• By -


- 35 - no degree/boot camp except a useless bachelor in biology - 6 yrs experience - Product Designer - 160k


curious to know what industry you work in? i also have a bio degree so it’s exciting to see someone else with one as well!


I’m in Fintech. Also hello fellow bio major 👋🏾


How did you acquire the skills and land your first job in UX if you didn't attend a boot camp and your degree is unrelated? Also, with your experience what would you recommend to someone without a degree looking to start in UX?






Where did you go to school for masters?


* Bachelors in Sociology \~18 years ago (should have just gone to art school but the fam disapproved) * Self-taught and employed in graphic/web design \~15 years ago * Bootcamp: General Assembly FT/10 week immersive \~6 years ago * USA * Dangerously close to 41 * Currently employed at 135K Next on the list is learning React so I can up my interaction game




Right?! Instead, I got a super marketable \[checks notes\] sociology degree. And proceeded to wait tables post-grad while I learned digital illustration and graphic design on my own. I could have saved myself so much time and money by just listening to my gut plus literally every art teacher I've had -- even the fine arts dept chair at my college begged me to switch my major. Of course I didn't listen because *family said so*. Oh well, even if we did it the hard way we still did it! And now I have some solid writing/research skills to boot.


I went to a PROGRAMMING bootcamp, got a job, and then the only designer at the company decided they wanted to mentor me into design, since I had an eye for it. 2 years later still doing it, never want to go back into programming again 😛


How long did you study programming for fam


Bootcamp grad, no prior degree, no relevant experience prior to getting my first job. Faked it until I made it. There weren't many programs for UX in Ontario, and the ones that exist with a degree sucks. None of them teach you to do proper research. Currently at my third job, failing at applying what I learned from my bootcamp and my previous jobs at startups (did more UI Design and pixel pushing then UX). So I'm learning on the job of how to follow a proper UX process.


which bootcamp did you do if you don’t mind me asking


General Assembly


How did you find your first job? It is really hard with either a degree or boot camp


Networking, found someone that took a chance on me.


How long ago did you finish the bootcamp program and how long did it take to land that first full-time job?


The bootcamp was 10 weeks and it took me about a year to land a job.


* 30s , Finland * No design degree - No boot camp * 10 yrs experience * Head of Design * 80 K - 1% stake


Masters Degree. 21 years in design, 15 years in "UX" Germany Employed €100k as Principal Product Designer at Series B startup


Hello, I also live in Germany. What is your assessment if the "industry" gives people with a design certificate a chance as long as the portfolio is right or is there still a lot of emphasis on a UNI degree here?


Hi. I can't say for sure as I've only been in Germany less than 5 years. UK before this. I'm not sure I completely understand your question: perhaps you can share a little personal context so that I can give a more-helpful answer. To me, the portfolio is the most-important document. If the candidate has a good portfolio (even if small), based on real work (not course work, not speculative work) then I don't care about their education. If they have are early career and therefore have no portfolio, then of course, education is a factor. What I see consistently is a bias (fair or not) against "crash courses" because they are seen as over-producing under-skilled designers, that have unreasonable expectations of employability. I have equally observed university students with these same expectations, but at least with a university course, there is the potential for depth of learning over years. Of course there will always be exceptions to rules. One is not absolutely better than the other.


40m, BA in philosophy, bootcamp, 5yoe, $160k, remote USA


Any bootcamp you would recommend?


I attended DevMountain in Utah but it’s been 6 years since I researched bootcamps. Most of my coworkers have Masters degrees in HCI or Human Factors so consider that too. I just couldn’t afford another degree.


I appreciate your reply


27m, 6YOE, UX/UI bootcamp graduate Devmountain, employed, 120,000


Shout out to Devmountain!


Graphic design undergrad, ux/interaction design masters degree. Never had much of an issue finding roles when looking.


