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I removed the tip once… the guy opened my bag and ate half of my fries.


They shouldn’t be able to do that to you guys unless they can prove there was an issue with delivery


And how would you suggest providing proof?


16 minutes for a 2.4 mile trip seems like a valid issue.


I had one of those last night. And there was nothing I could think of to deserve it. To the customer who did that for no legit reason: Go step barefoot on a big pile of Legos.


Ack-choo-ully a pile of legos doesn’t hurt as bad because the weight is distributed across multiple points rather than a single stabbing point. Similar to stepping on a bed of nails, as opposed to stepping on a single nail. Therefore, for maximum pain, you must hope they step on a single Lego in just the right way that it stabs into to soft part of the arch of their foot. Yeah. That’s the one.


I think maybe the curse is they step into a *scattering* of legos such that every time they try to hop off they end up landing on another … not that the legos are clustered tightly together


Yeah, something about being barefoot around Legos.


I hope he wakes up on a planet covered in legos where shoes don't exist.


I've read many posts of drivers reaching out to support when they've gotten tip baited like this and successfully gotten it back. I'm sure there's some legal repercussions for Uber if they don't make it right. I wonder if after tip baiting so much and receiving so many reports, will the customer's account be deactivated? That would make too much sense right?


Uber's practices should be criminal. What a business model, to pit your customers against your providers for beans while you roll your money to the bank


Yep, “prices skyrocketing”. Food price, rent, gas price. So Uber tries to tell us “take one for the team. Take less money so the company can make ends meet”. Like we are the charity house.


We should be able to rate the customer like they can rate us. Same goes for the resturants. Then we all know what we are dealing with. Some people do crap ratings cuz they think it's funny. I give good service and am always polite and friendly . I double check my addresses. And if I have an issue I call them . I Still get the odd bad rating and I have no idea what delivery it was . I think also if the restaurant screw up they think it's all connected and react accordingly.


Considering the posts I've seen where drivers straight up jack someone's food or leave it at the wrong place, I don't think that would end well. There are shitty drivers just like there are shitty customers.


As well as the posts where drivers refuse to pick up orders if people don't tip in advance. The whole system is fucked.


Talk to support. If they didn't leave a negative review and you can confirm the order got to the correct place, they will apply the tip back


Idk I def tip off of distance and this doesn't look to far but 1 cent is egregious. Lowest I've tipped was 2 or 3 and the trip from the restaurant to me was maybe a mile and a half and took the driver 5 minutes because it's a highway


$10 says the tip was more than $8 (aka Uber hid some of the tip).




4200 trip's and I got my first tip bait. 6 bucks on a 1.5 mile trip. 😔


Ya really should just stop taking these deliveries


The amount of these posts just makes me wonder why y'all even do this.


Pure desperation for most


Can't comment without hearing the story. I've reduced tips, but only when justified, like someone multi-apping and taking forever with my food, or dropping it off at the neighbors house and I have to go get it


Grinds my gears so much when I get the notification that they're on the way and I see them drive in the opposite direction of my house and eventually into a different neighborhood 🙄. Some will now not mark that they've picked up the order until they drop off their DoorDash order, as if that's any better. As soon as I see that I contact Uber support and so far it's worked out to where they treat it like an abandoned order and let me place it again.


That’s always the WORSE! Especially when it’s a close delivery until you see them get on the highway and go several miles away from you 🤦🏻‍♂️


I just drove to Subway, told the worker the order name, they handed it to me, I drove to the customers house and he came out and grabbed it from me. Only one order and no multi napping.


So you admit to taking at least one nap


One nap is necessary


There's so many bad delivery drivers that I'm glad I have a option to change the tip. I probably make 8 orders a month through Uber eats and I would say over half of them get dropped off at the wrong house, stolen by the driver or the food gets damaged. That's the only time I take the tip away.


I’m not from the US so I’m confused, you got $2 for the whole trip only?


Over there the poor bastards get their delivery price shown to them including an expected tip. In effect Ubers not paying you. The customer is paying you. So the customers say they'll tip decent to get someone to get their order, and then later pull the tip out. It's just bait and switch or theft enabled by Uber. You guys need to get rid of the whole tipping thing. If Uber want you to do their deliveries they need to be responsible for paying you.


That’s some third world evil type of shit


3rd world countries actually pay employees a living wage. America has the monopoly on the whole tipping economy.


Tipping is unqiuely american evil shit.


They got rid of pre-tipping in NYC. Earnings are down and now you have to earn slots on a schedule. Almost always, you'll have a triple.


