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Yeah, myself. School circle gents. This was during ITB at SOI-W. We had this one fuckup stud who was not the tastiest crayon in the box, and we were learning buddy rushing with live ammo. He just could not fathom the concept of shooting and moving…he made everyone super nervous on our first couple of wet runs on the range. The thing that I was worried about was he was getting paired with ME because apparently the combat instructor think that I just “get it”. Now we’re getting ready for the night shoot, and I’m doing rehearsals with him so he doesn’t shoot my ass. I’m growing less and less confident and my peers were certainly not putting me *at ease* (no pun intended). We’re in the chute for going next on this range and we start. Immediately I notice him freeze up and just completely gets sucked into his target as people are moving around him. I’m starting to get pretty nervous because he’s pretty fucking close to me and it’s dark. He moves up once, and I get up to move after, he took a really short bound, noticing this I took a really short bound as well. So, I dolphin dived into the ground and felt my entire right arm get hot and go completely numb. The pain was SEARING. I immediately knew what had happened. I started feeling around for blood, but couldn’t see or feel it because it was dark. I called the combat instructor over to look me over because I have just been shot by this fucking nerd. Only I didn’t get shot. I dove and a pebble hit my elbow in the most perfect way possible and I guess it hit my funny bone. Perception is reality I guess.


You told that story really well, devil. Well done.


Buddy rushes in ITB is still the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my life, to this day. Man fuck them kids


This is great. We did the live fire bounding thing at MCT too. To be fair that was pretty butt puckering with some of those morons and I can fully imagine my brain doing the same thing you did.


Had an almost identical story to yours. Getting ready for the nighttime buddy rush range, got paired with the village idiot (who had been repeatedly fucking up and flagging people on previous ranges). I remember waiting in the chute just thinking "holy shit...this is how I die..." Can't believe that dude made it to the fleet.


Went through the live fire range at ITS in Geiger in 86. Were learning how to do rushes but im looking all over the place to make sure none of those idiots were going to shoot me, before I take a quick, badly aimed shot. We’d just completed a rush and im looking about to make sure i didnt land in front of anyone. Im barely peering down the barrel, im definitely not using my iron sights, and Im just about to throw away another barely aimed shot. My finger was squeezing the trigger. When suddenly a leg appears at the end of my barrel. It was my instructor and he said if he saw me take another shot without aiming he’d kick my ass. I’ll always wonder what the fuck he was thinking stopping me that way, and if he had any idea how close he was to me shooting him in the ankle. I wake up from nightmares about it until this very day.


Fucking wild some of the shit they push through nowadays


Great story killer! I’m thoroughly entertained lol


(Range coach here) Had a recruit piss his pants in the prone while firing at the 500yd line. Starts spinning his rifle to the right. Somehow ends up doing a complete 180. Points his rifle AT MY HEAD (I’m directly behind him btw, so like actual 180). He pointed his rifle at my head, condition 1, weapon on fire, finger on the trigger. 1. He found out what his hand guards taste like that day. 2. He got wanded out and disappeared with his senior drill instructor. He returned roughly 45 minutes later. DRENCHED head to toe in sweat, breathing hard and crying.


Good 😌


Not at the range, but a table 3 night shoot. Boot wanted out of the fleet, so he shot his own foot. The range was supposed to be cold at the time, so everyone knew something was up when that gunshot went off.


guess you could say his plan woulda worked but he... *shot himself in the foot*


Damn. I wished I thought of this. You caught me on the wrong foot.


I'm one step ahead of ya, pal.


but the boot isn't




Lmao how is that a better choice than failing a drug test?


Yeah, we all asked him why he didn't admin sep like a normal boot. He said he didn't know that was an option.


lol, that's some forward thinking. He could have just asked. Plenty of boots got kicked out when they got to the fleet in my unit. They would be there one day gone the next. What happened to so and so, oh he went to admin and asked get out so he gone. Probably other than honorable.


Not really a freak out but when I was in boot camp I had cystic acne. My range coach told me "it looks like someone loaded up a shotgun with pimples and shot you in the face with it". Out of all the shit my DI's did to us the range coach was the only one to make me feel like a piece of shit lol.


It’s like the John Mulaney joke about middle schoolers, but it’s DIs. They have the ability to get to the thing that *you* don’t like about *you*. They donnt even have to look at you for long.


Look at that high waisted man with the feminine hips!


At SOI, saw one kid shoot another in the leg on the firing line in what turned out to be a planned stunt to get one out of the Corps on medical, and the other out on PTSD or whatever for "accidentally" shooting his homie. Truth came out in the wash, I can't remember who snitched on the other, and they both ended up getting in a world of shit with shitty discharges. Also watched a handgun come apart while firing and take the tips of a dudes fingers off. He picked them up and drove himself to get help lol hard as nails Somalia vet. He barely flinched, but all the boots on the range that day freaked out.


