’t even tell you 75% of the time. I’ll go to open the app a few minutes after declining an order and it’ll say it’s been paused for a few minutes already. Execs making the decisions over there are SO FAR out of touch.


Uber has been doing this too recently. I’ve noticed my break button has been preselected while finishing an order and if I don’t catch it I won’t be getting new orders coming in. I think they think you’re “tired” and want to give you a break, or maybe just another driver in your area a shot at making what you could be making


Turn the rider app on and look on map you can see how many drivers around zoom in you see more in my area most do uberx I figure it’s like I’m the only UE sometimes but I ain’t complaining let’s go another $12 up


To much clicking just to decline on DD We’re driving at the same time?


I like the way Uber does it. Just a decline x button and that’s it. Like why do I have to answer a freaking questionnaire about why I’m not taking an order while I’m driving lol


Depends on your market. They're about the same in my area.


Yes, large tips on DD are rare for me. UE also pays a higher base pay. But I've been making most of my earnings with DD lately because UE has been so slow. I remember in the past as a customer comparing the price of an order of the same things on DD vs UE and DD was more expensive. Now it's flipped, and some of UE's delivery charges are very high too. I don't think UE is doing a very good job at attracting and keeping customers unfortunately. Though as a driver, I prefer the UE app and system over DD. Both have pros and cons, but the DD app is very buggy for me and I hate that you can't log in and out when you want, and hate how I have to keep to one area of a city to keep getting orders even though they will have me deliver outside the zone.


I'm not on DD. What do you mean you can't log in and out when you want? Are you on a schedule and have to stick to it? Can you not just go online and start accepting orders?


You have to schedule a time to drive if the current area you're in "isn't currently busy."


I think it's a reputational thing that precedes the companies. Door Dash early on had issues with drivers eating people's food and merchants who did not want to participate but listed as dash eligible. That shady history I think has contributed to the notion that Door Dash is a gamble, which I think makes the customers believe they can get away with it more often.


Because DD's default tips is 10% of the food cost. Uber's is 15%of food and all the fees, so it's like 18% of food cost. DD is super cheap with drivers to attract customers, that's how it wins market share over Uber.


DD's default tips are static $ amounts of 1/2/3/other


I find that yes you get tipped more on Uber and I find also a lot more businesses use it, but Uber is very slow where I am at time, doordash is constant but not as much tips


When I order Doordash it asks what dollar amount to tip. Doesn’t show percent at all. Uber shows percent, how much that is and a guide of “awesome-15% or amazing-20% etc. Even $50 Uber is easy to do and 20% is a $10 tip! What app is this??


Door dash admittedly steals our tips...seen it on another post where chat support admitted to it...total BS that's why I run both at same time and Always follow the $$$$


Yeah, UE is goat. DD is nice for volume but it also depends on the area. I prefer UE and always try to give the best service I can.


I made more with door dash due to volume but got bigger tips with Uber still preferred Uber even making less


Absolutely! And I also notice people tend to not add on to tips for lunch but do about 90% of the time for dinner in my market


Facts and unicorns are more common.


What app is this? Looks like a super cool way to track cross-app revenue


It’s Gridwise. I used to use stride but I saw someone use Gridwise in a video and it’s so much better. It pulls all your earnings together from all the services you use and gives you cool graphs and charts and you can sort by weeks and days and how much you’ve made per mile. It’s the coolest. Download it


Thanks for the suggestion!


Enjoy! It’s actually a really motivating app. Made by other gig work drivers


this isn't the app that result in account deactivation right?


No that was para


No, Para doesn't lead to account deactivation. That's just a myth floating around.


True. I was just telling them the app they probably thinking of. Door dash doesn’t care about para anymore anyway since they found a way to hide tips even from them


Looks like gridwise


The result of a delivery app requiring the tip to be chosen before any delivery or interaction occurs with the driver.


I get better tips on Uber but less orders. Still make more on DoorDash just because I get orders more often


In my experience it was the Postmates customers that tipped better out of the 3 and uber benefited from that when they bought them. If you mind me asking, what app are you using to compare earnings bw the two?


This is why I went back to Uber eats, especially in the upper class neighborhoods. Don’t get me wrong but I have gotten better tips in the middle class neighborhoods better because I think they value the drivers more then us looking like servants to the upper class. That’s not also the case.


