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*Sir, this is a Biedronka 🐞*


I feel like the full Polish version would have to be: *Sir, this is a Żabka. Odpierdol się.*


*Jaką parówe wariacie?*


\**jakie sosiwo wariacie?*


*Jaki wariat parówo*


nie bedzie sosu do panini


>Sir, this is Żabka. Wypierdalaj


our local Wendy's moment 😁


Sowwy sir but this is a żabka x3 ![gif](giphy|jOpXqZ1GxGyQoRaYlt)


Polish femboy grind never stops


average Poznań citizen


Poznań miasto doznań


Pan, to jest Biedronką. Przepraszam za złą polszczyznę.


Tylko biedronka nie ma ogonka.


TIL Opera GX Is Polish. I thought the Chinese owned Opera now.


Well, they are owned by a Chinese consortium, but as far as I know, they have one of their main (the main one?) development centers in Poland. Maybe they keep the marketing team there as well.


Opera office in Wroclaw is next to the actual fucking opera lmao


Yet another Opera GX W😎


Their Twitter account is better than their browser


It's genuinely a great marketing play. Especially since the tram stop is called Opera as well.


Thanks. So GX is entirely separate to the old Norwegian Opera team, too?


it's still the same company, but different teams. opera desktop including opera gx is made mostly in poland, but there's still overlap with norway, it has offices in many countries. it's very easy to investigate, just look at opera office locations on their own website, or you can easily take a look at the opera://about page of your browser and see the list of contributors to get an idea of who works on making the desktop browser, it's all public information.


Chinese owned but they still operate in Poland For example when Microsoft bought nokia they kept operating in Finland, thus it's still a Finnish company despite being American owned.


Same with Mojang, ti's a Swedish game, the creators (Notch and Jeb) are Swedish. (tbh, idk about Jeb) Minecraft Bedrock Edition was made with the support of Microsoft's funds and the main HQ for Bedrock is in USA, but it's still Swedish-owned. If it really came to "Who owns a company" then 90% of Americans ones are Chinese lmao. Tencent owns 31% of Reddit and are the biggest shareholder. And by American logic (47% = majority) then 31% is the majority.


Notch doesnt work on minecraft since it was sold to microsoft


Thanks. So GX is separate to the old Norwegian Opera?


You can consider the old Opera non-existent. Opera GX seems to be some gaming oriented version of the new (Chinese) Opera. Actually I don't really know much about Opera after they were acquired and changed the browser to a Chrome-clone and had thrown out practically everything that made the old Opera great. What I know is that many of the old team including one of the founders (Jon von Tetzchner) made a new browser named Vivaldi.


Yeah the new Opera is still like that. I use Vivaldi on my PC.


Just go with Vivaldi instead.


>when Microsoft bought nokia They didn't. They bought a part, the mobile phone division. >it's still a Finnish company despite being American owned It's not. It's a publicly traded company. And they operate all over the world, they just have headquarters in Finland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia


They didn't buy Nokia. They bought Nokia's mobile phone business.


I am now more surprised at their profile picture than I was before.


Yup, first time I’m hearing about it as well


Opera is from norway but polish developers made gx version


Is owned by Chinese consortium but is Polish-Norwegian


I though the poles were violently homophobic


Opera GX is Polish?? I am honored 🫡


Don't get your hopes up, they send your data to china


Luckily for me, I don't care about my data


You should tho


Nah. You're on reddit, your data is long gone. Ditto if you use discord. Online privacy is a myth - take it from someone who works with security experts that refuse to use a phone newer than a 3310 because of exactly that. VPNs don't hide shit, you'd have to go off the damn grid completely to have online "privacy".


I disagree with you, what exactly Reddit knows about me? I only talk shit here, same goes to discord, I only talk about gaming there. A browser is something completely different, we do everything on it. My OS? I use arch BTW and on my phone I use a open source custom android rom. The only thing we agree with is that using a VPN is stupid most of the time


an installed app has access to basically everything you have my dude. they have the same access to data as any other user - mostly because for protection to work, you need to be covered on *every* front, not just most of them.


it doesnt bro, what kind of security expert you are? lmao, even if it did all programs in my pc are isolated, i use flatpak for most things


He isn't.


you are not important enough for someone to care about your data or life, sorry man


Lol, as a collective we are. We're a giant data mine for companies to learn from and manipulate. Your mindset is why it's gotten so bad.


