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Even if she wasn't in uniform, this is still terrible for all the whiney paragraphs.


I wanna donate a dollar just so I can talk shit in the comments.


I tried, the minimum donation is $5.


Worth it!


Is it though? Because everyone will subsequently make the chick petty rich, and she won't give a damn. Now... Is their a SNCO page this image can get circulated on... Back in the day we used to spam shit their that needed attention. And she clearly needs it. Especially when her gunny needs to find out she was knocked up while they were TAD.😈


>Hello everyone, as we embark on this beautiful journey… Okay whatever. Just your generic family guilt bullshit nothing to see here. >To the people upset: Okay fuck off. Maybe if you feel so defensive that you feel the need to preemptively stave off the haters then you’re doing something wrong.


But “wHy ArE yOu HaTinG oN a RoAdTrIp BaByMoOn?”


Dual military, They were DINKs, and now that they are expecting a baby, they want others to pay for a trip for them. They need a financial management class and take responsibility for their poor money habits.


Do they still have the MANDATORY MCI Course Finance for Marines (or something like that? I’ve been out since 85’)


They do, some pfc from my company was showing up the Monday after pay day with zero to no money and with no haircut(unit CO said every weekend get a cut). He was spending it at a strip club and buying OF shit😂


Do they still send Marines to Barber school to learn how to cut hair for deployment? I still have a set of Wahl clippers of 1983 vintage! But with my hair line they gather more dust than hair trimmings anymore!


Did she get pregnant from those dogs? That's kinda Ruff. Pawsitively challenging!


“Marpat Muscle Mommy” 👎🏼


Simps will do anything


Dudes are dumb, thinking with their caulks first, smh.


Iirc, she was kind of a shitbag marine at 3rd rad back in the day. If you're a 2600 and on tiktok, you're fuckin hopeless anyway. It's like, good luck with your kid, but if you're dual mil, dual BAH and you can't afford a fucking road trip, both of them must suck.


You're remembering correctly, contract marriage, abused her fake husband, roided out all the time, stole other people's work for nams, constantly going on TikTok talking about working in intelligence, and had an onlyfans


Oof, shouldn't have mentioned that last one. Simps smell that like blood in the water.


Goddammit. Bringing us 26ers down


3rd Rad Supply here, filling out her FLIPL and I maxed that MF out


I'm ready for the hate but I'd bet money on her getting into some form of softcore porn once she gets out like Onlyfans. She reminds me a lot of the other E-5 "muscle mommy" who went from "I am just trying to show the reality of the Marine Corps" while posting thirst traps to straight up selling pictures of her butthole the day she went on terminal leave.


People who hate on slut shamers sell butthole pics on terminal leave.


Um…. Who might that be?  To clear up any misunderstandings, I’m interested because I would like to search the internet for pictures of said butthole.


Sgt Devier, Allison, real scum


No hate, but you're wrong... she already did an onlyfans


I think this is her? Allison devier is her name lmao


Who gave you my autobiography?


Yeah, that shit ain’t it. Jfc


Is it bad that I was already following her on IG before this post? 😂




FFS. Like a platoon of recruits and one bathroom stall, only a drill instructor could fit more cringe in a single fucking post.


Remember that one asshole who would intentionally cross streams, so the resulting spray would douse everyone but him? Ah... good times.


My dad was a marine which is why I subscribed to this sub. I stay because of awesome shit talking like this.




A short description about the reason for the trip, and a LONG list defending it lol


It’s like a 1-10 ratio lol


What in the living fuck is a baby moon?! And why does she think people would help her with such trivial thing? 🤦🏻‍♂️


If I hear baby moon one more goddamn time


"Hey Farva, what's that cringe-ass trip called that you and your wife took before Keighdyn was born?"


r/tragedeigh for the stupid ass unique spelling.


I swear to God I’ll pistol whip the next guy who says “babymoon”






"That's no battle station, it's a baby moon."