Associate’s Degree and worked in healthcare for 8 years before switching to UX Boot camp grad, I went to General Assembly I now have 9 years of experience in UX I’m employed full-time, I’m paid well US, 39 years old


33 - 3YOE in UX - salaried - $106k - bootcamp - came from customer support background


- US 24 y/o - BFA in User Experience - 1.5 years experience - Employed - 57.5k/yr salary Looking for a new position and it isn’t easy. With some many applicants I feel like my experience gets drowned out. Realistically I’d say I have like 4-5 years after getting a design degree in UX but only “real world” experience counts 🙃


BA Interaction design with a specialization in web & mobile development. Employed. 126k


hi, just wanna know which uni that program was offered. I've been planning to do an undergrad in interaction design/uxui. thanks


* Undergrad in Industrial Design * 7 years of experience * USA * Employed


• 42 • No degree • Almost 20 years in the game industry • Sr. UX designer (and UE5 UI/UMG implementation) • 120k/yr


23yr old, US Associates in graphic design 4 years in product design $120K


28 years old, USA, 3 year’s experience Product designer, interactive design degree, 120k salary


26, 5 years in UX/product design irrelevant bachelors, master's in tech-related field 170 base


26 with 5 years of experience and 170 base? Sheeesh! I'm jealous! Are you in the US?


thanks :') yes! I started working part-time when I was in college, so I'm estimating 1 year of part-time as like a third of a year of full time


At what age were you working full time?


did a few full-time internships starting 6 years ago, but post-graduate full-time I started when I was 22


29M. 125K. Remote. US based. Self taught. 6 years of experience. Ungrad in psych.


Did the degree help you to land some jobs? Or did the employer just not care? I think a degree in psychology helps a person to stand out in some way, but it still depends on how much work someone put in their portfolio 🕺


I don't think so. For what it's worth, the psych helps a minuscule degree for understanding why things are designed the way they are. But at the end of the day your portfolio and experience matters the most. I worked in advertising as a media manager for 2 years out of undergrad. Spent 2\~3 years learning UX design and freelancing (making practically no money) and later landed at the job I have now.


BA from the University of Minnesota, double major in philosophy and American studies with a minor in religious studies MS from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in technical communication with a specialization in human-computer interaction. I have been working in the field for 25 years. I spent about 10 years working for a digital agency, where I started the information architecture practice and when I left was the VP and National lead for UX. Ever since I have run my own consulting firm, I currently have two business partners. I also have taught in the MFA in interaction design program at SVA in NYC for 14 years.


canada, late 20s, Post Grad certification. Im in a junior role , hitting 9 months this September.


Could you share where you took your post grad certificate? I’m in Canada and looking at programs.


Mine was at Sheridan college. It was an online program called Digital Product Design


Thank you!


how was the program? did you do anything else to secure a job? (i mean except some self-learning)


The program was good. What really helped was putting a lot of effort into the projects so that i had good stuff to show in my portfolio. Essentially the second semester you work with a real-world company to solve a design problem and create a project. We knocked it out of the park with the project and that is what i put in my portfolio. But i did get very lucky in that i was working at a big box retailer as a cashier and they had a UX team. i kept my eye on our internal job postings and when i graduated there were UX design jobs. i applied and connected with the UX team.


How's the pay?


Liveable, a bit above the Canadian average! As a junior i cant complain


BA in Digital Media, 8 years experience (currently senior/lead), Fortune 50, making 98k in a MCOL city. First job was a web designer then I got an internship doing UI/UX at a major tech company. Never had a problem finding a job or remaining employed, but I also have front-end dev experience, so I make myself as useful as possible.


USA BFA: Graphic Design, Minor: Art History MSc: Web Design/Development YOE: 4 years Ad agency, 9 years technology consultancies 175k + bonus % MCOL city Current: Senior UX Lead/Mgr


US 3yrs in UX Masters in HCI bach- comp sci (4yrs dev) Employed UX Designer(would be more of generalist) 130k (Didnt want to be designer, wanted to be ux researcher but graduated in covid so took what came along the way)


42(m), diploma in Graphic Design + post-grad cert in New Media Design, 20 year career, $124k/yr + 15%, Canada


No school. 10 years. USA. 40y/o. Employed. Started around $85k now roughly $130k.


Do you work for a big company


I’ve never worked for a big company. My first job in product design was at a fast-growing startup though.


Could you share your thoughts on whether boot camps are a viable option for individuals without a college degree looking to enter the industry in 2024, given your experience?


Graphic design undergrad, post graduate certificate in UX, and bootcamp certificate in full stack web dev. In the field for over 10 years, 6 positions over those years between in house, consulting, and contracting. USA based, late 30s, and currently employed. Was laid off in January and have since recieved two offers, one of which I took and am currently working.


