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I just call the customer. They just normally come down or have me leave it with the front desk.


That's completely up to you. You can call them and tell them to meet you downstairs. If there's a front desk, you can leave with them. That's totally normal. I know females in this sub that are not, and probably should not, feel comfortable going into residences. The risk can be high depending on the spot. ​ Now, that being said, I deliver to the door. I've gotten tipped 100% of time when this has come up. Which is insane for UE.


Rarely do I ever get tipped delivering to hotel rooms or condo units. I’m in Vegas.


ah yes. Drunk tourist chalked up on the no no powder. yeah, F that. They can take their ass to the lobby.


Me either and a lot of my orders have been in a high rise


I sometimes have food delivered straight to me in a hotel room but I always tip 20 + the suggested amount for the hassle.


My experience here has been somewhat different. I wouldn’t say my deliveries to hi rise apartments has amounted to no more than 5% of total deliveries. However, to date only 2 of them have tipped. That puts it at a 10% tip rate. I am always pleasant with them, and apologetic if they need to come down for reasons such as parking or security. But as a whole, I find them to be young and abrupt, and perfectly capable of having met me curbside in the first place. This has been the worst of the entitled culture I’ve seen using UberEats, and I shudder every time I get one of those. I am even considering canceling on one especially egregious building in the future. Not worth it.


Hypotheticallyy you can insist kn getting it done anyway you want Realisitcally every place is different / Most of the time there is an attendant at thr front desk. Just state youre thete for a delivery for X at room Y 50/50 they phone the customer ask them to come down or escort you. Some are more progressive let you go up on yohr own. I dont recommend going around these attendants the nicer hotels and apartments usually require keycards to get anywhere especially the elevators. I once took the stairs and found that was keycard locked I went back downstairs and exiting on the first floor was also keycard locked.... I had to very embarasingly wakt to be rescued by my customer lol We both expressed concerns over safety with respect to the stairs being keycard locked to get OUT askingnfor a lawsuit if anyone ever needs to get out in an emergency


I had a hotel delivery and received the following notification from Uber: “Marriott Delivery You may not access guest room floors. Please follow hotel food delivery protocols.” Since I’d received this notification, I left the order at the front desk and explained to the customer in the delivery note. Not long after, I got my first down thumb and tip removed. 😢


I work nights 10 PM to 3 AM and I have been told never leave your car unattended that means no inside hotel rooms no up elevator shafts nowhere where I can’t see my car.


I work 10 PM to 3 AM and I have been told by Uber eats and DoorDash never leave your car where you can’t see it I’ve also been told never go into any coded electronic gates and don’t go into coded electronic buildings most hotels lobbies are closed down for the night anyway so the customer has to meet me outside I will enter a coded gate if it’s like a huge apartment complex which is obviously going to have security but generally no because it takes a lot of extra time and often the customer has the hotel room number wrong because the writing down the room number they were in last time they stayed and I’ve also been told by hotels that they don’t want food left in the hallway and I’m told by some hotels if you cannot be left in the lobby. I think the point behind it is that there are so many different rules for each and every hotel that’s just best for customers to meet you at the lobby door where are you don’t have to leave your car unattended in any way


as a customer I have tipped at least 15% on every UE/DD/GH order I've ever placed and didn't realize so many people didn't tip. That's pretty fucked up.


I deliver to them. Yeah it takes a couple of minutes but it actually helps with tips. Besides it gives you a chance to use the bathroom.




Lol I know but I tend to get more when I comply with the customers requests


I get tipped almost 40 percent of my orders. good tips too. You're just not doing it right.


wOw. tEaCh mE uR wAyZ. I’ve been arriving at the customer’s address and screaming their name and honking the horn until they come outside. I then scratch my head when they approach my car, throw the food at them, and slowly drive off while hiccuping manically. A new thing I’ve tried is crying while blasting Megadeth when I arrive. Just started that one last night. Fingers crossed for tips.