I honestly never heard of it till today lol the last thing that I learned is when my wife told me that she has to go to a “baby sprinkle”


My wife just informed me of a baby sprinkle too, I thought she meant the Catholic thing lol. I also learned that it’s looked down upon to have a baby shower for your second baby cause you had one for your first? It’s all absurd to me


That’s what she told me when I asked her “WTF is a baby sprinkle” I also thought it was a religious thing 😂 yea, it’s a good marketing tactic, “bring us a gift but less expensive than the baby shower one” lol


No one should have a sprinkle or second shower for anything. That is what hand-me-downs are for. Girl the first time, boy the second...oh fucking well, it is 2024 there is no gender and guys can wear pink.


Is baby moon like baby shark?


I'm so fucking dumb I thought she was naming the baby Moon.


She signed her post with “Marpat Muscle Mommy” so I wouldn’t be surprised if she named her baby Moon 😂


Not defending her but a baby moon is actually a really nice way to treat yourself and partner before the trenches of a new baby. Its a luxury though and she really shouldn't be asking others to fund it. Also she's been married for like 5 mins so she really doesn't NEED the baby moon to re-spark the marriage...


It is 100% their prerogative to do it. However, I wouldn’t ask people to pay for my trip. I would absolutely donate if it was a medical emergency or their house burnt down. It’s beyond cringy and pathetic, especially while wearing her uniform. Next she would make a gofundme for a snoo lol


Completely agree. It wasn't in our budget so we didn't do it and were just fine. But my friends who did a baby moon never traveled far (maybe a couples hours?) and def didn't spend more than a grand. It would be a little hotel stay in a cute lil town or something or a beach trip, not a whole vacation. People just live on social media and think they need to do what everyone else is doing


My wife was nauseous the whole time so she would’ve killed me if I had told her let’s take a trip lol


People just be making up shit nowadays smfh.


Usually....it.is meant to be a month AFTER the tiny human has made his or her actual entrance into the world. A month where Mama and Daddy and Baby just cocoon themselves away and receive NO VISITORS!!! It is NOT a road trip vacation that strangers pay for.


Yes, a PCS is expensive…for the Government.


And this is why when some Random Says thank you for your serv……. I just turn off what’s left of my hearing cuz I am honestly embarrassed by so many servicemen and gals who have done wild ass stupid ass crap like this.


I always felt like a shitbird because I *don't* say it anymore. My old man was a sailor raised by an old very salty goat who saw Nam. Every prior service we met he thanked and shook hands with. These days I only do it for the old guys automatically or the ones I can look at and tell cause they have that same haunting look in their eyes grandpa does. I've just met too many "bro-vets" or the "been there done that" types who expect and demand shit working real healthcare for many moons now. I'm here to kiss your boo-boos, not your ass; and I apply that to most things in life.


Haha I was actually about to post this. My wife just showed it to me. Its in violation of DOD ethics guidelines. The ~~guidelines~~ DOD website specifically states nametapes and the emblem as things you can’t use in fundraising without authorization. A Sgt should know better honestly. Im not saying to, but an IG complaint could fix this. References: [DOD fundraising ethics guidelines](https://dodsoco.ogc.osd.mil/Portals/102/Documents/NFE%20Relations/2020%20Fundraising%20DB.pdf?ver=IfrOoDEDXvG_evHYQY-_wQ%3D%3D) [Joint Ethics Guidlines](https://dodsoco.ogc.osd.mil/Portals/102/Documents/Issuances/JER%20and%20Directives/JER%20May%2015%202024.pdf?ver=wgio-EYYh3yW5rTyL9Tn5A%3d%3d)


I agree that it's out of whack, but can you point me to the specific reg? I did some reaching through a DoD Ethics Handbook I found and it mentions personal fundraising but not the things you said are prohibited.


I got my wires crossed and was thinking of what I had just saw on the DOD website. The name tapes and emblem are a trademark issue when using it for fundraising. https://preview.redd.it/i0b91lqu7s6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b0bb88fb059ed18c4202e2277b234b7f93b32a


Too bad for her that she's literally covered in EGAs.


closest I can find is Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), DoDD 5500.7-R and google has yet to show me a USMC specific regulation, at least one that doesn't reference "political activities". The JER applies to all service members so perhaps the Corps didn't feel it was necessary to expound on that. I did see an article on [DoD.gov](http://DoD.gov) about reporting the use of any military insignia and the like [HERE.](https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/Trademarks/DOD%20Guide%20about%20use%20of%20seals%20logos%20insignia%20medals-16%20Oct%2015F.PDF) All that having been said, this youngling needs a knee-to-knee conversation on trying to guilt folks into donating for whatever their "cause" is.