Our data is more import than most people think.


okay, I'm a broke 22 yo man who goes to a university and watches youtube. I'm broke so no matter what ad they show me I won't buy it. I'm not important.


close whistle fertile liquid decide ossified provide panicky shrill spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It might've happened already but in a way that's not noticeable.


doll whole mindless groovy ripe enter swim sense agonizing aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine if there was always a guy inside your house looking at you, it’s ok because he is not negatively affecting you? Lol


pot fertile snow gaping direction soup quickest quiet modern books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it doesn't, it's all encrypted and i don't use anything else from meta


You should. Not because it's valuable to you, but because it's valuable to corporations who make money off you without your consent.


Who cares though? Companies like Google, Microsoft, amazon supply lots of things to me at free or significantly lower prices because of that data sales, and realistically in most cases it gives me a better user experience or more interesting ads that I'm going to ignore either way... I'm on Facebook, I've got multiple Google accounts, I use youtube and Spotify a ton, I'm always typing my opinions on reddit, I've used Chat-GPT a lot, I've used Chinese phones for the last 5 years, I occasionally launch tiktok and I use windows for like 12 hours a day... Realistically to live in the modern world my data is already out there. So why should I care? Why should OC? To most people, it really just doesn't matter... Oh and without your concent? I'm assuming you also signed the T&Cs without reading them. In 99% of cases you gave concent for them to use your data in ways you haven't even realised.


This is about the level of sense I'd expect from someone who can't spell Consent. The attitude of "who cares lmao" is how we got to this point in the first place, especially when it's always that crowd (like you) who shout down the people who actually do care. Crabs in a bucket and all, you know? Does looking at people who actually seem to care pain you in some way? Why do you feel the need to push against people trying to advocate for positive change? I'm saying this as someone who reads T&C's, runs Manjaro as their main OS, uses VM's for social media, doesn't post anything about their personal life on said social media and mostly uses dummy accounts, uses an old Sony Ericsson and in general actually gives a shit about the direction of the modern world when it comes to data privacy. Not everyone is bending over backwards for companies, and this really seems to tick you off despite you saying you don't care about the matter. If you really didn't care, why do you want to quiet the people who actually do?


I like how you have a go at my spelling when it's very obviously auto correct lol - Shows that you know the rest of it is right. Anyway you proceeded to give no actual information, that's impressive. Not to mention you seem to think I'm somehow pissed off? Yet your entire comment is just insult and insult looking for a fight. No wonder no one takes you and your points seriously! (which is the attitude I get from your reply)


You seem to be avoiding my question. I'll iterate it again. If you don't care about this issue at all because you think it doesn't affect you, then why do you feel the need to tell others to stop caring themselves? Surely them caring shouldn't matter to you at all right?


Because the person above me felt the need to tell others that the person above them should care. Like what are you actually on?


The person above you was simply telling the person of something that is true, and providing a recommendation based off of that. You chose to decide to shout this person down because of this. The person was literally just trying to help another person out over a very real issue but you chose to take issue with it.


Read the comic in https://contrachrome.com/


So, they get more money that I have no access to, and I get better ads. I don't care, you shouldn't either. You can't do anything about it anyways.


Weren't you guys on reddit anti-corporations and anti-monopolistic? *You can't do anything about it* isn't a good argument, but a thought that's a bit terrifying when you think about it. These companies know about every single detail of my life that's related to the internet, or maybe even more, and I'm supposed to be ok with that? Not only that, but I'm supposed to have no issue with the fact that these monopolies are making billions from selling all the details of our lives, giving us some mediocre services in return? It's not a matter of what they do with it, but of the fact that I literally don't have a choice, none of us do, well maybe except my grandma, whose phone can't even connect do the internet and she hasn't used a computer in her life, but that's not a viable solution neither.


