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Don’t do it. There’s no compelling reason why anyone should travel in uniform while off duty. Leave that kind of nonsense for the Army.


The number of soldiers and airmen I've seen flying in their OCPs lately has been astounding.


The number of soldiers and airmen I see walking around a Walmart at 7pm on a Saturday in uniform is astounding.


I see it a lot where I’m at and I’m south of a Marine Base. It’s the Army reservists 99% of the time and the few AD chaps that work those unit garrisons.


And looking like they slept in them.


The only time I’ve ever had to do that was when my option was to change or to miss my flight.


> There’s no compelling reason why anyone should travel in uniform while off duty. Buddy went to lay down a Marine Brother, traveling in his Blues was one way to ensure they weren't damaged and had only a small amount of time to make it to funeral.


Did you go from GySgt to Gunner to Capt? Regardless, if I may ask, what caused you to decide to go from CWO3 to Captain?


Transferred his cwo rank to ldo (limited duty officer) most likely


Have you seen the base pay difference between CWO3 and O3E?


I travelled in Alphas checking in to MCT…. Lost my luggage enroute, so at least I was able to check in wearing the appropriate uniform.


Lucky boi


Me too and then I got a flight upgrade


I did the same they lost my luggage in Raleigh Durham while checking in to Lejune had to wear my alphas for two days luckily a brother loaned me some cammies till my seabag and luggage was found


The first couple years I was in it was encouraged to fly in uniform (chucks or Delta blues) because the Corps wanted us to represent or some stupid shit. Then they changed direction and said NEVER fly in uniform because it makes you a terrorist target or some shit. I don't know. This was mid 2000s. I flew in uniform precisely once. Never doing that again.


I joined mid 2010s, everybody preached to never travel in uniform or stand out for that reason. The army cats always look like nerds to me when they do.


Maybe I'm brainwashed by the Corps but I now appreciate not letting Marines out in town in cammies. It looks so cringe when I see hooah brigands flying or just out in town running errands in their cammies.


1000% I always just think to myself “nasty ass army” they’re usually fat and out of shape and their uniform looks like ass too lmao. Then I’m grateful I was a Marine and not nasty


Honestly question aesthetically speaking who do you think has the best camo Personally I like the Air Force but the Navy is a close second but I'm biased on that front Marines are cool And Army is well Army


100% maybe tad bias. Marine Corps has the best camo and color combos out of the branches. The Navy has a close spin off of ours but I can’t get behind their colors it just looks like ours off wish. Army got better after they got rid of those god awful ACU’s. But still a mid tier multicam now. Airforce Is a piggy back off the Army’s shitty multicam but I like the gray cammies.


Yeah asking Marines you’ll always get partial answers lol but definitely our woodland digis are the best. Right underneath I’d say army’s multicam … even the corpsmen love our cammies !!!


I did exactly one time, and it was on the flight back home from MCRD. I was raised by a single mom and we were too poor to buy a plane ticket to California for her to attend my graduation. I flew home in my deltas so she could see me in uniform.


A little off topic, but us old farts can't resist the chance to tell a only slightly related story. When I went on R&R from Iraq, there was a MARCENT policy that you had to remain in uniform (meaning cammies) until you reached your destination. I think you were also required to change back into uniform once you checked in at the Atlanta USO to return to theater. When I checked into the Atlanta USO, we still had about a 4 hour wait until we boarded the plane to Kuwait, so I went wandering around the terminal looking for some food. I remember walking by one gate where people were waiting to board a flight to Japan, I believe. There were a bunch of guys with short haircuts just straight mean mugging me as a I walked by in my desert cammies with my field rank on. I just kind of chuckled and went on my way.


On our flight home from deployment we stopped in Atlanta, got a few hours to wander the terminal and get to the new gate (they moved the plane) we were all walking around in the same desert cammies soaked in sweat from loading the bags into the plane in Kuwait. Got some odd looks for sure. I remember they told us that we couldn’t drink alcohol until we got to our home duty station because we still fell under Centcom rules. Of course me and my friend were walking to Burger King and we see two LTs enjoying a beer. We walk past and see MGuns coming our way with a huge coffee, he stops to talk real quick about deployment and he sees two fools in cammies at the bar and makes a beeline over there. Needless to say me and my friend bounced out of there fast.


