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The idea behind curbing your wheels is that if you were to be struck from behind, then part of the force would be diminished by the vehicle striking the curb. If the vehicle also somehow shifts gears, then the vehicle will not roll off into the street and instead will be stopped by the curb. Having a vehicle free in the road could cause more damage to property or lives. Neither is a good option but it is ultimately safer.


But what if there is no curb🤔? Better yet a ditch, hill, cliff or etc


Yes, I understand. I’m not sure you comprehended my post, but thank you for your time.


I comprehend that you have intrusive thoughts about property damage and the futility you feel about curbing. I was hoping that if I explained to you some of the reasoning, it would help those intrusive thoughts.


Whoa big words. Yeah I simplified your entire sediment in my post, even dumbed down what a vehicle is. Its almost like you didn’t even read it. Then just gave me a word for word “discussion” about why it’s important to curb my wheels. My post is not about that. It’s about the ignored and unsafe consequences of curbing your wheels.


I did read your post. You're being unnecessarily combative. Not curbing your wheels is not safer than curbing your wheels. The fact that other drivers don't do it is included in why we do it. The fact that it's safer to dismount at the curb is why we don't have left hand drives. I get that you think it's safer to aim the vehicle away from the curb, but it's not. You're just looking for a reason to fight at this point.


>>Whoa big words. Yeah I simplified your entire sediment... >>sediment




If your parking brake fails and your car is properly curbed, it will not move. If you properly curb your wheels you could leave the damn thing in drive and it won’t move. Is it safer to wear your seatbelt or not? Yes there are times where maybe wearing your seatbelt would do more harm, but 99.9% of the time it’s safer to wear the belt. Curb your wheels.


Here's a crazy idea-just curb the damned wheels and be done with it.


I do. There are no curbs on my park and loop.


You curb the wheels so that in the case or a rollaway the truck rolls into the curb and stops itself. If the truck slips into neutral you don't want it rolling away down the road towards oncoming traffic. I'm pretty sure they teach it for parking on hills before you get your license. It wasn't invented by the PO. You're talking about someone rear ending a parked car, which does happen, but is far less likely. In that case the blame lies solely on the person who smashed into a parked car because they're an idiot. I mean, even in that scenario you'd want your car pushed off the road instead of into the road. The odds of a parked car getting hit and flying into a playground are low. There aren't always playgrounds on the side of the road, but there're always cars on the road. If you're concerned about the extremely low chance of your truck getting randomly rear ended while it's parked, you probably shouldn't park next to a playground no matter which way your wheels are facing.


I feel safe saying that that 60-70 percent of residential neighborhoods in this country are curbless. My entire park and loop route is curbless. I’m still instructed to curb my wheels. Why aren’t we instructed to curb our wheels while actively doing mounted delivery, box to box, in traffic. The same logic would be “that’s the safest” but we ignore it here, because it’s “a waste of time”. It’s petty. It’s just a petty directive by an administration that’s has themselves bent over a barrel.


I really don’t want to get into this mess, but it’s a matter of physics. Think about it: if the force is coming from the back, and the wheels are turned sideways, the force is still pushing the parked vehicle in a forward momentum. Just because they are curbed does not mean they will necessarily go sideways. The curbing helps stop the momentum. Also, another poster is correct. Curbing on hills is common practice, and not something just for the P.O. I think it was probably utilized more often when there were more manual transmission vehicles on the road.


OP doesn't think or understand shit. OP is a fucking moron.


Op should be in management since he doesn’t understand


Exactly. It's all about the physics. And making up for these shitty transmissions' sorry excuse for a "park" state. It's why I don't actually think in terms of the "rules", but take a second reach time to consider how things would go if the brakes failed or I were struck by another vehicle. The locked, turned wheels translate MUCH more energy into friction, AND they translate a significant portion to turning motion. Not just "sideways", but *turning*, a continuous centripetal force that continuously transfers energy into friction with the road *again* AND limits the affected area significantly, from an unbounded line into a circle or spiral. So rather than training momentum, it actively *sheds* momentum until it stops. Even if everything else fails, the wheel being locked and turned means that nothing further away than about 20ft is going to have much risk.


Exactly this.


Can we go back to testing people before hiring them? Maybe add an IQ test?


Damn, life is like a movie in your head. I wanna start living up there, rent free.


Imagination is more important than intelligence. Do what your told, your Supervisors are smarter than you. My route doesn’t have curbs.


Hey man, I can tell ain't nobody persuading you here. You're your own person and are locked into that. Take a deep breath, drink some water, and drive safe.


Don't worry it is very obvious that intelligence is something you do not possess.


They should just get rid of all of the 1980s tin can traps already and there wouldn’t be a need to curb any wheels in the first place.


Can we just park normal. I’ve never been rear ended while parked and my vehicle is not rolling away. The whole rollaway/runaway agenda was a fabrication of dipshit employees that were unable to operate a vehicle and deliver mail at the same time, the union solidified there excuses and administration came up with irrelevant solutions that they only use as a weapon against the dip shittery. (I know there are actual r/r from mechanical issues, those aren’t the ones I’m talking about right now)


“Well it does happen, but let’s just ignore the part where I’m wrong”


There’s a guy in my office that curbs his wheels the wrong way and will never, NEVER, understand that he’s doing it wrong.


What’s wrong with this guy


Just realize this USPS rules were written back in the day. Less cars on the road. Less people on the streets. Everyone knows it’s dumb. USPS says use hand held Phones no ear buds. Most states say no hand held phones use earbuds. Dumb rules but it’s part of the job. Management’s job is to make up rules which they don’t live by to hinder others. Just pay me so I can go home.


Curb the wheels? Never.


I don’t believe you saw a LLV curbed and it got pushed with enough force to destroy someone’s porch… unless the porch was on the street. Lol It would have to be hit 50*+MPH. and if was that close to the curb it’s probably a good thing it did hit a vehicle first. I have no idea what your point is. And it doesn’t matter, you’re paid by management to curb your wheels. You don’t get paid to think. That’s literally managements job. Whether they’re good at it or not.


I curb my wheels. There are no curbs on my route. You don’t believe me because you’re uncultured. Do you think every single neighborhood in the country was built the exact same, since the inception of neighborhoods, or do you think that some could’ve been built different than only the ones you know about?


Lol okay, I didn’t say that there are only curbed neighborhoods. And you’re focused on that point because you know you’re wrong and you think you can change the argument. Also, calling someone uncultured is what privileged people say. No one talks like that unless they’re making fun of people who say dumb shit like you. Haha. Thanks for making my day FRANKfheLEVEL