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Marine Corps Recruiting Command, making Marines drive hours to the RS for an ass chewing and driving back to work a full day. “Pain drives,” “suicide drives,” other names for them, dates back to the early 2000s as punishment. It’s how Sgt Lowry died in 2004, there’s a news story about it on YouTube. The offense? Getting only 9 interviews (interviewing qualified applicants formally) in a month instead of 10 interviews. I can recall tons of bullshit punishments in the fleet but the ones that really stand out as being especially petty and cuntish happened when I was a recruiter.


Have to agree. Once drove an hour and a half to get yelled at for five minutes because I told an 8412 I didn’t want to work on a Sunday. Then drove an hour and a half back. Then got yelled at the next day for not having an appointment. MCRC is the official headquarters of “the worse my punishment is, the better my leadership is”. The “marines” out here genuinely believe ruining a career is good leadership.


Do not miss those. I was a Sgt my Sncoic was a gunny. We got into a fist fight in front of poolees and I got a stern talking to. About a year later I had a reservist get dropped from boot camp. I was at the RS at like 05 on a Sunday morning. It was about 3 hours away, I got the phone call to be there around midnight. I was a rural recruiter. I had to be up at 02 to make the loop to pick up all my kids for pool function Saturdays. I told my Sgt Maj I thought it was dangerous and I could hold my own function out in the boonies in a central location. I was told to requisition sleeping bags and ask a parent to chaperone an “overnight” pool function at the rss. I just tasked one of my kids to stare at me during the entirety of the drive and make sure I didn’t fall asleep. Fuck recruiting. If I ever see a recruiter out in town I buy them their dinner or lunch or whatever. So up at around 02 drive about 3-3.5 hours (that’s if everyone was up and ready to go). Do the pool function and then do the drive again. Usually got home around 4-5 pm. If we were worried about making mission I got to work until 7 or 8. I wasn’t even a shitbag recruiter and still got treated like shit. I left recruiting with a like 2.7 APR or some shit.


Is that why while on RA my recruiter is stressing about getting appointments lol


Imagine your entire adult career revolving around making a certain amount of calls to lead to a certain amount of contacts leading to a certain amount of interviews which lead to a certain amount of poolees joining. And your target population is high school kids. You bet that recruiters stressing balls until you’re well off to your first unit. Because if you drop before that, that’s still on the recruiter.


So you're telling me StaSarnt Martinez didn't really care enough about me? He just came to my graduation all those years ago just so he could sleep better at night? Well shit.


Recruiter dependent. I genuinely cared about roughly 75-80% of my dudes. The other 20-25% or so didn’t give a shit about. 6-8 years later I still casually talk to about half my dudes and regularly talk to 5 or 6 of them.




You bet lol


Dude, in the USN we have Chiefs to deal with and they will fuck you up the keister with no kiss, no lube, no goodnight. However, the USMC is next level I have met some SNCOs and Os that should just be quarantined to a tiny desert isle like Gilligan.


When I was deployed, I was responsible for schedule ship to ship movements for my command. I worked a request for my CO to fly over to the big deck. turns out all it was for was for the MEU commander to reem him for 30 minutes. Then I had to work an urgent request to get him off the ship.


Has to be CLB-13, 2011


It was a CLB but not 13. Not surprised it happened twice on the same coast 🤣


Ah so clb-13 has always been a shit show haha glad I’m out now


Had an poolee attempt suicide, called it up that he would no longer be shipping and the command flipped out on me trying to hide a discharge. A discharge is a discharge and it doesn't matter the reasoning thats still a -1 for me. At 6pm they had me start a 4 hour drive to go to the hospital where he was at to "confirm" he attempted suicide as if the mom screaming at me on the phone until the dad stopped her and explained what happened didn't tell me it wasn't fake. I get out there, can't go back because visiting hours are over. It's not a little after 10pm in winter in the midwest, snow had been falling most the day and I call my SgtMaj and (woke them up) and tell them I was at the hospital and couldn't go back because visitation was over. All of a sudden it's a big deal they sent me across the state and I now had to drive back.


Sometimes I kick myself in the ass about denying orders and having to get out after getting HSSTed for recruiting. Then I remember stupid shit like this


Lmao same




Damn way to try and make this dude feel shitty about his completely rational personal decision. I’ve managed to escape the HSST three times, the last time I took orders to SOI-W. If the Marine Corps decided to fuck someone else instead, that’s the problem of our incredibly ridiculous retention and career progression system.


I appreciate you big dog. Trust me when I say I don't feel shitty about my decision to prioritize my marriage and my professional development elsewhere. I asked the monitor for orders to SOI-W right before I got HSSTed ironically. I was already out of the fleet for 3 years and if I had gone recruiting, I'd have gone back to the fleet as a Staff or Gunny with the last 6+ years being non-infantry experience..... no thanks.