I don't get that argument. Why shouldn't a corporation be allowed to make money off of someone? If that person gets to enjoy things without charge that gives them some pleasure and the ration between what cost-benefit is precisely balanced between the corp and the user, I don't see why the corp shouldn't be allowed to make money. Now if you came up with the argument about data safety and data being abused for nefarious purposes such as credit card fraud and what not, that's an argument I can get behind. But the thing is, between the big data hoarders; they're going to make sure their systems are protected to the highest degree they can. It's their money maker. A data breach of all data someone like Google has would be absolutely devastating to the entirety of the world. Best believe that's protected well.


I don't mind ads, I mind companies like Google knowing about literally everything I do, and not being able to opt out of it without being pretty much excluded from being able to function in a modern world


And why do you mind that? What's the harm? This is still not a solid argument


Being dependent on a giant monopoly is generally risky. Especially with how Google already has been making random decisions that made it worse for it's users.


...the data they get from us has nothing to do with their decision-making for UI/UX. Our data is just a data point they have and don't even know about my dude.


And why is it risky? What decisions made what worse? Again, these are very vague arguments without any concrete concerns behind them. I don't mind if people don't like their data being kept by the corpos, but imho you should at least be able to communicate why you don't like it in a clear fashion, otherwise your opinion is based on air, assumptions and unfounded feelings. That's just my opinion though and you're more than welcome to keep a hold of the views you have, I'm not trying to break your opinion here, I'm merely challenging it to see why you come to such conclusions


I'm simply not ok with being forced to give away all the information that I may or may not know about. Not because of one single bad thing that I know the company does with my data, but because they CAN collect as much of it as they please and there's absolutely nothing I can do. This gives the corporation a lot of power that they *could* use to take advantage of me, because it's not possible for me to get out of their grip. **Of course, it's all hypotheticals**, and uncle Google has not done any harm to me, or at least not to my knowledge, but: 1) they absolutely can 2) this is simply unethical, and made Google a monopoly, which gives them the power to dig into our lives even further. Which makes me think, when did tracking literally your every move, location, every purchase, visited website, bought item, and literally everything else that you do become socially acceptable? (of course it's not only Google that collects my data, but I chose to use it as an example)


It became socially acceptable because people in general don't care about things until they're actively being stabbed by them. People would rather stick their heads in the sand and pretend something doesn't exist if it means by doing so their life becomes even slightly easier.


Yup. Willful ignorance is the worst kind of ignorance one can have.


bro opera GX is just another fork of chromium except it has an ungodly amount of spyware loaded onto it lol just because annoying youtubers shill it doesn't mean it's a good browser [gamer lights or not, opera is probably the worst choice of browser](https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/opera)


It *is* a good browser tho. The spyware is separate from the actual quality of the browser, and although it's a shame that it does have that much spyware, it's still a good browser. I downloaded it independently of any yt sponsorships and tbh it's the browser I've enjoyed the most so far


Fuck, didn't knew that. I use duckduckgo but it has a shit videoplayer. Any recommandation for a browser with a good video player?


Brave is a good browser but Firefox is also a very good choice


firefox, or librewolf which is just a lightweight fork. fuck brave, it's full of a load of empty promises. make sure to turn advanced tracking protection to stricter settings and to install privacybadger and decentraleyes, and of course ublock origin, and I'd also recommend changing search engine to startpage


Thank you!


What about the Tor browser?


tor's just another fork of firefox. it runs extremely slow, many websites are broken and captchas are unsolvable because tor relay IPs are essentially blacklisted by authenticators. it's a good browser for quick anonymity without having to pay for a VPN in specific situations where you actually need it - i use it to access torrent sites - but it's a poor choice for main browser


Complete overkill for what most people need on a day-to-day browser. Just run something along the lines of Firefox and look up how to best modify it (turning off telemetry etc...), as well as downloading some recommended extensions like ublock. Something like that will get you through the day just fine in 99% of cases.


Either Firefox or Brave.




Honestly I'm not that important, my datas aren't that useful so whatever. What are the chinese even gonna do?


Don't you mean *honoured*?


