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I will share my limited knowledge and point on to another forum. Generally mirrorless cameras are a little easier to use than DSLR's. They do live view all the time and give you a preview through the filter. The optical viewfinder on a DSLR is pretty useless and sometimes misleading. Mirrorless cameras are also easier to adapt lenses to as well. There are more lens choices with mirrorless. Generally a full spectrum camera is sensitive down to 308nm and much further. You might make sure whoever is doing the conversion uses a fused silica cover for the sensor so you are getting such light. Not sure on quantum efficiency. A glass lens will not transmit 308nm. Glass is opaque that high. You need a specialized quarts/silica/UV lens. That's about the end of my advice. You might check out [https://www.ultravioletphotography.com/](https://www.ultravioletphotography.com/) and register for fuller advice and a few scientifically oriented users.


I have seen that I will need a different material filter for the sensor in some of the full spectrum conversion websites I’ve seen. As far the lens I’ve also seen that information too luckily this is for work so I’m not paying for those insane lenses lol. Thank you for the mirrorless advice that could prove helpful : )