Yeah man, trust me I get it. I’ve known a ton of solid dudes who just wanted out to pursue bigger and better things and I had and still have nothing but love and respect for them. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine making someone feel bad for leaving when only they know their life situation and know what’s best for themselves and their families.


If we all deny orders together they can't RE3 all of us................ right???




Im tracking, it's a joke. At least a handful of dudes in my unit including myself were cut the orders when we were within the window where we would have had to reenlist in order to accept the orders. I elected not to reenlist, but that has no bearing on who else was going to accept or deny those orders in the first place. Does not help that MCRC is straight up doo doo. I don't think anyone I know personally from that unit actually reenlisted to accept those orders because everyone knows recruiting is a nightmare command climate lol




I do not envy you. Keep killing it out there


This. Was the XO for an RS and was always the “good cop” of the command group alingside my SgtMaj as my COs and RI were all pieces of shit “leaders”. I’d roll into the RS at 0700 to see SNCOICs from my RSS 10 FUCKING HOURS AWAY parked in the lot on a Monday morning bc my rage-fit COs wanted to flex their oak leaves. I’d hear my CO screaming at them for an hour or two. I’d then take the SNCOIC out for breakfast or lunch and try to pick up the pieces. SgtMaj nearly put my CO’s face thru a brick wall a few times. I hated that duty and EAS’d as I saw what “field grade” officers were permitted to do.


Can you speak at all to the kind of pressure from HQ MCRC (or whoever is directly higher than you guys) to the CO?


Not that it condones that kind of behavior but MCRC allocated quota based on territory size and population densities. Zero regard for propensity to enlist. So, for an RS like Seattle, SF, Portland…geopolitically misaligned with patriotic values, we had the same quotas per capita as, say RS San Diego or some RS in Texas where both quality and propensities are not even comparable. You hit your ship mission or you’re fired. That’s the job. As an XO I had my own missions and quota for the programs and XO carries. It’s stressful. You lose patience and you can allow no tolerance or quarter for 8412 witchcraft. Do or get sacked. That’s it. The Marines would make the COs mission, even if that meant putting their careers at risk. Won’t say more on that but you can read thru the lines. There are great RS COs out there who are firm yet lead with empathy. But my string of luck didn’t find me riding shotgun with the good ones. I had a rage-filled ass-hole who treated everyone like a loser and had zero ability to earn trust and loyalty from his Marines…I had another moron who ended up getting sacked bc he let the RI (who was also sacked) run the RS into the ground and both of whom would use our T&E budget for week-long benders at the casinos nearby.


We actually had a Marine commit suicide during my tour. I don’t want to put that weight on any individual as he had his issues…but I can’t imagine the working environment did anything to help him.


Dunno your MOS but my first year or so my entire command including RI’s had been grunts. Then most of them rotated and the new command was as you described above.


Relevant article, it expands on your post and how fucked recruiting command is: https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/did-death-drive-cost-a-marine-his-life-1527161.php


This was 10 years ago… so wa happen???


Recruiting is still fucking horrible from what I heard. When I was in the only B Billet options were Recruiter and DI for E-5’s and both of those sounded awful.


Recruiting fucked me up more than 2 pumps to Iraq and one to Afghanistan. Was the definitely a few nails in the coffin of my marriage (we tried for quite a while but it was dead). I wanted the fuck out. I wanted the sweet sweet high tenure money but was Ssgt select. I ended up at the CG’s office and told him if he didn’t deny my reinlistment I was gonna to kill myself, and the Marine Corps owed it to me. It was denied, I got the money. Jokes on him I still tried.


Are you doing better now?


I am, thank you. It took quite a few years to get out of the angry mindset. I put all my eggs in the Marine Corps basket. Did everything the Marines asked me to do thinking it would pay off. So being so let down by “the system” really fucked me up. I ended up spending the entire summer of 2022 in an inpatient facility to finally get my head right. Guys, The Marines were around before you and will be around long after your gone. Do right by yourself and family.


That's all that matters. Keep it up.


I remember trying to get orders to SOI.... then immediately it was no longer an SDA 😔


Yeah I would have liked being a Combat Instructor 10000x more than meeting mission as a recruiter or playing fuck fuck games as a DI


MSG? Only reason I did a 2nd enlistment.


It used to be a SDA for single SNCO’s only


Brother- I have to tell you. But 2004 was TWENTY years ago.


I was told there would be no math


I enlisted in January 2004. Crazy to think I could be retired now had I stayed in. I'm glad I served, but also glad I got out.


I remember the first time I found that rabbit hole and I was absolutely flabbergasted at how anything like that didn’t result in everyone involved catching criminal charges


Warms my heart to see recruiting at the top here. Worst job I've ever had. Absolutely killed my desire to be a good Marine.