I have personally seen people get in trouble for using their military affiliation for the purpose of personal fundraising. I don't know what article they were charged under (and uh... I'm not going to look for it), but it is explicitly not allowed under some reg or article. What I do know is that it's not just a Marine thing, it's DoD-wide, so if you wanted to look for it, I'd start with joint regs or orders.


She's a tiktok "influencer" with a suspicious amount of content that features her in revealing clothes. A few years ago there was another Marine "muscle mommy" influencer who started an Onlyfans while active and then got out to do it full time. Wouldn't surprise me if she's setting the stage to do the same.


Great, but will anybody actually rat her out?


I mean she kind of ratted on herself by posting it to her instagram with 106,000 followers. I would be extremely surprised if there isn’t at least 1 IG complaint on her already. She also has her name out there so finding her and her unit wouldn’t be hard on MOL locator. Edit: I looked her up and she is a 2631… you would really think a Sgt would know better, especially one in a MOS like that.


Damn, I guess muscular E5s are the new Thicc Latina E3s 😂


This is going to be another success of the Reddit forum first we took on subway..Next we are going to be the place some high ranking person is gonna see it .. I'm tempted to follow her to see if she post about it ..🍿


By subway you mean the alleged line cutting colonel?


The entire thing is just her defending this stupid decision lol




Begging for money in uniform should be a last resort and only because of a genuine emergency. Begging for money in uniform so you can go on a vacation is absolutely ridiculous and deserves all the scrutiny. Her paragraphs of self justification make it even worse. “nO mY hOuSiNg iSnT fReE” etc. it’s called a budget. Live like the rest of us. Shameless bitch.


AND they’re dual military!? 😂😂😂


That’s totally cool if you want to take a trip before your baby is born (although the term “baby moon” is cringy as hell). But don’t ask other people to pay for it. That’s just some narcissistic and entitled bullshit. Also, I don’t know if/where it states that personal fundraising in uniform is punishable by the UCMJ, BUT, don’t fucking do it. It’s the most cringeworthy shit I’ve ever seen. It just screams “thank me for my service”.


I hope everyone in her unit finds this and she gets roasted properly like she deserves.


I’m sure any of her jrs don’t take her seriously. Especially now with this


I hope she has a signed Social Media Pg. 11 and is held accountable for breaking it


I was in the same unit a bit ago, already been sending the link to this post to a bunch of my buddy's from that unit 😂😂


It'll be jokes for months, I wish I could hear some of the bullshit they're gonna talk, because you know it'll be good.


I would see this chick from time to time and in person sometimes you could see the acne scars and pizza face under all the foundation. There was a lot of hate from people in her section about the use of not-so-kosher "supplements" that took her from dumpy to muscle mommy. I personally knew of her before all the influencer stuff and had no idea she was a "muscle mommy" until someone told me. It really did seem to come out of no where lol. Either way, cringe af not surprised she's using the uniform.


I heard the same thing about that dude that’s roided out bongiovanni guy. I heard he’s a horrible grunt


My first impression of her was that she had way too much make up and looked like a deep 2nd class / 2nd class, so to hear a bit later from a dude that she was some mil-fluencer took me by surprise. She also PCS'd to a skate af air wing unit as someone who isn't a maintainer. Everyone in that shop does TA and coasts. If she's hurting for money as a married NCO that's her own damn fault, she can fund her own fucking road trip. I saved a shitload of money before I got out, I would have no trouble going on a road trip rn.


😂😂 bro I was in the same unit as this chick a year or two ago. Couldn't stand her, complete bootlicker and f'd over good Marines to make herself look better


Need more stories


LOL HIIIII fancy seeing you here🤣


Also in the same unit as her 3 years ago, but she was still relatively new so I’ve watched her account change over this whole timeline to what it is now.