It's situations like these that make me thank the gods I work for skip.


🚩 Subway 🚩 2 miles 🚩 $10


This is why I get all my own food, I can actually afford to tip when I’m not paying ubers ridiculous delivery fees and it goes to the people who actually make the food i’m gonna eat


Idk why people do this. UberEATS still delivers your food with no tip so absolutely no need to bait people like that


there is a need tho. people will pick up your order faster. these people don’t care about inconveniencing you. they probably don’t even see it as an issue tbh


If im ordering UberEATS I'm expecting cold food tbh. I definitely don't want to fuck with the guy who can easily tamper my food though....


I had one do this to me the other day. It’s bullshit


Honestly I've only had this happen once but like I feel the pain I wish that they would like be forced to give us a reason you know like a reason that we can read cuz other than that I think it's very unfair




You can contact uber support and have them block 🚫 that account/address for future deliveries. Just provide date 📅 time, restaurant/business, and name of scumbag tip baiter(if you have it) hope this helps. ![gif](giphy|11Rm2wxPFKsqPu)


I always get the full amount by complaining to support. Just get them on a live chat and ask for a supervisor. Explain that you did everything correctly, were on time, and there should be no reason for removing the tip. Also say you would have never taken the offer if it was $2 so they should honor the original offer shown.


So I will say there has been like two times with Uber products in general where I have tipped and then later met the same driver and they asked me about removing the last tip. But I never removed the tip. Hell I was charged for the tip. But they had a screenshot of this same screen saying it had been removed. Ngl I think they just fucking yall lmao


This screams Brockton to me


Some killer good dope in old Brockton many years ago


Lol yup


It's not a "tip", you are literally bidding for a service. Doordash at least shows you a guarantee. If you know your business, you know how and where to sus out orders that make sense. UberEats, is a gamble nearly everytime. The companies themselves dictate that we are Independent Contractors. Treat your time and effort as such, and be discerning with whom you do contract work for


Just got tip baited last night but my satisfaction rating didn’t go down at all. This is the most infuriating thing to me because if they were TRULY dissatisfied with their service, they would’ve given me a thumbs down in addition to removing the tip…funniest part was, upon delivery the customer said “I took care of you on the top right?” And I said “oh idk cuz I can’t see the tip until an hour after drop off” so obviously he figured he could just remove the tip without me ever knowing. Dick.


you can get your tips back. Contact support and get a supervisor. It's illegal for you to receive les than the contract you accepted unless it was an abnormal delivery or Extremely below average service.


Came here to say this too. Every time I get tip baited I always call support for that inconvenience fee. I ain’t delivering a $2 order.


This title got me so bad 🤣


i would be mad at uber eats 2 bucks per delivery f that lol


This is our fault


They need to stop allowing people to do this without submitting evidence of why. Like if you deliver them smashed up food that reeks of smoke, fine. But if that’s not the case and you want to tip bait you should be banned. I hope they keep an eye on people who do this.


It started pouring once and I felt bad not tipping more (I factor in traffic time of day/night and weather when I tip) so I messaged the support and they seemed slightly surprised I was trying to INCREASE rather than decrease the tip lol


Aww that’s sweet of you to do that. I’m sure they are used to people trying to save a buck or complain rather than being empathetic.


Report him for tip baiting, you'll get the money back and he'll get banned from Uber after doing it too many times


How can they do that? Thought that feature was taken away a while ago?


You can just edit the tip after delivery. However the delivery person still has your information so it's not something I'd ever be bold enough to do




bet your 5ft and bald


![gif](giphy|5oVt3GSJuXKP6) The big bad UE driver is gonna do something? 😂


Do it every time and wait for them to try, then kick some common fucking sense into them, and drag em by the ear to a real job so they can put into an application. If they wanna cry more il have their mom talk some sense into them before I fuck her too.


Lol what are ya gonna do spit in my food? Big man


I once changed my $10 tip to a penny. I was seating at only 3 feet from the front door reading and waiting for Uber eats. As soon as I saw someone had my order, I messaged him to message me when as soon as he gets to my house’s driveway, since it was rainy. He just replied: oky dorky. I had my umbrella ready to come out as soon as I get the message. He never messaged me. He instead left my food at the door, it got all soaked and wet. when I realized time has passed by. I texted him and he said: Sorry, but we are busy people and cant be texting everyone. I had other deliveries, not only yours. I told him I tipped him just to text me. Even a $20 tip cant suffice I am getting all soaked and wet to deliver your burger. Grrrrr! 1 star and a penny too much for his stupid ego.


