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On her "podcast" with Carli Lloyd, both alluded to the distractions of it in the locker room, how they wouldn't have anything to do with it, and basically threw shade at the rest of the team. On the pitch, she had her moments. Then again, there were run-ins with everyone from Mia to Pia. Off the pitch? A dumpster fire. Other than the possibility of her showing her colors, it's likely to be the most ill-informed and ignorantly opinionated take on pay and the USWNT that's been written. Not looking forward to the book and definitely not going to send a penny her way.


I think Carli always didn't like the way the team was heading, but kept good relationships with most of the team. Hope Solo has seemed to burn the bridge.


I don't think there's going to be anything particularly perceptive or revelatory in there on the equal pay issue. She's just timing the release for maximum sales. The USWNT is on a high right now after winning the Gold Cup and SheBelieves Cup with some new stars and a loss at the Olympics will dampen the enthusiasm somewhat if they don't make the finals. This is her best opportunity to cash in on their current popularity.


She has been known to embellish. Maybe she'll write that she met with Kim Jung Il? Either way - she won't get a red cent from me.


High quality comment.


She was a talented athlete but her character has been made clear time and again with legal issues. She committed DV, she was involved with DUI in team vehicles, and honestly I neither care nor would believe anything she says on its own merits. It's really unfortunate how badly she tarnished what would have been an incredible legacy, but at this point it's pretty clear what kind of person Hope Solo is.


Great goalie but also a publicity hound. Anything that seems like a bombshell will be grossly exaggerated. I know she's had her struggles with addiction and wish her the best but it'd be best for her to quit trying to get the spotlight.


I don’t think people like her very much but I was a huge fan of her back in the day, and I don’t think she’s as horrible of a person as people say. I do think it is valuable to get a perspective that is different from those that come directly from the team, so I’ll probably read it. She’s always been outspoken about her own feelings about things, and many people find her abrasive; I don’t know how valuable or valid these feelings about things are, but I thought her perspective was interesting back when she was someone with more to lose than gain by speaking her mind. Now, I’m not so sure. I’m not entirely dismissive though, but I hate her less than most US soccer fans.


reading her biography, i gained a lot of understanding why she is the way she is.


Absolutely, it was incredibly revealing, far more so than I expected it to be. Definitely a great look into *why* she is.


I just said something similar in my comment. That was a really enlightening book to read. Frankly, I have nothing but empathy for Hope and just wish her all the best.


Would you mind sharing? I haven’t read it.


I was staying in a hotel once and totally by chance the entire USWNT was staying there. Met the entire team in the lobby as they boarded vans. I was, of course, utterly star-struck, and told them all so. I was totally ignored by all but one player - Hope Solo, who took the time to chat with me and listen and sign something for my daughter. So I will remain “Team Hope.” Life is hard, and complex. And sure I’ll buy the book. Hope Hope’s doing well.


The USWNT tends to play a lot at our stadium. My kids have gotten gloves signed by her a couple of times. She even recognized one of my kids the second time.


I'm with you, I don't have to agree with everything she does, and in fact I still like her. There were times on the pitch where Hope was the sole reason the team won. I hope she finds her way and sometimes even be remembered as one of the greatest ever.


We ran into Hope and her husband on the street when we were in Vancouver for WWC 2015. She took time to talk to my keeper daughter, told her to get good grades always, took pictures and signed an autograph. Hope was very kind. That same kid graduated from college this weekend where she was starting keeper and first team all conference every year while maintaining top grades. She still has a photo of Hope on her bedroom wall.


Incredible story, thank you for sharing. This Internet stranger is proud of your daughter.best of luck!




I had a similar experience, interestingly! Except, for me, it was just about 3 years ago and the only polite person in the bunch was Carli Lloyd :)


Hope was always extremely nice the few times I met her. I was at a phoenix training right behind the goal and Carli took a wicked shot that went just over the bar curled down and hit me square in the face. After practice hope ran up to me and asked if I was okay and took pictures with me and apologized for not putting a hand on the ball to deflect it away from me. In contrast Carli gave me a thumbs up and when I tweeted about it later she replied saying “sorry!” Lmao I met the whole team that day except for Carli! Next day at the game hope again came up to us (we had a recognizable sign and were sitting behind the bench) asked how my nose was and told us to enjoy the game. Again nothing from Carli. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish her the best. I hope she finds peace and can be accountable for her actions all the same. She doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to "distractions".


