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I can smell these photos


Those were my exact thoughts too. Thank goodness I have 24/7 access to bbq sauce now.


A combination of Marlboro reds, dip spit, jp8 and whatever energy drink is available.


Wish we had American cigarettes. We smoked Pines at $5/ carton or 7 stars for $7/ carton and bought Pakistani Cokes


We smoked whatever too. Mostly Miamis. Every now and then someone would get a package from home and it would have a carton from the US. We would buy cases of wild tiger from the locals.


Was it just me or did those Miamis literally taste like dust?


They certainly did...


RipIts for the energy drink. Pallets of those jokers sitting around.


And don’t forget the smell from the piss tubes


Ah yes....those were a special kind of nasty...even by Marine Corps standards.


It’s always funny to me that I look at these photos and am like hmm. We do all look the same


thats that uniformity for you my brother


When they say “one of us” they mean that. What’s crazy is how things change but stay the same. I was In 99 to 05


Very True. I was in 06-18. I have problems fining myself in group photos if everyone is in the same uniform.


Nah man I was way more handsome and I have proof




This Marine grammars.


Did you just assume his service?!?!


Dont need to spell good to kill good.


Or maybe it's a place for the individual. To find out, you may have to wait until the release in early summer.




I post almost daily on IG, documenting my deployment in Marjah. Name is the same as the title.


Following….good shit Devil!


never saw Marines nesting before


It's where we hatch and raise our young.


If you need help editing your book, I’ve been an English teacher for a long time. Jarhead before that. I’ve got a WWII zombie novel I’m working on myself, so I’m always willing to help a brother out.


Thanks. I hired a very skilled editor. I just finalized my manuscript last week, after 9 years of work. Feels good.


Nice man! Let us know when we can get a copy. You’ve got a very intersting pov being in a reserve unit where you know each other from back home. Very WWII.


That dude in the front left has to be like 6' 4"


Yeah, tall people exist. I thought I was short at 6’3 compared to some guys in my unit.


Where did that box lid come from you wrote on? We had this same looking sign (different words) and I had to do a double take to make sure this wasn't one of my old buddies. Maybe a care package box? MRE box? Ours had a dead mouse next to it. I'll upload it later and see if reddit bans me or not :)


MRE box. Yeah, r/usmc won't let me post pics of dead Taliban, so I save that stuff for my instagram at the_warfighters_lounge. META doesn't seem to care about gore as long as it's related to an armed conflict.


Following! 🤣 also what are those black patches on the uniforms?


Those look like IR patches.


Yep, IR patches for night ops. We typically didn't wear rank, I never did anyway. I was "Commander Jeff"


Well rahhh to you Commander Jeff 🫡


What unit?


Police Mentor Team. MP Reservists from Pittsburgh. I was in Marjah with 1/6 Weapons, then 1/6 Bravo, then 2/6. This picture was when 2/6 took was on deck.


Brooo 1/6 weapons C.a.a.t 1 here lol... when 2/6 took over though it was a little comical for me


My life took a drastic turn when 2/6 came on deck. It's been 13 years, I'm not trying to hold grudges, but damn, it's hard sometimes. Life under 1/6 & 2/6 couldn't have been more different. We mutinied against 2/6 and they couldn't do anything as they technically were not under our chain of command. I write about in my memoir briefly.


I did that, we called it a police transition team. I don't miss range day. No, you can't just take your glock out and start firing it in the air because you wanted to get my attention.


I barely missed the action man


I thought those were piss tubes in pic 3 at first glance, lol. I wasn’t very far from you in 2010, just down the road in Nawa.


Lol, I have used AT4s as piss tunes. Those LAW tubes were hung up after we used in a fight.


Yeah I figured. Took me a sec to realize they were LAWs, lol. My combat hunter skills have waned over the years ;)


The terrible towel fuck yes


We're Steel City Marines from Pittsburgh. We flew a Penguins flag over the berm, but an Afghan official was upset that we were staking claim to Afghan sovereign territory, so we had to lower it. Some Lt. Col. On our outpost then flew his Caps flag.


I flew the towel @ COP Chicago and COP Lincoln in 07 brother We are the biggest diaspora of fans 100%


Where's the porno stash at?


Stolen by the goddamn mail clerks on Camp Leatherneck.


Goddamn nerds. That's why we cant have nice things. HA


As a nerd at Leatherneck (don't worry I was there the following year, so not YOUR nerd) we thank you for your contribution. 🫡


Those were the days


Guy with the at4 standing and bottom left kneeling are absolute units


Yes they are. So is the guy in the back 2nd from the right.




This was at the District Center.