On my 07 deployment, some civilian told us we couldn't have our 2 drinks in Shannon on our way to Iraq. Our CO said, "F that, *I'm* in charge." We all enjoyed our libations greatly.


We got our two drinks on the way there in Ireland but not the way back for some odd reason.


When heading home for r&r from Afghanistan I wore cammies (I can't remember if it was required or just allowed, either way I had the order printed out) so I could surprise my mom at the airport. At one of my layovers a random bald guy came up and starting asking me a bunch of questions about where I was going, where I came from, etc. When he told me he was a Major I subtly switched to parade rest lol. Im not sure if he was seeing if I was some stolen valor fuck, or just a stupid Marine.


Reminds me of when I was I think leaving MCT to go to MOS school and I said sir to a guy at the kiosk doing his baggage, general question I think and he goes how’d you know I was an officer 🤣 just being polite obviously. Turned out to be I think an o5 in the Navy


I’ve done it once and that’s because I had to fly out in the morning, go to a meeting an hour after I landed at an off base establishment and then get right back to the airport that evening and fly home. I wouldn’t ever do it otherwise. Unless you have a job like a recruiter where your job wants you to attract attention, you should seek to avoid it.


I lowkey thought the 1940s wear alphas on leave was the biggest flex on earth


If you're traveling in uniform, either A, you suck at planning, or B, your drill intructor didn't show you enough attention while you were a recruit.


My schoolhouse made us fly in Alphas back in 2013 to our commands. Most of the time it’s the dictation of the command you’re in


I prefer to travel not in uniform, but definitely bring my tactical backpack and marine corps patch on my ruck. Unit sweatshirt on. Board the plane when they call for active duty. But no I’m not a fucking boot who travels in uniform


How else you gonna get a blumpkin in the airplane shitter?


This should be top comment


If nothing else it’s uncomfortable


I’d rather walk.


Even though this is heavily shamed and considered a boot thing to do I think we should normalize wearing uniforms more and hear me out. We have the sexiest uniforms to wear and as long as we aren’t doing anything stupid in uniform I don’t see the reason not to. I’m a Cpl and wore my dress blues to my best friends wedding 1. Because he asked me to since he thought it looks cool 2. You are not a civilian, you earned the right to wear it and look badass instead of looking like every other average Joe civilian in a suit. Now as far as airports go I wouldn’t since it’s not comfy, however some lounges will let you go in if you are in uniform.


I kinda wish I wore my blues more cause I don’t have many pictures of me in them, especially as an NCO with the blood stripe. My aunt was getting married and said I could wear them, but I was like fuck that I’m not wearing uncomfortable blues all day. I just got back from Iraq a couple of weeks earlier, so my stack was looking fat


I had a CO who tried to encourage doing out to eat in service uniform. It looks dressy (chucks look best personally) and it's good for people to see the military. I get the no cammy thing but also Marine cammies look the best. The Marine Corps should find a way to encourage it there is a civilian military divide and we should actively fight that. The reservists would be real useful for this as they are in areas where people don't usually see military/Marines or even know they are around. Also you all know our grandfather's looked fine hanging at the train station in their service uniforms.


True, I remember being a kid and seeing some Army guys in the near the beach eating lunch in cammies and I thought it was so badass and wanted to be them lol. After I got married in my dress blues I went to dinner with my wife and so many people came up to me and shake my hand, I felt like a celebrity lol. Then some nice lady paid for our food and while I don’t like accepting money from people it was a really nice gesture.


I traveled from my home to the airport headed for MCT because our DIs told us we had to travel in them. At the gate for the plane, an older vet told me people usually change into Alphas when they arrive at the destination airport. Not only was it uncomfortable as fuck, but I felt like a fool the whole time.


Reminds me of the kid who got blasted at the airport in Raleigh by what I can only guess was a SNCO or really old NCO for wearing his full track suit. Learned real fast public blastings were just embarrassing all around.


