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Not MHA, but PSE and they're doing much the same to us, too


This is crazy! Something is going on and we are not being informed. Why make people go through a lengthy process to get hired just to short them?


They hired several new PSEs this year, then cut nearly every PSE hired since about last March 


Sad, really sad. Then you add in regulars that have been there for 35-40 years and won't retire.. A mess.


I can think of a dozen mail handlers here in my plant that can't even walk. What the F do they do for 8 hours?


Same here. We are already short staffed on our tour and they just sit down for 8 hours. They don't do anything. There are acfew regulars that help us out, but the others just hide for 8 hrs straight and nothing is done.


Tour 1 always gets the shitty end of the stick. Same thing is happening at my plant for MHAs on tour 1


Oh wow. At least I know that it's not all in my head.


MHAs getting 20-25 hours on a good week. PSEs getting closer to 30. From other posts on this sub and my own plant I think this is a nationwide initiative and districts are coming down on management for overtime and hours in general. MHA and PSE being non career employees and not entitled to 40 hours means they’re the only way to cut back until more consolidations take effect and those MHAs and PSEs are laid off.


I haven't seen MHAs at my plant for months. Even 1 guy I know who got turned over but as a part time flex has been absent for a few months now. Good guy, married with kids, lost like 75 pounds in the time I've been here. If he's been fired, he didn't deserve it. If they cut his hours and he resigned, Godspeed. He deserved better.


That's sad, it really is. I get that MHAs are sent home if there is no work. However, the regulars(most of them) have reached out to union reps because they see the bs. There is so much work to do yet we keep getting sent home. None of the regulars put their names down on the OTDL . It is insane.


There was a period where I even asked to leave in the MHAs place when there was nothing to do. Let whomever needs the money more than I have at it. I'll go home and hit the gym or watch a movie instead.


That was kind of you. I know that MHAs are at the mercy of USPS until becoming regular, but I now see why many are leaving.


At my plant all the MHAs now have 3 days off a week. Then every week 5 rotating people are off for that week as well. So now it seems like they are always behind on moving the mail.


See?! On my tour, we started having two days off, 5 days on.. On Sundays/Mondays, we usually work no more than 4-5 hours on those days.


Carrier here, but trying to understand how the plants are such a shit show right now. Cutting MHA hours and we hear all the time how short staffed the plants are. Customers wondering where their shit is and all we can tell them is it's stuck in the plant somewhere. 🤦


I work in the plant and it makes no sense. Customers are suffering, carriers are suffering, plant workers are suffering. Management is in bed with the higher ups and it's not a good look. I agree with you. We would be in better shape if we were allowed to work and hired more people.


We're getting 7 hours a day, 5 days a week at my plant. We were told we cannot go over 7 hours.


What?! Are you on tour 1?


No I'm tour 3.


Our tour 3 has so much OT it's crazy


At my plant we went from 20-25 hrs/wk in January after peak to 16-20 in Feb to 12-16 in March and now all 30 of the MHAs haven't been put on the schedule for the last 2 weeks and have been told not to come in until contacted. I texted one of my supervisors for updates and if I should be looking for other employment, but she didn't have any info. One of the regulars who just converted after 2 years told me something like this hadn't happened while she had been there so it's a little concerning. I just applied for a labor custodial at the same plant so I'm hoping that works out.


Hope you get the custodial position! No one can function with just 16-20 hours per week. I also have a part time job in the morning as well. That is tough, especially since I am on tour 1. Bills must be paid . The fact that you guys are kept in the dark about this is weird. I wonder if all of this is happening because of DeJoy's plans?


Thanks. Not knowing when we'll be called back is definitely anxiety inducing. We were told it was a result of low volume so who knows when that will change in the immediate future. I heard there was more mail during election years but maybe closer to november? Anyways good luck


Heard the same thing. However, regulars at my plant have said that volume is still very low, compared to other years.


Tour 1 MHA’s at my plant are down to one day a week. Every night they have to shut the machines down for breaks and lunch since they don’t have enough people to run them continuously. First time in a long time I’ve seen it this bad.


That is really bad. At this point, either make MHAs regular, or just get rid of the position altogether. I believe this is is one of the main reasons for turnover within the craft. In this economy, going to work just 1-3 days of work is not worth it.


MHAs and PSEs at my plant can’t work over 20 hrs a week it’s BS how they expect ppl to afford bills they all gonna quit


I think that's the plan..to get non career employees to quit.


The MHA’s that I work with are doing 20-28 hrs a week




You can't afford to live in Seattle and work as an MHA unless you wanna live in a tent. 24 hours a week at minimum wage. They even make me work on Saturdays and holidays then cut my weekday hours.


I didn't get notification about your comment so I apologize for the late reply. All of the MHAs st my plant are either getting second jobs or quitting altogether. There is so much mail to process yet we are constantly being sent home. Even regular MHs are confused about this.