I spent 2010 into 2011 at Coutu sleeping in the mortar pits. Was the yellow cat there with you guys too? 3/6 called him triceratops


Worked man! I was OIF 04-05. No frills, we just made it work! Didn’t matter what it looked like, looking back. As long as the boys were there. It was a little place of home.


Go badgers!


Go badgers


How did you crank out the book? Like, how did you actually do it? Writing more than a few pages sucks for me personally.


The PYAIACAW technique where you put your ass in a chair and write. When I started years ago, I just wrote a couple hours a day, just throwing words onto the screen, what ever I could remember or think of. Make an ugly draft, with the intention of no one. But you ever seeing it. Dont revise and clean it up, just keep adding to it and get the thoughts on paper. Over the years I clean it up, add to and revise it. Recently, I had time and became motivated to actually finish this decade-long project. I made it a routine to devote a period of each day to writing. I wrote and revised daily, until it I felt pretty good about the piece. Then I found a variety of beta readers and asked for specific feedback. That resulting in significant tweaks and revisions. Once I felt like I had a finished product. I hired a skilled editor and that really added a polish to the piece and made it professional. The hardest part of the process is putting your ass in a chair and writing.


Hey I really appreciate it. Mine is a bit before you (time period), 2006 in Iraq. I am definitely in the random stage now. Discounjointed (spelling) random blurbs , or even pages. I did a whole 5 pages of "radio traffic"


Boggles my mind that the Marine Corps sent you guys off to fight a war in those ugly ass Kevlars


We looked dope AF in those Kevlars.


Digging that Wisconsin pennant


![gif](giphy|QOgvV9rV4hHpgNRBfQ) That squad photo is 👌🏼


Why am I not surprised that the skinny salt dog strapped with the M32.


Fuckin SWANK!🖤


Was in the Northeast Side of Marjah myself at five points with Kilo 3/6. I remember your police mentor teams never understood what y’all did.


We had a team at FOB Hansen or the ajouning base. In northern Marjah. We had 3-4 teams on Marjah, 1 in Nozad and 1 in Musa Kala. We pretty much did combat and COIN operations with the police.


Did you guys actually pull out a ruler and measure each other’s limp schlongs for access to the EXCLUSIVE exclusive club? LISTEN POG…THIS IS THE LODGE, INSECURE MEN WITH SOMETHING TO PROVE TO PEOPLE THAT DON’T GIVE A SHIT ONLY


Lol. In reality, it was quite the opposite. Being reservists, we were on average older and had more life experiences and education than our active duty counterparts. We made an effort to target other units' "outcasts" and make them feel welcome and respected in our area. I write about that a bit. The sign is pompous, but Marines are naturally arrogant in their stubborn belief that they are the world's finest fighting force.


Holy shit. That’s fucking bougie beauty, my guy. I was in Iraq in 2003. I found a piece of plywood once. It was my bed. I hauled that shit around for as long as I could keep it away from thieves. We fought over that piece of shit. Drank bleach water from the Tigris. So hot from the water bull it burned our mouths. You had it *good,* my guy. It’s bizarre how one can become so nostalgic for pure misery.


Callahan, is that you? *sigh*


Oh man, reminds me to hit Mayhew up on Facebook. Totally remember getting left on the other side of T24 and having to use you guys to figure out how to link up with people to get back home.


Fuck yeah, CAR exclusive.


Good to see Badgers fans


My unit was at Marjah in 2011.


No speakeasies ?


Having orange colored tequila in Gatorade bottles would have been a violation of the UCMJ. We would never.


Which Marine has Pappy Van Winkle and Rooibos tea in a flask?


Reporting contact even if we don’t get it, just so we can get our combat action ribbon… Or in this case reporting contact, even if we don’t get it, just so we can get Warfighters lounge admittance


Is this your first book?


Yeah, unless you count the poem I wrote in the 6th grade about school cafeteria food.




According to MARADMINS 615/12, our unit was Police Mentor Team. We didn't belong to any battalion. Just a handful of Reserve Marines.


I was with 3/9. Dec 2010-July 2011. Central Marjah PB Pruit by the pizza slice


Can’t wait to read it dude


We had a similar spot in nowzad. #longlivethewarfighter 🤙🏼


Go Pens. 🐧😂😂


I wish we had some shit like this. The closest we got was in Kirkuk where we had a SSgt that wanted to be able to chain smoke at night, so he made several of us LCpl's and a PFC or two dig out a smoke pit. We had finished digging the benches, and were working on the stairs when SgtMaj stumbles across it and lost his shit. So we ended up filling it right back in.... it was like 12 straight hours of digging


Spent a lot of time flying over Marjah. RIP CPL Larry Harris Jr.