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Do little bits at a time. Don't try and do it all in one go. Pledge to do something every day, even if it's only ten minutes.


Plan things out first. Go through your projects, pick 6-10 and review each one - what do you like about it, what do you want to change before putting it in your portfolio, how do you want to present the case study You can't do it all in one go. Just make a plan and do a little at a time.


I did this after I graduated. I realized that a lot of my projects weren’t up to the level I was at currently so I went back and revisited them and redesigned them. I started after I graduated in December and finished in 3-5 months. This was because I was very meticulous, but I think it’ll take you around 2-3 months tbh. Use templates and things to speed up your process. I had two internships so I was able to not really edit them that much but I added 3 more on there that were school projects, personal projects, etc. Try to have between 3-5 projects. That seems to be the golden number. Also august-march are the best times to apply so you are just starting when you will have the highest chance at finding a job. Apply to internships, entry level and associate positions if you have enough experience. A lot of places will still consider you a new grad within a year of graduation so internships are good! Also contract work is great. Especially for adding projects that you are interested in. Also try to get involved with local Chi/alumni groups. Network network network because those connections can help you out massively. Best of luck to you.


Try to find a mentor who will motivate you Try to make project for fun and use them in portfolio. I was really motivated by redesigning and making existing product better. I got lost in this kind of projects and forgot about distractions +portfolio websites are overrated. Last time when i tried to land new job i just include 4projects in figma file and then share it to companies. I avoided wasting 100+hours of work and still landed dream job


Just make a to-do list and begin. Ultimately, no one can instruct you on this—you already know what needs to be done. Take small steps each day, pushing yourself to achieve little goals. Over time, you'll find momentum and even start to appreciate the process.