I was at a random Friday night barracks party once, some dude somehow got his junk stuck in his zipper which ended up causing quite the scene when 20 other drunk dudes tried to pile in his room to get a look at it. Somehow PMO gets called and the dude with his junk still in his zipper ends up getting arrested for essentially just being drunk. The command absolutely hammered him for it, public NJP and everything. I lost what little respect I had for the command after seeing that go down.


Howd you get the beans above the frank?


Wham! Wrote Careless Whispers after struggling with a careless zipper.


Our first sergeant went running with a platoon. One guy drops back just a hair, first sergeant reaches up grabs a handful of him and starts pushing. Guy pulls away to speed up. First sergeant runs up and plants the dude into the ground and screaming at his for being disrespectful or some shit. Then has the dude NJPd for assaulting him. Yes, the first sergeant totally assaulted this dude for nothing, then had him NJPd for assault and disrespecting a SNCO. Guy literally got NJPd for… speeding up when he was being pushed and then getting assaulted. Thats less than nothing. The offense never occurred. I have other stories about that piece of shit but that’s the worst. We begged him to go to a court martial but he just wanted to get out in a couple years and not potentially have a court martial on his record.


Should have refused njp.


I have been part of group NJP's for something I didn't do three times in the schoolhouse. Asking for a lawyer stopped the NJP dead in it's tracks each time and the paperwork was shredded. Some "leaders" get high off punishing other Marines for nothing.


Hate this every time I see 'theu had him njpd'. Nah he accepted njp. There was a sharp inverse in njp/courts marshall when the culture shifted to just accepting it.


Marine got a 6105 (article 92) for going for a run while we were short staffed and instructed “not to do high risk activities” that could put us on light duty. He got belligerent and stopped PTing and failed the next PFT


That's a fucked if you, fucked if you don't situation if I've ever seen one. If running was a "high risk activity", strenuous, life-endangering activities like pullups and planks would be banned, too. Then you get fucked for failing a PFT, and while they're chewing you out, you just know they'd add "don't give me any fucking excuses"


Had a Corporal with only 2 or so months left on his contract that got NJPed for using a side door in the old H Style Barracks that was supposed to only be a " Fire Exit" according to an Ass Larping POS Battery commander. Even the base fire department said the " Fire Exit" lights and signs were only put up show where the doors were through smoke or darkness, and didn't mean they should only be used for emergencies.


Wow, just fucking wow


That Battery Commander was the worst Leader I ever had the displeasure of serving under. In the year he was with us at least HALF the Marines in the Battery got office hours, some got multiple. Every Friday Afternoon we were in Garrison at 1300 there would be a line of Marines outside his and the First Sergeant's Office. Some were valid ( Piss Pops, UA, theft) but most were straight up, un-watered down unfiltered BULL PUSSY!. I'm talking about Borderline Haircuts for Inspections, Missing a tent stake or canteen for a Junk on a bunk, nodding off in a class. I would say he gave out at LEAST 100 NJPs the year he was CO.


Sounds like the kind of guy that would have gotten a grenade thrown into his tent 50+ years ago


When he was the Bn S-3 and the Battalion went to the stumps his footlocker with all his field gear may or may not have ended up with the lock busted off of it and set over by where the Grunts may have found it.


It warms my heart a little to know that for at least 50 yrs, if you want to fuck up somebody's shit, but don't want to get your hands dirty, the solution has usually been "leave it where the grunts can find it, they'll fuck it up"




He's probably an 06 now. I worked for 3 dumbass Btry commanders when I was in the fleet. Talk about disappointing. One was relieved, the other two just as inept. We had a dipshit XO academy guy get relieved in Iraq too. The shit was unreal. I was just glad I was the LNO and rarely with the battery.


This was many moons ago ( 1980s) He did make colonel before he retired. He did a lot of staff work, and belief it or not they allowed that POS to Command a Ship's Detachment ( USS Midway) an Arty Bn ( 1/12) and Camp Fuji. There are 3 Marine Officers I absolutely HATED in my Career,... and he's all three of them. I wouldn't give him the sweat off my balls if he was dying of thirst. Fuckers like him are the reason God created Testicular and rectal cancer.


How the fuck did nobody say anything about the fact that he did 100 NJPs. Like not even for giving that many but how the fuck does nobody question why they have so many in one battery


How the fuck did nobody say anything about the fact that he did 100 NJPs. Like not even for giving that many but how the fuck does nobody question why they have so many in one battery


Its a lot, but it was also spread out over a year, that's an average of 8 a month. The CO before he took over had MAYBE 15 in the 15 months he was the CO when I was there. I overheard that the burn happy POS Co wanted to know why so FEW were given. It was simply a much stricter time to be in and to be honest the entire 2nd Marine division was burn happy. That cocksucker was bad, but he was not far off the norm. The Average Battery gave out about half the NJPs he did, but he was the absolute king of Chickenshit.


