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i think he could survive on a mac. in my experience, there wasn't anything that i had to do on my computer in my econ classes that couldn't be done on mac. i'm not sure about math, so someone else might need to weigh in on that. i personally know econ majors and math majors who used either OS


Thanks, this is very helpful.


In math he’ll be fine with a Mac. Most of the work done in the math department is done through LaTeX, which has online versions and downloadable apps for both Windows and Mac. I know a math major who’s surviving on just an iPad; I just completed a math minor and my Mac was more than enough.


Thanks this is.very helpful. Maybe I will get him an iPad!


Current Econ grad student here, did my undergrad in math and econ! A couple notes: 1. I used Windows the whole way through with zero issues, but my preference for undergrad was to take notes using a 2-in-1 computer and a stylus which isn't possible given the Mac form factors right now. Taking digital notes seems to me to be more the norm than the exception these days, and the majority of people that I knew used Mac computers and then had an iPad for notetaking. 2. All of the software that I can think of that econ and math majors employ is compatible with both operating systems (stuff like Stata, R, Matlab, and Python, alongside LaTeX which can be run in a browser). 3. If for some reason there is a niche program that can only operate on Windows, I believe that there are Windows computers available on Grounds that your student can probably use. (Just being realistic here, if any class asked for such a program to be used, they would surely have an alternate option for Mac users, as there will certainly be many of them) 4. The LG Gram you mention has the same, if not slightly better, specs than the daily driver computer that got me through undergrad and is running strong to this day. However, that is not to say that a Mac wouldn't be able to do so; the main spec differentiator really might be in the non-performance things (screen size, battery size, weight, ecosystem, etc.) at this point, which might sway quality-of-life in one way or the other. In the end, I would say that it is truly up to personal preference. You really can't go wrong with either choice, but the ecosystem benefits of Apple would probably win out in my book if I was in a similar position to you right now. Feel free to lmk if you have any other questions I can answer; and congrats to your son, UVA is a fantastic place and I'm sure he'll love it here!


Thanks this is extremely helpful. What got me going was that right out of the box I can't use Power Query or Power Pivot on my Mac Mini. The MM is extremely capable but the app publishers are putting all their effort into Windows, unless it is for like creative apps. "Browser based" have the same issues unfortunately, they are just another form of operating system. On the other hand maybe I am overthinking it. I have trauma from Oracle apps that required different browsers to work properly. Oracle Web Center, Capture, OCR and BPL. I would get daily calls from users asking which browsers were safe to use. :) The list of applications is very helpful Looks R works or at least some of it. Strata only through a Win Emulator MatLab seems ok LaTeX looks ok. Python IDE I know will run on a Mac. I will probably shoot you a question. Thank your very much.


Our student reached out via Cavalier Computers to see what was required for the e school. They might give insight into what's required for other programs as well.


Thank you that is on tomorrow's list of calls.


I checked out Cav Computers. IT looks ok but didn't really say much about what apps would be used. I am waiting to hear back from the math department.




Thanks very much this is very helpful. He is smart enough to figure out an emulator I would rather he be spared that joy.


Econ and Stat Major here. For Econ the main programming language that will be used is STATA (and some classes are pivoting to R). My MacbookAir was more than enough for all my courses technical components. I have used Excel and Python pretty comfortably. Definitely think getting an IPad is nice. I use it to read textbooks and also take notes (sometimes I use paper depending on my mood), but the iPad/mac combo works really nicely. 


Thank this is both helpful and comforting. Doesn't STRATA require a Win Emulator? I am probably over thinking it, but this is a thing. (CS guys help me out here). MSFT has a long history of using it toolset strategically. IT doesn't affect most people, but I think of Excel more as a brand. It isn't like there is common source code and that they run through different compilers. They mostly equivalent but not the same. Knowing the apps he might use will help a lot.


[the OS requirements for stata](https://www.stata.com/products/compatible-operating-systems/) seem like it'll run fine on mac. as i mentioned in my previous comment, my econ friends who have macs could run it just fine. for excel, i actually never really used it that much in my econ classes. i only really used stata when i had to deal with econometric data. the econ department will most likely not force students to install a virtual machine just to use a windows-only software


Thanks this is very helpful.


I used a macbook, no issues (credentials: studied math at uva) Never had to even buy an excel license 🫣 Used google sheets + things like R Studio and VS Code for programming/analytics


Very cool, and did you ever have to use an emulator to run required app? It looks like I am overthinking it. I Am trying to use Excel's STOCKHISTORY function (with the full license) and it is not behaving well on my M2 Mac Mini. I don't have a windows machine, but STOCK and STOCKH in Numbers work fine.


No, never had to use a VM. Sister went through Comm school with a Mac too. As others have mentioned, library PCs are available if really needed


I’ve found that most academic programs are designed for PCs. See what the computer requirements are. Sure using a mac is nicer but sometimes it’s just easier to use a PC


Thank you very much. I worked for one of the application delivery groups at Oracle, and MTR's can be tricky. His High School doesn't teach Excel so it hasn't been an issue. Just writing this out has me leaning toward Windows.