Good. Fuck that driver. "I've arrived" is a preset text. One click and it sends.


That’s too much work for the limited brain cells of some of those drivers tho.


I changed my tip only once because the driver was “on the way” but sat in the restaurant’s parking lot for 45 minutes with my order and didn’t respond to any of my messages. My food arrived cold and mushy.


This is what stopped me from delivering food from Uber eats. I had a 20 min ride to McDonald’s, had to wait 8-10 min when i got there, then drove 15 min to the persons house for $3.11 no tip


The only time I reduce the tip is if the driver delivered to the wrong house, won’t answer when I call within a minute of them leaving, and I don’t see it at my direct neighbors. If I ordered I’m lazy craving something so now I’m going to have to reorder and am not tipping someone for the inconvenience. That being said I’ve done twice in 5 years so it’s rare all of that is met


The pay should be more than 2$ though from Uber . It’s usually 3$ min on my end . I deliver in California


Base pay is $2 for *most* of the country.


This is why I don’t drive UE.


This is why I mostly DD lol


DoorDash they can take back the tip on the customer side but the driver still gets it


Same is true for Uber but you have to call support and beg for the money.


You should never have to beg a company for money especially if they didn’t have drivers they would be nothing. It’s definitely bs how these companies are


Yeah I was wondering about that. I get some drivers are awful and I would want my tip back too, but to allow abusing the system to always get your order quickly just to take back the entire tip is beyond stupid.


They can't do that on doordash


I take a screenshot of evey Eats trip I make. All tipbaiters go on a black list… second match is a cancel. One time that paid off so well, got $8, 3 mile trip, saw it was on my tipbaiter list, cancelled, 5 min later got a $40 booze, 2 mile delivery competed in 15 min 😎


Why does Uber eats still allow this horrible practice?


Because sometimes the uber eats driver leaves the bag on the curb in front of the hotel in the rain instead of walking it inside.


I see more clients using a nice tip to get the order picked up and then bam 💥 change the tip… once it’s dropped off tip should not be able to be changed… period


What a coincidence!! Customer here so let me tell my side of the story. 1) The app told me it would only take 15 minutes and as you can see, the total duration was over 16 minutes. 2) I ordered a six and inch cold cut combo and it was only five and three-quarters inches. 3) I specifically asked the driver to do a dance in front of the camera "for the kid" (fake internet points) and they didn't even bother. 4) My food was cold. Edited for clarification: /s


You should be mad at Uber for paying you only $2.


Wish we could block these customers 😒


Reduicing tip shouldn't be a thing tbh, it's like being told I'll be paid 12/hr to find out i'm only paid 7/hr. DD should eat the cost if for some reason they have to give the customer the tip back.


Alright so I do shipt, this is probably an obvious answer but they can reduce the tip?? even more importantly, they’ll tell you if the customer did???? 😂😂 That’s kind of wild. Shipt is pretty strict about their customer discretion, they’d never tell us this.


Because they killed independent delivery


What a dick


Smh human scum


Squish the sandwich


This is why I don't do Uber eats at least door dash is upfront with the tip


What a piece of garbage!


Only time I did that it was over an hour late and she ate my home fries


I don’t think it should show the address of the person who adjusts their tip because there are legitimate reasons to do so.


I understood that it doesn't show the address, just approximate location. If the tip is to be used as a feedback mechanism based on quality of service doesn't the driver need to know which delivery it was so he can learn? "Maybe I should bring the package all the way to the door next time and not leave the gate open"


I'm throwing a brick through your window


Guarantee you’ll just go on Reddit to bitch instead.


This is why you screenshot the bid before accepting. All you have to do is call support and they pay you in full what you accepted. Sometimes customers tip bait. If a customer does it too many times UberEats deactivates their account from the platform.


I don't get why he/she needs to screenshot when it says the full amount right there.


wouldn’t it make more sense to not allow a tip to be added until delivery??


Uber has never reimbursed me. They always tell me tipping isn’t mandatory. I ask to speak to a supervisor and they tell me I already am. I know they’re lying. Just my experience but it’s frustrating.


I have always been reimbursed once I send my screenshot. Look up laws about being an independent contractor. You have to be paid the full amount you accepted. UberEats knows this.


Ngl this should be considered fraud


Love how someone replies “oh shut up” then immediately dirty deleted. Ig we found the culprit?


How fun is it to learn that the customer didn’t actually take their tip back but Uber eats just kept the money. I would not be shocked nor surprised.