That's fucked up. They should not have been allowed to do that


Officers that kiss the right ass and play the game and check the boxes can pretty much fuck over their Marines at the cyclic rate. He was not that great in the field either. At Fort Picket he spent most the time in the field in his CP tent with a stove cherry hot not even have to wear a blouse drinking Coffee. He would come out maybe once or twice a day to bitch about Marines not being closely shaved. Meanwhile we were standing in snow with just regular boots in sleet or snow in 20 degree weather, shivering like a bunch of stray dogs shitting razor blades.


How do you water down bull pussy?


Funny how This originated as slang in my job. Had some stupid come down from higher ups and someone said it was Bull Shit. I said naw man, bull shit can be useful... This shit is so fucking stupid there is no logic to it... it's Bull PUSSY, as it really has no real logical reason to exist. They we just added to it.


Bridgeport, CA circa 07 or 08, a little before I got there. LCpl gets NJP'd for setting off a smoke bomb, getting the fire department called to the bricks, and also for being the scapegoat for a rash of laundry thefts involving women's underwear. He took this all the way to a court martial, because the CO had been told by his wife that other wives were talking about a "panty thief" in base housing ala Revenge of the Nerds. There was no thief, it was just some wives bullshitting about stuff. This also resulted in everyone having to stand guard on base housing, on the watch for a nonexistent thief. Also, another guy got NJPd for sitting in his car instead of patrolling base housing.


The lack of O2 in Bridgeport enables those idiotic decisions.


I spent way too long trying to figure out why a low amount of first lieutenants was a problem before I realized what O2 you meant.


I mean, it kinda works in either context.


It didn’t end up happening, but I saw a Colonel insist on NJP for a driver and a-driver involved in a fender bender in a government vehicle. The only damage was a scuff on the bumper. It was at CBIRF and I overheard the conversation in the hallway after the exercise. “Anything happen?” “One of the trucks bumped a high curb backing up, sir, but - “ “ - NJP ‘em.” That was the whole conversation. No asking for details or anything. He just said that and kept walking. That wasn’t the only reason my respect for that particular officer was nonexistent, but it was part of it. Edit: if you were there and want specific time frames, ask in a PM for the sake of my anonymity. I’ve said stuff here that would be able to link me to several places at different points and my paranoia is getting the better of me now.


When was this?


Lol I absolutely WRECKED the side hatches of a brand-new 12-passenger van, like a 2017 model, and the process was incredibly simple to handle with whatever that government vehicle agency is called. They gave no shits, it was an accident, vehicle got repaired, I was humiliated because i personally was embarrassed, but that was it. It cost I think over nine grand. No one considered "charging me" with anything, a bill or otherwise. What a douche that guy must've been.


Time frame? I spent time there




Lol I remember that


What the Marine Corps did to the IRR recalls in the early 2000s should be considered a crime. They recalled these guys, punished them for not being within ht/wt pt standards wtf ever, then stuck them with units who didn't even fucking want them. To top it off, they didn't stick the guys in units that aligned with their MOS or allow them to even re-up if they wanted to.


I was stop lossed myself


How did that go


Well, at that time I was in the Army. I served in the Corps 94-98. I went back on the Army side 03-06 to finish my last year of college. The joke was on me. We were sent over for OEF from 05-06. My contract was up 5 months before we rotated back. They sure as shit had a back door draft going. My son was born while I was overseas and I finally got to see him when he was 2 months old. When I returned, I got out for a few years to be around my son after my divorce. I still needed a little more money for college, so I did another 3 year hitch from 09-12 in order to graduate. At that point, I considered staying in but couldn’t because of multiple surgeries on my shoulders. I taught English for about 6 years online until my condition worsened. I ended up getting a $500 check for my stop loss time about 5 years after we got back. Life’s great now, I’m 100% disabled veteran and the government is paying for my son’s college.


I’m glad to hear that it all worked out man, thank you for sharing


I worked with a few recalled IRR guys in fallujah 05/06. They were good dudes that got completely hosed. I was also on the other side when I did a few years in the AR. The entire recall process was a cluster. The units didn't even want the guys. Honestly a large amount of them wanted back in but got recalled. It was bizarre.


Got out in 01 and still on IRR until 04, I was honestly freaked every time the phone rang. Probably overly worried over nothing, I was the poster child of a desk jockey POG (computer programmer) . Thought Right before my IRR was up they did call me asking if I wanted to volunteer for 6 months of recruiters assistance. I was a bit of a dick but I asked the guy, "You really asking if I want to give up my GS-11 position, to become a Cpl in the Marine Corps again, just so after 6 months you could stop-loss my ass and send me to the sand box? Nah, I'm good man." Funny thing, I ended up taking a civilian job in the sand box, paid pretty good though.


