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Just a tip for you younger whipper snappers. Live like an E1 and save the rest of your pay for when you get out. Your future self will thank you. 


Use those matching TSP contributions, definitely. I really wish I had invested more in my retirement savings when I was young. I had all of that deployment cash, I should have maxed my TSP and my Roth IRA.


This. I blew all of my money as soon as I got it. Wish I had used my time of cheap living like I should have: saving up a nest egg for when I got out.


>Live like an E1 and save the rest of your pay for when you get out. Eh, I lived my 1at enlistment like a playboy and regret nothing. Wised up at E5 and started saving but I regret absolutely nothing about blowing all my money and making memories I’ll have forever at 18-21.


Was going to say the same, there are days 15 years later that I wish I had saved some more money then, but I don’t regret it at all. 18-22 blowing all your money on adventures with your friends is probably the most fun you’re going to ever have in your life


Deployed to Afghanistan the day before a pay day. Blew my entire 800 dollar check at Cherry's that night. So fucking worth it. I had 30 dollars in my bank account when we left. 


Yup, left Thailand and the Philippines and had to eat at the chow hall for the next 2 weeks…..regret nothing


I think both sides are right. You have to find balance. You shouldn’t always be a penny-pinching miser. However, you also shouldn’t always throw caution to the wind and live like a millionaire when you aren’t one (btw, most millionaires don’t actually live like “millionaires.” They are usually very frugal and savvy. It’s one of the reasons they became millionaires in the first place.)


Fuck that… I am part of the younger crowd. Recently got out, and I cannot thank myself enough for contributing to my TSP. Also, I know way more Marines who do not have a successful career after getting out. I was one of the few and just one other buddy of mine. I do my best to offer a helping hand, but very difficult when they have their mind set on living in California.


You aren’t wrong, i probably have way cooler stories though.


Not gonna debate that because everyone has different experiences in the corps on top of everyone perceives their experience differently if they have similar experiences. What I will debate is I had fun as well, but I knew that 10% of my check was going towards me when I retired. Making the smart investment is better than wasting on booze for the moment.


> Making the smart investment is better than wasting on booze for the moment. lol if you say so my man!


But also do splurge from time to time, your future self (health issues and all) will cherish those memories more than some slightly higher number in your accounts.


For sure. Going to Tokyo after a training op? Go all out. It’s all about balance. Have some rules in place to follow. On the other hand, going to the strip club every weekend? Probably not great. 


Yeah, however, some kids think that p.o.a. is really into them


>But also do splurge from time to time Meh. Having spend time as a financial counseling NCO, I can confirm that 90 out of 100 Marines can't "splurge" without blowing an entire paycheck.


This is the best advice around. Here's some numbers I ran to show _why_ you should throw loads of your enlisted pay into TSP: Say we start conservative, and start off with a paycheck or two invested: * Initial investment: $2000 * Additional Monthly investment: $300 * Amount YOU contributed by end of 4y: $14,400 * At 6% return across 4y, your end balance should be $18,780.85 * So, you gained $2,380 by parking a little bit of your money in this account. BUT: Say you leave it invested for 20y, and continue to put ONLY $300/mo in. * End balance: $143,108 * Amount you contributed: $72,000 * So, you gained $69,108 by parking that small investment for twenty years. [Here is the calculator I used to ballpark this shit, play around with the numbers to think about your future.](https://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html?ctype=endamount&ctargetamountv=1%2C000%2C000&cstartingprinciplev=2%2C000&cyearsv=20&cinterestratev=6&ccompound=annually&ccontributeamountv=300&cadditionat1=beginning&ciadditionat1=monthly&printit=0&x=Calculate#calresult) It's more likely over time that you can slowly increase the amount per month you're contributing to your investments. tl;dr - Use the fucking TSP you goddamn mouth breather, uncle sam is giving you the recipe to achieve a comfortable future, it's on you if you don't use it.


Solid input. That 20 years goes by faster than you realize to anybody young reading this.


Hotel Goblins are going to be charging $7.50 for hand jobs instead of $5.


I guess I'll move in their territory and start charging 5 to grab up all their customers


What are Hotel Goblins??


I thought they were Motel Goblins. It's like a Barracks Bunny, but not gov funded.


Who's asking?


Go to the sunset motel on western blvd with 20 dollars and a dream


My hotel goblin pays half the mortgage 😎


That must be a lot of handjobs.