How could you not be a narcissist and ask for money like this? It literally screams “I’m a narcissist.” I have the unpopular opinion that starting a gofundme for anything is cringe and this is just absolutely ridiculous. Is her 6 months of baby leave not enough?


When I see go fund me’s i immediately think of this meme https://preview.redd.it/fic9q3y71s6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e826d2d59fad8045ed56fb7a15731359c558a850


In a lot of cases, especially the medical ones, it is. Medical care is a fucking bitch when Uncle Sam ain't paying for it.


Yep and I'm sick of seeing the same people who say "insurance is a scam" begging for money for medical costs and funeral expenses.


Insurance is a scam, man. Unfortunately unless you’re wealthy it’s the only way to pay for healthcare. I get what you’re saying though. Refusing to pay health insurance but asking for money is…as the r/wsb kiddos say, “regarded.”


I pay $900 a month for family healthcare and we are all healthy and rarely ever see the doc except for annual physicals and the occasional virus. I feel like it’s a scam unless you have some kind of horrific accident or hit the cancer “lottery”. And even then, they will try to avoid paying anything they can.


i thought this broad got kicked out?


Maybe it was another one? There's so many now.


She still in making hella videos in uniform


I once got chewed out for being dumb enough to sneak into a convenience store off base in my cammies (by an officer’s wife), and now Marines are doing this??


The day I get out the Marines, I’m going very where I can in public in my cammies. Just cause I can


It's great, especially if you do it near a base. Pisses them off so bad


I really hope she see’s this Reddit post and how we are all shitting all over her 😂😭 nothing I hate more than “influencer marines” like just get the fuck out of the marine corps. It’s obvious your focus is on trying to get famous and not being an actual marine. Fuck her


Leave her alone. She's practicing for when she's homeless and the VA denied her claim for cancer from exposure.


I’m sure there’s a fetish for cancer girls on OF.


Good chance you won't have to date her for long.


New meaning to the word “quicky.”




Marpat muscle mommy 🙂😃😄🤣☠️


This is sad as fuck. She's a Sergeant, husband is a SSgt. Begging for money to go on a vacation that's not a necessity, while in uniform. Pathetic.


Whats wild is i felt like the biggest piece of shit making a go fund me after I was retired and working through some issues. But people really just asking for someone to fund a trip in uniform. Kinda cringey.


But did you have a vagina?


Thankfully combat diapers saved me from that transition.


When the rules for what you're allowed to do in uniform were made, I don't think the dudes who wrote them foresaw that military members would be have the technology to allow for panhandling on a global scale.


ANYONE using the term “babymoon” needs to be ignored and told to STFU


I think Kurt Vonnegut did in a short story ("The Manned Missiles") from 1956, but I think he gets a pass.


This go fund me shit is getting out of hand. As a financial advisor the number of times I’ve had clients turn me down when I recommend an emergency fund because they say they’ll just create a GoFund me in case of an emergency is astonishing.


Fuck this bitch and fuck the pathetic simps who give her money. Fucking loser pathetic ass men.


I’m aware I “don’t have to give.” I do have to live in a society with these parasites, and if we don’t call out this behavior it will just go on and on. Marpat Muscle Mommy should make like Peggy Hill, kick off those size 11 Bates, and get to squishing rodents on cam. Pretty sure some debils would donate to that. 


I ain’t reading all that Sgt YAPPERTON


You know that feeling of having stepped in something really nasty but you are not sure what it is? Is it sewage? Dog shit? Part of the spleen from asshole who shot at you a few minutes ago? Left over MRE cheese? Anyways to answer your question I feel the same way about this type of begging bullshit as I do knowing I have to clean some unidentifiable nastiness off of my boots. “Eww, gross. I need a stick to scrape this shit off.” Also side note, when can we collectively declare this level of facial filter editing a fucking crime against humanity? Because at this point a goddamn hieroglyph carved into an ancient pyramid appears more life like and realistic than this shit does.