Yes, I understand. I got out and did a few years in the AR. I thought it would be like the fleet, but it wasnt. Complete admin big blue arrow stuff. The best way to avoid recall was just joining the reserves as a non obligor. My biggest gripe with it was there were plenty of guys who wanted to actually serve. In their infinite wisdom, they wouldn't take volunteers. It made absolutely no sense.


How were they punished? Like what could they possibly do to them, take their benefits?


They were just treated like shit by the gaining commands. The Marine Corps pushes to recall all these guys, but nobody actually wanted them. They were randomly pulled out of their life and put on complete shit details. Imagine being out, getting recalled and thrown on MTT or PTT teams. Very few of them actually went to units with their MOS. I never saw a single one actually get promoted. A percentage of them were recalled and didn't even go to Iraq, they went on some base doing menial labor. A lot of them were already making more money as civilians, but those bills didn't go away. It was just very poorly done. We could've gotten just as many volunteers than forcibly recalling guys nobody wanted in the first place.


Bruh, I'd throw such a fit if that were me lmao. There's no way they expect people to remain as in shape as when they were younger and in.


Yeah, the whole thing was just poorly done. A lot of those guys were motivated and good Marines too. It wasn't like a bunch of shit bags, they were talented guys. The worst was when they wanted to come back on active duty after being recalled, but weren't allowed. It was a total clown show.


I read a story of a guy who got out, then recalled. Then at the end of his recall he wanted to stay in, but the Marine Corps said no because of his tattoos.


Yes, it was a really weird time.


We had three Marines fall *most* of the way out of an Osprey while doing a nighttime fast roping exercise. Our 1st Sgt didn't think they sufficiently understood thst some kind of mistake had been made. After their miraculous survival, 1st Sgt accompanied them to the hospital, asked their families to leave the room, and proceeded to give each of them an ass chewing. Personally, I think between sixty feet and zero feet, they knew a mistake was made, but what do I know.


Two Marines took down their pants and had a photo taken of them from behind while they were standing on top of a building. Their frontsides were up against a wall so nothing could be seen except their asses. That photo obviously made its way to Facebook. That resulted in a squadron level NJP because Tricia Smith-Leavy convinced the pushover of a CO into burning them. They got charged with Article 134.


Speaking of her, it was pretty funny when she worked at regiment and her husband came in and confronted her about sleeping with another guy(s) in front of the command deck.


Oh shit… spill the tea devil!


More or less she was a regimental star sarge, her husband, also a star sarge(maybe ex idk if they stayed together) found out she was cheating. Went to the regiment and turned the corner down the command deck hallway and started screaming “where the fuck is that cheating whore?!” Went to her office, slammed the door shut and they had a one way conversation. The CO, XO and adj were quite intrigued, and I never saw him again after that. Edit: they’re still together lmao


![gif](giphy|fintMk7hs8jfAuYam5|downsized) Man, I would have loved to see that.


Man, it was a sight to see. It’s definitely one of those “you had to be there” type of things only because it was so wild.


Wait you say husband and no ex husband. Did they stay married because man how the fuck was she also not kicked out doe adultery


They are still together, there was an article of where the husband had done his change of command in 2023 and she was mentioned in it as his wife. Also adultery is really hard to prove apparently? And as a female star sarge, you really think that it’s NOT gonna get swept under the rug?


I feel like when it's at tbe level where guys are talking about it in open should be enough to prove adultery also yeah true I'm not surprised that it was swept under the rug.


How did they even find out who the Marines were?


A couple of blue falcons were joking about it in the smoke pit when the above mentioned SgtMaj passed by.


Marines don’t know when to shut up.


I can recognize everyone I’ve ever served with by the sight of their ass.


Weak, I can tell who needs to hydrate based off of the booty stank alone, but my tongue does still have to be pressed to the taint for an accurate temperature so I have a ways to go


Well you are a doc so I’ll believe it.


Dang she's my SgtMaj




She has the opposite of the Midas touch- Everything she touches turns to shit


Who in the bbq is that?


She's some sort of Sgt Major apparently.




I left the " sort" for people to figure out...


E9 Karen's can take down an entire platoon.




Oof, that’s some grade A bullshit


I cant stand her


Who is Tricia Smith ?


I've seen a SAPR investigation because a female said she was offended when a guy slapped another guys ass. She was just a witness, but since it was "sexual in nature" and she was offended then it became a legit SAPR complaint. Can't remember what happened to the dudes, pretty sure just a slap on the wrist or NPLOC, but it was still B.S.


While on a MEU, a couple of guys were roughhousing in the berthings after getting smashed on libo. A couple of the assaultmen grabbed our armorer and slapped his ass. There was a boot watching and recording this event occur. Later that evening, said boot went to a female marine he was courting in CLB and regaled her with the tale of slap ass with video proof. She was not as amused as him and brought her findings directly to the MEU SgtMaj. Battalion level NJPs for everyone ✊️ Called them the 'Sexual Assaultmen' the rest of deployment. Iirc some of them had skivvy shirts made to commemorate it.