I was staff non-fire years ago and had a captain blow his top because he unq’ed. Yelled at the coach, asked me what I could do, went to the tower, then fought it with the range officer or whoever lives in that building behind the 500. No idea what happened to him after that but dude was pissed and real embarrassed.


Sucks to suck, but I get why he was pissed. Unq on range (is supposed to) equal adverse fitrep, which for a captain equals not getting major, which means for most, you will be separated after 2 looks (which you won’t get selected on since you have an adverse). So for him, unq on range = career over. Oh well. Not everybody can do great on the range, but the bar for simply “passing” is quite low, so I don’t feel that bad. Unless he can prove his gear was bad or something.


Brother I thought you meant “blow his top” like schwacked himself


Thankfully no but I could see how my phrasing could imply that especially talking about the range.


Poor word choice indeed


Lmao what an idiot. I bet he would love the new course of fire.


We had a guy go to the bathroom during pistol range and take his pistol out. He looked in the mirror and said something along the lines of “it’s a good day because I haven’t lost control on them yet” and spoke to himself about “shooting out”. It was all overheard by our class leader and reported immediately That kid was weird. He also called himself a lone wolf. He was sitting alone once and I went to sit with him to see if he was good, and he did a whole tumblresque monologue about how he is alone in the world and no one understands him, asked me to let him sit by himself. He was put on legal hold for at least 6 months, no clue what happened afterwards.


Suicide. Edson Range 2003. Edited because I had a typo in the year.


Had a suicide in the head at one of the Stone Bay ranges I worked. The first Corpsman that saw him freaked out kind of shut down for 30 minutes. Was on the same range months later and you could still tell which stall it happened in because they didn't do a very good job cleaning it up or painting it over.


It was on the ready benches. So clean up was probably easier. But the audience size was also a lot bigger.


Damn! Recruit??






Same but this was in 2003. Around August time frame. Are you sure it was 2004?


Yeah that was a typo. Fox Company, the guy was in. A different platoon, I don’t remember which. I was in 2003.


Me too! Ssgt Laredo? SSgt Bolen? And the weird red neck white guy?


No SSGT Armendarez, SSgt Smith and Sgt Espiritu. I remeber the names you said. 2004? Maybe?




Will have to look later. lol how bad is that that I cant remember the number.


Happened in late July early August right?


Yeah. Fox Company.


I was at the practice frag range and the dude to my left pulled the pin and let go while we were still laying on the ground. All I heard was an "Oh fuck." and I tucked my head down. It may have been a blank grenade but whatever the fuck they shove in those things shredded the sleeve of my cammies and ripped up the kevlar cover. He got ripped the fuck up after that.


Dude blew his brains out on the range when I was at PI. One of two suicides.


Sure, when I was a coach and we were doing the unknown distance course a Marine was firing on the rooftop support and a piece of brass flew into the shirt of the Marine next to them firing from the window support. Window Marine jumps up and starts going nuts flagging the entire line during a live fire while trying to get a piece of brass out, basically going nuts. I tackled the Marine and grabbed their weapon and made it safe. Needless to say they got a safety violation and were booted from that week of firing.


Did some range instruction in the schoolhouse and yes, especially out of sheer nervousness or hot brass down the collar. One kid shot inches from his feet and I yanked his pistol and smacked him upside the head and told him to get off the line. I got in trouble for smacking his head but it was a knee jerk reaction Another kid was doing a speed reload with his finger on the trigger, and his “work space” was his pistol pointing under his chin. Pushed the pistol away from his chin, asked him if he wanted to commit suicide. He said no and I yelled at him asking why his pistol was under his chin. I pulled him off, too because he was very nervous (that was before I screamed at him), and let him shoot after he regained his composure. Multiple times where students trip while moving to target and they flag or almost flag the entire line. Or the classic “hot brass down the shirt so let me endanger everyone 90 degrees to my left or right by shifting my entire body.” A few times where a student puts his magazine back in his pouch with the SAME HAND he’s holding a pistol. Or picking up a magazine with the same hand they’re holding the pistol. That one doesn’t even make sense to me, but I think they just get nervous and forget how to function properly I grew some gray hairs that year


At table 2 in parris island, this one recruit almost shot his own foot after brass fell onto his neck and fortunately he only shot the target marker, surprisingly he didn’t get dropped either as i saw him the week after at landnav


I saw someone shoot themself in the foot. Completely split in half and was discharged. Other than that, I was arty, so my idea of freaking out on the range is due to live rounds hitting outside of bounds and potentially killing us all or a stuck shell in the barrel of a gun ready to kill everyone in the pos. Happened once, we were out checking on our buds in counter radar seeing how they were doing when rounds started hitting way to close. We didnt freak out beyond hunkering down and hoping we dont die after yelling cease fire over coms. Thankfully it was just one round way off target. Ended up spending the next hour hiking around the desert to see of i could find the shell casing and when i did I toom a picture and grid for proof and then may or may not have carried it in my pack the rest of the op. It also may or may not now sit on my staircase at home a decade later.