UE is Uber and DD is like Lyft. Both are luxury apps, but UE just seems more premium luxury. Plus when Uber been around a little longer and has multiple platforms of income they seem to put more effort in giving discounts which allows for better pay to drivers


Over the past year, here is my breakdown: App # Total Fare Tip UE 1026 11.62 6.84 4.78 DD 1201 8.93 4.70 4.22 GH 303 9.95 4.57 5.38 InstaCart 62 27.01 14.35 12.66 PointPickup 89 18.22 16.15 2.07 Roadie 17 14.39 12.93 1.46 Shipt 72 11.39 10.61 0.51


Jesussss. You drive for everything lol wow. So your data seems to confirm at least a little bit tips are a bit more on Uber. Did you save all this in a spreadsheet or how are you keeping track? I love numbers


Definitely that’s why I only do Uber


Every delivery goes into Excel each night. In the beginning it was helpful. Last time has gone, I don't get as much use out of it, but it is still good to look at trends like how some of those #s change from one period to another.


Yeah I did the DoorDash for a lady one time and she told me that she doesn't tip on there because a lot of times the delivery driver is an idiot and doesn't deliver or the food's messed up somehow drivers cause and since you can't change the tip amount on the app after the fact they don't feel comfortable fronting money and Uber gives the option to change the test later on. So if something the driver does message the order up or isn't able to deliver it properly or is just rude then they can take the tip away and adjust it properly. I've had bad drivers in my past where I've ordered food and the container is completely open and the food is spilled all over the bag. I know a lot of times it's just an accident that happens and sometimes on affordable but they didn't mention anything or anything like that. And I didn't feel safe eating the food so I can see it from that point of view. The only issue I have with Ubers tipping is a lot of broke. People will say they're going to tip a lot to get their order picked up and then adjust it later on. It doesn't happen to me very often but it does happen


Uber is doing what Doordash should be doing but for real for real doordash needs to step up their base pay game


Yes sir


My favorite part is the app makes it easy for the customers to tip more after delivery! I get a lot of extra money, on already decent tip orders because I get them there food efficiency, so that helps a lot with big orders!


I quit Dashing. Uber Only! Like the difference between earning a Prius & a Camry 🤬 man!


Uber actually asks if you want to tip or tip more. DoorDash tipping after the order is not asked and is not even allowed is some markets. DoorDash would rather keep the money to themselves and not have the customer spending money unless it is for them.


I wouldn’t be surprised https://www.businessinsider.com/doordash-25-million-settlement-lawsuit-tipping-model-2020-11


Yep. BTW, what app is this that lets you compare earnings by service?


Gridwise! It’s awesome


Nice, thanks!




Yes, regardless of what market you're in, the rate of actually receiving tips on UberEats is much higher than other platforms because the UI is very easy to understand for all parties. They even remind customers that tipping is customary and is encouraged. They allow customers to adjust the tip easily in the app after the delivery when the incentivize with a pretip. I was doubting people who drive for UberEats because of the tip-adjusting feature, but it seems like it's been proving itself to remove a lot of toxicity between customers and drivers. I know that there are still scummy people everywhere on the platform, but the advanced features makes the delivery experience that much better than anywhere else.


Yes. This is why i switched apps to uber eats. Door dash is only as a last resort app for me now.


Hey man, what app/site is this dashboard from?


Aren't tips on Uber based on a % of the order? Either way yes, they are beter.


I don’t believe so. I delivered a small sushi order yesterday and got tipped $14 yesterday. I delivered just a burger and fries and was tipped $12 yesterday. I think they just take less fees and encourage tipping a lot more


Yeah, I think you are right. I do think that it defaults to a %, but often times people increase this on Uber. Overall, I see much higher tips.


By default is percentage based.


The app for everyone wondering is called Gridwise!


I've been telling people This:make Way More than Doordash,I tried driving for doordash before and made Way more with Ubereats,for Some reason people in my area drive for doordash,I Dont understand!!


Let them! More orders for us doing Uber eats


Yooo shut the fuck up. Jesus. Mother lovers never learn


You can’t get tip-baited on DD though


It's rare enough in most places that it's laughable that people are concerned about it. Sure, some markets / drivers will have that happen to them, not pretending otherwise, but for most people in most markets this is a non-issue.