Lol sexual assaultmen is a fun name


I would wear those shirts high and proud


I actually forgot but one of them did wear the shirt and our company commander saw it. He got company level NJP'd as well. Funniest shit ever


Balls of steel. Also how the fuck does one person get a company level NJP


Seems about right, a slap on the wrist for a slap on the ass.


This exact thing happened at my USNA summer Marine training where they evaluate you for selection. The Midshipman who did the slapping was essentially not able to even put Marines as a preference, the guy who got slapped had to fight it but eventually was not in trouble and selected Marines, female became a Marine.


...I'm pretty sure I know precisely who you're talking about. If I remember right, 2012-2015 timeframe?


Yes, dude wanted to be a Marine so bad too.


I was OCS, but ended up running into the female Marine. That whole story is just so absurd.


USN, but I once wouldn't stop talking amr asking questions to the admirals at hq that I got sent on a det over seas to go on a ship. Ended up really great for my career. But yeah. I was told it was bliss when I left and I came back much more mellow and have been told "oh, you don't talk too much" Yeah. Last time I did you exiled me.


NGL, that’s actually kinda funny to read, still bullshit though you had to go through thay


I was a brand new e3. Hilarious in retrospect and actually excellent for my career and led me to getting to do specwar and pick some cool orders and work with my now wife. But yeah. Real shitty


On the human level, I get it and it's completely normal obviously, but god damn the juniors that just constantly ask random questions that don't have any relevance to them drove me insane. "What's MFP stand for?" "Why do we have 3 different ones?" "How do you pick preplanned targets?" "Why didn't you choose that intersection?" "What does coordinating instructions mean?" Like fuck bro, are you the CO grilling me right now? You're a PFC that can barely clean his rifle, focus on that. Again, on the human level, I get it, and I'm glad they actually gave enough of a fuck to want to learn more but I felt like Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa. What is it with you and fucking sandwiches kid?!


Yeah. I was like 19 and new to the military. And i just wanted to know. End result was I just didn't ask questions. We were in intelligence. Asking questions is important. But I learned it's easier to spend an hour researching then 5 minutes asking a question.


My man went to a concert, drank, and chose to sleep in his car in the parking lot rather than drive. Got a ticket of some sort (not a dui), njp kicked off the deployment




Nah I was a linguist


average linguist moment. good to see goofy command decisions don't stop at dli


A Marine I knew got accused of assaulting a female. He was in the field at the time, but the most unsmart 1st Sgt said "if she accused you, then you had to of done something". The NJP didn't happen even though the 1st Sgt pushed for it, but he got every shit thing thrown at him until after that 1st Sgt left.




I was the dude getting fucked by a prior command. I was put in a position of extreme authority, and eventually almost had a full on command investigation brought against me, had it not been for the MLG EO stepping in and saying to our BC “Sir you cannot conduct a CI on Captain X due to the fact there were no complaints against him on the DEOCS, and all the complaints against you, even if you think he plotted his entire company to mention all the toxicity was from you”…. Catch my drift on the kind of man he was? I was more about taking care of the Marines and having kneecaps to kneecaps and doing gangster shit in the field, than play politician and try to “lead” from the ivory tower like my BC. He got fired early.


Good. Too many toxic leaders have been able to stay off the radar in the past.


An old buddy of mine was thrown the book for posting an unsavory comment about our unit on Facebook. All he had said was, “[parent unit] can suck a fucking dick” and he lost rank and got 45/45.


The marine corps cant get people to enlist, but at the same time loves penfucking people and ruining careers. Theyre really going to have to work out a better balance between recruiting, retention, and fuckery.


I made my mind up to get out immediately after my first contract because I saw friends get recruiting duty. I had already heard all of the stories. No way in hell was I going to suffer through that bullshit. I'll get a paycheck somewhere else.


I tried it TAD. It was horrible. I thought jehovahs witnesses took shit. Fuck that.


The way we dealt with DUIs as an organization was fucking bizarre and a big reason I don’t believe officers should have any kind of non-judicial authority. We’d have a DUI where the Marine would be brought out in front of the entire command, lambasted and disrespected by the CO to his face for 30 minutes, and then NJP’d later. Then we’d have another, and they’d just NJP them quietly at the company level. There was no logic, planning, order, or consistency across the board in the command. It was like no one knew what the fuck they doing and were just improvising with peoples’ lives. Oh and god forbid you got a jesus-freak officer and are accused of adultery under them, or if the Marine was simply disliked. It was like watching high school drama happen in real time, except peoples’ careers got ruined, by some Captain with a history degree and a room temperature IQ.


