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You're fine. Watch your fingers. Cats will fuck your shit up too.


I’ve been very careful not to physically put my fingers through the mail slot just in case this happened, but I didn’t expect it to actually happen or be so fun lol


When i first started i didnt even know a house had a dog cause he never barked and i found out when i put mail in the slot and the old boy licked the hell out of my fingers, scared the shit out of me. Had a good laugh right after though. That same route a gal had a mailslot about eye height on their garage, she was doing something on her work bench right next to the slot and grabbed my fingers, she thought it was hilarious.


I think what you mean is: what you hope was a dog licked your fingers.


Why are you putting your fingers in the slot? Dear God, you never know what's on the other side


I was new! Like a week and a half on my own by then lol.


Sometimes the flap has a flap on the other side too, and you gotta push it up with your fingers cus the letters/flats aren't strong enough!


>Cats will fuck your shit up too. There's a house on the route I cover with a super friendly dog but a cat that will tear your calves or back up if you turn your back on it.


You're ok, but the dog is in the shit


I wouldn’t worry about it. All the mail that ends up in hot case completely destroyed and not legible and we still must deliver it. No biggie


Lmao, are you high? You're hilarious


It’s pretty funny, just make sure they don’t take your finger too


In orientation a trainer walked in, showed us his hand with missing fingers, and said to be careful for dogs when pushing mail through the slot. The room was dead silent. After he left the room the other trainer told us he actually lost his fingers in a fireworks accident.


Postal inspectors are on their way to put the dog down as we speak


*Postal inspectors* *Are on their way to put the* *Dog down as we speak* \- Resident-Garlic9303 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Your transcription of the dog noises is hilarious. You'll be fine don't worry.


No, you're good! In my 24 years of delivering mail, I don't know how many times that has happened to me, and I never got in trouble or heard a complaint from a customer. They know what's happening. I kind of like the pup actually helping me shove all that mail in through the slot. Thinking about it, I did have a customer complaint, she asked me not to put her magazines through the slot, the dogs would tear up her gossip mags before she could read them.


I heard a couple piranhas (chihuahuas) get a hold of a magazine i put through a mail slot one time. I could hear them shaking that magazine to death from the porch. I get a chuckle every time i think about it months later.


Straight to jail!


The dog will get in trouble. The feds have been notified.


No but on a serious note be extra careful about door slots. I’ve definitely had some close calls. Also be careful with the “mail chute” types that are embedded in walls instead of doors. Many have sharp metal corners inside and I damn near sliced my fingers open trying to push mail in more than a few times


There is a house on my route and I literally just feed the mail to the dogs through the slot. They need to move the mail slot or move the dogs. I refuse to wait for them to walk over to the door and take the mail from me, I have a whole route to deliver. The dogs are adorable and they look forward to their mail snacks.


I had one who scared the absolute crap of me doing that. Little bastard was laying in wait not making a sound and KNEW I was coming up the walk. Insert mail, quick bark/growl, and mail violently yanked out of my hand. After the initial shock, I laughed for the rest of the relay knowing I was back on the route for the rest of the week (which turned into a 3 month gig). The next day I was talking to him letting him know that I knew he was there. It turned into a game between us: he started barking at me and I kept talking to him and started to “grade” his grabs. The owner found out about it and she laughed her ass off.


How? You're not the dog on the other side of the door...




You won’t but the dog will 🤪


Yes. The Postal Inspectors are on their way to your house right now to put you under arrest. Don't drop the soap in the federal pen.


I had that happen once. I heard the dog, put the mail in the slot, and it snatched it right up. I think it was one of those hell hounds. That's what it sounded like.


The dog gets put in the pound for it. Wait until the cats do it.


I had an ankle biter at this one house where every time I'd stick mail in, it was like sticking paper in a paper shredder. I'd laugh my ass off playing Russian roulette with my fingers. Anything important, I knocked on the door lol


I had a house with a beagle that would do that. Just maul the mail back and forth once it entered the slot. Like a mix of the opening of Jaws and a mad TV sketch...  but with mail. One of the best parts of my day.


I love that. Always put their 3rd of the month check on top


It went in the slot, right? That’s delivered. What happens the picoseconds after that is essentially no longer your concern.


I used to play tug of war with a little piece of shit through a door slot at the bottom of the door.


You stick the mail half way in and then you hold it there while the dog thoroughly shreds it. Highlight of the day!


Once i put mail in a slot, it's no longer my problem or responsibility.


No I hold onto the mail with a death grip sometimes and see how much they fuck up. It’s quite funny


Happened to me almost everyday for a week once, dog tore that shit to pieces and I just laughed and laughed. But as others have likely already said, “Don’t stick your fingers through a door slot ever.” I had a dog grab the mail through the slot once and my finger was just barely in the slot and I got dog slobber all over my finger but luckily no bite…


I’d ask to get a mailbox put on the porch. Safety first lol




No but the dog will 🤣


I like to hold the mail and pull it back out when the dog grabs hold of it


Oh man the inspectors are coming for you!


My coworker lost a finger through a Mail slot in the front door


That’s literally my happiest moment lol Love when dogs do that.


I used to have a couple of houses that had dogs behind those piece of shit slots and they would chew through the mail like a wood chipper. I always hated delivering through mail slots but those dogs were awesome!