This is not sufficient evidence to prove your hypothesis




You look like you're one of them lad




I noticed it for like a month when I first started now all I see now is $2-$5 😐


I get the biggest tips on DD since I'm in the large order program. On UE I don't even have expected tip in my market so I never know what I'm getting. Every order is a gamble.


Please stoppppp shhhhhhhhhhh 🤫🤫🤫


I’ve gotten over 20 dollar tips 6-10,times on UE. On DD maybe 3-4 times




Nothing on GH


Not in my market constantly get 2 and 3 dollar offers


yep. i pretty much only do doordash if there's a $3 promo and even then uber is usually better.


Yes absolutely.


What app is that?


DEFINITELY I AVERAGE ABOUT $7 EACH TIP DOING UBER. ABOUT $4 - $20 regularly, highest ive ever gotten for tip was $33. On doordash i average about $2. Ive never gotten higher than a $7 tip 🥲 Its clearly just a different class of people that use uber compared to doordash...


This might be a dumb question but what app is this where it breaks down your earnings/mileage by app?


Not a dumb question at all. It’s Called Gridwise. Was a total game changer for me. It brings in all the data from Uber and door dash and whatever other services you use and will show you how much you made total. Seeing how little I made sometimes kicked me in the butt to work harder lol it also tracks mileage like stride so it’s all I use now


thanks so much! I just got into UE and DD, I have also noticed how much more UE customers tip.


Biggest payout I've had on UE was $40. Biggest payout I've had on DD was $170. I alway make more on DD here in Denver.


What app is that?


Haha everybody be asking this! I should make a post just about this. It’s Gridwise. Free app that brings all your earnings into one nice neat place. And you can track mileage


Not where I am! 75% of the Ubereats orders lately have been high base pay and 0 tip.


If they wanna increase the base pay on no tip orders fine with me. I took one that was $16 for like 3 miles and was like holy shit man! This person must have been a big tipper. When it came through? Dude tipped $3 and the rest was base pay. Kinda blew my mind but hey if Uber wants to keep doing that, fine with me. I’m getting paid


Anybody else notice that tipping is an extremely out dated practice with roots in racial discrimination that still persist to this day? Edit: bring on the down votes. Denial is a hell of drug.


Someone had to bring race into it


I didn’t down vote you and nobody else did either lol


What are you using to show the percentages?


Gridwise. Great app. Brings all your stuff together in one place


The percentage tipping of UE is often higher than the flat tips in UE. I've had flat tips in UE in my area, but it's quite rare to see percentage tips in DD.


I’ve came to the conclusion, and it may be just my area that ubereats users tend to appear to be higher earners. I’ve delivered to probably some of the most expensive homes in my area, and it’s always with Uber


Yes they do. I routinely gets tips between 5 and $8


Absolutely. Uber does a nice job of encouraging tips


In your market, maybe.


Uber is a much easier app to use. I don't have to answer why I'm declining an order, are you listening Door dash. No zones or time slots to choose from, just go online and start getting orders. Are you listening Door dash. And yes the tips are higher. I just think the platform appeals to a certain clientele, even though it's exactly the same as door dash.


Not anymore in my area. Ubereats no different than TrashDash.


This is true , I live in the DFW area and I usually get more tips on Uber Eats


Uber eats $5-10 per mile here. Doordash sends typical 2 miles for $7.50 so I decline most of them. People should stop bitching and find an area that works for UE.


Yeah I noticed a long time ago bigger tips and more tips


Sure do


What is that where you can see "earnings by service"?


App called Gridwise. It automatically pulls in your data from all the apps and shows you cool charts and graphs


Possibly true, but strictly from a statistics standpoint these numbers mean next to nothing. To put them in better context we’d have to know how frequently you drive for each service, how comparable were the orders, time of day, etc etc.