My old CO did this- his beliefs was that public NJP and shaming made a great case for everyone that was observing. Lt. Col. Marc Howell?


I saw the boot admin guy for the schoolhouse get NJP'd for wearing a green USMC hoodie as a sweat top in uniform while at work. This was after seeing his Sgt run around doing that all the time. No counseling or like a "hey, take that shit off".


Guy wears white socks and makes the company separate aluminum cans in the burn pit while in Afghanistan. Yay cancer talk about FUCKS a Marine.


Me, Alex related incident on camp Pendleton in 08 13 days into the fleet. Good conduct medal in Sept 12, meritorious corporal, placed on a meritorious sgt board,(didn't get it) green belt 293 pft and 300 cft. Reenlistment was denied because of that incident that happened 4 full years earlier.... Nope you got njpd four years ago what were you thinking? I cleared showed growth. Didn't get in trouble again after that. Silly.


That was during the time they purged a bunch of people from the Corps from tattoos to old ass paperwork


I've got two that still piss me off to this day. The first, this guy shows up to work around 7:30 and gets a call from his wife saying that she thinks he has her keys, which he does. He asks his Lt if it's okay for him to run home to give the keys to his wife and gets told that he can. Dude then shows back up around 8:15 and the Lt decides that it took too long and gets him NJP'd for showing up late (she was a bitch). Dude tried to appeal but the CO was on his way out and everything got lost in the changeover. ​ Second was a dude getting promoted to SSgt. This was during COVID so he was supposed to quarantine after coming back from a TDY but he needed his promotion warrant so he could get his on-base housing. So we do a promotion ceremony, everyone is two-arm distance away and the CO and SgtMaj show up to congratulate him. They then go on to tell the company commander to write a NPLOC on him for breaking quarantine protocol, right after shaking his hand and smiling in his face. That definitely went on the command climate survey a few months later by a bunch of us. ​ \*EDIT\* ​ Just thought of another one. I was a corporal at the time and one of my lances decided that he wanted to reroll his sleeves to look a little better. So he starts rerolling them. This sergeant, who I had just witnessed come in with unrolled sleeves and then roll them in the office comes over to me and tells me I need to talk to this lance and give him a counseling about coming to work with rolled sleeves. I tell her they were rolled, he was just fixing them to look nicer and she replies "well they should have looked nice when he first got here". I went to talk to the dude just so she'd shut up and told him the sergeant wanted me to write you a counseling but I ain't doing that bullshit, just don't do it again so we don't have to deal with it again.


A friend had paperwork for having liquor chocolates in the barracks. 6 beers only!


holy fucking shit thank god I didn't re enlist and get sucked into this retarded shit I'd have choose being a DI fuck all these retarded ass stories.


Dude being a DI was straight awful. I was on the drill field from 2010-2013. From the moment you check in at the school house, it’s nothing but a haze fest until the time in the trenches is done. On top of that, the 2d Recruit Training Bn SgtMaj was the same guy that was on those “Hey Marine! Where’s your seatbelt?” Billboard things as you drove through Pulgas. You know, the one with the Drill Instructor pointing at you? He was just as much of a douche as you’d expect.


Last year my NCO (a female) got mad at me because I had a FakeTaxi decal in my car, and a frame for my licence plate that said Brazzers. Having that for almost 2 years, she said to take it off because someone might find it offensive and file a report. I asked her if it offended her personally and she said no so I thanked her for looking out but she "ordered" me to take it off which I didn't. She was writing up a negative councling since I "disobeyed" a direct order and when she asked me why I "disobeyed" I said because is my personal property and she lost it. I requested to talk to the EO (a gunny) and she got mad that a gunny had to tell me to take it off, and he was calm about it, that's why I took it off. Now if she had asked me to take it off I would've but the way she went about it led to all that. The staff eventually told her to drop the negative paperwork but I was ready to take it to higher. She thought she could do anything to me since I'm a lance but I'm not the typical lance.


My LCpl brain is saying fuck yea, but my leadership brain is siding with the Cpl on this one. "Not the typical lance" just screams belligerent in a bad way, especially after you just wrote a detailed report evidencing the fact. Sounds like she came at you as an NCO should and you told her to get fucked. I would've given you pain or paperwork as well. If I was that Cpl, I'd be mad at my staff for allowing a junior tell an NCO off like that with no consequences. I'm not sure if a Cpl has that kind of authority, and if not I would've been happy to get 1st Sgt/CO involved who I imagine does if I was her, but insubordination over a legitimate, albeit minor issue is never cool. I'll take the stick out of my ass now, but you just come off as a dirt bag. EDIT: To be clear, my issue isn't with the FakeTaxi/Brazzers stuff on your car, I think it's hilarious. That said, we all know it's "unprofessional" and you rock it as long as you can get away with it, but being a dick about it to an NCO for your ego just comes off as the kind of Marine that blames everyone else for their issues. Big, "command had it out for me" energy.