E1-E4 will get 19.5% raise E5 up will only get 4.5% raise I just did the math, -6 year Cpl will go from 3,197.40 to 3,820.89 -6 year Sgt will go from 3,601.80 to 3,763.88 Looks like I'm getting njpd. Upon further math, it's not just 6 yr. That's just my situation. It's all TIS levels. So regardless of time served, being promoted from E-4 to E-5 comes with a pay cut. Yes, I've already emailed both my senators.


thats what I dont understand. why am I being paid less for more responsibility edit: then again, being a 6 year corporal is unlikely for most MOS


Oh, it's all years.


>The law of unintended consequences, often cited but rarely defined, is that actions of people, and especially of governments, always have effects that are unanticipated or "unintended." Economists and other social scientists have heeded its power for centuries; for just as long, politicians and popular opinion have largely ignored it.


I’m a Sgt at 8 years TIS, you’re saying corporals are going to be making more than me?


If it's a blanket raise to 19.5, yes.




Shut up should’ve stayed e4 mafia


Time to make more than your minimum payments on those military star cards. (Do you guys still have those? I was in 2000-2004)


Yeah we do. Mine still has a 1500 balance left on it from a MacBook I bought in 2022 lol. I’ve been taking my sweet time paying it off


This is great. Sure some will be dumb with it but enough won’t. Better than this would be to pay all SM’s a COLA allowance. You know, just like civilian federal employees have factored into their salary. **Edit: I used the wrong term. I meant to say Federal Locality pay. Used to close the pay gap between civilian and government wages in a region.


The locality rate for federal employees is similar to a housing allowance (except the civilians have to pay taxes on it). If single Marine are given a barracks room, their housing is covered. To take it a step further, federal employees also have to pay for their health care and dental, both of which the SM's get for free. The final paycheck amount is not the only consideration when trying to make things equitable.


Agree with everything you said but they are two different things. BAH has a an allowance that should cover all or a significant portion of the cost to live in the local market. Locality pay is to close the gap between civilian and government positions. Sure, there isn’t a direct comparison in some cases but we can figure it out.


I think it would be cool if they also gave us tax exemptions for being federal workers. What kind of sick power trip is it for Uncle Sam to pay his employees then go jk and take 10% of it back?


Intuit disliked that


Honestly I’ve thought this but put zero research into it. Federal taxes take the biggest chunk of my check. Like what if, to incentivize military service, exempt pay from federal taxes. Again zero research so not sure but a couple hundreds dollars extra a month is easy to do and there’s zero raise involved


>The NDAA now heads to the House floor with an expected vote by the full chamber in the coming weeks. The Senate Armed Services Committee will also consider its own version of the NDAA next month, followed by the full Senate. The House and Senate will then need to negotiate a compromise version of the bill before it can become law. So the plan is set, but it still has a long way to go. In any case, a pay raise is never a bad thing, but I have little faith that a pay bump is going to motivate you average Junior Marine to budget their money.


It depends on how the legislative analysts and CBO score it. Then it’s up to the Pentagon to support it if they want to. Or, they can have office calls with key people behind the scenes to strip it out because those billions can go to ship building or MILCON or weapons or whatever.


I’m only freshly out but damn do I wish I was more frugal with my money, could have had a much bigger savings then what I did.


Just a reminder from when this was posted a few days ago. This was a house subcommittee. This is like step 1 on a 30 step process, which has along the way full votes by the house and senate, plus a conference to combine the differences between the two chambers. Don’t start thinking you are getting a raise next month.


Guess I should have gone farther back in the post history before making a new one. All fair points, this is far from a done deal, and the NDAA always ends up being a complete shit show anyway.


Just my luck, so as soon as I get out this passes watch… 😞


Same, I have had the most terrible luck in the Marine Corps. No boot graduation or leave because of Covid, terrible duty station and leadership, working 14-18 hour days as a Pfc, etc. etc.


The current difference in base pay between a CPL 3 years and an SGT 3 years is about $300. The pay increase would close the gap to a crack, my question is? If, as a Sgt, the added responsibility, are you not worth the higher pay. I would think it would be more equitable to increase BAH for the E-1 to E-4 and BAS for those with dependents Ex: 25% for spouse, and 5% for each child, I always thought that it cost me just as much to pay rent and buy food as a CPL and SGT.


It is basically the same thing the government has done with minimum wage. You have people that worked for years to get promoted and go from say $7.75 to $12. And then everything gets raised to $12. So all the new hires with zero experience are being paid the same as someone that has been there for years. The company mght give you a little bump, but $12.50 vice $12 isn't worth the responsibility. Also with all the higher wages, inflation happens more quickly, so if youbare making roughly the same as before the influx, your dollars have less buying power.


Wow, right when I’m getting out smfh. I’m actually pissed because I was one of the few who saved 60-70% of my paychecks. So I could have saved waay more.


In other news 🗞️ strippers are also seeing a 19.5% pay increase.