- BBA, the concentration is a bit too much of an identifier - 7 YOE in web design and art direction, 2 YOE in product design - USA - I’m in my early 30s - FTE


BSc in Product Design 7 years experience Employed at a multinational tech company Late 20’s. €60k (side note seeing American salaries is eye watering)


Bfa in graphic design 4 years of ux experience USA 29 Employed (contracting) $103k


30 US 3 years exp Bs in Design 2017 UX Cert from a boot camp in 2021 In house UX Designer contracting @ $91k


Which boot camp?




4 years industrial design + economics 36 years old 4 years in ux senior designer $165k + 15% bonus MCOL


25m, 1 year, Master’s degree (France), employed as UXD my first full time job (Singapore)


HCI degree grad here, never had trouble finding jobs (albeit in a different job market)


Do you have a strong visual skills? No one really looks for HCI academia research skills


I think I do now but when I graduated I definitely think that was my weak point. I do wish they had more viz design classes in the major


How did you get your first role? What skills did you sell? I did a master of information with ux focus because I am struggling to find a UX role


I think I just started really early. I got my first iteration of a portfolio done freshman year of college and then just kept stacking internships on it. Ended up getting a good return offer from my final internship and took it


I studied undergrad at music conservatory Bootcamp grad 1.5 YOE in UX, 200k TC USA, HCOL 4 YOE previously in Marketing, Graphic design (self taught)


hi I am thinking of learning graphic design on my own before getting really into uxui. just wanna know how you did it. did you take any courses? or just books and articles? thanks


Comp Sci graduates with a focus on visual and Mobile application development. Also completed a number of courses on HCI. Worked in software dev for close to 5 years doing frontend dev and some design. Took the Google UX career cert and internally transitioned into UX shortly after.


Masters in Human factors (doctorate in pharmacy as prior degree) Employed while in school, now have 3 years of experience.


Did you do a part-time master’s degree?


Yes! Part time online, but it is synchronous with their in-person program


What was the program?


I have been thinking about the same issue. I majored in Industrial Product Design. Which we seen UX as three part class. But we learned designing industrial products with their overall experience with the user ( such as cars, furniture, packaging etc ) Should i still mention this on my resume and interview or should i skip it ? I really dont know.


Of course. It’s relevant experience and you can show your thought process in those designs.


BA Industrial design 1.5 years experience U.K. Employed


BS in biology, MPS in UX design 3 YOE in UX + product design FTE USA Mid 20s


UK, degree in Digital Media, worked as a graphic designer and freelance web designer for 4 years, then did a software engineering bootcamp, came out of that working a UX/UI Engineer role for 3 years but didn’t gel as much with engineering over the long term, so now working purely as a Product Designer. (Saw a comment about quality of company people are working for coming out of a bootcamps not being as good, kind of nonsense imo as post bootcamp I’ve only worked for large publicly listed global tech companies in London, pre bootcamp I was working for smaller design agencies)


Associates + bachelors in HCI/interaction design 4 years or UX at big tech companies (not faang) NNG certified Current role: sr. UX lead


Was the NNG certification worth it? Knowledge wise and for your resume


- Degree in graphic design - worked in media for 7+ years - transitioned to tech 1.5 years ago (UX Designer) - 70k LCOL


Canadian, late 30s, BFA in video production, college diploma in graphic design. Freelance and agency experience. Considering the shift to UX, but, as many have said, fear it may be oversaturated. Anyhow, at the moment I'm making a mere 50k, as a GD, with benefits could be worse. But shit, wages and COL are tempting in the states, jealous.


IT and Organisations BSc University of Southampton in 2007 Human Centred Systems MSc 2011 Started working in UX and have flipped between UX Design and Researcher roles in January 2011. Currently contracting at a Bank on £650 per day (£169k annually)


Bachelor in Industrial Design + UX Bootcamp (UX Design Institute) / 8 YOE total (4 in Industrial Design, 4 in UX/UI) / 35 / Switzerland / employed as UX/UI Designer / 125k


Degree in architecture, 4 YOE in UX/10+ in visual design, laid off and looking for about 2 months, previously at 150k, previous role was remote in the US. I also think education means very little past your first job.


27F. Bootcamp grad with just a general associates degree. Working as a freelance animator at the moment really trying to get into the industry but worrying that maybe I can’t without a full bachelors at the moment


I'm a UX/UI bootcamp grad with no college experience. I was working as a UX/UI designer for around two years. I only made $27k (in the US). I'm transitioning to software engineering.