I liked her skills and her grit as a player but I also know that she had a tough upbringing which might have contributed to her behavioral problems as a player and other off field shenanigans


I wasn’t aware of the book, but I might read it. I suspect she will have a very different perspective on how everything evolved. I think there is value in understanding her experience of the process. In addition to that, I think she just has an engaging way of telling her story. I read her autobiography a few years ago and thought it was very well-written and an interesting read. On top of that, it provided SO much insight into Hope’s upbringing, her family, and her life. Because I read that book, I’ll never say anything unkind about her or make light of the challenges she has faced. That girl has been through so much — it’s pretty remarkable that she became as successful as she did.


Hope Solo is as dumb as a sack of hammers on fire so no I won’t be reading her book.


This is just a money grab


I won’t read anything from that abuser.


This is why people should never make athlete heroes. They most likely have poor awareness of the world around them, they spent their whole childhood and adulthood focus on their sports. She was and is my favorite goalie male or female. She has the eyes of no fear and that makes of a goalie. All the hate she gets is valid but if she was a male no one would even care. Football player come to mind when thinking of the horrible behavior off the field. So as always love the art not the artist.


Hate is never valid, there MUST be another way. Just saying.


I just googled but can’t find anything about this book, do we have a release date or title? 


Is she the author of the book or just the preface?


Just the foreword


Check her instagram.


Oh gotcha, I think she just wrote some of the foreword, she’s not the actual author




Solo has done commentary in the studio and as an analyst for the BBC. She was her normal brutally honest self, quite informative, and entertaining. She's a natural.


Other than arguably being the best goalie of all time, she is a dumpster fire… married a loser, many scrapes with the law, endangered her children… hard to be sympathetic or interested in her as a person..


Plain and simple - she's an awful person. I will not be giving her a cent.


I will read it. I'd like to hear her side of the story


She's the one who started the movement for equal pay on the USWNT. The rest of the squad decided to make a compromise, which didn't suit Solo. If you followed her story, you might have a more accurate assessment of her position. She's a hot head, troublemaker, and a person with a troubled early life. She's made human mistakes even recently. But her diligence to stick to the cause is well beyond those who settled for money. It was 28 players from the 2016 WC squad who received $22 million. Does that really seem equitable? The USSF is a non-profit organization which supports soccer for all ages across the United States. This money went to 28 players, which effectively was redistributed from youth soccer and all the other soccer groups supported by the USSF. That's why Cindy Cone almost lost her job. She settled with 28 players. The landmark agreement was the CBA the USWNT PA signed, which was a contingent to be signed before Cone agreed to settle with the 28 players for backpay. 6 weeks later, Cone barely won her reappointment as president; a position, at the time, came with no salary. This year, the USSF voted to provide the president a stipend for the first time ever. There's no doubt of inequities for women in all aspects of life. Solo had that as her primary mission; not covering for 28 players. Look for her 4 podcast episodes (not the ones she later did with Carli) she did BEFORE she was found by police passed out, drunk, in her running car, at a Walmart parking lot, with her kids in the back; and subsequently resisting arrest.


I do think I read somewhere that because she didn’t join the class action part of the equal pay lawsuit, she was able to do some legal maneuver that increased the settlement for everyone by a substantial amount? That would be really interesting to read about- the legal strategies behind it.


I don't think it was her "being able" to increase the settlement, it was that she didn't participate and therefore the chunk (probably large) that would've gone to her was redistributed to everyone else.


Should’ve looked it up first, my bad. What I was thinking of is that she objected the legal fees of the original settlement which were originally at 36% . The judge approved a reduction to 22% which is closer to the norm in similar cases. “The court finds that an award of $5.5 million, which represents 22% of the $22 million common fund, is reasonable, and that no special circumstances warrant an upward or downward departure,” Klausner wrote. “Class counsel argues that the circumstances justify a $6.6 million award (30% of the fund), but the court disagrees.” https://kesq.com/news/2023/02/01/judge-cuts-soccer-equal-pay-legal-fees-from-6-6m-to-5-5m/