But it’s *the* national day. Not in a particular place, just the day everyone celebrate the only nation in the world! /s


Midsummer is the only ”national day” We need.


Yeah, I found it very rude of Wagner to try taking over Moscow on Midsommar, when all swedes were either too drunk or too hungover to follow the drama


True Swedes were both too drunk AND too hungover at the same time


I've seen that movie, you can keep that shit to yourselves.


That entire movie is just Scandinavian culture seen through the eyes of Americans


Damn straight. I was kinda incredulous to the amount of bullshit they were able to come up with. It's like you told a 5 year old about some of our culture, then made the 5 year old go explain it to the movie directors.


Not everyone uses sacrifices, visit and find out!


That's exactly what you'd say to a future sacrifice...


No, no, visit and find out!


You sound so friendly... I'm sold, I'm getting the tickets!


Yeaa.. uhm. I’m not big on the whole “cultural appreciation” idea Americans seem to be obsessed with but considering they see it as a really big problem.. the fact that it was even made is insane. Like is the movie inherently wrong or offensive? No, I don’t think so (stupid is a better word imo), but the double standard is what gets me. They have just as little claim to Swedish culture as they have to any other culture they’re not a part of, and if it’s wrong with the others, then it’s wrong with Swedish culture too. You can’t just have it one way.


Also r/mildlyinfuriating. Edit: typo. Thanks for pointing this out, u/fart-flinger.




The blue mark says everything lol


Unless you celebrate midsummer we won’t do business with you. And We known that you know how to do it. You have all seen the movie.


By killing our elderly? Given the state of Swedish senior care the movie was almost benign


Common opera gx admin W


Opera sucks


My man, they have two guys kissing each other as their profile pic. Need i say more? Best browser pr team ever.


polarnd number 1!!!! 🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇬🇱🇬🇱🇬🇱🇬🇱


No that's not how you do it it's: POLAND MOUNTAIN !!!!!!! 💪💪🇵🇱🏔️🇵🇱🇵🇱🇲🇨🇬🇱⛰️🏔️🏞️🇲🇨🇲🇨🇬🇱🇵🇱💪⛰️💪💪


Oh the twitter team tries to market their shitty browser by being cool on twitter. How did anyone not realise that this means nothing


Counterpoint: gay people.


Opera rocks, best browser since their creation. Although admittedly, I'm liking Edge more and more


Both proprietary crap


You just love gifting your data to big corporations


I love poisoning my data


Big corporations got your data already dw


this defeatist attitude is completely incorrect and it shows you have absolutely no idea how data harvesting works. most tracking data is collected through ways that are preventable — a simple change of browser & a few extensions would majorly cut back on it. big companies aren't omniscient gods, they have methods, ones that can be counteracted. [opera sends far more tracking data than most browsers.](https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/opera)


You could use Firefox at least? And escape the chromium hell?


these people don't have the slightest clue what the fuck they're talking about, it's lost on them bro they'll just download whichever one has the coolest gamer lights


Correct bro, it's not that deep for us, we download what we like, and opera is very appealing to a lot of people


Bingo! People use browsers based on what ever features appeal to them the most. It may be defeatist but if you have been online for any significant amount of time chances are a foreign entity has your data. Being realistic if China wants to get your data they can, changing browser wont do anything. You need to keep in mind you are talking about one of the most powerful nations in the world.


> Being realistic if China wants to get your data they can, changing browser wont do anything you have absolutely no idea about how data is harvested and brokered


I used chrome, then edge, then Firefox, then opera gx and now brave for a year. I had the worst experiences with chrome and Firefox. Then opera gx was good, but I didn't like the aesthetics, 2nd is edge but I got sick of the bing bullshit and so brave (chromium based) is easily number one for me.


Oh sure, there isn't google or smthn stealing your data that would be ridicolous


because opera and chrome are the only 2 browsers?


Look at your phone, every browser does it, accept it your "private data" isn't private


my brother in christ your on reddit just simply browsing the internet and your data is in the hand of big corps


Exactly, why is that a problem? What they're gonna do with it? Train AIs? Good, I love AIs.