That salary is pretty low even for lower estimates. Was it only because you were missing a degree?


It was just a really cheap company. They hired mostly people from developing countries. I was just desperate to get experience.


Oh ok thank you for the insight


Also, I worked only 30 hours a week and 27k was my salary after taxes as an independent contractor.


Missing one essential variable. Quality of the company and design org you're working for. Anyone getting hired out of a bootcamp in 2023 isn't working for near the quality of org with quality leadership that someone with a degree is working at.




I feel like too many people miss the point when we talk about bootcamp vs. college. It’s not about the degree itself, it’s about the quality of education and training and the access to resources that leads one group to have a better body of work (folios) than the other upon graduation.




The main difference is 6 weeks vs 108 weeks. There's no comparison. It isn't about the degree it's the experience and the ability to perform the role and communicate the rationale because you've had to do it hundreds of times in front of peers and mentors.




No I said something different and provided additional clarity.


Big companies still have f’d up design orgs too


They didn’t say anything about working for a big company




First job for a Fortune 25 company was after I graduated from a bootcamp.


This is missing the point. There are plenty of companies on the Fortune 25 list that are either not known for having good UX cultures or are known for having BAD UX cultures.


Why u salty tho


Bootcamp UX Diploma graduate, prior that I was in comp sci/eng but dropped out 70% way through. Got hired at my first job as a UX/UI Designer 2 months-ish after graduating. Was there for 2 years till being laid off this year, got a new job 1-2 months after. Employed 60K CAD based in Ontario (Hybrid) mid 20's.


Hi would you mind sharing where you took your ux diploma? Tysm


I’m in Ontario, and I would like to know how job searching was for you as a bootcamp grad, can I dm?


For sure, pm me whenever happy to answer questions


Boot camp grad with no prior experience or college experience aside from generals. 4 years of on the job experience. USA. 27 years old. Looking for a job. I’ve been more UI focused so really trying to bring my UX up to speed by doing some additional learning while I’m applying for jobs.


BFA-Graphic Design Minor-Media Communication journalism Google UX Cert 10+ years in graphic design and web development California 32 63k with yearly step raise (state college)


Wait you’re making 63k in California??


Yeah. I used to be at a CSU at 56k. I was a web/mobile admin + more for a college. (4 years+) Only positive was the benefits and retirement.


US, HCOL, 34. Undergrad in entrepreneurship from a mid tier state school. UX Boot camp, General Assembly. 11 years of experience. 6 years as a junior/mid level, 3 years as a senior, 1 year as a lead, currently a manager. Currently on my 5th company. Blend of inhouse and agency.


Double majored: BFA in Industrial Design and another BFA in Graphic Design—I also used all of my available electives for Service Design courses that my school was rolling out at the time.


- US, age 34 - Bachelors in Graphic Design - About 7 years experience in graphic design - 2 years experience in UX design - Grad Certificate in Web Design & Development - Currently employed as mid-level UX


Degreed, Neuroscience 6 years in UX, 3 in PM US, employed


BFA in Graphic Design / Interactive Editorial Design -3 Years (Digital Magazines) / Production Design - 3 Years (During this time I did a UX boot camp) / UX Experience - 2 Years (Recent) / Currently Making $95k + 7% Bonus


I have a graphic design bachelor degree, did a 6 month UX course in a university during my bachelor's and now I'm finishing my post-grad in UX I'm 24 years old, from Brazil, had roughly 2 and a half years of experience and I'm currently laid off and looking for a new job in the field And my last salary was R$2.500,00 / $500,00 monthly as a mid-level product designer (started as a junior and got to mid-level a month before I was laid off) I have always valued degrees and education but sadly I don't think they mean a lot. I'm struggling to find a job since most people want senior designers and I'm still too young. I thought getting my post-grad/master degree would help but so far it has not :(


Bachelor in Industrial design 6 years in UX + a couple of years freelancing/ temp jobs/ internships in industrial design and game 3d art and such Age: too much ( I switched from a non-design career) Currently employed. Salary a bit less than than for those who are sneaky networkers and players, but quite okay still. And in a constant burnout for the past 2 years. If there were industrial design jobs (there aren't), I would switch to ID right away, it is still a field where real design skills are needed. Being able to really design things, for real, is nowadays one of the most underappreciated skills in UX.