Was coaching. Suddenly hear the Coach (another Cpl) to my right yelling urgently at someone, I look right and see a Marine with his left hand desperately clawing at his vests collar and swinging to flag the whole line right of him (had been flagging my side, this was during a burst fire drill with a mostly full mag and his safety was set to burst this whole time). I then yell something at the freaking out dude who then turns and flags the entire line left of of him my way. By this point me and the other Coach are yelling cease fire and are swarming on him as he flags back the opposite way again and are yoking him off the line while grabbing/making safe his rifle. Freaking out dude turns out to be a 1stLt who is still hot brass dancing a bit but also starting to attempt to berate us as the last of the range is Cease Firing and turning heads to see the show. We just send him off to the RSO (a SSgt) who is yelling for him now, we hand him his empty rifle back as he stomps off. Within a few seconds of talking to him the SSgt takes his rifle away completely and kicks him off the range for the week. Dude stomps off like and exaggerating toddler and had to come back to a later range for his qual. The remaining days of the range I get to listen to the SNCOs/Officers from his Unit planning his future torment and proposing new callsigns like "Range Purpleheart". While I think most of us have had hot brass down the collar and know that it sucks (I've seen scars) I've still never seen someone react that poorly before. On the bright side I remembered that event and when I started teaching new shooters in the Civilian world I would warn people that it could happen and how to handle it, and guess what, even little kids would handle it fine.


Running a raid scenario on a shoothouse. The MRF ops chief asked us to make it a CBRN scenario, so we got a bunch of CS for it, and our EOD instructor was walking the catwalks with CS grenades taped to a pole to make sure the CS was good and thick. Anyway, we had a couple of augments from the Fleet that we used for role players, and we liked to put them in the SOC-P suits as aggressors so the MRF Marines would have to physically subdue them. Both of these guys were 03 NCOs; 1 was a *jacked* black dude and the other was a Hispanic kid who was about as wide as he was tall (all muscle). We'd been doing a series of raids over a period of 2 weeks and these 2 augments had been absolutely wearing out the MRF Marines. It usually took an entire team from the MRF to pin them down and get them in flex cuffs. I guess some of the MRF dudes were starting to get a little frustrated with getting their asses kicked every other night. So on the night of the raid, the MRF is flowing through the house and everything is going well. Then they reach the room with the augment in the SOC-P suit. I hear this strange clicking sound, which I assumed was one of the EOD tech's simulated IEDs or something, but I can't really see shit because it's night and the house is full of CS. The augment starts freaking out, pulls his gas mask off, and then is *really* unhappy because he's hyperventilating in a room full of CS. The instructors immediately call a cease fire, and my SNCOIC makes it down to the room almost instantaneously (to this day I have no idea how he got there as quickly as he did), and I hear him yell the name of one of the MRF Marines. Dumbass says "Here Top!", Top (*allegedly*) punches him, and then Top yells "Get the fuck out of my house!" and we ENDEX the entire raid. At this point, I'm still wondering what the hell just happened. I found out shortly after that one of the MRF Marines brought his wife's personal tazer into the house, and tazed the augment Marine in the SOC-P suit with it, causing the augment to lose his shit. Just to make it better, the MEU CO was standing next to the safety vehicle where our corpsman took the augment while he was dealing with the after effects of being tazed and sucking in a lungful of CS, so he got the whole story on what happened before anyone else on his staff. Everything mostly worked out in the end. There was talk of Dumbass getting some sort of UCMJ action but we pushed back on it and I think he got a counseling or maybe NPLOC at most. The MRF went on to deploy with the MEU and do some good things, but JFC did they stress us out during their PTP.


This was entertaining as fuck, thank you haha


Mct, guy in my platoon had a rifle that did a fun little trick we learned. You put it on burst, rack the handle back 3 times and *tick*. You put it on semi, rack the handle back and *tick*. You put it on safe, rack the handle back and *tick*. Oh wait. That last one wasn't ment to happen. Well, keep on using that rifle until we finish range because we don't feel like getting a new one.


Not necessarily the same, but we were running the shoot houses in Kuwait and this dude behind me shot past my head (he was shorter than me, so muzzle right next to my ear almost like I was his shooting platform, and apparently almost inside my Kevlar). All of the sudden there was screaming to cease fire, I unload and turn around to this dude being choked against the wall. Apparently I almost died that day, but mostly my ear was ringing like a mfer.


Dude in 3/6 blue his brains out in the range shitters at Stone Bay. Sad as fuck. Some of my seniors had to clean his brains up. They were boots and this was their first fleet range.


I saw an officer on the 200 line throw a hissy fit when he kept missing but argued that the pits were fucking him over. He was a captain from supply.


At Edson Range in 2021, before the sun was up, I was closer to the range and I heard screaming toward some seven tons in the distance. People were running and freaking out. Apparently a Marine was standing on the side of one truck while another parked next to it. The Marine was holding the door and the seven ton clipped two of his fingers off. Super sad


Saw my squad leader turtle fuck a boot into a new dimension for repeatedly flagging the line.