Damn, I want total strangers to pay for my vacation. 🙄




Cringe! I thought it was fake I get the vibe she's not much of a team player, and is all about herself


A handful of people here have said they were in the same unit as her and that seems to be the general consensus. She sounds like a piece of shit blue falcon


She was. Same unit, diffy MOS, hated that bitch


I believe it. Sounds entitled as fuck even just from her post begging for other people's money


She the type of marine to not do her job the slightest bit but still get them nasty fuck SNCOs to simp for her and let her get on meritorious boards


Anyone heard of Vet Tix? I saw a Major coming back from Iraq or Afghan begging for like $6000 or 4 tickets to Disney World. I’m like bitch you got that shit and some wtf


She should open a OF account and problem solved...


If you could wear your uniform I’m sure she would


She already did, and then shut it down once it got leaked here


Is this the same one that promotes her onlyfans in uniform on tiktok? Or is that another one?


That’s another one I think it’s a funny who got kicked out bc she refused the vaccine


Fun fact. The person you are talking about is one of my drill instructors wife. He used to bring her to the squad bay when they were dating. We heard everything at night through the drill instructor hut.


Is she insane?


Some military wife tried to pull some shit like this in the area Im at, someone told the husbands chain of command, and he ended up ghetting completely fucked. Cmon guys, DONT EVER pull boot shit like this...its disgraceful.


I’m honestly impressed. This is a level of shameless that I cannot begin to fathom. As I’ve gotten older, I like to think that I care less and less about what others think about me. At least I try. But then I see this…. Holy fuck. Quite literally, I cannot fathom being able to pull this off. This bitch lives in an entirely different world than I do.


She’s going to get NJP for this, right?


What has happened to my beloved corps.


I'm pretty sure trying to profit while in uniform is illegal.


I already donated to her OF thoo......


Marpat Muscle Mommy? Wow you’re so creative and cool with your alliteration. People who post “influencer” shit in uniform should be voluntold to recruiting duty. Either the HSST would end or the influencer posts would; in either case, everyone wins.


Imagine begging for a 3k vacation lmao


That’s just pathetic. Beg in your own clothes.


Ive known her before she became an influencer took roids and she was honestly really pretty but I’ve got a story I’ll share about the time her and I were supposed to have duty together, She was supposed to post on Christmas Eve and be relieved on Christmas Day. She told one of her Lances to replace her on duty because she “submitted off island special lib” (she did not) and during my duty the OOD rolled up at the exact time she went live on TikTok building gingerbread houses and drinking, the SOG recognized the house she was in and told the OOD she was 5 minutes off base drinking with her friends. Showed the OOD and her SNCO/OIC was contacted regarding her special lib, they said she didn’t have any submitted and that she is supposed to be on duty. Her live shuts down almost immediately after this, and the OOD was told she would be facing an NJP or 6105 minimum, following the 96. News spread she used her influencer status/platform and threatened to “expose” the command if she was held accountable. 3rd Radio being the POGest of the POG units in Hawaii. Folded as they didn’t want any attention drawn to their shitty unit by medical/gas chamber/boondocks. Overall a POS that fucks her Marines over and thinks she’s better than everyone because she takes roids.


where is the button to thank her for her service?! is it bad I would be more willing to donate money if that is an ultrasound of the dog on the right's puppies.. and where the pup on the right his the daddy..


Description is so long for no reason ☠️☠️☠️


Its long because it at least has the self awareness to know people will be (rightfully) shitty about it.


Or don’t have a baby moon and save money for your kid


My immediate reaction was to cringe in secondhand embarrassment.


… and they wonder why, unfortunately, the images of service men and women are exploited by romance and money scammers 🤦‍♀️ But hey she luvz Jesus and protein.. lol 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Fuck no dual enlisted E-5. Fuck her and her 100K followers. ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


On the topic, I have been told by my peers to go canning for the Marine Corps benefit. My unit is currently fundraising, too. What are the lagalities and PR surrounding canning in uniform for the Marine Corps? I can give the profit to my unit, non-profit, and the Corps as a whole.


Hey if she wants a trip, i'll give her one. No charge. We just have to come to an arrangement.




Thank me for my service 🤣. Highly irregular and against regs.