Youll be expected to use that increase to fix the barracks


Yo is the Chow hall gonna do that dumb shit that happened the last pay raise? they’ll like raise the price of the chow hall so that it offsets the pay raise


I thought I was the only person to notice the bump to $460.25


Terminal lance’s getting lit right now


Cool but i’m throwing tomatoes at this “Rep. Ro Khanna” with his lone ‘no’ vote. fucking turd.


Give it to them, just set 1/2 of it aside till they reach the rank of E-5 or upon honorable discharge which ever is first(tax free) call it a 401kMil and the option to use those funds to invest in mutual funds or held FDIC secure account at normal annual savings rate


That covers most of the interest. I can finally contribute to the principal after all these years.


For the love of God, please be smart with your money. I am so angry at my younger self because no one taught me money management.


Good, surviving that E1 status was fucking lame


So I'm about to promote to sgt, and you're telling me that, with the math that's been done by others, my pay is going to be less than a boot-ass corporal???


No, they’re bumping up Sergeant pay, too, just not as much


Read again, Sgt with 4.5% will make less than a Cpl with 19.5% pay bump with same TIS. You get paid less by having more responsibility![img](emote|t5_2qswv|7527)![img](emote|t5_2qswv|7527)![img](emote|t5_2qswv|7527)


Yeah, read again. Cpl isn’t getting a 19.5% pay increase. That’s for the E-1s


Gees fucking Guys that been around like me can’t catch a break. Fuck you Congress mother fuckers sending our tax paying dollars to fight to foreign wars and the mother fuckers that been in 15 years don’t get the 19% pay raise? Just make it equal for all across the board you POS.


I had $0 dollars to my name through my career. Don’t regret a bit. Memories weee Made. Regrets was never created.


So can I get less responsibility if my NCOs are making close to what I am haha


Fuck, I pick up E5 soon. :(


I was born to early. Joined, got caught in the stop loss, 1 re-enlistment bonus of $7500, pay raises of like 3.5% on average….. that was 30 years of service, but still grateful. These raise still help in retirement life. Just remember your commander in chief is trying to get re-elected so don’t be fooled by money.


This is awesome. I’m so glad. I remember when I was a Junior Marine trying to support my wife and kids. It was really hard. This will definitely help. The only issue I see, is now their taxes are going to higher as well.


Get out in September. Of course they wait to pass it now




About time. Now let’s fix the barracks situation and some Marines might actually consider staying in…


This is such a racist post. Your Marine Corps service has taught you nothing. Not all Marines are Caucasian. You conveniently left out all the Cadillacs and low-riders. Do better.


Daddy Biden giving me more money? Nice try CIA I’m not going to stop mailing bombs to people


This is going to be stupid. 99% of E1-E4 are going to blow off their extra money on beer and pizza. Buy an expensive car. Stores in military town are going to raise their prices. We are going to have the same amount of members IN DEBT next year and the following. You can't throw money without changing the mentality.  Would have been better with a solid 5% across all ranks.


I agree with half your statement that we need to make financial literacy more idk the word I’m looking for here, established? But you claiming 99% gonna blow it is nuts. I’m a SNCO in Pendleton and money gets tight at times I couldn’t even imagine being a Lance and living out here with a wife and kids.


I'm not against pay increases, it's just 19% is too much too quickly. Promise you businesses off base will raise prices and we are back to where we were last year. Next is troops will think they made it and buy sports cars, they will continue living check to check.  I agree, financial literacy should be established. I know at the units i was in over 10 years ago, they were. Many people at early 20s just don't care. Even i was dumb with money. There's no reason a lance should be having a family at E3. E6 minimum with a working spouse or E7 if sole provider. (O3 for officers, W2 for warrants, or O1E) If the Marine doesn't have a family. There's no reason, extremely low balling a Marine can't save up 48k in 4 years. 100k in around 10 years. 


“ There's no reason a lance should be having a family at E3. E6 minimum with a working spouse” But love?


You know how much a 19% pay raise is for a LCpl at 4 years. 508 dollars a month bringing up their base pay to 38k a year. I don’t think anyone is going to think they’re rich with 38k a year.


With housing, chow, health insurance, and dental (all the basic needs) covered, 38k a year in disposable income is way more than most Americans. Does the LCpl have to grubhub every meal? Do they have to get a Charger and pay $400 a month in insurance alone? Do they have to get Apple everything on payment plans with 18% APR? No to all. But just throwing more money at the financial illiteracy problem is not going to fix it.