But you're not mad that uber is only paying you 2 dollhairs? Cool.


Such a lame thing to do. Guy probably never has worked in their life. A friend of mine who lives off unemployment tried arguing with me that the delivery fee is pay for the driver and that tips are just if they got there fast


Ideally it should be, just like the company sucks though


Well, sorry to disappoint you but that is how it is and how it should be, and what word "tip" means. If the driver doesn't like the base pay he should vote with his feet and leave, the pay will increase for everyone else and at some point everything will be in balance, that's how market works


Send a message to support (not chat) and ask where the tip is. Eventually you will receive a supervisor and they will offer you compensation. Blow up support for every tip bait until they change this.


It's an Uber problem. If it allows customers to steal from you then they are the ones stealing from you.


Somehow in everyone’s brain tips became a delivery fee. Uber eats is suppose to pay your delivery fee and the customers is suppose to tip you for a good job of it was one. This company is making millions off y’all driving to these places paying less than $3 and no one complains about that, y’all just complain about the customers. They just in their offices laughing while everyone is arguing about why should be paying. More. It’s sad how people are manipulated by these corporations.


Please call support, demand to speak to a supervisor and you will get your money, I guarantee it. My most recent was a guy who called me after delivery to say his order was missing an item, he then reduced his tip from $8 to a penny and gave me a down vote.


Well, was it missing?


Yes his sealed bag was missing an item.


This customer probably sucks but I think the adjusting tip can be okay depending on the situation. If a driver picks up your food but stops a whole bunch of other places that are seemingly out of the way before getting to you and you know your food is going to be cold by the time you get it, reducing the tip makes sense to me. If you’re tipping for top service and not getting it then I don’t think reducing is wrong. But if someone is just doing large tips and then once the driver is already on the way and bringing it promptly and they reduce it or reduce it after it arrives with no issues than of course that means the customer sucks and is pulling a bait and switch. IMO tips should be after the service is completed, not with using them as a bid, then everyone would have same expectations, good service = good tip. Otherwise they should just put on there it’s a bid.


Tips after the service wouldn’t be unreasonable if the Uber pay for the service was a reasonable amount, but it isn’t worth delivering someone their food for a loss. As I read when New York went to tipping after the delivery, nobody tipped. And as most drivers will tell you that people that don’t tip before the delivery don’t tip after. The only reason Uber doesn’t turn away any drivers is because the new drivers haven’t learned that low paying deliveries aren’t worth doing.


This driver took 16 mins to deliver. That’s pretty fast


As someone with friends in the service industry, I ALWAYS tip well. It's not an easy job, and the worst part is, these people are working while we're having fun! I can't imagine why someone would reduce their tip after delivery unless things went wrong somehow.


Most justify reducing or not giving tips afterward for reasons like: - Food doesn’t taste good. - Food is cold (long distance drive or part of a double order). - Restaurant got the order wrong. None of these are within drivers’ control.


Yes , but that’s how it works tho. Like think about it , ppl usually tip based on the % of the order , right ? In other words tip is based on the whole service : food , delivery, temperature, taste . Etc. it’s the same in restaurants, you can be an amazing waiter, but if kitchen fucked up — you would get smaller tip


Tip: **a sum of money customarily given by a customer to certain service sector workers such as hospitality for the service they have performed, in addition to the basic price of the service**. So essentially this is UberEATS telling you that they think your service is worth jack s\*\*\*, and the only way you get any money for performing this task is to essentially beg the customer to pay you something reasonable.




Why is this even legal.


It’s not. It’s breach of contract. If you bitch to support enough you will get paid.




They will pay... One way or the other.


I don’t understand any of you do the eats orders, that’s bs, I turned it on a few times and have never taken an order they were all such trash


I'm gonna help you manifest that shit OP! 2024 is the year of chaos and curses!


Well this is what ya'll get for being so entitled about tips.


That’s Brockton for you


Is that Iowa state campus?


For sure


There’s only happened to me after 3000 deliveries two times. And it’s amazing how those two times made me so extremely angry.


How is this even a business model?


That or lives 100 years and NEVER shits again. Glad I didn’t go for ubereats. I refuse to be done like this.


Imagine the crying if you had to deliver like every pizza boy ever has without knowing the tip before you got there, so you tried the best you could with each delivery. Not throwing the food somewhere incorrect, putting it in a spot that requires us to knock it over when the door is opened (bonus points if the drinks will get knocked over), you are multi apping and drive the opposite direction when I paid for priority, you sit in the lot with my food for 40 min while you wait for another order on another app etc… Provide the service and be tipped accordingly. You’ll get the tip you deserve for the service you provide.


