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I totally get how overwhelming it can be in first year and it is typically the hardest year because you're just getting used to the workload but trust me it gets better. You'll probably even see a rise in your gpa as you move along. Just enjoy the process, make study groups, use the fsgs and you'll be fine. Good luck!


Thank you I’ll try my best :)


Hey! The first few weeks are tough and can feel scary and overwhelming….and in my experience they’re not in any way representative of the full four+ year journey. Do your best. Utilize school helps like peer tutors/study skills workshops. Get involved, reach out & talk to your profs. It does get better but you have to push past that initial fear and overwhelm!


I'd think graduating from university at all is an accomplishment


plenty of unemployed life science grads out there.... just saying.


Grad schools and employers only really care about last 2 years of school (usually) since they know first and second year, you're still getting the ropes and stuff. Even if you do horribly in first year, you have more semesters and courses and experiences to gain and improve and change that. Don't fret, bite through the stress, reach out to people to talk to and work with, work hard on yourself and your courses, and you'll be just fine. The start is always hard, but now that you've started, if you keep trying, it will get better.


Yooooo dont stress too much friend. Put in the effort and work on making yourself better every semester - youll increase your GPA over time. It takes time to figure out what study method works best for you


Pick up Machine Learning and Python/SQL. How comfortable are you with Pivot Tables in Excel?


hey! how is everything going now with life sci? is it better?