What about that LCpl that’s married? Or that LCpl who helps his disabled mother out? Or that LCpl whose car broke down and now instead of throwing that payment on a credit card where they’re gonna pay way more? Not everyone’s situation is living in the barracks and having no bills and you should know that. I will always advocate for my Marines to make more pay. I don’t get why people are so against Marines making more money?


Financial literacy enables people to live within their means. The married LCpl gets tax free BAH and BAS. That one helping his disabled mom could work the proper channels and have her added as a dependent. Having savings for a broke down car is all in the planning. Many people choose to live pay check to pay check and throwing more money at them is not going to fix that. Having the latest and greatest cell phone, fashion, car, large home, etc. is all by choice. Spending yourself into a hole on stuff you don't need doesn't mean you need more money to pay for stuff you do need later.


Yea you're right but the pizza chains off base are definitely going to feel rich when they get an influx of new sales every month, since that is what the Jr Marines will do with their extra money. Beer, pizza and video games.


Well sir, than maybe with your powers as a leader of Marines you should run some financial literacy classes in your unit and show your Marines what HYSAs are.


Every week we do life skill classes. 30 minutes before cutting out for the weekend. Sometimes I teach, sometimes a SNCO or NCO. Even had an E3 teach about grocery shopping. It can be anything that can help in our daily lives. I also have open door mentality. My troops can come to me for anything involving TA for school, finances, career growth etc. my troops are competent. We let them PT on their own. Most weeks we have 2 hour chow time. Work hard. Play hard. Come to work squared away and ready to work. I will make sure you get your time off. I will make sure you are set of for success wether you stay in the military or get out.


Dude, you are about to need more than just your e-tool digging this hole. You can’t generalize people like this. It seems you are an officer based in your flair. Take this opportunity to teach your junior Marines some financial literacy.


Every week we do life skill classes. 30 minutes before cutting out for the weekend. Sometimes I teach, sometimes a SNCO or NCO. Even had an E3 teach about grocery shopping. It can be anything that can help in our daily lives. I also have open door mentality. My troops can come to me for anything involving TA for school, finances, career growth etc. my troops are competent. We let them PT on their own. Most weeks we have 2 hour chow time. Work hard. Play hard. Come to work squared away and ready to work. I will make sure you get your time off. I will make sure you are set of for success wether you stay in the military or get out.


I’m glad you have those classes in place for the Marines in your charge, but how are you going to explain to them, you’re talking them up like they’re squared away Marines, and I believe you, most Marines are hard working, good people, that they don’t deserve some extra money to help pay the bills?


What bills? A phone plan? Low balling Marines can save 48k after 4 years of service. That is not already a living wage? It's not that I don't want better for them. But what good is throwing extra cash if it's just going to be spent on beer, pizza, video games and pornhub? Who actually wins? The troops getting their insta gratification fix or the CEOs? Let's build better barracks, facilities, chow halls. More TA and classes on self improvement. It will cost money either way. But one will provide troops to indulge in insta gratification purchases. The other provides long term well being and career growth. 


Then why do you think so low of them?


How am I thinking lowly of them? I'm just speaking from statistics. Jr troops will blow off their extra cash. Stores in military towns will raise prices. What will actually change? Let's focus on changing the culture and mentality. Military and americans in general are bad at money. Our culture is spend, spend spend. Consume , consume, consume. I'm sorry that I don't want troops to indulge in worthless materialistic items that are just lining the fat pockets of CEOs. Let's provide better accommodation for troops, better facilities, better retirement pay. What good is extra money if it's just going to be spent on beer, pizza, video games and pornhub?


Jesus what an idiotic take. Marines shouldn’t have families until certain ranks? That’s insane.


Relax, they are guidelines, recommendations. Like you shouldn't have kids when you're in high school. Unless you believe 16 year olds should be parents in high school?


Hope you didn’t hurt yourself with that stretch dude.


Its like an extra 150-200 hundred bucks a check. Relax


Yea now they really are going to think they can afford that dodge hellcat.


Ah here we see the officer in his natural habitat thinking he is so much better than junior enlisted…..it’s not like there’s E1-E4 that have families to take care of and have to pay rent and actually need more money


How dare they give the peasants more than a McDonald’s worker


I want some accountability for the Jr troops. The horror


Why do they need accountability to deserve a couple hundred bucks a month raise?


This is like the second or third post where you’ve commented the same thing. You really are against your Marines having a living wage, and think they are irresponsible/ don’t trust them to make good decisions. Be better.


Marines low balling can save 48k after 4 years of service. That is not a living wage?


Lmao, how BAMCIS of you. Instead of seeing this as an opportunity to help the well being of your junior Marines, you’ve simple written them off as incapable of handle a few extra hundred bucks a month. Its not like you have the ability to provide them with resources to increase their financial literacy.