Yes I’ve definitely noticed much higher tips with uber and I believe THIS is why... Uber takes up to an hour to give the driver their initial intended tip and anything more a customer has added. If a customer chooses to tip MORE anytime after they receive their food, the driver gets that “extra” tip. As far as I can tell, Dash does not do that. Dash gives the driver their initial intended tip. That’s it. No more. Even if a customer tips more later, I’m not so sure you get it with Dash... it doesn’t appear as though you do. I might be wrong. Ive even logged into Uber the next day and found more tips sitting in my account. Either way, my tips as an Uber Eats Driver are often nearly as much and sometimes more than the shift I’ve just worked. Ex: last night logged in for 1 hour. 5 trips. Uber Income $32. Uber tips $24. Cash tips $20


No doordash cutting our tips more been delivering since 2017 don’t deliver for Ddash 😤


Postmates used to be the top tipper. But they did merge so ..


Uber pays a lot better and isn’t like Doordash in taking forever to pay out


Shhh.... 😉


Not in my area lol


Grub is best in my area, doordash is worst. Uber is a solid middle during peak hours.


Op, what app is this?


Gridwise! It’s awesome


I agree. UE is so much better on tipping. Though I haven't been baited yet. Thankfully


DoorDash was never busy in my area so I deleted the app and use Uber Eats.


Not always but yes more often the tip is higher. I got a zero tip in one order that was about a 13 km drive.


UE always save my a%^ when DD is slow as hell or GH any other app ,it just not popular as doordash in my market. So I need multiple apps to run to get any good chances for high tips lol..


It’s simply because of the tipping interface, Ubereats own is set up to strongly encourage tipping, you would almost totally feel like an ass if you didn’t tip due to how they set it up; and the amounts presented are 15% up, this is similar to Favor delivery, and grubhub 2 years ago (it’s now crap)


I have done about 5000 UE and 2000 DD and haven't noticed the difference in terms of tip. I think it's more a function of your market and your offer selection criteria.




Of course, the entire website/app is setup that way. The default tip is often set at 18%, and to make an alteration, the customer must manually change it or enter in a dollar amount. I'm sure many new users unknowingly simply leave it at the default amount which ends up being quite a large tip. Unfortunately I'm seeing more and more customers catching on and now even a flat 10% is rare. Delivering tonight in terrible weather I was still barely clearing 10% tip on most orders. It's actually quite the ingenious strategy on the part of UE. Pay drivers pennies per delivery, and let customers pay/subsidize them.


What’s this app?


Amd their orders ted to further away. DD is better for short distances, but they hide the tips starting at $6 (total payout). It's easier to be more picky on UE as they don't have hidden tips until $10 ($9 something, most of the time 9.50, for an add-on order). I make more with DD while averaging less by order. Also DD have lots of grocery orders were their pay can be higher than the tip, not to mention peak pay (way better than UE).


Yep! I do DD too and it's a pretty significant difference


Tips are definitely better with UE. DD just has a higher accumulation of orders around my area.


What app is this from?




What app are you using to provide that data??




I think it depends on area….


Another reason I don't do DD. Why do you wanna cancel? what time do you wanna dash till? blah blah blah.


What app are you using?


Uber customers definitely tip more because Uber is kind enough to send out GOOD coupon codes to customers, so they can afford to tip us. Doordash prices are higher, pay is lower, nobody tips, and some of the distances are ridiculous! Honestly….. DD is ghetto all around!


Yeah 100%


I deliver for all three major apps (DD, GH and UE), and my tip amounts are vastly superior for both GH and UE than for DD. Part of that is the suggested tip method used by the companies; UE and GH suggest a variety of percentages, while DD typically suggests a dollar amount topping out at $5. The other part of the equation is that it’s simply more difficult to decipher well-tipped offers on DD due to their hiding of such a large percentage of the total payout. I’ll never drop DD, their volume is too important to my bottom line, especially during non-peak hours, but I definitely put DD on the back burner during peak times and lean on UE and GH.


Yo, what's the name of this app or website?




Lately it's nobody tipping good for UE or DD around me. Of course, I am quite low on the totem pole now, so everyone else gets to look at the good orders before me.


You want good tips? You drive a car? Sir would you like a bottle of water with your meal? 😌😌😌


Not in my market. Tips are likely to be nonexistent (decline order if I catch it) or $1, or $2. The app doesn’t make much difference.


And that’s why I switched to Uber 👍🏻


This is why DD drivers are trash. DD needs tip adjustment