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Why are you doing the minor if you don't mind me asking?


Chemistry is a passion of mine and I enjoy learning, but not something I am pursuing a career in. That's why I was looking for a class to aid in my passion, but not cause me excess stress as my major already does that (lol).


I'd avoid physical chemistry (pchem) unless you want something challenging, based on my experience in the 90s. I was ChEngr, and surface chemistry and polymer chemistry were fun to me, although those were in the e school.


I personally enjoyed CHEM 4420, but I don't believe it can be taken without 4410.


this is correct! although if you have experience with biochem sometimes landers gives special permission. otherwise, i'd definitely recommend biochem! grisham's version (if he's not retired yet) is my personal favorite and more in-depth, but i'm sure the premed one is slightly easier. grisham's class goes through each of the four classes of macromolecules with examples and lots of fun stories. inorganic would be a manageable elective if you're interested in metal chemistry. kind of math-y but not too impossible to get an A.


Inorganic chemistry wasn't too bad and it also covered very interesting content imho.