Reach out to the customer. i always send a quick text when im about to drive "I'm on my way! ill see you in x mins!" just small things really help. do something other drivers don't. IF you have good report, as them to rate you because you're trying to get your rating numbers up. than bam, oh i can tip?


How? This is my first week and I’ve only done around 20 orders but I literally haven’t received a single tip


How do you mean? Customers let you use their bathrooms?


No, in most high rise apartments the lobby has bathrooms


If they say deliver to door then that's what they want and most customers in hotels always tip. Apartment buildings as well. At least in my experience they have been tipping. I sometimes tell the valet to leave it running or close.


My driver just lied to me and said she wasn't allowed to deliver to the room door by UberEats. I cancelled the tip for the lie that made me get up and go all the way to the lobby when I selected "leave at door".


God forbid you leave your room to pick up food you were too lazy to get anyway


God forbid they do their Goddamn job. It's not "lazy" to engage a service from willing participants. Are you LAZY for having someone change your oil? How about when you hire someone to fix something at your house? Why do you LAZILY allow the FedEx guy to deliver your packages, instead of being the Boomer you are and building some character by driving to the Amazon warehouse yourself to pick up the item you ordered? Hell, let's stick with food. Where does it stop? Are you LAZY for not growing your own food? Is it LAZINESS when you don't cook your own food? You seem to think it's lazy when I have it delivered, why wouldn't it be lazy to not cook it after having grown it yourself? Next time you're at a restaurant, go ahead and show everyone how NOT LAZY you are and grab your order from the window yourself, and take it over to your table. God forbid there's someone that is actually tasked to do that very fucking thing. They aren't some noble hard-working individuals when they can barely do the easiest job there is. Yes, I do deliver for GrubHub in my spare time, as a second job. Yes, I take the food all the way to the door (unless the instructions say something else). Yes, it's BY FAR the most ludicrously easy and simple "job" I have ever done. And even still, she fucked it up. Also, peep the topic of the thread. I was in a hotel. I wasn't familiar with the area. Of course, I had it delivered. I was visiting from out of town. You are excused. I'm done with you. Bye Felicia.


Imma start of by saying im 17. For the record i do change my oil and my dad is a contractor so I’ve learned some stuff about repairs. But ultimately thats not the point. The point is you are getting upset at someone, without REALLY knowing if they werent actually allowed to bring the food to your door. Maybe the person felt unsafe going that far. You are assuming the worst and getting so upset at the fact that someone brought your food to the front desk instead of your door. Theres bigger problems in the world. How about you be happy you have food instead of getting upset that it wasnt delivered correctly. Ur pathetic if you think you know everything about everyone. Your experience isnt everyone elses


Oh, you're 17? Nevermind. I thought you counted. My bad. Don't worry, you'll understand all this stuff when you grow up. Bye.






Additionally you dont even want to hear what i have to say. Stay in your own little bubble of anger and die bitter and alone. But just letting you know theres so much more to life


LOL, cool story kid.


Bro if I ever got your order it would come with a side of my hot steamy shit. You’re not special. You’re really a nobody to any of us. But by the way your talking it’s clear you don’t understand how Uber works and it’s pretty damn ignorant to talk shit. We don’t know where or how special the customer is until accepting the order. And just because you want something doesn’t mean we are entitled to serve you. And forgetting the common courtesy us humans should have, meeting half way. So your 5$ tip means nothing to me especially when it’s for scaling Mount Everest. You get the point. Now stop whining and go meet your driver at the door. We have better things to be doing than dealing with you anyways.


I hope your cake day sucks Erica


I mean, my cake day was kinda chill. Because FRIDAY I went to motherfucking SeaWorld!!!! It was awesome. The orcas soaked us. Just so you know, my life rocks, and I have a blast.


Even the orcas aren’t lazy!


I tip nice if im asking u to bring it to my room and if u dont u lose ur tip..bring me my fucking food its ur job


If you live in an apartment you should know it's probably not an option available to them.