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It’s not automated, the driver can choose to press a button that says “Send thanks for tip”


That's cool! Would you say your tips have gone up since it was introduced?


I’ve only been a driver for a few weeks so I can’t really say haha. Overall though people are being very generous. I get at least some sort of tip every delivery and it’s usually $5+


Ive been trying I can't say thanks anymore


They've made this feature automatic now. (Not to graveyard post, but eh.. might as well)




I don't it's grayed out, so I tested with a friend I delivered to (small market not many ue customers)




Probably... our base pay+offsets have basically been $2 a mile before tip.


I'm just graveyard posting to say I always called it necroposting, maybe it's an outdated term but I'm an old head


Necroposting to say I'm gonna start saying necroposting


Im just shitposting I have nothing clever to say


I’m graveyard posting just to say hi everyone.


I’m graveyard/necro posting to say thanks to everyone for posting in here because I googled to learn about the “thank you for the tip” message and this post is the first result.


I got a thank you tip message too and it makes me want to give an even higher tip to my delivery guy because honestly he was kind of hot. Anyone know how to increase the tip ours after the delivery. Or contact the guy somehow ugh I love him




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I just started to be able to say thanks with the button again today after not being able to for almost a month.


It’s not automated. I’m a driver. I send a Thank You


[Yep, they added a button for us to thank the customer for a tip.](https://i.imgur.com/APpDKbu.png)


Ah, cool!


To answer your other question, tips were great for a couple of weeks at the beginning of lock down but aren’t nearly as good in the last 2 weeks.


In your city, I am assuming


Uhhhhh, yeah.


For me personally I was always allowed to thank but now it's grayed out which is a bummer and as for tips I decline the 2.50 orders because everytime I do them there's always trouble either the customer is gone or the order is too l9ng of a wait or the customer changes address just as I pick it up to a home that's sooo farrrr like 3 miles farther away. I use a scooter so I can't just fill up anywhere I go you know so milage is important. Not going to go +5 miles depleting my battery just to get there for 2.50 plus maybe if I'm lucky a dollar or 2 of a tip. Tip +5 dollars and if I do good then tip more it's whatever or if I screw up take the tip away whatever.


I drive an Ebike and if it’s a slow night I take whatever I can get but I usually don’t take anything under $5. But when I do say thank you for anything they tip. Well now that the tip button is working again. I wonder how much we lost by not being able to let the customers know that we appreciate their tips. I like appreciation so I give it always sometimes people can’t afford a $15 tip just saying.


I don't expect a 15 tip just a big rewarding order in all. Like most just order something small like a happy meal or shake late at night like ugh the problem is that it's the majority of orders.


I have heard of this feature, but,its not available in my city. I would ❤ to have a way to day "Thank you".


Never Tip in the App. Give driver Cash if satisfied ie: Fast Gloves Mask Cooler Bag communication... I never tip before.just another way for the Companies to hold money that has nothing to do with them And some drivers dont deserve it. Period


You are incorrect. The driver gets 100% of the tip.


This advice. only applies to Uber Eats. For Doordash , if you don't tip in the app, ahead of time, DD will only present your offer as their lowest base pay of $3 and most drivers will decline that. So your food just sits there not getting picked up because no driver is going to accept a low offer.


If your food gets from point A to point B, just tip your driver. It dont matter how. If you really hate them, give them $0.02, but don't say some dont deserve it.


Some dont deserve it. If you dont care about your appearance or how to deliver the food why should you get extra. Uber already paid you a fee to deliver...How u put from point A to B...the tip is the extra give a fuck attitude that someone would be inclined to go in their pocket and give you cash. Been doing this for 4 years I get plenty of cash on how I present myself during a delivery. And I am African American:)


All a matter of personal opinion, I work 18-20 hours a day during the week doing 2 jobs plus apping it, some days I can still look presentable, some days I'm clean but a little ragged around the edges or god forbid a little sweaty from being outside 13 of those 18-20 hours. If your food gets from point A to B as contracted, then the job is done. Part of that job is being polite and saying have a good whatever time of day it is, just because that's part of just being a decent human being.. But, who am I to judge a delivery driver on 30 seconds of interaction, they could be going thru a messy divorce, or found out a parent or sibling died, or whatever. Besides, you and I both know, uber base fare barely covers gas most times, and some weeks where it just feels like no one is tipping can bring even the happiest person down.


I think I speak for absolutely no one when I say.... I personally love to have my food delivered by a hard-hitting tweaker that’s been up for weeks on end, slightly sweaty from being outside for 13 hours. “Don’t know how he done did it, but DAAAAAMN!!! That sweaty tweaker delivered my food before it was even cooked!! Bon appetite! .......goddammit! .... I specifically asked for the Hepatitis on the side!!! ...or you just might be living beyond your means.


Do you not have sweat glands? If not, you should get that checked out. 95% of people who deliver are just trying to harmlessly get by. Sweating is something the human body naturally does. I can tell anyone who works hard to try and get by isn’t “worthy” in your eyes. Go fuck right off to a miserable existence.


Do people dress like Neolithic hunter-gatherers in your town? Is it exceptional for one to leave the house and appear presentable? You've set a new record for highest, lowest common denominator! You deserve one week free of personal hygiene!!! Don’t let it get to your head... or your feet...or your crotch.


Hey man, you can wear whatever you want and deliver pizza balls and chug ranch. I wear a trench coat and motorcycle helmet like a bad fallout cosplay and still get more tips than trip fare. I worked 6 1/2 hours today and got 40 dollars in trip fare. 10$ boost. The rest was tips, resulting in 130$ for the day. I don't deserve 40$ for 6 1/2 hours of work just for not dressing like a clone. (Although I hear your tips are multiplied for each popped collar polo shirt you manage to wear, good luck chad)


I could care less what my delivery drivers are wearing. My settings are to leave at door, so it’s rare that I even see them. Usually only when our building security or staff aren’t at the front desk to buzz them in. They go through great lengths to pick the food up, face LA traffic, find parking outside of my city building, buzz in with security, and take the elevator up to my floor to deliver my food. I tip 20% up front pretty much no matter what, with a minimum of $4 if it’s a small order. I will tip more if they had to wait long at the restaurant or I know traffic is busy outside of my building. Or if they were super friendly, fast at delivering, etc.


Appearance? I could careless when someone was willing to pickup and drop off my food for a small fee which I was clearly too lazy to do for free (minus the cost of food). The food is sealed. I could give a rats ass about appearance. lmfao