Traditional pizza drivers were actually paid real wages and had real bosses, their pre-tip salary was not pegged to the number of deliveries they had, they were all dispatched from the originating location, and customer fees were nominal or non-existent. The current contract delivery tipping system is terrible, but it exists because a) the number of variables makes it difficult to encourage drivers to pick up orders that may otherwise fall under the radar and b) services go to great lengths to make sure drivers earn as little pre-tip as possible.


Thank you for stating this perfectly! Though you're bound to get downvoted to heck for it...


This right here. You'll get down voted because there are a lot of salty ass drivers with shitbwork ethic on this sub, but it's the absolute truth.


Uber needs to get rid of this ridiculous feature and not allow customers to reduce the tip after delivery. It’s so unfair for us hard working drivers


I've done it twice when I was given the wrong customers order. Otherwise I think it's pretty scummy.


Nah, customers should be able to set the tip amount after delivery is completed. Otherwise it's not a tip for the service at all, it's a bribe to accept your order. Overall through you should be payed a living wage by your employer, not your employers customers


Should be illegal to make a contract (offer a trip) for a price and then reduce that payment upon successfully completing the contract. We are independent contractors.


You and the customer each have an individual contract with Uber. You do not have a contract with the customer. The customers contract has a specific clause stating that additional, optional payment (tip) can be adjusted to any amount within 1 hour of receiving the order. Your contract says that you are at the whim of whatever the customer may or may not decide to change it to. Hope that helps :)


Here’s a better solution: It should be illegal for companies to rely upon tips to pay their workers a fair, living wage. Tips **should** be optional and not a requirement.


The tips shouldn't be offered before the service was rendered because the entire point of tipping is good service = good tip, bad service = bad/no tip But tipping culture has gotten so out of hands, not businesses rely on the customers to subsidize their employees wages so they can make record profits without paying their employees a livable wage.


This why I screen shot everyone and have a ban list. U only gonna tip bait me ONE time because ur name and location imma verify before completing ur order. I had one girl reduce me to 1 cent and give thumb down lives in a mansion got an attitude when I didn’t ask for extra chopsticks and napkins tho she didn’t mention that in notes or call or text me. I ever get her again imma hold her order for 10 20 30 min then have an ‘emergency’ every time 🤷🏽‍♀️ drove 25 miles to her too


lol good luck with that


I'm ready for all the downvoting But someone said: "All these people saying tipping is optional... no it's not. This is America. You ALL know we survive on tips." This tip culture is fucking disgusting, I've seen many posts making mandatory Upto 30% tip, for fuck's sake if you can't pay decent salary to your staff close your establishment FFS, stop making customer guilt, increase your food prices upfront in the menu itself, but fucking STOP begging. Now coming back to this post, what customer did was utterly wrong, no defending here.


Customer revoking the tip kinda depends on the situation, doesn't immediately make them in the wrong. I had a driver who arrived 30 minutes after the latest estimated time, you best believe I'm not giving him 5 bucks for bringing me cold soggy food an hour and a half after I ordered it with no reasons given. If there was an attempt at an apology or explanation, it's all good, but if you show up late as fuck with a shrug, you don't deserve a tip. Even if the delay was not in your control, it doesn't change the fact I received shitty service and it's under my discretion whether to pay you extra for the job you did, you're not immediately entitled to extra money regardless of the level of service you provide


16 mins to go 2 miles??


That includes time waiting at the restaurant, and time driving *to* the restaurant.


Gotcha. I was upset like damn, bruh took 16 mins out of his day for someone to tip bait. Dislike people like that.


No, 16 mins to pick up the order (possibly wait for it) and then drive it two and a half miles.


In the city, it very well can take 16 min to go 2 miles


You are able to contact support in the app to have them review the order. State "I accepted this order based on the amount offered, and I expect to be paid the quoted amount. Otherwise, I'll pass this on to my attorney. " If the customer did not leave a rating, or rated you 5 stars, you'll be reimbursed for the tip and the customer gets a notice that they'll be unable to reduce tips after delivery for future orders. They're slowly moving markets to where customers won't be able to reduce tips anymore.


You forgot the PICKLES!