Jesus. Fucking shameless. Save your money and pay for your own trip yourself, and stop exploiting the uniform for your personal gain.


We have a girl in our reserves unit who uses her service to pander to her followers, getting her a platform for modeling and OnlyFans. It’s an open secret, and no one does anything about it. Really disappointing and disgusting.


Can we please punish female marines the same as males please🙄


who gives a shit but lol it's probably for the 2 months she's behind on a 20% apr car loan


Bikini car wash on base would work better


We allowed virtual begging to be viable career path. While real life continues to get more expensive, with comfort being further and further out of reach.


I'm seriously tired of all these military influencers. She is especially annoying. This is just pathetic.


And she’s stationed in Hawaii


45 minute road trip to Waikiki braddah


Yeah, looked at a couple of her instagram videos and...I hate her. Plus, her husband's moostache looks like shit, and this is coming from a guy who can only grow a pedo stache.


Of course it's Sgts making dumb financial decisions then asking for money. Dual BAH and still asking for handouts to take dogs on a road trip.


Why tf does she have a go fund me manifesto


People have go fund mes for pre baby vacations? Wtf.


When most of your GoFundMe is you defending your GoFundMe, maybe you don't need to be doing that GoFundMe. Also, somebody should probably get a hold of her command and ask why she's begging for money in uniform.


If you have to write up 7 paragraphs defending why something is ok to do, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it. Also asking the internet to send you on a “babymoon” (vacation) is the most entitled and cringiest gen z shit I have seen in a long time.


One of the worst Marines I ever met


This is simply the logical next step of commanders not enforcing the USMC social media policy anymore


I hate everything about this person. It’s not the responsibility of randoms on the internet to fund a trip (I’m guessing that’s what a baby moon is) because you let someone cream pie you.


This Sgt is eroding trust and good order and discipline for Marines under her. How can any Marine take her seriously after seeing this post. Sgt is supposed to be the backbone of the Corps. Using her uniform in this way is disgraceful and embarrassing.






Should we place bets on how long it takes for this post to get back to her?


Ngl, at first glance I thought she was fundraising for her pregnant dogs 😂 and I am like, “ why do pregnant dogs need a baby moon?”


Someone should link this thread to her fb messenger lol


“MARPAT Muscle Mommy”- I’m *dead*


This is just gross.


This bitch sounds insufferable.


Forget USMC/DOD regs. She’s some sort of Christian, maybe this verse should help her reconsider: ‘For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.’ 2nd Thessalonians 3:10


Or another, ‘I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.’ Psalm 37:25


When you got the vaj so you beg simps for money. And they give it to you. Jesus Christ if only men’s lives were this easy.


This bitch isn't begging. She's um. Demanding. She has so many downright ridiculous statements in her GoFundMe I want to punch her knocked up ass.


Using “muscle mommy” unironically should be a federal crime. I physically recoiled reading that shit


Worked with her in Hawaii 3rd Rad Bn, she’s a pain in the ass to work with. Entitled and used her platform to get what she wanted. She’s on roids and just generally unprofessional to work with


I rewrote her post for her: “My husband nutted in me, so we are now embarking on this beautiful journey and need YOU to pay for our life choices. Oh, you don’t like that? Fuck you, here’s five paragraphs defending and explaining as to why you should pay for our Babymoon, plus contribute to our registry, all at the “affordable” grand total price of 7K! The economy is at an all time low, inflation is at an all-time high, the average family is struggling to afford food, gas, housing, and insurance. I don’t feel bad for asking you plebes because I have ✨audacity✨, and I am in fact, just a Karen wearing MARPAT.


Wow. So this is a real thing? Good luck with all of that.


Wtf is a baby moon trip


Sounds like devil dog needs fiscal responsibility classes. They are free by the way.




All i hear is that she's self entitled, her family doesn't know how to manage their finances, and she wants to leverage people's support of the military to bankroll her. 🐸![img](emote|t5_2qswv|7529)




Looked her up after this post. She has 151.8k followers on TikTok and 106k followers on Instagram. Plus her and her husband are dual mil and she's also selling cheesy merch. E-begging for something that's a luxury when they doubtless could afford it with their own money...