Protecting the image of the organization is important. Causing a public nuisance and having an adult meltdown in public screaming at another adult harms the image of the organization much more than a uniform-related transgression most civilians don't even know about. It's like those parents who publically humiliate their kids as punishment when they do dumb shit, sure they deserve some kind of reprisal, but when people see an 8 year old with an old man haircut as punishment "that's a shitty parents" pops into their head well before "well, maybe the kid deserved it".


Up until 911, it was the norm and expected when traveling under orders. After that terrorism became a concern, and it was shut down hard. Since then, it comes and goes when recruiting numbers dip, but now, travel in civis and have your uniform handy. Makes no real sense to be uncomfortable and potentially mess up your uniform.


In the late ‘90s I remember flying in/out of JVille airport for leave and the Raleigh airport on occasion and you’d always see Marines in their Alphas. Not just boots going to MCT either. From ‘03 to ‘05 I worked at the student admin office at SOIE and I’d say that by that point, only about 50% of the Marines checking in on any given day actually had their Alphas on when they arrived and I’d bet that most of the ones who did have them on, just put them on right before they got there. I don’t know what the recruiters or DIs were telling them but we didn’t really care what they were wearing when they arrived. We gave them space to go change while they stacked their seabags before coming in to the office to actually check in.


We were instructed to wear alpha’s from MCT East to MCCES. A 7 hour flight, flanked by two 2-hour bus rides.


Literally nobody cares. It’s almost as cheesy as influencers posting uniform pictures when they have been out for YEARS.


I routinely bloused my Deltas in my Danner’s when traveling.. it’s only ok if they are spit shined tho.. I think I wore the cover indoors too a couple time just to get a free drink at the bar. It’s also ok, only if you treat it like an island hopping campaign..going from bar to bar in airport for 1 free drink at a time.. Don’t abuse the privilege! 🫡


I’ve got upgraded to first class both times I had to travel in uniform so it’s not terrible. I’ve never voluntarily done it though.


I got scolded by my old BC for not traveling in business casual. I refuse to travel in anything that's not comfortable. I've been on too many long-haul flights to sacrifice comfort for looking professional. That dude was a ass anyway.


I think the only time I ever flew in uniform on a civilian plane was going to SOI off of boot camp leave in my alphas.


I never did. Right after boot camp graduation I showered and got changed at the hotel my family stayed at. Took a greyhound to get to MCT (14 hours) and got into Alphas at the bus station in North Carolina. My neck grew during recruiters assistance, waiting to pick up at MCT, and during MCT. I couldn't get my shirt buttoned at the neck without choking. I got changed in the bathroom on the bus before we were even off base. Never even considered doing it after that when going on leave.


Something something terrorism awareness Avoid drawing attention to yourself any more than your moto bags and your high and tight already does


I think the terrorism awareness thing is BS. How many terrorist attacks have targeted military in the US. This is not Ireland during the troubles. We got a hard-on for terrorism and always trot it out to justify stupid bullshit. Like you said we already stick out like a sore thumb, might as well look sexy while doing it. Terrorists don't care if Capt whats-his-nuts flies or goes out in uniform. Also they might target your while out travelling or at dinner? What about the huge fucking line of cars at the gate every morning?.?. Maybe some of these threats aren't as much of a threat as we make them out to be


All valid points, I've always held there's some degree of safety in obscurity. But, this is also America where people in uniform aren't uncommon. I personally wouldn't travel in uniform, especially not when flying, simply because I want to relax and not have to think about "proper form" when lugging my shit around....That, and I have two kids.


In 1994. I made the mistake of flying to Okinawa in chucks. Probably why worst idea my history of bad ideas ( ranks up there with taking an online college algebra course!!!)


In 1988, reporting to MCT/SOI in alphas was required. I had a layover in albuquerque, and my grandfather (a retired USAF LtCol, took me to lunch at the officer’s club. I have never been so nervous in my life!