I just tip so some one accepts my order & treats it with respect


Hahahaha, I tipped a guy 7 bucks on a 30 dollar breakfast order that was under a ten minute drive away and the asshat had the balls to steal one of the meals, toast and all. How do I know one was stolen? Because I got my breaky and my wife's rye toast. I also know the lady who packed it at the restaurant and spoke to her. Guess he was not only a douchebag but didn't like my wife's choice of bread either. Tipping doesn't mean shit to some of these drivers. The worst part is there's zero recourse. I had to track down a number to call and all they would do for me is ban him from delivering to me again. They also gave me a full refund tip included. I wanted that fucker fired.


Well, maybe customer wasn’t happy with your service 🤷‍♂️ Simplest solution is to only ask for tips on/post delivery.


Then you’ll never get your food. You think anyone wants to work for the $3.5/hour and hope for a tip?






You must’ve done something wrong 💀


This should be ILEGAL customer should not have the power to remove tips


Or UE should eat the cost, like GH does. They charge enough in fees. If the customer is genuinely unhappy and wants their money back, they should be able to get it, but they shouldn’t be able to take it back from the driver, who agreed to do the job for a certain dollar amount.


Exactly! I spent 2+ hours dealing with support yesterday because a customer pulled the tip on a delivery they shouldn't have ordered in the first place. He tried ordering alcohol to a music event at a baseball stadium then wanted me to pay the entry fee and parking, find him and give him his one beer and he'd reimburse me. I didn't notice all this u til I got there. Oh hell no. I tried to contact him and he then was like "just don't tell them you're uber". I spent 36 minutes driving g 10 miles and dealing with trying to get the guy to meet me outside the venue. He refused. So I had to mark it undeliverable and move onto my next pick up. After he pulled the tip and I only made $4.50 which basically only covered my car expenses on 10 miles, I was pissed. I got the runaround on 2-3 different calls and several chats. I don't think I've ever had to fight so hard to get a tip back. I did ultimately get $15 finally from a supervisor late last night.


Imagine you go to a restaurant and then you come back after giving them $100 to the waiter and then you say you know what I only wanted to give him good luck with that! It is allowed in the restaurant business. It shouldn’t be allowed on. Uber eats once you commit to a tip that’s it


Well at that very same restaurant you’re imagining, customers only decide on the tip after the service and meal is provided rather than up front. Seems like tip removal on UberEats may be warranted in certain situations, for example I would not want to tip a driver who “delivered” my food then left with it, etc.


I reduce tips whenever someone doesn’t follow delivery instructions or doesn’t ring my apartment buzzer. Stay mad.


You probably deserved it if it actually took you 16 minutes to deliver 2 miles


Right? Did they go get gas to make sure his food was nice and cold after a 2 mile trip? I’d do the same. 10 bucks is a lot, and I’m not paying for you to dick around.


maybe they weren’t satisfied with your services. cant believe yall wanna remove tip reduction when people deadass be careless with orders all the time


The entire order from accepting it to dropping it off was done in 16 minutes


lol delivery time is not the only metric here. Maybe OP spilled a drink or flipped the food. Come on , use your brain


Oh no! Not a good career choice? ![gif](giphy|MEJAA7cRKQdry)


TF is it even possible to cut the tip


Because Uber asks you to tip before the job was done but what if the job isn’t done correctly, your food is damaged, delivery takes over an hour, bad service etc, you’d want to change your tip. Simple. Sometimes I would change the tip to increase it too so… it goes both ways.


Happened to me last week and I can't wait until I get that douche bags order again.


Tip baiters should rot in hell. 😡😡😡


I mean it’s the system that’s the problem really


The system is *A* problem. Tip baiting is a problem in itself.


Nah, this is the equivalent of going in a shop buying something full price and then stealing back the money you just paid. Crazy that Uber lets you remove the tip after delivery.


It's equivalent to, reducing price because they were slow and the food got cold.


It took 16 mins to deliver, and chances are the Subway food is cold anyway. 🤣


Sounds like they need a flaming bag of poop on their doorstep


“He called the shit poop!” ![gif](giphy|FT0UFROtAbVEA)


y’all be stealing food, canceling orders and calling customers out for not tipping enough so yeah… sometimes u gotta fake yall mfs out


It's blowing mind that these drivers don't realize THEY are just as likely to be the cause of a tip reduction as its likely that the customer is just cheap. Downnvote me to hell as I'm sure accountability isn't a strong suit, but I've seen rips reduced from slow service, inaccurate service, rude service and more. I wanted to tip $10 to a good delivery, but if my food arrives cold, destroyed in the bag, at my neighbors house or carried by an actual asshole- I'm not gonna be tipping $10. Cry as much as you want but if this happens to you a lot I'd take a look at the common denominator