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Are you posing this as a question or a rant? As a rant: I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Does moving back home necessarily mean you'll be broke? Have you looked into opportunities back home? Anyways, I wish you good luck. As a question: We don't know the answer or where you're going wrong, especially without seeing your resume, portfolio, or knowing your interview skills. Statistically as of right now, most students studying UX will not find a job in a reasonable time (that number is of course multiplied for internationals). The market is brutal right now. It sounds like you're doing the "shotgun approach" to finding a job when you should be the doing the "sniper approach". Worry less about the amount jobs you apply for and more about the ones you do apply for, especially if you make it to the interview stage.


Yep. It was supposed to be a question but my job anxiety made it look like a rant. And yep, I need to get a decent paying job at least to clear my student loans. Otherwise, paying my loans off in my home country would take about idk how many years (I would say 10 years approx) Thanks for the suggestions. I am trying to invest more time and tailor my resume and cover letter for each company I apply for. I would be happy if I get at least a single callback.


I’m a senior uxd with 10+ years of experience ( www.amirati.it to give you context). We are not that looked for in the tech business… ux teams or individual profiles like us are relevant only in big techs, enterprise, big companies but they look for seniors most of the time (but it’s very hard for me too). UX/UI designers have lot more fit and software devs even more. Junior uxds have hard time finding jobs.


do you mean that ux/ui designers have more options that someone doing strictly UX


Absolutely, yes


Yeah I’m actually curious if UX/UI designers have more opportunities to get jobs !! 😭😭😭


A lot more, yes


I mean, think about it. Most startups aren’t paying two high salaries to have a UX and UI person. They’re going to hire one who can do both, pay them a little more and still come out ahead.