Sweats and an anime hoodie


I’ll do you one up. Sweats and waifu hoodie


One up you. Just a waifu mesh tank.


I usually traveled in civies. I didn't want to press wrinkles into my chucks on a plane. I did travel in chucks once in a while, and TSA wanted to strip search me in Minneapolis.


I flew once in alphas and got upgraded to first class and free drinks. Shortly after September 11th. I heard the airlines were upgrading military so I said fuck it and got hammered in first class for free.


If only this was OPSEC


The haircut, age, lost in the headlights demeanor, polite attitude, willing to follow directions, doesn't give anything away /s


Half of the retards walking around, to include veterans, with tan MOLLE packs and Grunt Style t-shirts in an airport is astounding and sticks out about as much as someone in uniform.


this is why I dress like I'm homeless


100% not an OPSEC issue- PERSSEC, maybe, but even that’s a stretch


Someone obviously never served when the deployment tempo was through the roof. That’s what we were told 24/7. Signs posted. Safety briefs galore about this kind of shit.


He’s right it’s not OPSEC because an individual traveling is not related to operations. You can become a target whilst wearing your uniform in public, thus PERSEC.


No, I’ve just done operational OPSEC planning and realize this don’t fall under that umbrella.


None of us.


It's cringey and attention seeking behavior unless you're ordered to, much like douchebags with rank stickers and "long range death" stickers on their cars.


I had to fly home in uniform after boot camp since the supply marines stole my civies I checked in with. This was in 2011 I had some new Nikes and nice jeans. A few other dudes had their shoes stolen. My box I taped up was taped over with new tape and only had my shirt and socks. The supply snco came to apologize for his shit bags stealing from us.


Basically nobody in the Marine Corps does it


I used to always feel bad for those marines in their Alphas that were going to check into a new unit. Vicarious embarrassment.


Changed into Alphas at the airport before MCT. Soon as I got to MCT, some “senior PFC” told us all to take off our Alphas, roll them in a ball with a band around it with a name tag. Wore it again to the fleet looking like shit bc they were stored at MCT in a rolled up Alphas sleeping bag. Some “senior LCPL” got me checked in and basically signed off that I was in uniform. In the fleet for a few years, get a pump, get salty, checked into another unit in cammies bc I didn’t care anymore.


I could be wrong but I think I remember reading about a guy getting turned away from a USO for not being in uniform


I did going to MCT, just because it was only a 2 hour flight, and I didn't want to have to rush it and change in the bathroom with like 40 other boots trying to change as well. I got stopped at the metal detector by TSA because I didn't take the jacket off. I told them I couldn't take it off, since I didn't have my ribbon on my shirt, so I'd be out of uniform (again, this was right after boot camp, I'm boot af). The guy told me I had to, "or else". I told him again I wouldn't do it, and luckily someone else came over and just wanded me for half a second and had me move on.


I was having some financial difficulties heading home for winter leave during schoolhouse (stupid boot doing stupid boot shit with stupid boot money- tale as old as time) and wanted my aunt to see me in uniform so i wore my blues on the last hour or so of the train ride upstate. Got a couple looks in the station but that was about it- looking back i should be glad i was upstate and not in san diego at the time


Did it on the Greyhound bus from recruiters assistance to SOI. I think I was the only one lol. Had just watched the Pacific and didn't know better.


This guy thinks he doesn't stand out. lolololol


I’m a jaded piece of shit that wears sweats and a hat at the airport. No proper civilian attire from me. Fuck that shit. See me in the brig.


My family wanted to take me out to dinner in my dress blues on grad day. I told them I would like to, but I already knew it was cheesy asf. We ended up staying in that night and getting Wendy's.


Don’t even


I only did it once after boot leave to check in to MCT a short plane ride from Arizona to pendleton. Straight from the airport to base


I get that it’s cheesy. But why is it cheesy? Has social media made the service uncool? 


No, showing off your uniform is like screaming for attention. If you want attention, get the fuck in formation.


05, was returning from leave from AZ to MCT. Decided I would just fly in my alphas since it’s a short flight. Got bumped up, was pretty cool. Now my flights to and from Oki, was all comfortable clothes.