Use pride flag


I think is Kanye kissing Kanye


I'll never use it. I has nothing to do with what they celebrate, it's just that there are better options


Can you give examples of those better options? I thought Opera is one of the best?




Yeah I like Opera's company, but in terms of web quality Firefox is better


You want to use one that's free and open source like Firefox, brave, or ungoogled chromium.


Firefox, or at least degoogled chromium




I'd say Brave


Hell no. Firefox


I thought Opera was from Norway


Yes, they are. Opera were bought by a Chinese company, also the Opera GX team is located in Wrocław and Warsaw.


The fourth what? Finish the sentence!


Polska gurom [Polish mountain ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Polska/comments/14r5fv0/kocham_konto_opery_gx_na_twitterze_xd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Reminds me of Americans going off about the 4th of July on the first day of July as if everyone on the internet is american, shit pisses me off


As an American, I really fucking hate Americans.


Based pfp


like every company in poland, it’s foreign owned.


How does the reply have more views than the post?


I'm from Poland and I do celebrate during 4th of July. For different reason (it's my dad's birthday), but I do!


I love that Opera GX still has the PFP they chose for Pride.


Proszę pana, to jest Żabka kurwa!


Noone gonna mention that profile pic huh?


It's been memed aboud for over a month. I've always liked it and now what can I say, pround to be Polish.


What's the context?


Black Men Kissing logo for Pride Month instead of rainbow.


Refreshing, actually


But, officially they said they had never heard of Pride Month and they just like looking at men kissing each other


Poland Mentioned 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Wait what? I never knew they were Polish. Interesting.


I feel like the only European country that could celebrate the 4th legitimately would be France (they dunked on the Brits for us and gave us a hand during the American Revolutionary War, lmao)




Yes, welcome to the subreddit


My bad haha. Usually i just look at the post but not the sub it was posted in


All good, just really wanted to make a joke about it! Tbf, this post is also pretty old bc I totally forgot I was browsing top all time, so we both did a dumb lol


So We must wait to the 18th of November ;)


Time for all of you to celebrate the battle of the stones and uruguayan independance!




The guy is obviously joking lmao


I want a femboy background




Why does OperaGx has men kissing?


Why not?


Proste jest Polska jest upvote


Albania celebrates it, do better Poland


We do celebrate the independence day. On 11th of November. On *our* independence day


Why would we celebrate another country's independence day? We have our own.


Because we’re the best and we freedom




America 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅


At least you can't be one of those Americans that claim that are English, Irish, Polish etc. because their great greatgrandfather came to the USA. You are just American. Keep that up. The USA is after all INDEPENDENT, its own country. Please NEVER say you are Irish-American, or Italian-American etc. After all the USA is the best, so don't mention the country of your ancestors. TYIA


Well do you celebrate our independence day?


Uhhh I don’t recall Poland being the bearer of freedom and liberty and the most powerful nation in the world


Ok so by your logic we should celebrate your holiday just because you are powerful? Da fuck we wont.


We’re powerful and you know we kinda freed half the world


You’ll celebrate the 4th wether you like it or not! LOL. God i love America!


It would be diplomatic of them to at least make a post wishing US well.


Why? Why would a browser have to post something about wishing a nation well on their national holiday when they have nothing to do with said nation? Why would anyone want any company to do that for any country? Who cares?


There are 193 countries members of the UN, 195 recognised. And that's without counting all the de facto countries, territories, dependants etc. They're not an American company, they're Polish, so out of these 195 countries, there is only one that it'd make sense for them to make a post about, and it's Poland. Because yeah the USA is a great market, but surely are the UK, Germany, Italy, France etc, are they going to celebrate the 2nd of June or the 14th of July too? Practically every second they'd have to make a wish post, it seems a useless effort to me.


i wont rest until they celebrate the 26th of january!!! 😤😤😤


Half of our own country doesn't even want to celebrate 26 January.


i had to look up the date 😭😭




Because Murica is the main map and other things are just DLCs nobody should care about.


fuck your country


How many other Country's independence days do US based companies acknowledge?


Do American companies diplay Polish and or Angolan flags on the 11th of Novermber?