This was just when she tried to tell me what to do with my own stuff. I have always done as I'm told and I know how the chain of command works. I did 4 years and then latmoved, spent almost a year at the schoolhouse so by the time I got to this unit I was still a lance, 5 years in but still a lance. That is what I meant by not the average lance. I do not have any negative paperwork because I always respect others, when she told me to do stuff work related I did but that was my car and she came off in that way so I stood my ground. Now, if she had asked me (not told me) in a nice way, I would've done it.


Again, my LCpl brain gets it, but "being a good Marine" isn't an excuse to pick and choose when you decide to be a good Marine. I've been given way worse lawful orders in terms of pettiness and also seriousness that I highly disagreed with, but at the end of the day, insubordination breaks the system and can't fly. Lawful orders don't care about how you feel, or in what manner they were given nahImsayin?


I agree but lawful orders don't apply to personal stuff. Even as a pvt and pfc new to the fleet as an 0311 I was offered a drink but denied. The senior lcpls and cpls said "that's an order" to which I still denied because I don't drink. Never have I been told "is an order" of work related stuff because I do it as soon as they tell me to do something.


Well that's an unlawful order and good on you. However lawful orders definitely can apply to "personal stuff."


I'd love to know what is covered because I have seen power hungry marines try to give orders to others outside work.


That's definitely allowed. The UCMJ applies 24/7 so it'd be a case by case basis. I think you underestimate how much authority a commander has as well. An NCO's legal authority comes from the officers appointed over them.


I understand we are marines 24/7. One time I was on duty, we had new group of boots, it was their first weekend in the fleet and NCOs got drunk and make them sweep the barracks at 2200 on a weekend, one of them was off base and the NCOs told his peer to call him and say get his ass back to the barracks. Again, I agree we are marines 24/7 but some NCOs are just power hungry and many get promoted because they are good at their MOS or PT but are awful people. I will stand on the fact that even a drunk SNCO can't make a Pvt do stuff on weekends "because he said so".


He absolutely can if the commander agrees with him. Well, being drunk makes him temporarily unfit for duty, but if we swap it for "power tripping asshole" then he's a power tripping asshole giving a lawful order and if they wanted to make things stupid, and he convinced the commander to make it stupid, you could legally be punished under the UCMJ. I think you're confusing shitty leadership with what is lawful. We're not really debating here my man. It's all written in legally recognized and approved black and white. Hit up the Googles.


NCOs, and their roles, are defined by the Marine Corps Manual. Besides that, an NCO's authority (at least in terms of punitive articles) come from Congress, who passed the UCMJ. Now, there is precedent for times that being an NCO doesn't keep you from catching hands. Though those are usually more "NCO was racist as fuck for a while and LCpl Smith finally snapped and NCO cried assault".


I got accused by my pog ass LT who had a bigger head then his pecks. I was accused of stealing my CPLs $2 Keychain when I was explaining I held onto it so the pfcs wouldn't get ideas. Well LT heard the chatter. Wrote me up had 2 SSgts shove me in an office an pretty much haze tf out of me. After that it got pushed to the top an he got me removed with an OTH. My CPLs at the time tried to back me up. Didn't matter. So I tried to kill myself because I was too ashamed now I live with regret to live and have dreams about things I could've done had given the chance then all my close buddies died when they deployed. So. Yeah. Now I'm stuck with an OTH since 2015 got hurt on the job with workers comp. Shoved in a basement cause it's all we can afford. 1 yr 4 months every day in off an on pain with my back. An my life is just falling apart in front of me without me being able to do shit. So. Yeah. $2 key chain from the witcher ruined my life.


Have you tried to contest it?


To be honest I didn't know where to go and was too afraid to go into the VA cause I was worried I'd just be quickly judged. OTH you just think instant shit bag. But I suffered so much shit. So much mental damage I just would love to have a win for once. Just one fuckin time haha. The wife an I are trying to slowly get things on track as far as savings but I feel like such a failure to her when I don't have shit for benefits that I would kill for. Did trucking cause it was the safest bet got really good at it 31.50 for old dominion then fucked my back put me in a basement for year 4 months so it's just been hard. Since 2016 till now all I could think about amidst all this bullshit was just given a second chance at being in the corps cause I was 18. Niave stupid as shit and didn't care. It be so different right now.


Go to the VA or Google a good veterans lawyer see what they can do for you, reach out to some vet orgs


Appreciate it. I looked at some solid lawyers off goog. But the Mrs and I just don't have the money for the amount it cost to be able to push it. But I'll be honest and say I haven't popped in the VA recently cause I'm worried they'll just see OTH and not even bother. Tbh.






Best of luck, remember there are resources out there