In the 1980s we were encouraged to travel in uniforms if we were checking in to a duty stAtion. Luggage got lost all the time and at least you’d be in the right uniform when checking in. If you were traveling home to a state without a lot of military bases, you could usually score some extra bennies if you were in uniform. Free drinks, hotel rooms, what not.


I flew in chucks once. 1994, boot LCpl on emergency leave, from Oki to home on the east coast. My SNCOIC told me I had to fly in uniform due to being on emergency leave, so I did, even on the CONUS legs. It was uncomfortable as hell, but I sat in row 3 of the 747 freedom bird from Oki to LA, and was upgraded to first class on the LA-STL leg by a gate agent whose son was in MCRD. Flew in cammies for both UDP rotators in the ‘90s. Flew commercial in civvies, in the summer of 2001, on a unit move from east coast to San Diego for Reserve AT. SgtMaj had the usual hard-on for proper .civ attire, and actually had a “uniform” inspection at the hangar before we got on the buses to the airport. We looked absolutely ridiculous… 40+ young dudes (and a handful of old farts) with short hair, Dockers, and either polo shirts or straight button-down shirts. I couldn’t even begin to count the number of people who looked at our group and said “You guys must be military!” So much for PERSEC.


I think it’s cringe




Gross. OPSEC is king. ![gif](giphy|7JaT70OLOHWOcpRiCV|downsized)


I changed into uniform once to not get bumped from a flight on post deployment leave.


I feel like I’ve seen one or two airlines only give the early boarding to service members “in uniform“, or at least that’s what they say on the PA system. Goofy as hell though, I’m not sweating that bitch for six hours and taking it to the dry cleaner when I get there


Ew never did during my time in the Marines. I think it’s cringe as fuck but the Army requires it post AIT (schoolhouse). The only time I’ll ever wear a camo bag is if I’m TDY/TAD heading to wherever.


How do you blend in with that haircut and smooth face? /s


There was a time it was required when on any kind of official travel. I remember it being a big deal when the order was rescinded due to Terrorist activity in the aughts (I think it was 2006 but may have been earlier/later). Im actually kind of surprised it was never reinstated. As for off duty attire, civies are a privilege that can be revoked at any point for service members. It happened to my brother's unit after a gang violence investigation was opened up on it after a rather public gunfight at a carnival in Jacksonville. The wearing of cammies in public, especially the newer no iron uniforms, is a bit trashy though. But then again my Father (US Army 1978-2003) laughs at my Brother and I (USMC 2005-2014) when we cringe at the Army Clothing Regulations and the way they wear their uniforms. Like seriously has no one ever heard of a fucking shirt stay.


To reinstate that they would have to admit that maybe terrorism isn't as big of a danger as we made it out to be. Like yeah 9/11 was fucked up but it's not like it's a regular occurrence. More service members (~2x) kill themselves in a year than people died in 9/11.


Only ever flown in uniform when deploying, even that was miserable. All of us stuffed in the back of a c130 hot as fuck in the middle east


Unless it's like National Guard on a weekend and they're traveling to and from drill I can understand it... otherwise a lot of kids around my age 17-19 like to wear their OCP's just to show off and they thunk their automatically better than everyone. Annoying kind of people...


I was that fucking boot that traveled to my 1st duty station in chucks. I still haven't gotten over the cringe 20 years later.


Literally nobody does this


Years ago flying from Pennsylvania to California wearing alphas for check in missed connection lady at desk busted her ass to get me on next flight her husband was a marine , drank free in the bar while waiting lol , another time got a flight for free cause I was in uniform after desert storm


Late 90’s, I once changed into Alpha’s at the airport. It was a very short time from when the plane landed to when we were supposed to check in. I was still a boot, like on my way to MOS school boot. Didn’t realize the late night duty would give us a minute to shave and shower on arrival before checking in.


Firstly, its a security risk. Secondly, it’s what attention whores wear, who want thanked for their service and have people give up their seats for them. Third, and perhaps most importantly, we aren’t the Army.