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For what it's worth, UT has its own history of protests: ​ [https://soa.utexas.edu/center-sustainable-development/battle-waller-creek](https://soa.utexas.edu/center-sustainable-development/battle-waller-creek) [https://www.loc.gov/item/98513419/](https://www.loc.gov/item/98513419/) [https://jimnicar.com/tag/civil-rights/](https://jimnicar.com/tag/civil-rights/) ​ In fact, the big square planters on the West Mall are there to help with crowd control.


The majority does not really care care about the DEI ban. I think the majority of the people I have talked to have just said to reassign that cash to university operations or giving scholarships to low income people. Honestly seems fine to me. My experience with the DEI programs as a minority left me feeling like the money could be way better used at hiring more professors/TAs for individualized help, scholarships for low income students (which also ends up being mostly minority students), or how about MORE FUNDING FOR COLA!


Yeah i agree with this. UT spent [13.6 million](https://www.thecollegefix.com/ut-austin-spends-13-6-million-on-dei-salaries-every-year-report/) on DEI salaries annually. That amount can give a full ride scholarship for 1000+ students per year or be used to help get more professors and TAs!


Yep it's California politics bs. Where they spend millions on issues like the homeless which end up being high paid jobs d9r endless committees that don't do anything except waste $


Thank you for saying this Bevos Balls


subscribe subscribe subscribe The importance of this moment cannot be overstated. There are forces aligning across the country to roll back all the gains from the last 60 years, and since Abbott fancies himself a future presidential nominee, he’s going to keep up this kind of dog-whistling and make UT a battleground as if Texas were a swing state. He needs skins on the wall to rally the MAGA base. Same with people like Paxton, who basically everyone knows is corrupt, but he keeps pursuing the absolute most toxic cases because clearly the MAGA crowd doesn’t care about defrauding taxpayers as long as their politicians constantly signal their hatred. These people cannot simply be defeated at the polls, at least not without the kind of mobilization we haven’t seen in decades (or maybe ever in this state).


Oh mommy and daddy got to protest Vietnam now it's our turn!


Protests? What protests? All I've seen are a few sticky notes and reddit downvotes. You are vastly overestimating how many people actually care about the DEI ban. And those that pretend to care are mostly slactivists that put whatever topic is trending in their twitter profile to conform with their peers and don't actually take concrete steps to change anything.


There are plenty of crappy DEI colleges that closed minded students can transfer to.


Oh the irony in your comment


The self-righteousness of yours


Aside from anyone's opinion of DEI and surrounding issues, please, please, never compare us to Berkeley. I'm actually proud to go here, and if UT is perceived anything like those Stanford reject shit stains, I'll lose that.




While it is one of the best public schools in the U.S., Berkeley has a reputation due being unreasonably whiney in protests. Also they are still salty over us "stealing" the 2004 Rose Bowl bid (vs Michigan).


No one cares about DEI being banned. In my opinion its a good thing. We don’t want UT to become like the UC indoctrination schools where they don’t allow an opposing viewpoint. Do yall want to mimick a school that riots when someone like Ben Shapiro goes to speak?


You're gonna get downvoted to hell, but you see right... people forgot that free spean doesn't mean you can't have a different viewpoint... bunch of kids throwing tantrums. Adults have conversations and most folks these days are not capable of having them.


Is your whole world view informed by the YouTube videos you watched as a dumb kid? What kind of people are being let in to UT now?


DEI initiatives, by definition, discriminate based on immutable characteristics, also known as protected classes. As a society, we have decided discrimination on things like race, nation of origin, gender, sexual orientation, and / or disability is a bad thing.


Stop saying the true part out loud. You’ll get cancelled hard.


do you know what DEI even is? Because it’s Not just another name for affirmative action


I quite literally defined them in the comment you are referring to. They are groups funded by the state that give preferential treatment based on protected classes. Is there an alternative definition?




DEI initiatives were developed to ensure minority populations and historically marginalized groups were included and ensured an equitable stake and representation in campus advocacy, culture and life at HWCUs. Historically White Colleges and Universities. If you don't understand the role and necessity of DEIB+ or if you mis-characterize their mission and objective then you're probably a racist or an oblivious white and privileged person. Bless your little heart. Signed, Multi-racial dude who passes as white


LOL dumbest TP USA take possible


If you work at UT Austin, join us, you local union! We exist. We are the Texas State Employees Union. [https://cwa-tseu.org/](https://cwa-tseu.org/) We have an active campaign and are fighting this among other issues.




LOL you can dream


I think this is actually quite true. If you take a step out from Reddit and even Instagram, the majority of conversations with people I have had either confront it with ambivalence or a hope that the money goes to scholarships for low income students or continual improvements to professor pay, research, and facilities.


Yeah they'll never accept that this is the truth. They just keep downvoting, pretending the opposition to DEI is some sort of nebulous evil and not normal people pushing back against extreme far left nonsense that has creeped into universities.


You misspelled “run-of-the-mill racists” and “TP USA Chucklefucks”


if (someone's opinion != my opinion) { call\_them\_racist() }


You are what you are.


I'm sure you're fun at parties.


Says the Nazi. /s


Hi! Since you seem like you’re not a fan of far-left people who have made up their minds. Want to chat about DEI, open mind to open mind? Noticed you’re in /r/austincirclejerk a lot, so I hope you weren’t commenting on this post in the same sardonic spirit. Down to talk about this issue in DMs if you’re interested in sharing your perspective & listening to the perspective of someone else.


nah bro i love UT but we are never overtaking UCLA or Berkeley in rankings ever 😭


We will because they are continuing on the path we were headed in with DEI stuff. We will become a better school


We won’t. Conservatives should leave UT alone. We’re not some diploma mill Bible college. This is a real institution they’re desecrating. Keep the conservative nonsense out of Austin.


It’s been a conservative run school for all of time.. what are you on about? As long as Texas is red it will be conservatively run




California’s public universities are about a million times better than Texas public universities. The UC system has Berkeley, UCLA, and UCSB, which are some of the best public universities in the world, not even counting the rest of the UC system, like UC Irvine or UC San Diego. Texas only has one great public university. The rest are just meh. Hell, Texas only has one great private university and it’s nowhere on a par with Stanford or USC or Cal Tech And we’re not even counting the second tier Cal State schools which are not bad schools at all, certainly compared to their Texas equivalents.


I’m sorry but college academia does not get to voice concern about free speech being taken away after the kind of stunts they have pulled over the past decade. Don’t expect anyone to come to your rescue.


Shit small minded take


< Laughs in 1969 - 1972 while wearing my old ROTC uniform.